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Everything posted by Caoimhe

  1. I got the other half (North Sea) but didn't get Baltic. Geography isn't my subject either. It was bugging me because I KNEW I'd seen meeces as a plural of mouse but couldn't place it, thank you!
  2. Since I try not to eat candy, I’ll choose cheese! 1 Stilton 2 Wicklow Blue Brie 3 Cashel Blue 4 Wensleydale with cranberries 5 Goat cheese I could go on… Some of these I can’t get locally so they’re treats when I go home.
  3. I worry about that too if my husband goes before me.
  4. In my grandmother's obituary (very late 60's) all my married aunts were listed as "Mrs John Smith (Mary)". Not sure why anyone would still use that form of address though!
  5. I could never enjoy a snow day because I’m too anxious / stressed / angry. Whenever I see the meteorologists with their happy smiles saying how nice it is that we’re getting a foot and a half of snow I want to scream. We have a house that isn’t easy to clean up (long steep driveway, lots of stairs to the front door, vents and a generator in back that needs to be shoveled out too). My husband handles the heavy snowblower and does the driveway. I shovel the rest but I’m neither young nor physically fit any more. A forecast for days of sub-freezing temps doesn’t upset me like snow because there’s no cleanup and the roads remain driveable. I wear multiple thermal layers and have three heavy quilts on top of me all winter while I dream of summer heat. Spring and autumn are okay, spring is better because days are getting longer, things are growing, and summer is on its way. Autumn is just the descent into the hell of darkness and winter. Plus there’s a lot of raking and gathering leaves but I’ll take that over snow.
  6. It’s only 91 (RealFeel 97) here in the northeast and I’m loving it. I know I will be frozen to death with snow and ice far too soon, that alone makes me appreciate every bit of heat I can get. I do feel sorry for those of you living in extreme heat though, it’s got to be miserable.
  7. They're too busy looking at their phones, posting or reading messages.
  8. Robin Roberts. She was my favourite of all the guest hosts (though she probably just did it as a once-off and wouldn’t have been interested). I commented on the other thread that I like Mayim as an actress but she’s just not a good Jeopardy host.
  9. I enjoy it and will keep watching. I just wish her role as Jeopardy host was also confined to the prime time versions.
  10. Yes, and you could enjoy thinking about next week’s meeting when coworker is informed that Cloud9 didn’t get to ABC so it’s now their responsibility again!
  11. Since the male hosts always wear suits I thought the jackets were fine on Mayim. If she looked uncomfortable in her wardrobe I didn’t notice, I thought she looked much more polished during this run. But looks aside her mannerisms (the giggling, odd comments, and most of all that pause while she waits to be told if an answer is right or wrong) bother me so I’m delighted Ken is back again. I got FJ which surprised me, it was a pure guess on my part.
  12. I knew that one! But I’m currently re-reading Colleen McCullough’s Masters of Rome series so…
  13. I have a shopping list at the chemist every time I go home, pseudoephedrine is part of it as it’s OTC there. Just checked my last (12) packet and it went out of date in February, but I’m keeping it because I know it will still work better than the inferior stuff they sell here. My cold sore stuff (Zovirax) is still in date, fortunately! With the unbelievable cost (and lack of availability) of hotel rooms and car rental I don’t think we’re going home this year either so my supplies need to hold out a while longer.
  14. It was 90 here today and I spent most of the day out in the sun with ice coffee and my Kindle at my side. I love this weather so much! I’ll save hibernation until the sheer hell (for me) that is winter in New England.
  15. My quilting and craft groups are all on Facebook but I look at many of the quilting / embroidery / crafts on Reddit too.
  16. My life has been arranged around golf for years so I know what you mean! I went to my brother’s wedding alone because someone had moved a tournament date at the last minute and husband (as captain at that time) insisted he couldn’t miss it. He buys golf clubs, I buy sewing machines (and fabric and thread and rulers etc). It works.
  17. I read Cross Stitch (original UK title for Outlander) many years ago but had no clue what Moebius means so that was a miss for me.
  18. Every time I see the word the lyrics of A Modern Major-General (Pirates of Penzance) come to mind.
  19. Amazon has rewards?! The most I’ve ever seen are credits from some Kindle books for my next purchase or digital credits for no-hurry shipping. Obviously I’ve missed something somewhere!
  20. I automatically disliked him simply because he beat Ryan (who I was really hoping would be able to go on for a longer run). But my husband, who rarely dislikes a contestant enough not to watch, cancelled the recordings until he sees online that Eric is gone.
  21. We have a “lazy susan” cabinet that was sticking. I tried to fix it after watching multiple youtube videos and made it worse. Now it won’t open at all so we just live without it rather than get someone in to try fixing it.
  22. Admiral = Sea battle, Time period = Trafalgar. Not British and I know that much!
  23. We had watched a show about Churchill just before Jeopardy that included the speech referenced in FJ so we had to laugh when we saw it. Leavenworth = Kansas to me, and we both had ailerons from watching plenty of aviation documentaries. I wasn’t sure about Ryan at the start but I like him quite a lot and hope he has the stamina for a good run. Mayim’s look is VERY polished this time around! It doesn’t make me like her hosting skills any better but she looks fantastic. (Still love her as an actress in BBT and Call Me Kat.)
  24. I only know it because there’s a quilt block with that name.
  25. And we've seen how fast Mary would shoot down that idea.
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