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Everything posted by Caoimhe

  1. There have been female winners I disliked as well (Jackie) but you’re absolutely right. I liked Austin, didn’t mind James, and absolutely loathed Buzzy’s contestant persona. So I was surprised to agree that he was one of the best guest hosts and would make an excellent permanent host! In the current champion’s case it’s just his gameplay method that puts me off not a personality thing.
  2. I get too annoyed to watch "What's Amodio". Not personality wise, he seems like a very decent person, it's just that his (very successful) game playing technique grates on me. Which most likely keeps me safe from Mike and probably Giggly Mayim The Neuroscientist as well!
  3. That’s beautiful @ABay! Thanks for posting the photo. Edited to add: Today's peeve is that I stupidly bought a leg of lamb to make a tagine, when what I should have done is got pre-cut bits for stew. Luckily I am unscathed after my bout with the Big Knife.
  4. My allegiance is to Tayto cheese and onion crisps and Butlers chocs, but yes. The bits I *really* want like black pudding aren’t things I can bring in a suitcase. And it’s not just Cadbury, loads of things with the same “branding” taste completely different 😢. The disappointment of that first bite is awful!
  5. I remember that one well! Transcripts printed in the newspaper and everything.
  6. It might work nicely with Mayim’s giggling exuberance.
  7. I’ve often been on the receiving end of comments like “how can you go to bed so early / get up so early”! But it’s probably a cultural thing because it’s unusual back home for anyone to be a morning person.
  8. I really liked Austin! But the current champ’s idiosyncrasies are annoying me so badly I can’t watch any more. I wish I could see a LeVar game without Matt but know there’s a very good chance that won’t happen (unless LeVar turns out to be the new host).
  9. I didn't care for Aaron Rodgers and really hope he isn't the new host. Robin was the best of the women in my view, though I did like Savannah she was nowhere near as good. I seriously disliked Buzzy as a contestant but thought he did a fantastic job hosting so I'd be happy with him. I think Mike Richards was the best of them all so (having not seen LeVar Burton yet) my top choices would be Mike, Buzzy, and Robin.
  10. That was my first thought too!
  11. I never read Charlotte’s Web so hadn’t a clue for FJ. But I got Covent Garden straight away!
  12. I can’t stand George but he was okay. I’ll be glad to see Robin next week. YES! I also heard “glazer” and was sure he’d be ruled incorrect. But lately it seems like nearly everything is let slide.
  13. I’ve done that for years! It makes me feel better to express what I want to say without the ensuing drama if I actually posted it.
  14. Decidedly NOT!! LOL “Bono is a pox” was a very common bit of graffiti back home. At any rate it made this FJ an instaget for me.
  15. Bono Is A Pox. There’s FJ. I too managed to answer all of the working out category despite my severe exercise allergy.
  16. One day a month maybe? It would be hard for me to remember my peeves for a whole year but a months I can manage.
  17. I’m surprised the entire neighbourhood didn’t hear me screaming! “Night oil” was so totally wrong as it was missing part of the answer that I kept waiting for her score to be corrected. Do they not have judges any more?!
  18. I felt like I could see Xiao trying to find the words in English for some of the answers, that can’t have been easy between the pressure of the game and the language challenge.
  19. I had Broadway but obviously it’s not three words and Great White Way eluded me. Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme plus Saturn V probably just show how old I am, got oak leaf and Ivan too. Nikkee’s eyelashes were distracting to me but I liked her jacket. I will really miss checking out Savannah’s wardrobe next week!
  20. I’d no idea what it was called but I hate them too. I thought Katie looked nicer without it. On the subject of clothing I am loving Savannah Guthrie’s wardrobe! Buzz Lightyear was another easy one for me, and Samuel Pepys was obvious too.
  21. I agree about Katie Couric, I didn't like her wardrobe at all. Normally I just blame it on me being old and not interested in current "fashion".
  22. I hate winter the most, it's cold and dark and the greatest evil of the season - cold white precipitation that requires huge amounts of work in frigid temps - happens regularly. I know how I perceive the seasons depends on where I live, but it's been too many years since I was far enough south to have brighter, warmer winters that weren't so bad. The other three seasons all have their charms for me, but summer is my favourite. I'm normally so cold all the time that basking in sunshine soaking in the heat is the very best feeling!
  23. Anne Robinson was ruthless in the UK version! I didn’t know she did an American one. His mother was French and he lived there during his exile but I’ve never heard Charles II being pronounced that way. Julia’s first episode was the only one where I found her annoying, she was less dramatic after that.
  24. Cornetto, which appears to be called King Cone.
  25. YES! There have been so many times I expected to see an answer ruled incorrect or at least a BMS. It really annoys me.
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