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Posts posted by Rosiemac

  1. 1 hour ago, LaurenBrook said:

    can not get over how beautiful Kinzie looked. WOW.  And mad props to Jenna for doing her hair...Jenna, come do mine!!! 

    Melissa is going to be able to re-enact scenes from 27 Dresses soon lol 

    I take it they don't do the jump split at the weddings;) I also imagine the brides get to be point!

  2. 1 hour ago, QuiteCalM said:

    Yeah, while the individual companies under a parent company don't siphon funds to one another, the parent company does own stock, and therefore benefits from all its subsidiaries, even the ones that do use animal testing. Parent companies, unless they say so, don't care. Estee Lauder is a huge aminal tester. L'oreal, Clairol, Kose, to name a few.

    I have a friend that uses Beauty Counter specifically because they do not test on animals and she loves how the products look. I have started using Limelight and love the coverage of the base and the colors are very pigmented. They do not test on animals either. It's a win win:)

    • Love 1
  3. 1 hour ago, QuiteCalM said:

    Every person has to decide what they can and cannot afford. If you don't think you'd value it, no sense in investing in it. But you investigated it for a reason, so I bet you'd be giddy after your first set.  

    The beauty of broadening my skill set is that there are clients like you who invest in certain services and some in others. I make money off all of you lol. 

    I had a friend who had her lashes done and never looked back...she's been doing them for 4 years and LOVES them. I have lashes that actually hit my glasses so think of all the money I am saving;) You are a real artiste!

    • Love 1
  4. Just now, QuiteCalM said:

    Rosie is she related to you? Just wondering how you know her. She is indeed LOVELY! :-)

    She is the daughter of a good friend of mine. I have been following her for years. She is a really sweet girl. I am bummed she won't be on the squad but she still is young and is starting college in the fall. I am amazed at how talented and dedicated these women are. I had never really followed them on social media before, but they always are on the go!!!

    • Love 9
  5. Hey guys....I just returned home from spending time with my 87 year old dad for the holidays...i was focused on him:) I wanted to share this photo showing how Bri does indeed have a beautiful smile. She had such an amazing time with her new friends she made in training camp. I will always defend her because she left her home at the young age of 18 and travelled to Texas to pursue her dream of dance. You will all see in August when the show airs what a wonderful impression she made and who knows you just may see her again in the future;) I really appreciate @LaurenBrook @GingerJ and @mcmrdh always being so kind. 

    • Love 10
  6. 1 hour ago, Tootie said:

    Maybe it's her Current Events/Dallas Cowboys test score??  Just a thought...

    Looking back at this picture,  Brianna also has a green "M" label, plus a pink 56.  Coming from New England, she probably wouldn't know much about the Cowboys, so might be the test score??

    vote counts.jpg

    Bri is not from New England and knows a lot about football...especially the Cowboys:) 

  7. 5 minutes ago, DCCroutineFAN said:

    Wow! I can't remember her name but in this pic she has Farrah Fawcett hair on steroids!! Glad we finally have a pic of the whole crew!

    I believe her name is Lauren and she was with the Dolphins 

    5 minutes ago, mmm said:

    Who is the girl standing behind Erica & Madiline ? she kinda looks the like the actress who plays Ygrite from GOT 

    I believe that is Kalyssa...her hair looks a little wavy.

    • Love 1
  8. 10 hours ago, QuiteCalM said:

    So, is anyone able to find a LINK to the seasons, beginning with S1 on CMT? The site is INFURIATING! When you select episodes, you get four eps from S11. When you click ""browse all episodes" you get DIDDLY SQUAT! A blank page! If anyone can get to the full season listings so I can start over, I'd be overwhelmingly grateful.

    I'd be as grateful as Meagan Flaherty was. Or gracious. Gracious and grateful. Or was it graceful? I'd be all three.



    ETA: NEVER MIND! Granny figured it out! Here's a link for anyone else who's interested: http://www.cmt.com/shows/dallas-cowboys-cheerleaders-making-the-team/episode-guide

    Drats...It only had 3 episodes from season 1 and the first episode of the others....what is up with that?!!!

    • Love 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    Since it is my birthday, and I know I will be in the minority again, but I like Holly's short hair. I adore Tia from Season 2 because she was simple adorable with her shorter hair do. I am not saying either ladies are not adorable or cute with longer hair, but I like the shorter hair because it is not the same ole hair style and hair cut the majority of the girls have. In the case of Holly, I do wish they would try a better hair color on her.

    I think short hair looks sassy on her.


    • Love 9
  10. 5 hours ago, QuiteCalM said:

    So, is anyone able to find a LINK to the seasons, beginning with S1 on CMT? The site is INFURIATING! When you select episodes, you get four eps from S11. When you click ""browse all episodes" you get DIDDLY SQUAT! A blank page! If anyone can get to the full season listings so I can start over, I'd be overwhelmingly grateful.

    I'd be as grateful as Meagan Flaherty was. Or gracious. Gracious and grateful. Or was it graceful? I'd be all three.



    ETA: NEVER MIND! Granny figured it out! Here's a link for anyone else who's interested: http://www.cmt.com/shows/dallas-cowboys-cheerleaders-making-the-team/episode-guide

    Thank you soooooo much...I have not been able to find this. I have a lot of catching up to do;)

    • Love 2
  11. 3 minutes ago, missmansfield said:

    Kind of an extra note on what I said above, if we don't hear about any of the girls on the show how are we supposed to root for any of them?  It takes all the fun out of it!

    I believe they are taking video questions on IG. You guys could ask them to show more videos and pics of the them leading up to the show. All they can say is no:)

    • Love 3
  12. 7 minutes ago, Dcc fan said:

    Guy, I got a question, I noticed that the groups was announced at the end of the second week of camp, just wondered what happens if a TCC is cut and a group has "less" TCC/Vets, when they announce the squad am I assuming that they will move some of the other girls into that group so that it balances the numbers out? I know the groups has people with similar reasons like dance skills, etc in them (or maybe I dreamed that I think ShellyB or someone else said that, please correct me? I think my memory has gone really "bad" must be the long day I had at work!!! XD).


    I might be wrong in this but I never really followed this closely in previous years when the groups were announced, so judging by what I saw on the show in previous years, the groups were shown to be announced in week/episode 6/7 of previous years on the show (maybe my memory is wrong on this) I know the show is edited heavily so maybe it is me to assume groups were maybe announced later in training camp in previous years (or maybe it was announced early in training camp but was shown in later episodes on the show.

    I asked a similar question a while back and Shelly said they would adjust the group so they were even:)

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