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Everything posted by BckpckFullaNinjas

  1. DANG!, @eXiled! I laughed out REAL loud at that and got the stink eye from everybody else who's out nearby, enjoying this gorgeous night! Dunno if you meant to reference those weird radio ads where they say "talk to Big Lou" because he is "like you" and on heart meds, or overweight, or paying multiple alimonies, or something, and Big Lou can save you from some kind of distress -- buying life insurance, maybe? But it sounded like it and it was funny!!! Oh me. I hope this made sense. Paralleling Big Lou of sketchy life insurance policies with Big Lu as Sonja's potential savior ("she thought Tom liked her special, too!") cracks me up. Thank you for a much needed guffaw.
  2. I know we're not supposed to just say "Ditto!" after a full post quote but bless me if this isn't almost exactly how I perceive it. I presume these birds had a good pre-nup in place because I doubt either one of them would want to halve their net worth, even if it did mean getting half of the other's fortune. The court & legal fees alone would produce a net loss. Oh, they'd still each be richer than me, but why go thru the hassle? I wonder if in any lucid moments Sonja has ever regretted her extremely unwise move in refusing to dash back to the old boy's sickbed. I mean, you do NOT poison the well you drink from nor kill the gander popping out the golden eggs nor ... oh, you know!
  3. Okay, I'm gonna have to end this right now -- I chuckled so loud I *did* wake the spouse! @heavysnaxx: You rock. And I think you and yours and me and mine could double-date quite compatibly where dining out is concerned! I'm navigating away from this conversation right now, I really am. GOD REST..., etc. >;-D
  4. Lovin' your response - esp the blessing on Mrs. D's soul! - but I stand by my subjective-ness...? I don't not not disagree with you, is what I'm saying. Alright, I'll stop trying to be cute and get to my defense statement: as semi-idle rich, they seem to have spent a lot of time together in the scant 12 months between hook-up and I-do's. Or maybe that's my imagination, I dunno. In any case, I don't imagine Luann will have any trouble re-entering the dating whirl and the probability approaches one that he's never left it. PS: seriously, a year between nail trims? I could save SO much money on pedicures! You're a lucky one. :-) I'm stifling my laughter so I don't wake Ninjaspouse!!!!!!
  5. Well, this kinda blows. They were together a lot longer than 7 months, so even if a person considers Lu the sleaziest sleaze who sleazes, a person still has to acknowledge that this is a punch in a gut. That said, I'm actually relieved she's cutting bait. He seems like a drag, he's not that good-lookin' and the best thing about his UES pad was the deck - which is useable about what, 40-60 days out of the year, given the city's winters & summers? Lu has a vibrancy and resilience that I really enjoy. Yes, she can be a dick, but that's the basic requirement for a RH, isn't it, after being rich & reasonably telegenic? Given that *she now has a major storyline, I'll be around the franchise for the foreseeable future!
  6. Oh my goodness, all of this resonates. If I actually watch an episode, it's to see interaction, give and take, NOT teacher-pupil censorship. I'm one of those nimrods who actually like Andy Cohrn but I wish he had a better grip on what. F's doong yo the energy of MYC.
  7. Oh Jordan, you have my heart forever with this - More drunken shenanigans by pretentious richies and wannabe old-richies, and NO MORE of B.Frankel's own personal psychodrama!!!!
  8. You get the internets past present and future for that post, and the above quotes need to be everything from wall plaques to fortune cookie innards.
  9. Wrong. The cats' bottoms actually look round & kinda cute.
  10. Bethenny is that way sober, she doesn't need alcohol to bring out the nasty in her, it just flows...... LOL There you have it & there you are.
  11. As little as I like Chimp & Joprah, I agree that the aggrieved couple are acting repulsively.
  12. http://journal.laurelmercantile.com/2376-season-2/ Looks like there's a little less of Big Ben -- this is good. He was looking pretty huge there for a while.
  13. I would continue my hated U-verse subscription just to be able to watch this!!!
  14. Boo! i really like Isaac for some reason I can't remember, but I'm pulling for those crazy kids to make it - first, to prove the naysayers wrong and close second, because there should be more happy in the world, not less.
  15. Saw on their website where she's going to be doing more of a pen & ink sketch this season.
  16. Not sure if I'm permitted to make a "Home Town in the media" topic so I'll just leave this here: http://aplus.com/a/erin-napier-responds-to-comment-introvert?no_monetization=true My comment: Aww! Sweet.
  17. Goodness, yes! I've started reading Ben's memories of meeting Erin and am blown away by his articulate style. So different from Chip Gaines -- sorry, I can't help but compare & contrast -- and so enjoyable. They both come from industrious families and have skills far beyond buying & selling. I like 'em!!
  18. The recaps here are the best, and I only copy this from a Reality Tea because it's so well put: "Alas, Ramona doesn’t consider herself an a$$hole. She’s more of a truth-teller, in her mind, and just says “what everyone else is thinking.” Except when everyone else is thinking, “Ramona is an a$$hole,” I guess." Just bee-yoo-ti-ful AND girlfriend did her recapping while a tornado was removing part of her roof. The dedication of NY watchers knows no bounds and I thank you ALL! (Would've posted this at RT but too darn lazy to make an account there) Yes to the Nth powah!
  19. I think you used it just fine. What's "wrong" with R & J is that it's easier for them to be self-centered, arrogant and demanding. That attitude is expected in a very young child who has not learned to be kind, to share, to appreciate what they have, and not act ruthlessly to get what they want. They choose daily to act like this. As I see it, of course.
  20. This! So many of us everyday people try to be kind in explaining away vile behavior by wondering if drugs or personality disorders are at play. In many cases, the badly behaving individuals are simply that: bad.
  21. You know, this gets all my likes. I'm not sure what I expected when I started watching, but it wasn't the first 20 minutes of Tequila Part 1.
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