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Everything posted by Novel8

  1. Deran can talk until he is blue in the face, Smurf's ex cop friend has already tagged Adrian as a snitch. And she has all but called Pope in to deal with him.>>> Where did u hear that? The last thing she said to Deran, 'either you handle it or I will give it to Pope to take care of it."
  2. That Julia 'insert' is a drag...she is of no importance to this story>>>> Sorry, I meant Angela. Everyone here seems to think that Adrian is going to get killed. According to him, he would rather take the 15 years than give the cops info on the Cody's. Why hasn't Deran informed Smurf about Adrian is taking the 15 years...he did not rat on them...so why kill him?
  3. I agree, I don't think Deran has it in him to kill Adrian. Why kill him anyway, he said he will take the 15 years, being caught once, while the Cody's do all kinds of stuff, killings, robberies and etc. and they are still Free....which brings to mind, if the cops suspect the Cody's, than why are they not under watch? If they were, they would have caught them all by now. Was that the "Kiss of Death" that Smurf gave Adrian? lol That Julia 'insert' is a drag...she is of no importance to this story.
  4. Dam it...my audio had a glitch the first half hour of this show and I missed what the conversation was about with Deran and Adrian. Could someone enlighten me? I find this part of the show is really getting to the boiling point, and interesting. The rest is getting monotonous . The audio came back on the second half and still couldn't make out in the Flashback why the brothers were fighting.
  5. What did Deran say that was lying to Adrian? Deran asking Adrian if the cop has kids. Would he consider of kidnapping the kid? I don't see the logic in that...this Adrian/Deran problem is a real mess...nothing good coming out of it. Who was that guy in the garage that J was setting up for future jobs? I must have missed a show or something...could someone enlighten me? Great doubleheader...Mia and Tupi...now if they could only get rid of the flashbacks. How convient about that pickup truck appearing. LOL Well, lets see...the Codys are becoming killers...I think Craig is still a 'virgin' in that group as far as not killing anyone.
  6. Tensions are amounting...best episode yet and the acting .especially on Deran's part. He says, we'll try to find a way out of this mess. I don't see it...but who knows. Pope is concerned that Deran told Adrian about Colby....which he didn't. Where did Smurf go for a few days as she said? Why is she so involved with another heist? Doesn't she see the futility of it? All the money she can get is not going to help with her cancer. I am sick of the flashbacks, there is too much going on now with the group, that we have to be informed of the past.
  7. Apparently. While he was digging a hole to bury the body Pope made a comment about this being new to him and asking him how he felt.>>> It also brought memories back when he dug the grave of Lena's mother who Pope killed.
  8. Why doesn't Adrian admit to Deran that the cops are holding him because he got caught with Drugs? This way, Deran would know why he has been acting strangely. Knowing Deran's feeling for him, may find a way out of this mess . Did Smurf punctured those tires of that woman who was yakking her to death in the ward? If so, how did Smurf know that was her car?
  9. I was a little disappointed that Colin was praising Christie, that she got them to the end. She did nothing as far as paddling...he did a solo. She screwed up with the codes and then her attitude at the cab driver and Colin telling her to not upset the driver. So that team was all Colin. Man, TAR boss's that be, certainly held off the most tense ending tasks. If I was one of those contestants and had to go down that building, I would never have done it. Then there was the task of memorizing locations for a ride in the taxi. No one could have gone through the first time and knew them all. The winners had to do it 22 times.
  10. The Flashbacks got me confused a bit. I know the girl is Smurf, but which one is suppose to be Billy? As for the one that seems to be the 'leader'...he should have been cast as one of the cody boys...his acting and looks are star status. Does anyone know his name? I have a feeling that Adrian is going to commit suicide. Daren is not the type that would kill him if he finds out about the Cops are on to him, Who was the character that Daren was warning to stay away from Adrian and then offered him beer at his bar?
  11. I feel the show drags whenever mopie Pope comes on the screen...sick of looking at him, and that Frankie...man she is a dog....oops, I take that back...a dog is prettier.
  12. Did Mia's boyfriend urinate on the safe? If he did, there was no reaction from J when he opened it. This is not the end for Mia...she is going to get her comeuppance eventually. I have a feeling that Adrian is going to warn Darin about the cops on to him, when Darin confronts him. BTW, is this the last season?
  13. Ok, so what does Smurf do? Does she tell the boys of her cancer? I doubt it, it would make her too vulnerable. Who said Niki is gone...she has been replaced by Mia. What was that scene all about with Smurf and the fisherman? Didn't make any sense. OK, wasn't Baz ( Speedman ) killed off so he could take on a role In "Grey's Anatomy"? No more Billy???
  14. Well ,like all shows, there is going to be an ending and we should know, that its not going to be a 'happy one for the Cody's. Some may be killed or jailed, and this brings in the possibility of Adrian being the "Judas" of this tale...at least that is the impression I am getting. I hope there is a good reason for these flashbacks
  15. I'm rooting for the 2 big guys...and or the gay guys to win. The last 2 seem to have a better chance, cause they are more agile than the big guys, especially the one that was nervous going down the mountain.
  16. I think Adrian is going to get at least Darin in trouble. Its either him in jail or Darin...to me he doesn't look the type that could withstand a long term jail sentence...anyway, most gay themes never seem to end on a positive note as far as tv drama shows or movies depict. I was thinking that maybe the writers were going to show the one stability among this group, turns out to be the gay lovers. I can't believe that the young sexy chick was Smurf when she was young. I just thought that there was going to be another group to give the Cody's competition.
  17. That nail pulling scene was gory...i actually felt the pain watching it. It looked too real for me...no CGI. Wow, Cole must be a Superman in disguise...how could someone go through, what he went through and is ready to take on the world...Its too far fetch.
  18. I'm finding the last 2 shows were below par...did not like or understand how in a space of a minute were able to acquit the last 2 verdicts of this show. May have had off scene background, but usually, the audience is allowed to see and hear it.
  19. I found last nights show really bad...the acting, the plot ( investigating a missing cat ), the implausible rescue at sea.. From what I have seen so far, I like the combo Rick and his pal, more than the lead...and Higgins, a drag.
  20. yes, i am enjoying this show again...but enough about Cole/Riggs character....for me Damon Wayans role is perfect...like they say, it takes 2 to tango...even if its men,,,lol
  21. This show threw me for a loop....did I miss something...did i unbeknownst to me that i dozed off near the end? One minute the cop has ruined her defense and the next, she is admitting to an affair with the accuser. How did Bull know this? When did she confess to him that she was lying all along and that this was a setup between both her and her accuser? Could someone please, enlighten me? If there is no logic explanation, than i am through watching this show.
  22. First time watcher and sensed I would not like it and sure enough, I didn't. I don't know where to start, but 2 things left me ...."why did he kill himself" and that scene where 3 men hugging each other in the seats of the Hockey arena, and the surrounding customers, looking like they were in their own world...the game. Also, the guy coming over to the widow on the first day of the wake at night, merely to show us that she was having an affair...boring as hell.
  23. I liked the way they handled Riggs death. Wayan really showed some depth by exposing his partnership with Riggs. As for Cole, he is no C.C, but a good replacement. The writing was on par as in the past, so I'll keep watching . Someone in this forum said the writing was dumb..in certain scenes. If you want dumb with a capital "D"...try this for size. On another show, it was in a preview mode, where 2 women are talking and one says to the other, "I'm Pregnant", whereas the response from the other asked, "with a baby????". Can you believe that? Writers get paid for that?
  24. Honestly thought he (J)was going to pin Morgan's murder on Smurf. And why aren't the cops putting this family under surveillance? So dumb. Don't blame the actors, blame the writers...LOL
  25. I can't believe that ending. First, I thought it was a teaser for next years show...that's right folks, a year from now for the continuation of this F...ked up show. Why would any sane person blab all of his intentions, while he thinks she is asleep? Was Billy character, just a cameo appearance? Does he come back, broke again and all of that, next season? I still don't know why Mia, out of nowhere, kills Lucy. As for Adrian and that surf board scene. Was he smuggling drugs in it and for what purpose? Deran was willing to spend some money for his contest, so did he need more money? As for FX channel, stop with all those commercials or at the least cut them down. The hour show really is only about a half hour of the actual show, the rest is ads and trailers for new coming shows. Frankie, is a mess ...period. All that nudity and sex, gotta say one thing about this finale...it went out with a 'bang'.
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