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Everything posted by Magnumfangirl

  1. Karri Turner was in the opening credits.
  2. Why was Harriet Sims-Roberts pretending to be the kid's aunt?
  3. This show has about twice as many characters as most successful sitcoms. 22 minutes is not enough time to tell a coherent story and make it funny for that many people. It would have been interesting if Tim Allen could have done workplace comedy set in a sporting goods store instead of Home Improvement with daughters.
  4. It was dropped from Prime yesterday 12/30 along with a bunch of other CBS owned content. You'll have to subscribe to CBS All Access to watch it now.
  5. I like Erin and I like Anthony. The one I hate is Eddie!
  6. I said during that scene, "because I don't hate her enough already." Besides, who's never heard of a "honey do list"? 🙄 Baez getting all offended because some guys have a private men's only club was ridiculous, too. What does she think Fraternities and Sororities are? 🙄
  7. Yes it was, but I loved the gown she wore to Margaret's birthday party. The one in the show was darker colors, but this may be the real dress it was based on https://www.rct.uk/collection/themes/exhibitions/fashioning-a-reign/windsor-castle/evening-gown-0
  8. Is this the "Margaret Show" or the "Queen Show"? I don't hate Margot, but I didn't need a whole episode about her lurve quadrangle where some scenes felt like a Tim Burton movie. The Queen should have been the focus of the last episode of the season, but I did love Margaret's pep talk for her sis. The Empire may have fallen apart, but the Queen's stability probably kept the country from falling apart. Neither Heath nor Wilson seemed particularly likeable to me because both lacked charisma. I think Liz's love of her dogs overrode impartiality. Besides, she didn't seem too crazy about Wilson during "Coup." 😉 I griped at the the end of season 2 that they were all turning into a bunch of sad sacks and that's still true, but it's such a juicy soap opera I'll keep watching. I do wish we could have gotten more of Charles' story (his Navy career, other girls, etc). The show seems to think that stuff's not important, but nobody had any idea that he would still be the heir instead of the sovereign 40 years later. Bring on season 4, I'm anxious to see QEII interact with Reagan and Thatcher!
  9. There is definitely a lot of retconning going on with Uncle D and W and with Camilla and Charles, but Anne's comment about Camilla being obsessed with Andrew rang true. Camilla started dating Andrew when she was 17 and he was 25 and they were on and off for 7 years, so it's believable that she would be determined to get Andrew to the altar before some other girl did; especially if she knew girls like Anne were dissing her behind her back. It's interesting that the Queen wasn't really opposed to Camilla until she found out about Andrew. I do wonder how Anne and Camilla get along today. I'm sure the show is embellishing some of this, but it's got to be awkward if your sister-in-law used to "see" your ex-husband and is still friendly with him.
  10. I have to wonder why she was dressed like this at all. When she gave Phillip a more formal title and he got all pissy about kneeling, she was wearing all her royal finery: a formal dress, a tiara, and a royal sash with all the broaches and medallions. What she wore to Charles investiture looked more like something she would wear to Sunday church service. A formal ceremony in a medieval fortress seems like a time to show up looking like a Queen.
  11. When I finished this one I said out loud "That was stupid." Attempting to parallel Charles with the Duke of Nazi is just dumb. In the early 70s, when he would have been writing letters to David, Charles had no way of knowing what was going to happen with Camilla. He wasn't really forbidden to marry her anyway, so the metaphor they're going for here doesn't work. I would have rather seen more of Charles and Camilla together than wasting time on Uncle Nazi and Wallis and the scene with Lord Mountbatten should have been longer. He of all people would have asked some questions about Camilla's family and background. I knew Anne dated Andrew for a while, but I hope those rumors aren't true. A love quadrangle where two of the participants are brother and sister is gross. It's like even when the royals allow a little bit of branching out, they're still slightly incestuous. At least the Queen's hat game improved. I loved the one she wore at the speech in Paris.
  12. From pics and video from the late 60s, she looked much better than OC. I don't get why they are making her look so old and frumpy. QEII still looked pretty youthful during this era. Claire Foy could have easily continued to play her this season.
  13. I loved the first half of this one, but it lost it's way in the last 20 minutes and I really wonder how much of this episode is based on reality? Good for Phillip for being in awe of the astronauts, but boo on Phillip for being disappointed in them. The line about them lacking in imagination was complete bullshit. Who ever wrote that needs to do some more research. Plus, Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins all turned 39 in 1969, but the show portrayed them like 22 year old kids. In reality, Phillip is not that much older than they are. I get what they were going for, but negative portrayals of Apollo 11 do not sit well with me.😕
  14. I agree with all the comments here that the Queen is becoming unlikeable, but it's probably on purpose. Maybe she was bored and tired of it all in IRL during this era. I don't think she hated Charles because she seemed pleased that he was enjoying Cambridge and she was ok with him having some leeway in his speech. I think she was just pissed that he was airing dirty laundry. The thing is, if she recognized he was referring to himself in the speech; then Charles had already been heard. That's what she should have said to him instead of the dressing down she gave him. Josh O'Connor was excellent playing Charles as the navel gazer that he is, but still keeping him likeable which he also is. That was a great song choice on Anne's record player, but I wish we could have seen more of her room. Until now, I had always thought that ugly hat was some sort of ancient ceremonial helmet that she had to wear. Can't believe that was a fashion choice!
  15. I agree. They really threw Lord Mountbatten under the bus. Charles Dance was awesome in the role though. In the scene with Alice and Dickie, the subtitles say Alice calls QEII "our doughty queen", but my ears heard "our dowdy queen." Those two words have different meanings. Which do you think is correct? I assume "dowdy" because it's funnier; but maybe not?? The guy playing Wilson irritates me. If that's what he was really like, how'd he ever get elected to anything? He has zero charisma.
  16. So did I. Aberfan was depressing and this one was too in a way, but it did have an upbeat ending. Props to the Queen for inviting her to come and live at the Palace. I doubt there was anything seriously wrong with her either. When you read up on her she's almost a modern day Joan of Arc combined with Mother Teresa. One thing's for sure though; Freud was an asshole. Phillip's been my favorite character since the beginning. Sometimes he says and does jerky stuff, but he comes across as the most real and honest of all them. He seems to be the only one to understand that their position as royalty is precarious. Which is weird since he's technically the most "Royal" of the entire bunch. Of course, he's also the only one to have been ousted (as a baby, but still), but then again QEII was never supposed to be queen in the first place so you'd think she'd get it too. Four episodes in and Tobias Menzies is better than Matt Smith, but Claire Foy is still better than Olivia Coleman. And where is Charles???? It's past time for the future King to make an appearance!!
  17. Wow, this one was depressing, but the Queen asking Wilson why she should go seemed far fetched. Peter Morgan seems obsessed with making QEII look tone deaf. The second meeting with Wilson when she talked about her father comforting people during the war was interesting. I thought for sure she was going to say "No one can live up to Papa including me." as her sort of excuse. Accompanying her parents on those trips to hospitals and bombing sites must of been scary when she was a teen. She probably was thinking "how will I ever be able to do this?" Showing emotion and still being able to hold it together and seem in control is very difficult. Her father was able to do it (and it made him beloved), but lots of people can't. I guess I can see why she might struggle with this kind of thing. That said, I have my doubts about her inability to cry. That sounds like made up drama for a TV show.
  18. Exactly. In spite of that, I thought this episode was pretty entertaining. I'm not feeling Olivia Coleman as QEII, though. I usually like her, but she seems less real than Claire Foy. Claire could do a lot with an eyeroll or just an eyebrow lift. Plus, they've got OC looking more dowdy than QEII looks at 90. Clancy Brown was even worse casting than the guy who played JFK. Brown didn't sound a thing like LBJ. If they couldn't get a real Texan, they should have used a Brit. Usually, British actors fake southern or Texas drawl better than American actors do.
  19. Aidan is going to play Leonardo Da Vinci some time next year. https://www.screendaily.com/news/poldark-star-aidan-turner-to-play-leonardo-da-vinci-in-series-from-lux-vide-big-light-productions/5143954.article
  20. I wish the possible invasion by the French and the stealing of the ore had been the main story of season 5 instead of wasting a bunch of time on Ned. I'm disappointed we didn't get to see Verity one last time, but at least we got a mention of her. Did PBS cut a scene of Dwight spilling the beans to Caroline? The scene of her explaining things to Demelza seemed to come out of nowhere. Horace and Garrick have to be like 20 years old! Good for George for sort of redeeming himself. I could never get on the hate George bandwagon because he was such an entertaining villain. I blurted out "Don't step on Superman's cape!" during the final shot. Ross said he would return and I believe him. I think the writers, actors, and producers will be back to tell the rest of the Poldark saga after a few years have passed. When they do, I'll watch!
  21. I still want a spinoff about the FDNY with Dan Lauria as the fire commissioner. It could be called "Red Bloods." I thought that was just to tell the audience that the mayor wasn't interested in Erin for any reason besides what he claimed.
  22. The Marine Staff Sergeant was the best thing about this otherwise gross episode.
  23. No. I watched with subtitles and she says "I am a child. You are a child."
  24. Frank did. He said "we don't do what the perps do." The story was weird because it didn't seem like normal behavior for Jamie. Going to confront the water tosser alone was stupid. What if it had escalated and turned into a riot? Yes it was weird. They didn't do a DNA test 5 years ago??? That's a crock.
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