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Everything posted by crosby777

  1. I think/hope it is Stench that is killed off in November along with Kneel, Darvon, Cane Lily , Kyle
  2. It is ridiculous and I don't like it. I always liked Phyllis because she was outrageous, aggressive, crazy as a loon and would do whatever she damn well pleased.. and to hell with what anyone though. She reacted first and then tried to get herself out of shit. Now she is a fucking bore. LMAO I do know what ya mean but I just can't help myself. I loved her version of Phyllis and her over the top ways. I miss crazy Phyllis.
  3. Sadly, not to me. I find her utterly boring. She is no longer Phyllis.
  4. Just because others liked working with PB does not mean MS had to. I don't have a problem with her not liking PB. I don't know what went on behind the scenes. Maybe she felt about Jack and Phyllis like I do and hated them,... that is ok with me.
  5. Yep I did like Marco. LOL I hate wimpy asskissing men like jack .. gawd he makes me hurl Totally and completely neutered. UGH I hate men like him in real too.. UGH UGH UGH I am ambivalent about Gina. I do hate the way they are writing Phyllis tho so I don't know if that is part of the reason I am not feeling her version of Phyllis.. she sure has lost any sexy she had and i hate that.. no more flirting and this bullshit love that she has for Jack all of a sudden.. well I ain't buying.
  6. LOL absolutely nothing. I do not find Jack appealing in any way shape or form. I much prefer a bad boy. Not a wimpy silverspoon Jack. Bleck
  7. I still see him as Cliffy not Jack. I really never liked his version of Jack.
  8. I am not the biggest sage fan but I sure don't get the extreme hate for her.. she hasn't done that much wrong.. not compared to the rest of the scum in town.
  9. She wasn't then but she is now. Same as Phyllis used to be wacked and now she isn't. I am ok with Sharon being lumped into the wackjobs cuz that is how I see her. A pathetic idiotic mess, one I have zero sympathy for. This is the only story I find interesting. I agree with Pratt.. Sharon is her best when she is off her meds doing crazy shit.
  10. I can't wait. I love the crazy lady stories. I think this show exploits every illness, I don't think mental illness is going to be treated with kid gloves with these or any soap writers. Crazy people have been story topics for years and years. I think Patty and Sheila are 2 of my all time fave characters and that is cuz they are both fucked in the head. I love them doing all the crazy shit that regular characters can't do. And i hope to god Patty has Miss kitty with her LOL
  11. I thought it was soooo obvious that she was going to lose her little sapling.
  12. WOW I sure don't see that. I find her pretty homely to tell the truth. Both sc's can leave for all I care,.
  13. This has been so obvious that she would lose the baby and then lie about it. That is who Sharon is deep down. A dishonest liar. I am glad she is not having another baby she cannot take care of... the question I have is what will she do about it? Watch out Sage. LOL that is the only reason I am still watching
  14. I have never been a fan of the kids on soaps but Faith takes it to the next level. Her parents have allowed her to become such a spoiled rotten brat, that I just want her gone.. kill her off.. send her packing. I don't care I just want her gone.
  15. It is horrid writing I just disagree and I am totally fine with Phyllis being upset at being raped for months. I don't find it selfish at all for her to be pissed. Sharon being all gaga over Nick again is so predictable and boring. I knew the second he was nice to her even a little bit she would be jumping on that as soon as she could. She never disappoints. She is ALWAYS fucking pathetic. I almost feel sorry for Dullan. ALMOST but he deserves that idiotic wack job.
  16. I totally must be insufferable too .. after being raped for months I think I would be a tad selfish too. Fuck Jack .. :P Never gonna happen. Jack is such a wimp,, he is so sickening.. Marco should just kill him off and take over his life for good.
  17. I felt bad for her. It was not a good shot of her at all and beside the bean pole it was really bad. She does need to do some spray tanning if they have her beside that pool again. I also agree she is a great actress but they sure are not giving her anything to do that shows us this. I think Cassie was my fave child character ever.. she was so good.. I WAS TOO!!! He was horrible and wimpy in those scenes. Not the pay off I have been waiting for. He should be furious.
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