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Everything posted by crosby777

  1. LMAO I totally disagree.. this was smoking hot.. I was cheering.. YAY DEATH TO PHACK.
  2. ^^ really? I am not a fan at all. I think he is pretty weak.. he is nice to look at but that is it.. I haven't like Adam since he took over the park... Adam needs to be much darker than JH plays him.
  3. I can't stand Hilary either.. they went too far.
  4. I heard Mad Max is up to even more bad. I hope it is true.. this little rotter entertains me.. he is so evil.. and I know I am alone but I do not care. I fucking love PHILLY....
  5. she looks anorexic. I wonder if she does have an eating disorder.
  6. they looked smoking hot to me... I love this has happened and I did not have to wait for too long to get some pay off.. hate hate hate phack.. how awesome they were on ET.. that tells me tptb may actually go there for awhile.. anything if it kills phack for good. LOL and I think it is so soapy.. finally a story I can get into.
  7. it cannot happen soon enough.. bring me more philly
  8. LOL I love this even tho I totally disagree.. you always make me laugh peaches. I sure hope so. LOL
  9. I sure am hoping they are the new HOT couple. They were even on ET last night.. if I never saw Jack again i would be thrilled. I have never been a fan of PB's.. I would be totally ok if they killed Jack off.. I haven't liked Jack since Terry Lester.. That is who Jack is now.. a fucking boring old idiot. UGH I hate Jack almost as much as that idiot Sharon.
  10. I agree, I think all actors should stay off the boards . MM had a hissy fit before because of comments people made. We have the right to not like all actors and I hate that so many MB's you are not allowed to say shit about the actors. No she didn't get banned . I don't think she posted on twitter.. looks like cg reads soaps.. and got her panties in a twist. I have seen the stay off my time line comments too and it cracks me up. I will comment on anything I want too.
  11. Phyllis is just as bad but for years Sharon and her stans acted like she was the perfect saint. BAH she is as evil as the evil ones. Phyllis owns she is a badgirl., Sharon likes to pretend she is sweet.. nothing sweet about that kidnapping vulture.
  12. No the letter said she figured it out AFTER the baby died.. SO nope she did not know all along.. and Sharon is still a baby napper LOL I can't wait till stench finds out his kid as wacked as his sister and his mom. Sharon is so disgusting I am having a really hard time not bashing her in every single post I make..I am trying .. but..
  13. I think the meds got lost along the way. LOL
  14. I hope something happens.. this is the closest I have ever been to turning this shit off.. it is not entertaining.
  15. I think she is horrible.. she was sooooo bad on Days good.. I am glad that is the only Y&R win.. they do not deserve to win anything
  16. It looked like a pretty lame slap, MS would have done way better. LOL I knew Sharon would not disappoint me.
  17. I don't find her pretty at all and I think she is amongst the worst actors on tv. She is bad.. real fucking bad.
  18. This is how I feel.. they are great to see but also horrible to see what has happened to our once great show.
  19. Sharon Sharon Sharon.. always her first thought is to run.. she's a little runawayyyyyyy.
  20. cmon lefty.. sharon be honest? LMAO ya right. Of course she won't do the right thing or say anything. Sharon is a selfish witch.. So far it is all speculation but it sure does look like Sage is a goner.
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