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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. If you thought the Zale clip was just equally suspect of MJ's pedo behavior, look at this 1995 clip of Wade at Tower Records awaiting MJ's History CD with his mother, Joy. A letter with hearts addressed to Michael? Come on, people!
  2. Another former MJ bodyguard claims Leaving Neverland left key details Okay, first the other bodyguard who worked for him just only 2 years claiming he liked women and this other one claiming the documentary left key details? How about.....$$$$$ from the estate to hire these clowns to lie? It makes sense.
  3. Jackson family member worried about Paris’ lifestyle and wants Paris home
  4. Definitely not when James peaked in his 20s, but I was shocked that he was briefly an assistant to MJ in the mid 1990s during his marriage to Lisa Marie Presley. I thought his time with MJ was during the Bad era. I know Wade was much longer than James due to the MJ connection and the choreography he did for most of his videos, but always thought it was a neat contrast to Wade's VS Jame's lives. I never knew James was in a punk band at all.
  5. Stephanie Mills, I am totally disappointed in you. At least Stevie Wonder has dignity left.
  6. Mark Geragos responded to claims of Leaving Neverland
  7. The one about the dancer from the Thriller music video was interesting.
  8. It's good to know he has success there. On a lighter note, James could have a career in modeling. He was really a good looking guy with a lot of charisma.
  9. Music video producer believes Wade and James
  10. Now this ex-bodyguard says MJ was into women. We are entering the twilight zone, people.
  11. Here's a very interesting article summary of the 1995 History playlists. I remember that commercial and the almost Nazi-like propaganda in the commercial itself. Hard to believe that happened then is happening now.
  12. Exactly. And Paris should know that Wade was there for Michael way before and after she was born. He was present during the allegations, the 2005 trial, visits, and his memorial, for God’s sakes. Paris is not stupid at all. She plays a front to appease her family, but her eyes says that she knows as well. There is no ifs and buts about it. She saw what no child should see. Even when we saw a clip of her when she was just a girl on the documentary, it is the same look she has now as a young woman.
  13. Great summary, Shakma. Always on the nose. And to add my two cents, an article about Michael Jackson's empire.
  14. Actually, ever since the documentary came on HBO, their supposed Broadway musical of MJ was postponed, radio stations not airing MJ music, a fashion designer canceling MJ inspired fashion off the market, and an Indianapolis museum taking away a couple of MJ memorabilia off the shelf; I say that speaks volumes as how impacted their estate must feel. I know they really won't lose money, but everybody who is or was a MJ fan must be throwing away their albums now.
  15. Paris steps out with a smile That's in better spirits? Okay, Jacksons. Too bad they didn't edited that final photo where she shrinks back to worry again. All kidding aside, she needs her Twitter and Instagram account taken away. This is not going to end well.
  16. While I don't like Jessica, I didn't like how Louis jeopardized her orientation because of pretend retirement that fell on the same day. It would made more sense for a weekend, but not falling on orientation day. I didn't sympathize Louis here at all.
  17. I think she is suffering the same thing that happened to Lindsay Lohan when she spiraled out of control with the partying, smoking, boozing, media bashing, and bizarre behavior pattern which affected her career. It seems like Blanket and Prince are very stable, but I think Paris has no moral responsibility to what she wants to do for her life. Sadly, just because she is rich and has daddy's money, doesn't make her happy at all. Especially when we know who Michael was in life. When Wade recalled Michael going upstairs and never returning for that wine bottle, I got a chill when his kids said to Wade they were use to it. Spoke volumes of the type of atmosphere MJ made for his kids.
  18. Moonwalker remains the most I remember about MJ. It was also the first film I watched when I was five going on six. It might have seem cheesy, but the whole film was awesome to someone who can appreciate the visual that MJ presented on MTV. I wasn't a hardcore fan, but I was more like a casual fan. Hell, I even enjoyed that some of his music went to my favorite GTA video game: Vice City. I appreciated the man's musical genius he gave and in my honest opinion, I think Off The Wall was better than Thriller. No question that Thriller is huge, but Off The Wall had the perfect blend of R&B, funk, and disco rolled into one. I confessed that I loved Off The Wall more. That is just one thing we can say positive is the music itself. Well, to return to the subject, I think he fully believed the hype and the fact that Joe did have a hand by coaching Michael to lie about his age when he was part of the Jackson 5. Ever since that tiny lie, MJ went to bigger lies than that: plastic surgery, nose jobs, etc. Especially ever since those 90s-00s interviews he did, he only created a universe that was not his own. It was just out there.
  19. I just remember right at the beginning from Leaving Neverland of James saying MJ promising all these emphasis on directing or being the next Spielberg. You know, securities for his future, etc. I possibly have to watch it again.
  20. In all honesty, she has to stay off Twitter. Not good for someone with mental illness.
  21. James wanted to be a director, right? I want to be sure of that.
  22. Other than Emmanuel Lewis, Johnathan Spence comes to mind. I didn't think he would have started this at the height of Thriller/We Are The World, but he apparently did. And here's an article of MJ and Spence, featuring pictures of them and a shirtless MJ picture with kids.
  23. I looked up Dash Williams' bio and he has another show he is doing in production. Does that mean his character is officially nonexistent all of a sudden? He is no longer part of FOB?
  24. An interesting theory on MJ supporters
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