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Everything posted by Hellohappylife

  1. Omg this Darcy chick is gonna be a hoot! She just screams desperate! She looks freaking ridiculous no one gets on a plane wearing 3 Chanel bags. So I'm going to assume they are fake. She looks like she ran out of clothes and had to find something in her teenage daughters closet. She reminds of the mother on mean girls" "I'm not a regular mom,I'm a cool mom!" I don't buy the BS excuse of her wanting a "good stepfather" for her daughters,they have their real father who is in their life. You just want to have sex with a young guy,don't lie a bout it.
  2. Does anyone else find it weird how Mo is so set on staying in America? It's like he's so afraid to go back. Did he do something in his country that he is running from? He never talks about missing any family or friends in his country. His life seems like it's very lonely. why is George shopping for gifts? Why does she still not have a ring? They both don't even wear rings. I'm not saying it from a materlistic way but when I look at my engagement ring/wedding band it reminds me of one of the best days of my Life Marrying my husband in Hawaii,If my husband brought me home a bracelet and I still didnt have a ring I'd be pretty pissed.
  3. True but pao has to have an actual paying job first. So far we've seen photo shoots to add to her portfolio,no paid shoots.
  4. Chantel and Pedro are beyond immature. My husband and I kept yelling at the tv,everytime they both kept saying "we don't know if the wedding is still on,if we're even together" you're freaking married! Married couples don't question if they're still together after stupid fights. Chantel wants a nicer home? Well sweetheart return the ring use the money for a down payment idiot. Her parents are feeding her bullshit and ruining her marriage & she doesn't even see it! Pedro's family are no better but with the vibe Chantal's family gives off,the snobby attitude I can see why Pedro's family is acting like assholes back. Jorge and Anfisa need to figure out if they wanna be together or not,their story line is getting old as well. alexi & Loren my husband and I just FF she's dramatic and annoying. danielle and mo divorce is dragging on and on. End it already. I'm tired of her always saying how much he's hurt her daughters. I'm pretty sure they don't give a shit about him. Get a new excuse Danielle. Russ and pao will continue to have problems,no matter if he has a job or not. If she models or not. If they live in Miami or not. They have completely different opinions on life styles and that can only last so long in a marriage before one of them walks.
  5. Christina actually has 2 brothers who look to be in there 20's, They have been seen a few times on the show,but they have never said much,they were on more recently helping Christina move into her own home.
  6. I feel like Danielle/ Jorge/ and Lauren's storyline or whatever is getting old. How much longer can they beat this dead horse? Danielle is stupid just divorce already. Lauren is a drama queen. Jorge will most likely end up dead either from Anfisa crazy ass or just the stress she brings. Chantal comes off as someone who likes the idea of being married,which I feel is why all of a sudden she wants the perfect ring, the domianican wedding,bachelorette party. Shes mad because everything always has to be in her name,did she just assume that once Pedro got the green card he got a perfect credit score too?? Why does she need a $5k ring all of a sudden? especially one that they have to make monthly payments on for 3 years,after interest that ring is going to cost almost $10k. They are adding unnecessary debt. Not a good thing for a newly young married couple. I can't believe how much of a selfish bitch pao was, it's sad/pathetic that a 30 year old is running out of club drunk as hell yelling at her husband over none sense. That's something 20 year girls do. I didn't even realize she was drunk until she was wobbling all over & her eyes kept going cross eyed. Her friend even admitted that it's fun to him to make pao and Russ argue. He's purposely being an asshole by only speaking Spanish when Russ is around,even though we have heard him speaking English well. I'm starting to wonder if he's jealous of pao for living in the US & that's why he's dating that American guy for a green card. I find it hilarious how Mo drives around in a way newer/nicer car then Danielle's 50 shades of not matching red paint job,missing hubcaps Honda,wonder if she put it in her name,knowing her dumbass she did.
  7. I agree. I think Loren forgets he comes from a whole different place,people in other countries react to things differently then Americans (well I tend to think so) plus he's a guy & they usually need time to process things. I feel like Loren is the type to start jumping on his case once he walks threw the door after work. One more thing. Why was Loren setting up that god awful pull out bed for his mom? Especially after she had a long flight from another country. I'm sure she would of liked a little privacy & a chance to relax. Why didn't she offer his mom they're room? It looked like they had a big comfy bed.
  8. I'm over hearing Loren cry about having Tourette's,everything with her has to be So over dramatic. I'm sorry if I sound like a real asshole but she's acting as if she has this terminal illness that leaves her sick all the time. She has lived a good lifesaving friends,getting married,,working in New York City,etc etc. most people probably have no idea she even has Tourette's. She's a drama queen. I usually like Alex but their argument made me think of what would he do if they had a child with Down syndrome or autism? Regardless you should be with someone who is going to love your future children no matter what. This season has made me dislike pao,i use to think they would be the couple that actually lasted but now no. How come her & these "friends" only hangout in places that serve alcohol & skimpy clothing? It's like she wants to be the Latina Sex & the city group. I'm still waiting to see these paychecks from her "career" or find out about the "life she's starting in Miami" so far I've just seen night clubs & bad fashion. Russ deserve's better,but he won't realize it until he has absolutely nothing left & will end up living with his parents because everything was wasted on pao. Chantal needs to grow up,you're already married,you missed your chance at getting a bachelorette party when you chose to lie & keep your engagement a secret until 5 days before the wedding. Why is her teenage brothers approval so important? I wouldn't let someone with hair like that judge my relationship. Danielle is pathetic. She's always saying how mohamed didn't use her but then gets mad everytime he hangs out with a girl who is young,skinny & pretty. DING DING Danielle that's exactly why he left you once he got the green card,because he's not attracted to you. I'm more worried that her stupidity will be passed down to her kids then Loren passing down her Tourette's.
  9. Good point you have about who is actually the one benefiting from these situations. Come to think of it when I was in First grade up to 5th grade I had a boy in my class named Andy,he always had an aid,he could barely read or write, during yearly state testing he would get to be absent,often times he would be coloring while the teacher was doing lessons. He would be part of group projects but he didn't add anything to them & was basically a silent partner in those situations. He was the sweetest kid & always smiling. I am now 24 & that has me thinking about where he is in life now since he didn't get the basic education skills he should have had. Parents say it's unfair that their kids can't be included in "typical" classes but is it really? How is it fair to put a child in classes for 8 hours a day,where they don't participate,or fully understand the lessons. When he could spend 8 hours actually working things on his level.
  10. I love how that guys spider web tattoo accents his receding hairline.
  11. The Anfisa & Jorge scene where they're arguing over how much she spent,Should be a huge reminder to a lot of women who end up in arguments over spending,especially if you love to shop. My husbands income alone takes care of just us 2 & more, he would love for me to be a stay at home wife but I refuse to do that,I love making money & I like buying nice things, I'm an adult,. I'm not gonna call my husband & ask for permission anytime I want to buy something,all of my friends who are stay at home moms/wives do this and it absolutely drives me up the wall.
  12. Too me just because Chantel paid a lot of money for Pedro to be in the US doesn't automatically make her the controller of money. A lot of these couples go back in forth arguing on who Gave up the most & sacrificed more to be together. That's not now how it works, you can't keep resenting one another,it's not healthy at all ,it shows their insecurities & almost makes me feel like these people regret getting married. They all knew damn well what they were getting into ,when they signed those marriage license. It's suppose to be a life long commitment of love, not a life life competition of who gave up more.
  13. Agree 100% I eye rolled thru most of her scenes. I can't tell if she is "acting" or if she really believe those lines. "You promised you would love me" "Steven Clark you're gonna regret losing me" ... I cringed the whole time! She came off super needy & you can tell Steven isn't into that at all. Steven seems to be a bit more mature then Meghan when it comes to relationships,life goals,skills. Etc. You see him ordering his own food at restaurants,working a real job. He is more realistic when it comes to relationships,I think he does want romance but he also realizes that he is young & wants to have options,which is completely fine,he was honest & respectful towards Meghan. Mentally Meghan is way younger then him,he wanted to discuss other things but Meghan always seemed to bring the conversations back to the lovey doveybstuff and he got bored.
  14. Just got around to watching the new episodes. I could just watch Rachael with her brother & his husband all day. I thought it was great how they kept reminding Rachael that there is a chance she wouldn't get that role but not to get discouraged by it & helped her practice. You can tell they both care for her. They are so fun! it blew my mind when I realized johns dad was in his 80s. Forgive me if I sound stupid,but could his fathers age be a reason or factor of john being born with DS? Or does age not matter with men? Or does that only count for women? I never have any issues with kris but it annoyed me how when Meghan & Steven were alone & kris was talking to his parents & bring up the topic about sex & kris was "well I have the girl,the daughter" I took it as kris thinking if Meghan get pregnant she's stuck raising another child,meanwhile Steven walks free.....It just reminded me of my aunt who's teenage daughters end up pregnant & she blamed it on the mother of the sons. It takes 2 people to make a baby, the egg doesn't get fertilized by itself.
  15. The lady in the car case was exhausting to listen to. Saying over & over again "I have proof! But I don't have it!"... she should really look up the word "Proof" in the dictionary. just because you say you have "proof" doesn't make those words proof.
  16. I am well aware that some of those with DS don't understand relationships the way others do. But my main issue is I feel like the show is trying to push the whole Meghan & Steven relationship thing hardcore this season & so far nothing else. It make me feel like Meghan & Steven have nothing else really going on in their lives right now?or maybe they do but the producers wanna turn the show into any other reality shows where there are love triangles,drama,etc. I wanna see how their daily lives are & how they spend their days/ hours,good & the bad. Not the made up crap of them all having "drama" i think the tea party (it reminds me of sex & the city,which I love) was planned by the producers but I like when they all sit down & have conversations & hangout Like ADULTS because often times I feel like the show only focuses on the parts of DS that make them seem more child-like,which seems disrespectful in a way because They are adults & should be treated with the same respect.
  17. New to posting here. Meghan has always been my least favorite,she just seemed like she thought she was better then everyone from the start. This season she is becoming harder to watch,I literally cringe everytime she & Steven are together,or video chat. The whole "babe!" "I love you" "we're gonna get married" thing is just weird. I don't recall seeing them ever have legit conversations about anything,instead we get the fake "it's this happening" dramatic kiss scenes where they both giggle & look away...., okay? Meghan & Steven need to realize relationships aren't how they look in the movies. Another thing that that gets me about this show is the Ages of everyone. I know Meghan,Sean,Elena & Steven are young. But aren't Rachel,Christina & John all near 30 or in their 30s? I mean I'm 24 & I don't even hang out with people in their 30s? But then again that's just me.
  18. I'm just curious but does anyone else get their Judy episodes interrupted at least once a week lately? I'll be in the middle of an episode then I get the really annoying BREAKING NEWS thing that cuts to the White House doing a speech thing that ends up taking over the whole show so that I don't even get to see it!
  19. Having lazy neighbors who don't care to clean up after their pets is really annoying,but I couldn't help but think the plaintiff was maybe a little crazy? Or had way too much time on his hands. Since he said he takes pictures of everyone who walks their dog in the common area. All I could picture was a guy sitting in front of a window all day just lurking and waiting for people to come outside with their dogs! What a fun hobby to have!
  20. "She called Toyota" I almost fell off my couch laughing at today's episode. Even though I feel bad for her kids. This lady has some serious issues! She has 2 school aged children,2 cars, & gets paid 4,000 a month,but can't can't manage to rent a place of her own? Who in their right mind goes looking for a driveway to rent? She may as well just moved to a trailer park. Sell the other car,cancel your storage unit. These kids have cellphones but no beds of there own. Truly sad.
  21. Made an account just to comment about that couple. Did they ever pay for anything in their relationship without needing to get a loan? They don't seem very responsible money wise at all, They even decided to get $1,000 loans each before the baby was born because "they wouldn't afford anything for theirselves" once the baby was born.... what kind of logic was that? I mean,it was very obvious they couldn't afford anything hence always getting loans. That's why people stay in debt these days,they want things they truly can't afford yet get them anyways because they feel entitled to them anyways. They must have horrible credit by now!
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