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Posts posted by ForeverAlone

  1. Shemar has previously said on his social media (and I want to say some interviews, but I can't find them online at the moment) that season 10 will be his last, because he wants to move on to other things and do different things in his career. But you never know. CBS could throw him all the money he wants to stay, or Shemar could have a change of heart. Of course, the show itself may get canceled after season 10, since the bulk of the cast will be up for renegotiation anyway. 

  2. It's not so much that I am eager for any of the main cast to leave, but if the show over hypes danger and promises a departure only for it to be a minor character, FOR.THE.THIRD.YEAR.IN.A.ROW, I will completely lose my trust in the show. If it Cruz, it will have no emotional impact, because he is not an exceptionally important character for the day to day running of the team, and wouldn't really affect the future of the show in any way. It would be like getting rid of Anderson.

  3. Cruz would be a complete let down, just because it is so unnecessary. I mean he has been in five episodes, and nobody is really attached to him, so his departure would have no impact. He could disappear for the rest of the series, but remain in the section chief job, and hardly anyone would notice or care. Honestly if the show is screwing with our emotions for the third year in a row, it really is likely to create a backlash among the fandom. Granted we already knows that Erica pretty much sits on a throne of lies, but it would just demonstrate that the show is incapable of generating much interest through quality storytelling, but has to rely on cheap ploys. Yes, I know the show is very much hovering around that point, but I keep hoping for good storytelling.

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  4. Oooh this finale will have a Lily Kershaw song at the end. Erica has already said so in an interview. Of course if you read Erica's interview, she really makes it sound like this finale will adhere to the formula from the previous two seasons. But when you read the AJ interview, you get a completely different feel. So I wonder how this finale will really go. 


    I personally think the sad secret is unrelated to the profiler who is supposed to be leaving. Let's assume the tagline for the episode is correct, and one profiler will be leaving forever (presumably at the end of this episode). That leaves us with six possibilities: Hotch, Rossi, Morgan, Reid, Alex and JJ. Penelope is not a profiler, and neither is Cruz. Sure in the past the show has been known to hype something. In season seven, they said "one of their own" was getting hurt, and it turned out to be Will. In the most liberal sense he is one of their own, because he is a law enforcement officer, and at the time, JJ's boyfriend. Last year, we heard that someone from the team was going to die, and in the most liberal sense, Strauss was. Yes, she wasn't part of the BAU team specifically, but she was their section chief, so I suppose you can consider she was part of her team. But this time, the promo specifically said "profiler." 


    What will impress me more, is that if a main character does leave, is the discipline around the show and the network. I mean, if a main character departs and we have no word of it in advance, would be completely out of the norm for the show. Every other time a main character departed, we had plenty of advance warning from the media. This time, there is nothing. The smart money would say it is Jeanne, just because her contract is up, and Alex is not the most beloved character. But that doesn't necessarily mean anything. If the show actually has a departure of a main character that is final at the end of this episode, the show had to have known about it no later than February to write it into the finale. Which means that whoever is departing either made the announcement to the producers, or were told they weren't coming back. Not that big of a deal, since that is what happened with Paget in season seven. But to keep it all quiet this time and only hint at a departure in the finale promo? That takes some discipline that we have never seen from this show before. 


    But if nobody actually leaves, or it is Cruz, I can easily see anger from the fandom as their emotions were jerked around yet again. Piss off the fans with enough misdirection often enough, and you are liable to lose the trust of the fandom. So I hope the show knows what they are doing this time around. We'll see soon enough. 

  5. In the grand scheme of things, when taken the entire fandom as a whole, I really think Morgan is a more popular character and a more mainstream sex symbol than Reid. There is a reason that Morgan is highlighted more on the official Criminal Minds sites than Reid, and Shemar does media for the show more than Matthew, and Shemar is basically the social media face of Criminal Minds. Reid fans are very active on social media, but that is only a small part of the entire fandom, and I don't think CBS or the producers value the Reid fanbase as much as the Morgan fanbase. So you can trust that the fandom in general is probably very disturbed by Morgan's shooting, and if something very bad happened to Morgan, there would be an outcry from the fandom.

  6. I think JJ is reacting the way she was on Angels, because they were taking a lot of gunfire and her life was immediately in danger. She was returning fire, but she probably didn't have a clear shot of the unsub. It was an incredibly heated situation. Whereas she could afford to be cool and collected (and needed to be to make a head shot through a thick glass door), in "Penelope", because her life was not in immediate danger.

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  7. There has been no official announcement- and I mean from CBS or a reputable entertainment website- about Matthew and Jeanne's contract status. And I don't think this website remembered that Jeanne is up for contract renewal as well (or they don't care).  As of 10 April, their contracts weren't signed, and then Harry Bring stopped talking about contracts on 21 April. There has been no speculation in most media sites, unlike last year. It's possible all the contracts have been signed (or not, and it's a definite no) and the show is just keeping things under wraps until the up fronts next week. But the last time Matthew was negotiating his contract, he didn't sign it until late June. So honestly...not much will surprise me. 

  8. All right, I have to say I liked this episode. The action wasn't over the top for the most part , and the story was engaging. I liked the fact that we didn't see the unsub right from the get go, though since I knew the actor playing the unsub, I knew who he was when he showed up on screen. But thankfully that was toward the end of the episode. Up until then, I thought this episode blended some good profiling and good storytelling. I liked the fact that the team didn't have the profile from the get go, and it was continuously evolving as they received more information. It was actually nice to see them working hand in hand with the local law enforcement (though we have an idea of how that will play out in the actual finale), and not that the team was working in a vacuum. I liked the fact that the episode had different red herrings the team had to ferret out, and we the audience didn't know everything from the get go or that much more than the team.


    As for the actual ending, it was exactly as I imagined. Though I like the fact that if Reid had to get shot, it happened while he was protecting Alex. I love Reid's protective side, and it typically comes out for the women he cares about. They get into a gunfight, Reid goes down, and then Morgan goes down, and they fade to black. Granted the promo for the finale gave away some of the emotional stakes they hinted at with this episode (particularly with regards to Reid).


    So I am looking forward to the actual finale, though that excitement is tempered a bit with the hints Erica has given that indicate it will follow the same formula she has employed for the past few finales. I hope she actually writes something that matches the interest for this finale. It was good to see what happens when Breen, Janine and Rick team up. Rick has lost his big episode writing privileges since "200", but I thought this was a solid episode.

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  9. Yeah I know that, but she absolutely sucks for finale writing. It was more of a facetious/sarcastic rhetorical question than anything else. She wasn't running the show in season five, and she shared the showrunner duties in season six. I don't know what Ed was thinking when he gave her season five finale to write. Granted that was her best finale, but it's been downhill from there. 

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  10. Yeah Sasha wanted off NCIS. And sure they let her go, but from what I hear, the showrunner dealt with it by killing her off. I guess almost as payback for wanting to leave. 

  11. Yeah, and CBS also released Mandy and Lola, because they didn't want to play anymore. They could have probably had a good case for suing Mandy for breach of contract, but they just sent him on his merry way. And they seemed amenable enough to working with Lola, when she didn't want to be on the show anymore. 

  12. Yeah, I'd like to think they brought in Janine and Breen after the debacle that was "200". I honestly think episode 23 will be pretty good, but now I'm worried about episode 24. It sounds like the exact formula for the previous two finales, and nearly every person I know thought they were underwhelming. Erica is also another writer that shouldn't be trusted with big episodes. Why the hell has she gotten the last five finales?

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  13. Considering that AJ was on set seven days out of eight and Matthew was on set three days out of eight for episode 24, I think there will be way more JJ in the finale than Reid. And it doesn't surprise me that there are no promo photos of Reid, because they would probably give away too much about what happens to him. 

  14. The article said her contract option was not picked up, not that her contract was not renewed. Which as the article says, is just another way of saying AJ was fired. Failure to renew a contract and not picking up a contract option are two different actions. As we have seen, when an actor's contract ends, they renegotiate a new one, unless the actor wants to leave, like Paget did at the end of season seven. But just because you have a signed contract, it doesn't mean your job is safe. When an actor signs a multi year contract, within each contract is a contract option which the network has to pick up every year. Typically speaking, it is expected and nearly automatic for an actor's option to be picked up when they are under contract. But just because you are under contract, that doesn't mean you are guaranteed a job the next season, because the network can let you go at any time. That is exactly what happened to Rachel, and the same thing happened to AJ. AJ and Rachel left their seasons fully expecting to return the following season, and in both cases, they found out via the media they were fired. Both were blindsided.

    NCIS may have renewed contracts early this year, but it hasn't always been smooth sailing. In 2010, most of the actors didn't renew their contracts until mid to late June. And last year, contract negotiations with Cote de Pablo utterly broke down, and she broke them off and elected not to return two weeks before production started, which as you can imagine, threw a wrench into planned storylines.

  15. Yeah, but if AJ's contract was up at the end of season five, her people would have started contract negotiations towards the end of the season. They would not have waited until a month after the season finale aired, and nearly two months after the hiatus started to do so. I mean in every instance we have heard of contract negotiations, they started while they were still filming. In some instances, they extend into the summer when the negotiations are protracted, but they would not wait so long to start negotiating. AJ and Paget were let go in mid June 2010. So if AJ's contract was truly up, CBS would have had to have made the decision to pull the plug on any further contract negotiations with AJ and let her go instead of renewing her contract.

    CBS gave Paget an amended contract that essentially gave her only 18 episodes and the pilot option, with the hidden clause that if her pilot was not picked up, CBS could force her back to work for the remainder of her contract. CBS seemed to realize the error of their ways (and the intensity of the fan outrage), because in December 2010 they offered Paget her full contract back, but she elected to stay with her amended contract with the pilot option.

  16. When AJ ended season five, she had every expectation of returning. The news articles at the time made it pretty clear AJ was fired and didn't make it sound like her contract option wasn't picked up, or contract negotiations broke down. Both AJ and Paget were blindsided by the news.

  17. Well the obvious speculation is that due to Alex's "sad secret" ( since Erica's interview points in that direction), Alex decides to leave the BAU, and this photo is offering a hint or jumping the gun. Or it means that someone screwed up and photoshopped Alex out, because they don't like her character. :)

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  18. Wow, if your first answer had been your actual answer, I would think you are drunk and hallucinating to think Elle was in season five. :) :) :)


    But you redeemed yourself with your second answer. Yes, PS 911, and Reid is looking damn f*ckable in that shot. :) 

  19. I swear there is a formula Erica has followed for the past three season finales- a recipe for boredom and eye rolling. She better deliver in the writing, because my assessment of the finale has changed after reading that interview. 

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