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Posts posted by ForeverAlone

  1. Yeah.


    This was another annoying example (as much as I love Hotch) of people shutting Reid up. I mean, does no one finds the things he says interesting or curious, even from just a knowledge boosting angle? Do they not want to learn more, or is it they just don't care what Reid has to say? You would think a group of intelligent, educated professionals would respond more positively to an educated, intelligent professional. Instead everyone shuts him up and never engages him about stuff he says. Hardly anyone engages Reid in an actual conversation that doesn't revolve specifically about the case, except for Alex, and she has sadly left the building. Are all the writers anti-intellectual at heart, or do they just think this sort of stuff is funny, and would rather have the team members shut up and denigrate Reid with eye rolling and annoyed looks, rather than engage him on his level? 

    • Love 1
  2. And that is why I usually dislike unsub-centric episodes, unless the unsub AND the team are front and center (e.g. No Way Out). This show is about how the BAU catches serial criminals by only looking at the crime scene and surrounding evidence. The audience should be learning through their eyes and never know more than the team does. That was a dynamic present even in earlier seasons, but it has become more prevalent, almost like a crutch, in later seasons. 

    • Love 2
  3. Hmmm....


    1. Now I don't think this opinion is unpopular on THIS forum, but I think this opinion is unpopular from what I've seen of the rest of the fandom (i.e. especially Facebook).  I don't think Morgan would EVER be really sexually attracted to Penelope. I think he gets off on her obvious crush and flirting, because it is an ego boost, but I don't think he returns those feelings. Yes, they are good friends, but I can't ever see them as a couple. 


    2. I already mentioned this before on my wish list, but that was obviously an unpopular opinion, so this is a perfect place for it. :) :) :) :) I think it really would be interesting and develop Reid's character in different ways if he was bisexual and was in a relationship with a man. Yes, it all comes down to sensitive writing, but I think the concept is a really good one.


    3. I'll have to jump on the like Beth train, because I have never been bothered with her, and I do see Beth and Hotch having a light, fun chemistry with each other. 


    4. I don't know if this opinion is unpopular here, but based on what I have seen on other sites, it might be overall in the fandom. I HATE relatable unsubs. I don't watch Criminal  Minds and want to see an unsub and think, "There but the grace of God go I." I hate the stories where we have ordinary people who seemingly snap under extraordinary conditions and start killing. I want to see unsubs who are psychopathic and are killing, because they like it, because it gets them off. I want to be scared, creeped out and disturbed by what I am seeing. Therefore, I tend to prefer the episodes that showcase sexual homicide, serial sex crimes, or ritualistic killings. I want that same level of creepy revulsion and fascination that people like that exist out in the world as I get when I read books like John Douglas's "Mindhunters" or Robert Keppel's "Signature Killers." There are some exceptions to that preference, but then it usually involves episodes that are deeply creepy in tone, which goes along with my preference for creepy unsubs (e.g. The Uncanny Valley, Cold Comfort, pretty much most of the episodes Matthew directs). Basically I prefer Criminal Minds episodes that are more like horror movies, or dark and disturbing like Silence of the Lambs.


    5. I also have to jump on the love season 7 train, because it holds up surprisingly well. I do like it more than season five. I guess pre season five is when most of the good writers left, with a couple exceptions. It's just so odd to see the change from season four to season five.I wonder what was going through Ed's mind that season?


    6. I don't think Emily should come back to the team. Now, it's not because I don't like Emily, because I've talked more than once about how Emily is one of my favorite characters. It's because of how the show wrote her exit story. If they wrote her as taking a sabbatical or even relocating to a different FBI field office or section, I would buy her return. But she elected to leave the FBI entirely and go run an important division of Interpol. Her job has power and prestige, and I can't see her giving that up to be a subordinate again in the BAU. I know this would never happen, because Paget doesn't want to return. I'm just saying that even if she did, I think the writers painted themselves into a corner with her exit story, and it would strain the bounds of credulity (yet again!) to bring her back. I completely bought it in season seven, but wouldn't now.

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  4. Even though it is credited as being taken in Austin, I really think that is from last year. The man in the picture with Matthew is Richard Bates, a friend of Matthew's and his director last summer in Suburban Gothic. I would be highly surprised if Richard is with Matthew in Austin.

  5. The Last Word


    I am truly shocked this episode made the final three. I mean, I like it well enough, but I don't think I would even place this one in my top 10 for season two. On the other hand, episodes I truly love were eliminated far earlier in the competition.

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