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Posts posted by ForeverAlone

  1. In the early days, Strauss very clearly viewed Hotch as a threat in my opinion. She seemed to look for every opportunity to undermine him and the team. I never got the impresssion in the early years she respected the BAU or at least she viewed Hotch as career competition, which made a bit of sense, because Hotch was painted as more ambitious and career driven for advancement in the first couple of seasons. Hell, Strauss put Emily on the team precisely because she expected her to inform on him and the team to her. She had a very strange focus on Hotch and she definitely seemed out to get him. When he decided to come back to the BAU at the start of season three, she made it very clear he would rise no further.

    I too had the same impression of Strauss when she offered him early retirement. Sure on some level she seemed to sympathize with him, but I also viewed her motivations as a bit underhanded and self serving, because she saw an opportunity to get rid of him.

    • Love 1
  2. CBS may have spoiled the cliffhanger about the fate of Reid and Morgan, but in the end, that cliffhanger had no effect on the actual ending anyway, since no one died. 

  3. The ones I spoke to were unnecessarily riled up and pissed off. I just don't think it is particularly good or professional to deliberately wind up your fandom. Other shows' producers do it, and it can often end up in a backlash, because I don't think many fans like to be messed with. There was some definite anger at the overhype of death and danger for the seasons 7 and 8 finales, and they pulled that some tiresome trick again. It's like they can't just let the work speak for itself and let the show unfold as it does. 

    • Love 1
  4. Maybe it lightened the mood for you, but it riled up a good chunk of the fandom who saw those tweets, and unnecessarily. And I'm not just talking about Reid fans, but all fans based on what he was writing, because he certainly implied it could have been one of the actors who signed their contracts the previous year. And it's perfectly okay for him to be glib about losing Alex? Yeah, her character may have had the smallest fanbase, but she had fans nonetheless who were sad to see her leave. There was no reason for him to do that except to deliberately screw with the fandom's emotions.

    • Love 3
  5. No, I don't really care about your proof. I just find it weird there has been no official mention in the news, when there was plenty of it two years ago when Matthew re-signed. 


    And I do have to agree with normasm that it is tiresome for Harry to frequently misdirect the fandom or deliberately wind them up to get some sort of reaction. He did it plenty in the run up to the finale, and it was tiresome. 

  6. Really? Matthew has been signed for MONTHS and it just has never made the news at all? And Harry was willing to basically lie to the fandom then? It's one thing to just ignore questions for the sake of preserving some big reveal in the season finale, because he is under no obligation to answer every question or tweet (though Harry had no problem winding the fandom up with his deliberate misdirects), but to flat out lie?


    Amanda Jones ‏@alj0569  Apr 8
    @LLPOS soo final read through for s9, please can you tell us if Matthew and Jeanne are signed for s10?


    Harry Bring ‏@LLPOS  Apr 8
    @alj0569 Dunno.


    JT + AB = forever ‏@Unsubwayy  Apr 8
    @LLPOS that answer scares me


    Harry Bring @LLPOS
    @Unsubwayy don't worry. contracts take time to work out.


    Tripplehorn∞ ‏@laura_markus  Apr 10
    @LLPOS @Unsubwayy I thought everyone's contract was signed? :O oh no!!!


    Harry Bring ‏@LLPOS  Apr 10
    @laura_markus @Unsubwayy There's a couple not done yet but I'm not worried. It never does any good to worry. Too many Tums. Hahaha


    Then he got sick of fielding questions about who was returning (understandable).


    Harry Bring @LLPOS  ·  Apr 21
    I'm not responding at all to any more questions on who's returning. We will ALL have to wait until mid May when everything is announced.


    It's just odd that there has been no official announcement in the entertainment news yet  about Matthew's contract status when there was two years ago. What are they waiting for? 

  7. Yeah, but when Matthew renewed two years ago, it was featured on many different entertainment news websites. CBS does consider him newsworthy enough to announce his contract status; there just hasn't been any official announcement in the actual entertainment news industry yet. But last time, it wasn't announced until the end of June. 

  8. Yes it is True Genius.

    This is what he was wearing at the beginning at the conference. This particular screencap was taken afterward when he was having the convo with the boy pharmaceutical genius and Reid started questioning his life choices.

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