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Posts posted by ForeverAlone

  1. Lucky- Florida

    In Name and Blood-Minnesota

    Scared to Death- Oregon

    True Night-Los Angeles

    Lo Fi- New York City

    In Heat-Miami



    About Face-Texas



    Penelope- should be Virginia, because I don't think she lives in DC

    Damaged-Indiana/Connecticut (at least that is where I think Chester Hardwick was imprisoned)

  2. I thought Hotch said in Machismo that his birthday was around the Day of the Dead, which is November 2. So that would make him a Scorpio. I've only watched Machismo once because I didn't like it, but that's what I thought some of the other people who have watched it said.


    And yes, Morgan is a Gemini.



    All, right. In that same vein (though I think infinitely easier):


    What is Henry's birthstone? 

  3. Yeah. To make it a bit more of a coincidence is that Matthew and Paget's birthdays are one day apart. And if you take the original airdate of Plain Sight to be Reid's birthday, then his birthday is October 12, which is the same day as Emily. Though I have seen other stuff online that designates Reid's birthday to be October 9th. I thought it was because that was Plain Sight's original airdate, but it isn't that, so I don't know why some people say October 9. In any case, like you said, it is cute that Reid and Emily's birthdays are super close together like Matthew and Paget's. :) :) :)

    • Love 2
  4. Assuming AJ actually said what was attributed to her in that interview, I can see it.

    AJ said EVERYBODY will be up for contract renewal next year. If she really meant that, she meant Matthew as well, which means he only signed a one year contract. And if he did only sign a one year contract, it likely means CBS has no real plans to continue the show after season 10, or that Matthew is looking to leave.

    But even if she didn't mean Matthew and he signed a two year contract (which we have no clue either way since there has been no press release about his contract renewal), everybody ELSE is up for contract renewal next year. That means Erica and all the other actors. Shemar has already said he is leaving, though if the show is renewed, he might change his mind. All other actors will have to be renegotiated and that means pay raises for all.

    Pay raises means increased costs, and I don't know what CBS's breaking point is for costs it is willing to pay when it comes to Criminal Minds. Yeah it wins in the ratings, but CBS doesn't own the show outright like other shows on the network, and it has canceled shows in the past due to rising production costs.

    At best I see a very late renewal for Criminal Minds like after season eight, because CBS is not likely to renew the show if certain gates aren't met for contract renewals, assuming CBS wants to renew the show in the first place.

  5. I think that episode was Tabula Rasa, or right around that time at the end of season three. I was shocked that Reid knew who Siouxsi and the Banshees were. I don't think Reid is a pop culture naif, but that doesn't strike me as something he would know. :)

    • Love 1
  6. 3rd Life (or About Face if that is what the crowd wants, because neither episode excites me)


    Lucky is probably my favorite or second favorite episode from this season, but I can see the writing on the wall. It's kind of funny. My votes for season 1 were pretty much in line with everybody else's. But when it came to season two and three, I was honestly surprised at some of the episodes that were voted out early and which ones were kept around. 

  7. My appreciation for Gideon as a profiler and as a compelling character does improve with more viewings of season 1 and 2. And while I think the team developed more as a TEAM after he he left, Gideon then is better for me than Rossi now. I like season three Rossi who was a bit of an ass and a bit prickly, but I think he has atrophied as he's become more "cuddly." He almost serves no purpose on the team anymore. And when you factor in Hotch's misuse, I really wonder why CBS agrees to pay them the two highest salaries, when the writers don't reflect that in their centrality. The writers either can't see it, or Thomas and Joe have it written into their contracts for more money and less screen time, and that seems like a waste of money. 


    So to sum it up:


    Gideon vs. early Rossi= Rossi

    Gideon vs  later Rossi= Gideon

    early Hotch vs. later Hotch= early Hotch (does anyone prefer Hotch the way he is now vs. how he was written in early seasons?) 

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