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Posts posted by ForeverAlone

  1. Yeah Coda had some especially idiotic lines for Ashley. I mean she seemed to seriously suggest that a nine year old boy with severe autism somehow shot his parents and then hid the bodies before going to school covered in blood. Did Rick actually want us to take her seriously after asking something like that? And that was also the same episode she basically mocked a more senior agent to his face (Reid) and her mockery seemed to get approvals from Morgan and Emily that she was now one of them. Very poorly written Ashley all around. I very much wanted to put a gag in her.

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  2. In response to this Penelope spoiler, it made me remember all the good Reid/Penelope scenes in early seasons. I used to love those two together, because they both brought out an interesting side to each other. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any mature and thoughtful scenes between the two of them since season four. The scenes that comes to mind in recent years are all jokey and immature, often infantilizing both of them. So if the writers decided to reverse course and bring back the thoughtful and sensitive Reid and Penelope scenes of old (I'm thinking of The Fisher King, Penelope, and especially, Sex, Birth and Death), I will cheer. It would be nice to see Reid comforting Penelope and talking her through any internal conflict she might have. The only other scene I might like is with Hotch. But if we get more Morgan or Penelope going all the way to Texas, I have a feeling I might be rolling my eyes. 

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  3. Into the Woods


    As for the second vote, Lauren is a bit ridiculous with the action. But it does have good Emily and good Reid. Some good action, and it was directed by Matthew. On the other hand, Coda was ridiculous with the unsub and his crime, but it has the fabulous interaction of Reid and Sammy. 


    Hmmm....I choose Lauren just because I actually rewatch Coda more than Lauren.





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  4. Stupid as in dumb, lacking in intelligence. The idea of Penelope struggling with shooting someone (though I personally thought the guy survived and didn't die, because I thought he was moving when Morgan arrived on the scene) is all right and fits with the character, but I have zero faith in the execution, and I don't like the description of how this will be dealt with. Not with the history of the pasta party, the ridiculousness of the fitness test, and so on. Ultimately it will come down to who is writing the episode, because some of the writers can handle this sort of thing better than the others.


    If anyone could understand Penelope's struggle, it would be Reid. Yeah, he's killed way more people in the line of duty than your average FBI agent. But there was a time when he could barely shoot a weapon and he killed a man, because he had to, just like Penelope did. And he did have conflicting emotions about it. That's normal. That's natural when you have killed someone. And I think the way they handled it was good, with Gideon sitting him down and talking him through it. It felt real. I would actually cheer a serious conversation between Reid and Penelope over this, because that would feel authentic and likely, thoughtful and comforting. 


    But no, it doesn't feel real that Penelope would be so overcome with grief that she would travel to Texas to unburden herself, because she killed a killer who was going to murder her good friend. Yeah, the execution of this storyline might be different, but it personally sounds stupid to me. What's she going to do? Talk to this guy's grave, assuming he really is dead? Talk to this guy's family and apologize about shooting their killer son/husband/whoever? 

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  5. Yes, because Penelope is struggling SOOOOO much with this, she must return to Texas to resolve it, and can't just talk it out with her friends or a therapist. And considering how this show addresses personal issues, this just screams cheesy, overwrought and stupid from the description. Particularly with how Penelope is written so over the top these days. 

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  6. I wish CBS would throw a ton of money at Ed Bernero to get him back from the new Katherine Heigl drama on NBC. Looking back, Ed's main problem was the introduction of Ashley, and his days were far and away better than anything that's come after it.


    I do wonder if Chris Mundy could handle the job. He wrote many of my favorite episodes, and he has a graduated to showrunner status. However, CBS did let him go from the spinoff because they didn't like the direction he was going, so I am not sure what he would do with the original. But at this point, likely better than Erica. 


    I absolutely wouldn't want CBS to promote from in house, because I think most of them should be fired and not promoted. They need someone who truly understands the core mission of Criminal Minds and is interested in showing that. 

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  7. I don't think Strauss's tanking of Alex's reputation and career had anything to do with taking out any perceived competition. I think she did it to cover her own ass and protect her own career. Someone was going to suffer for the mishandling of that case, and Strauss made sure it wasn't her. I can't remember if Strauss was Alex's boss or her colleague during the Amerithrax case, but either way Strauss made sure Alex took the fall for the results and not her. I think that would be a good example of backstabbing someone to save your own ass.

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  8. Uh....I'm not sure. It is the one episode there is absolutely ZERO Hotch, Angry!Morgan was on full display, the full ridiculousness of having Ashley on the team was brought to the forefront, and Strauss of all persons was actually the voice of reason. There is so much badness packed into a 45 minute episode, and not surprisingly written by Erica and very much highlighted her writing weaknesses. 

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  9. I think the only female Reid never checked out was Alex, so I think it is safe to say that Reid will be at least surreptitiously checking out Kate's bodacious rack. :) :) :)  As long as they don't try and set stuff up like they did with Ashley (thankfully that seemed to get squashed right after "What Happens at Home..."). That was just ooky, and yet another reason (though farther down the list) why I didn't like her character. 

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