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Posts posted by ForeverAlone

  1. I've seen way too many people who want Reid to develop schizophrenia or become a serial killer, but it would be far more interesting to discover JJ and Will are the country's most prolific serial killers. THAT would be the way to end the series. :) :) :) :) :)

    • Love 2
  2. Oh yes, I remember that Penelope comment all too well. She gets all pissy when Kevin shows up to the sci fi convention with Gina. And when Reid pointed out that she was at the convention with him, she just had to say that she wasn't there with anyone she could find sexually attractive. Yeah, Reid didn't seem too happy about her comment, and he shouldn't have been. His "you're welcome" seemed to more dumbfounded as to just exactly how should he respond to such an insult. That really irked me when I watched that episode. That is a prime example of the show inviting us to view Reid as unattractive. Usually his attractiveness is more of a gentle joke, like prostitutes who try and make him uncomfortable. Even Morgan's "pretty boy" nickname could be more of a joke depending on how you want to view it. 

    • Love 2
  3. Now I do agree that the current batch of writers is utterly incapable of writing Reid in the sensitive story of him with a boyfriend. This was more of a wish to be realized in the hands of capable writers who can write Reid well and also write personal stories with believability and subtlety. This current batch of writers would be more likely to turn Reid into yet more comic relief fodder. I mean, they definitely approached that with some of the reactions about Maeve. 


    I can only think that the show wants us to view Reid as looking different than Matthew. I mean, if we assumed Matthew's real body is supposed to be Reid's, there is no way in hell he would have been so out of shape for his physical fitness test. But I think we are supposed to think he is weak and skinny, and I assume we are supposed to think he is ugly, because obviously Matthew's real looks are beautiful. In real life, women absolutely swoon over Matthew, and fangirls worship at the altar of Reid. I mean, people pretty much overlook Reid's attractiveness on the show while focusing on Morgan's time and time again. But I suppose that is reflective of how CBS always pushes Shemar to be the show's sex symbol and not Matthew as well. 

  4. Yes, that is "Cold Comfort." I especially like the direction and the creepy atmosphere of the episode. It was directed by Anna Foerster, and before Matthew became the go to director for creepy atmospheric episodes, Anna was the one on tap. She directed some of my favorite episodes, or at least episodes that really grabbed me with the visuals.. Besides Cold Comfort, she directed The Uncanny Valley, Reflections of Desire (not one of my favorite episodes, but the visuals were quite magnificent), With Friends Like These, From Childhood's Hour (again not one of my favorites, and it was just a meat and potatoes episode).


    Yeah, 100 had some plot holes (but many of the episodes do), particularly Foyet's identity. Not only do you think Haley would have been shown his picture, he was undoubtedly in all the news. But the writers seemed bound and determined to kill Haley for maximum shock value and emotional impact, and I guess they couldn't come up with a more plausible way to do it.

    • Love 1
  5. The writers have pretty much just written Reid's main quality as his intelligence for the past nine years, so I don't think anyone would forget that he is smart if he dated men. They wouldn't have to make some big deal about it all. In fact, it would be far more interesting if it was just one of those things. Though considering how some of the team seemed incredulous that he was able to get a girlfriend, I can only imagine their reaction if he had a boyfriend. I'm looking at you JJ and your seeming shock that he was actually able to acquire a girlfriend.

  6. If we are talking TRUE wish list, I would love for the show to incorporate Jeff Davis's original.conception of Reid into his current character, i.e. that Reid is bisexual. Bringing that particular aspect of the character to light would do nothing to invalidate everything we have seen of Reid up to now. And it would be an interesting avenue to explore for Reid, because frankly there just aren't enough beautiful, geeky, genius bisexual boys represented on TV. :) 

  7. Hmmm...underrated episodes.


    I don't see too many say they like "Cold Comfort" from season 4, but that one is one I consistently rewatch. I also have to say, that while I am not a huge fan of the actual case in "Catching Out", that episode has some of my favorite personal scenes. Those scenes make that episode, though even on a rewatch, I realized how much actual profiling went into catching the unsub. Season 3 "Scared to Death" is also pretty good, and it has one of my favorite Reid scenes, actually a couple of them.

    • Love 1
  8. Hmm...all right, I'll play. :)


    Season One:

    Extreme Aggressor



    Season Two:

    The Aftermath

    Sex,Birth, and Death


    Season Three:

    Seven Seconds



    Season Four:

    Minimal Loss



    Season Five:


    The Uncanny Valley


    Season Six:

    The Middle Man

    Out of the Light


    Season Seven:

    True Genius

    Unknown Subject


    Season Eight:

    The Lesson



    Season Nine:

    In the Blood



    Top 10:

    1. Extreme Aggressor

    2. The Uncanny Valley

    3. True Genius

    4. Unknown Subject

    5. Minimal Loss

    6. Lucky

    7. Seven Seconds

    8. The Aftermath

    9. LDSK

    10. Zugzwang

    • Love 1
  9. Rossi and Elle would like have gotten along, just because they both seemed kind of tough, and at least until she was shot, Elle could compartamentalize pretty well without losing her humanity.


    I think Elle and Emily would have gotten along. They may not have been best friends, but there would be professional respect there as strong, capable, professional women.


    Rossi and Gideon did know each other, and undoubtedly worked in the BAU together for about 20 years. They started the team after all. I can see those men having professional respect for each other, but I don't see them being good friends. They are just too different personality-wise. Rossi can compartamentalize and crack jokes, and Gideon felt EVERYTHING. They are both good profilers in their own right, though I think Gideon is the more instinctive and natural profiler. But since he couldn't compartamentalize, he was at risk for melting down as we saw on more than one occasion. Rossi rarely let the job get to him, and Gideon couldn't stop the job from getting to him. 

    • Love 5
  10. Alex was on the show two seasons. And I don't think Erica wanted to hire Jeanne. She talked a lot right after season seven about she didn't want to bring in a replacement for Emily. But CBS controls the hiring and they hired Jeanne. And since I don't think Erica wanted her, she and the rest of the writers didn't spend that much time developing her character or trying to actually endear her to most of the fandom. So I can see Jeanne choosing to leave, or CBS electing not to renew her contract, because they felt they weren't getting their money's worth. In either case, I blame Erica, because if Alex had been embraced like Emily was, I don't think Alex would have left at the end of the season finale. 

    • Love 3
  11. I too would prefer that the show doesn't replace Alex. But if they HAVE  to, I would rather have them bring in a new media liaison and not another profiler. There just isn't enough work for six different profilers, and inevitably at least one character gets short changed. Erica had no desire for Alex, and it showed in how little the writers gave her to do in two years. 

    • Love 2
  12. All those questions you are asking? They just show how poor Erica's storytelling abilities are. I think she is nearly incompetent at producing intelligent, interesting crime drama on her own, and she would rather distract the audience with big, dumb action scenes to conceal the fact that there was no actual story there. There were so many plot holes in this story, and the story itself wasn't interesting enough to make me suspend enough disbelief to go along with the crap she was spewing. Erica is another writer who needs to have her big episode writing privileges revoked. She should not be left alone with episodes, because she does not deliver. I can think of maybe one episode she wrote by herself that was actually good, maybe two if I am being generous. 

    • Love 3
  13. My true ships can only exist on fanfiction and in my fantasies, but I can see the Reid/Emily ship, since Emily is the only woman I have ever shipped Reid with (you know, aside from Maeve). If Reid had to date a woman, I could see Emily, because they seemed to have more complementary personalities, some intersecting interests, and I can easily see her introducing him to the ways of sexual pleasure.

    I love Reid and Elle together, but never romantically. She always struck me as the kind big sister who looked out for him and protected him. It is quite nice to watch them and realize how well they work together, because if you just had descriptions of their characters, you would never imagine how great of a pairing they really were. Totally underrated and often forgotten.

    • Love 1
  14. Yeah, i think part of the problem is that I don't think Erica wanted Jeanne in the first place. She talked a lot at the end of season seven about just having the core six, and a few weeks later, we saw the announcement about Jeanne. So CBS probably made the unilateral decision to hire her, and the writers weren't inspired to write for her character. Alex has gotten the least amount of love from the fans, the writers, and the show in general. I liked the fact that she and Matthew are close, but we just didn't see that with that with the others. So considering that stance, I would rather that nobody new is hired rather than have to deal with this sort of tiresome fan hate and writer neglect. Though if it was up to me, at least half of the writers would be replaced with those who know and like psychological profiling. 

    • Love 4
  15. Hmmm…. I don’t know what to think about this episode.


    I guess I generally liked this episode, when assessing the episode as an aggregate. However, from a case perspective, I can’t say that I liked this episode. There was no thought, no profiling, no psychological insight, nothing. What this case was, was plenty of action and gunfire, just like Erica promised. I lost track of how many guns were fired, how many people were just shot for the hell of it, and how much ammunition was expended (just how many magazines were everyone carrying)? In writing big, dumb action scenes, Erica did what she did best (I don’t really mean that as a compliment), but I really think she is incapable, or uninterested in writing compelling stories that are disturbing and filled with psychology.


    So yeah, from a story perspective, this isn’t the type of case I like out of Criminal Minds. I like dark, disturbing, scary, creepy, unsettling crime stories and unsubs. This case had none of that. It was just guns, guns, oh, and more guns. And worse, the unsub and his story was boring. Very little time was spent on his motivations or using much psychological insight into moving the story forward. The only example was the team figuring out that Dinah’s pressure point was her son Josh (which the episode basically said was a callback to “200”) , but we never saw anything she really provided for the case, because that would have gotten in the way of the gunfire.


    Yes, I keep mentioning that, and while I have no problem with guns in action movies, I like my suspense crime thrillers without guns, mainly because I don’t find lots of gunfire interesting from a psychological crime perspective. I liked season finales that were centered around cases like that, like The Fisher King (though that story had its own logic problems, but the story itself really engaged me), No Way Out II and To Hell…and Back.


    What was good about this episode was the lots of team action. It was good to see them front and center, and not as much of the unsubs. I liked the scene between Alex and Rossi in the car, and you could see the emotional effect that conversation had on Alex that ultimately lead to her to leave. I wish for more Hotch, but what little there was of him, was good and classic Hotch (I liked Hotch stepping in when the cop tried to restrain JJ). I do call a bit bullcrap on the whole “action” scene with Penelope. Mainly because I found it a bit ludicrous that the team left Reid unguarded. I mean, they knew the police force was corrupt, and yet they didn’t provide security themselves, or call in a reliable source to provide security for him. I am relieved though that at least Penelope’s response was more instinctual and not her going all Ninja Penelope. But how far away was the hospital, because it took Morgan forever to get there, and nobody seemed to think to call hospital security.


    I was surprised (in a good way) at how much Reid was present in this episode, considering how little Matthew worked on this episode. I was afraid he would spend the entire episode unconscious. So it was really good to see all his scenes with Alex, since I have always liked those two together, ever since “The Silencer.” It was nice to see Reid have a friend who is more like him, who truly gets him and understands him. I was glad to see that Alex was the one taking care of him on the scene (though I wondered why nobody seemed to be applying any pressure to his wound to stop the bleeding), and she was the one he woke up to in the hospital. I was glad to see the last scene was those two, and she took him home. She didn’t have to say anything explicit, but he understood what she was really saying. The only thing better would have been a hug between those two, but I guess that is just not part of their friendship. It was a nice callback to see that Reid is still carrying around “The Narrative of John Smith”, though I wonder if he will ever recover from Maeve’s death and be emotionally ready for another relationship.


    I see that the smart money was correct in calling Jeanne as the profiler saying good bye. The signs were there, though I wonder if this was Jeanne willingly walking away, or CBS electing not to renew her contract. But this decision was made months ago to write this in, and I am amazed that the show and the network kept this quiet, though they couldn’t resist hyping a departure at the end. At least it wasn’t a copout like Cruz or something, like the previous two years. But I did like Alex. I may not have loved her like I did Emily, but I did appreciate her cool intellectualism she brought to the team, and I will miss that, and her scenes with Reid this episode drove that point home even more. I do hope that CBS elects not to replace her, just because I think whoever it is will run into the same problem in not being readily accepted by the fandom as a whole, and not having the writers write really good stories for a new person.

    • Love 1
  16. That Celebrity News "article" is not an interview with Erica. All it was was a compliation of stuff Erica and AJ said in other interviews. And the interview they took the Erica quotes from, she never actually said that nobody would die. The TV Guide interview is actually more recent. But considering the producers' propensity to lie and deliberately say things to rile up the fandom, I don't believe anything anybody says.

    • Love 1
  17. Most people didn't notice that flub though. But the fandom did notice the promo that said we won't believe which profiler says good bye forever. That is pretty much a dead giveaway that somebody is leaving.

  18. Oh yeah I saw that avalanche of anger from the Castle fans. Some of them were calling for Andrew Marlowe's head on a platter (or at least that he be replaced). Depending on what happens tomorrow night, I can see that same level of anger directed at Criminal Minds.

  19. Yeah at this point Harry is just deliberately trying to piss the fandom off. Devoted fans don't like being jerked around. That is one of the reasons they become undevoted.

    • Love 1
  20. More chumming.


    Harry Bring @LLPOS  ·  24m
    Has anyone thought that maybe a cast member that already has a deal for S10 is trying to negotiate for more. A deal is a deal, unless not.


    Harry is going out of his way to throw up all sorts of speculation and agitation today.

  21. Yeah, it wouldn't shock me if Joe left, and for the very reasons you state. It is getting harder and harder to believe that Rossi can be allowed to be a field agent. He is down on my list as a possible. My others are Jeanne and Matthew. I can't see it being Thomas (CBS would likely cancel the show first considering how they held up CM's renewal last year waiting to hear about contract status). I don't think Shemar would deliberately lie to his fans, because he has said all along he will leave after season 10. And I can't see AJ walking away from the show either, and no way would CBS just up and fire her AGAIN. 

  22. It looks like Harry has been chumming the fandom waters today.


    Harry Bring ‏@LLPOS  3h
    Someone leaves the BAU. So much speculation by the fandom. Some fans won't be happy. Wait until you see how and why. Oy vey.


    Harry Bring ‏@LLPOS  56m
    Soooo, I guess everyone thinks I'm screwing with them. Well, I AM! Nasty me. Knowing the outcome makes me a jerk, I know.


    Harry Bring ‏@LLPOS  54m
    Karma will get me after tomorrow. I'll deserve all the crap I'll get, even though I had nothing to do with how and why the story evolved.


    Harry Bring ‏@LLPOS  41m
    Just think. If there was no teaser saying a team member was leaving or dying, you would only have a bigger/juicier episode to look 4ward to


    Harry Bring @LLPOS  ·  26m
    @PBrewsterLGAGA ok. here you go: of the 7 regular team members, 6 live to return next season. that's good news, right?


    Harry Bring @LLPOS  ·  25m
    @laura_markus fact: 6 of the 7 bau team return next year. but then cbs already let that cat out of the bag.

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