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Posts posted by ForeverAlone

  1. I try and keep personal comments about AJ to minimum, but that is not going to make me like the character of JJ. After defending the new incarnation of JJ for two years, I despise that character completely and totally at the moment. And that is the fault of both the writers who have had JJ dominate this season and her scenes, even when she shouldn't, and it is a function of AJ's acting as JJ. Most of us were well aware of the "season of JJ" talk at the beginning of the season, and that really ignited the backlash in my opinion, though it has been growing in some circles for the past two years. Outside of hardcore JJ fans, I don't think many people were thrilled at having the season focus on her, not when she got so much focus in recent years. Those of us turned off by the idea of yet another season focused on JJ dearly hoped AJ just overstated things, but we were proven incorrect.

    It is probably a good thing AJ's contract was not up for renewal this year, because if it was and they pulled the same stunt last year to try and drum up fan anger to get themselves a raise, I would be sorely tempted to beg CBS to fire her, because I hate the character so much these days.

    The backlash against JJ can be laid squarely at the feet of Erica who seems to worship the character of JJ, the writers who have overused JJ to the point of overexposure, and AJ whose portrayal of JJ has gotten on many persons' last nerves.

    I can only hope this backlash forces the writers to highlight other characters in season 10.

    • Love 4
  2. Oh my God, I deplored Breen's episode this year. Compared to his execrable effort, Janine's actually looked skilled and plausible. And hers was bad enough. *shudders*

    Diana Reid episodes:

    The Fisher King, part one (no speaking part)

    The Fisher King, part two


    The Instincts


  3. There are only three Bruce Zimmerman episodes in season 8:


    So if it's not The Good Earth, and it's not Perennials, then it would have to be Pay it Forward. But it's not Pay it Forward. 

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