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Everything posted by jeansheridan

  1. I am on the fence about him. He was immature with The Strong toast, making digs at his cousins. But the other boy did giggle at him. He has a big old chip on his shoulder but I haven't seen him be evil beyond that fight. He was still relatively young then too. I think he has better control now. I mean he didn't shiv his brother. He must have been tempted!
  2. Isn't Daemon? He flew through that fireball when he was putting on a show with Laena. It's like warging--some people can, some people can't. Dany and Bran were shown to have extra talents very early on.
  3. Since it was on the show I will take it as show canon. The books are their own thing.
  4. If they were modern people. I appreciate you are a history buff but this is a fantasy world. They ARE modern, for this world. His question doesn't seen odd to me. He is miserable and feels not capable of meeting expectations. How did Dany's dragons know to burn ships in slavers' Bay? Or help her out in the temple in season 2? Or find her after she was captured by the dothaki? There's a mystical bond.
  5. Not unreasonably. They were people. Just like all the people who died when Dany burned Kings Landing. Rhyners was worried about herself and her dragon. I like her well enough but back to the wall she didn't worry about collateral damage. Then again I doubt many would. Would Jon Snow if he had to rescue a dragon? Because I do consider her actions a dragon rescue. For now. I know some will die because humans are idiots and undeserving.
  6. I 100% believed she meant she loved him. Olivia's amused eyes did the work there. Plus jumping between him and a dragon. I just realized she was never worried about Aemond in that moment. Either a sign of respect or forgetfulness. I think respect. She clearly didn't worry about her dad.
  7. After Viserys died I went back to the first ep to see him young and healthy (the wig does not suit Paddy!). And I realized that Rhynaera is the opening narrator and she sounds like she is talking about the end of her house. Or the end of their greatest period. 10 adult dragons. 100 years of relative peace. So whatever happens, a mature, mournful Rhynaera begins the story. I wonder if season 2 will open with Alicent's voice. Or Aemond's. I like him for King eventually. He is ruthless but not cruel. Just don't serve him roast pig. (It would be a bit funny if that's a lifelong trigger for him, the one thing that makes him lose his obvious control).
  8. I think it is about Larys and how he imprisons people below.
  9. Hmmm. He seems to have self control but maybe his sister.
  10. That's what I was thinking but maybe it hasn't been invented yet in this era. It would be cool to see some tech differences. Just to acknowledge the different eras.
  11. Me too. And the actor playing Aemon is sympathetic in his scenes. Unlike Joffrey we don't see him committing his crimes just the horrible aftermath. So when he shows that he knows he would be a shite king and asks his mother if she loves him, it weirdly makes me feel pity for him. Whereas I hated Joffrey from the start. Aemond did one audacious thing and lost an eye. Otherwise he seems kind of okay? Emo sure, but he has prepared himself for war and leadership. He just needs to keep giving his brother drinks and hope the liver gives out. Or he falls off his dragon. Surely a Targ has fallen off a dragon?
  12. I was surprised no one shot an arrow at her but have we seen crossbows yet? Has that tech been created? We have seen scorpions on Dragonstone. I was waiting for her to take an arrow and then her dragon killed.
  13. I didn't get that at all. I got a chaos agent thinking through options. Rhaenys is the Queen of Thorns and hates everyone other than her granddaughters whom she probably wants to save. From her perspective Daemon and Rhynaera have killed three close family members and have their clutches on her two granddaughters. Alicent just offered her Driftmark free and clear. I think Alicent not agreeing to give her back her dragon was a major sticking point. I thought we might see her Dragon killed. Slaughtered in the pit. But I think it might be Daemon who kills the first dragon. He seems to be ruthless enough and knows his lore. I don't think it was so much a hero moment as Hello! I am a player in this game. Do not forget that. Next season my hope is we meet a lot more sly ladies and lords playing both sides. The Targaryens are invaders. Foreigners really. Deep in their hearts do the OG houses really love them? It's a long game until Robert's Rebellion. I HOPE the Martells come to play.
  14. He is an innately funny actor. And another person they didn't bother to age in 16 years. But whatever. There are a lot of twins on this show! Are Halaena's kids twins too? And she's Queen now.
  15. I am weirdly taken with teen and adult Aemond despite his horrific wig. I hope that improves in season 2.
  16. On a purely shallow note, I like Aemond's long silky wig. It looks totally unnatural but the ends have a razor edge when he walks. I see potential comedy gold if Aemond gets to make digs at Cole and Cole can't do squat. Oh and kudos to that Lannister! He wisely got out of the way of the two Kingsguards having a pissing match. He seems innately funny.
  17. So basically couldve ended the whole war but chose to make a cool entrance and peace out. Real bad ass I think the creators just need to...not do PR. Both men are charisma sucks and have the most basic takes. I am sure they're great in RL and understand nuance but wow they are not articulate or even energetic. One of them appears to operating at 30% energy always.
  18. Olivia Cooke finally came through. Or maybe the writing was better. Her almost eye roll at Otto when he referenced her mother, her weary fatigue with Cole's zealotry, her fatigue with her son, her almost robotic display for Larys, like she had done it dozens of times. But she did seem to genuinely mourn her husband. Her fear for Halaena was sincere. She came at Rhyners the right way. And yes, she did stare down an effing dragon. She knows what they can do. And she's damn right. Not killing is NOT a weakness! It takes smart, brave people to avoid killing and keep power. Otto isn't one of them. Otto made plenty of enemies by killing those two Lords and Lady. I don't see that sitting well.
  19. Did he? I know that's the impression and Rhyners was still there too. They didn't have their dragons but after the boys fought maybe they felt it was better to get out of dodge. It's not a long boat ride to Dragonstone. In GOT one character literally rows over in a small boat (the man Ser Daavos saves from Melissandra). ..
  20. Yes. Kinslaying as one person mentioned above. But also is she 1000% team Rhynaera? I think she's leaving herself some options. She still doesn't believe the realm will accept Rhynaera and even if she takes out the head of the Greens it doesn't mean the opposition is gone. Otto clearly convinced a lot of Houses. And if Rhynes just slaughters them how does that play out? Does Rhynaera reward her or use her as a scapegoat? My cousin went rogue, I am horrified, etc...In her heart I don't think she trusts Daemon and Rhynaera. She's a lot more complicated than Ned in my opinion.
  21. Why would put on a wig securely take two hours! Also a broken hip! How is he moving?
  22. This is a good point but I also think the production has felt very small concerning the broader society. Only the hunting ep had other families actually highlighted. Even the first ep, you just get the core family in the box at the tourney. I think COVID caused restrictions in the production. Maybe. So not having more Velaryians might have just been a covid thing. It would be cool to see the larger family. And the Martells again. And the people at the Eyre (totally going Green!). Maybe more than the Lannister twins too. Maybe more than two identifiable Kingsguard (although the older Kingsguard was nicely grumpy and badass).
  23. Hah. The one and done crew. I suspect Mark Addy and Sean Bean loved starting an epic show but not having to do it for a decade! Thanks for the recommendation. I decided to watch the first ep again and Paddy is brimming with health and energy. Corlys, Rhyners and Daemon honestly look the same from ep 1 to ep 7. Matt isn't as good playing different ages but maybe there's a reason. It doesn't bother me much other than it shows Vicerys' rapid decay.
  24. He is new to me as a performer but yes. He played so many notes. I think Rhys (Otto) matches him but hasn't had enough scenes. Eve Best is also wonderfully subtle. Emma has grown on me as Rhynaera but the writing seems lacking. When they give her something to do, she delivers. That long walk after giving birth was glorious.
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