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Everything posted by jeansheridan

  1. I thought Alicent's 'descent' seemed organic. She has clearly been stewing for a while and she has Criston to back her up. I agree. I knew Cooke would be much more intense and sharp so I wish she had the role the whole time. She's only 28! She played a teen 5 years ago. But thus far Alicent and Viserys are the most stable main characters. Both of them make sense to me. And Rhyneara almost does. I have to do too much guessing but overall I guess I find her the most compelling still? I guess I am curious to see if she can win and be a decent Queen. I kind of want her to be. But once dragons start to die I am out. They're the most worthy beings in this world. Why do they even bother with humans?
  2. I think this is a very fair point. We really needed less of a jump. I didn't need the full romance but to understand her thinking more would have helped. And Rhynaera has grown up. Like many working mothers she hauled her ass to work even with leaking breasts (and eff you Alicent for drawing attention to it). She looked tired but made I think several thoughtful contributions to the discussion meaning she does her homework. She's paying attention. She comes up with a possible solution to their conflict (and she knows how weird her half sister is). She’s still somewhat kind to her husband. I actually like this Rhynaera so much more than her teenage self. So yes I would like to understand how she feels more. Why risk Harwin? How did she feel.when he died? Was having his children an act of desperation? She needed kids to solidify her hold on the throne. Really needed them and if Laenor wasn't producing for whatever reason, maybe sticking to the same lover felt safer? He seemed like a genuinely okay man. She learned! From clingy Cole to her uncle, Harwin is handsome, sane, and reasonable!
  3. He was seated with his brother at the wedding and they were making snide remarks together. Nothing about Harwin said "bully" to me. But maybe Larys is just evil to be evil. The flip side of Tyrion who was mocked but became a reasonably competent man trying to do right by the realm.
  4. I love when Jace asked her if he was a bastard she said he was a Targaryen and that's all that mattered. Which is both true and proof ancestry lines should always follow the mother. Unless there are baby swapping shenanigans everyone knows where the baby comes from. So yes he is absolutely a Targ with a good dose of Strong DNA.
  5. You mean pulling him from the window? And just ignoring he was jerking off? It's weird but she's a deeply weird person. But it didn't feel like an assault, at least not to me. And wow they made Olivia Cooke look old. I think she is 28! Only 28.
  6. All her children seem off! You'd think fresh DNA would help but this may be a case of nurture versus nature. Alicent may not be a great mom either. Look at her zoning out on her kind of interesting daughter? I do dig her son that lacks a dragon. He seems to have some guts.
  7. 100% agree. They could have jumped 5 years. But didn't Leana already have her dragon when she married Daemon? Because she claimed her dragon at 15. Just one extra ep and it would have made all those deaths matter.
  8. I guess the show is getting ratings but I don't think it will go 5 years at this rate. There's no one to root for really. New characters are introduced rapidly, aged up, and then may die any moment. Of the 4 core characters, none have an interesting journey. They're just doing things. I mean it's nice to know Rhynaera chose one father for her boys? And she may have loved him? But how has she not noticed his creepy conniving brother? That these two former friends are buddies with two brothers. Was Harwin too sweet to cap on his creepy brother? Also I cannot believe Cole wasn't banished. There's plenty of people to hate and no one to root for. And while that death by dragon was amazing, I don't know, give me more than 10 min with a character before killing her so dramatically so I can feel the sacrifice. It pisses me off that only Cole has plot armor. He is such a creep. Eff you taking out your hate on children. Weirdly I do like the daughter into bugs but she'll probably be dead soon. Meh. I will push through to the end of season 1 but this racing pace makes zero sense for television.
  9. Indeed wow and I think seeing Rhynaera power through that walk instantly made me love the actor playing her. Her mettle and stubbornness was impressive. And we can see she is still friendly with her husband. I was in the do NOT recast camp but damn that was a nuanced entrance.
  10. Thanks for posting about the royal tournament. It did look expensive. I love how the writer was like we just need a field and some flags. It made me wonder where Robert's tournament was held in GOT. I still think theirs looked good all things considering.
  11. I guess but so far what we have seen in all the eps is a total lack of interest in Alicent. Alicent has done most of the work. She approaches Rhyanera, reaches out, tries to smooth things. Alicent is a pleaser. Rhyanera seemingly has zero respect for her. And it could be crap writing. But a scene showing Rhynaera checking on her before the ceremony would have been interesting. Rhynaera got her father fired. Maybe it was justified but it was still Alicient's father. It would be smart to check in. But Rhy doesn't really care about her even though Alicent just proved to be a great source of info in the previous ep. Also does Rhynaera even really know how ill her father is? Nothing in her performance indicates an awareness.
  12. A measured response! I do think ep showed she had matured. She managed her betrothal fairly well. She was doing the marriage celebration properly. She was rightfully annoyed with Daemon. She apparently understood the need to marry quickly. But, and a big but, she utterly misread her lover. And she didn't even try to find out Alicent's deal with the attitude and green dress. Rhynaera just doesn't seem interested in her at all which seems like a big mistake. In retrospect, Dany had to go through a whole marriage and maneuver around her brother and that weird city in the 2nd season before she was ready to handle a lover. And ultimately he didn't play a big role in the plot.
  13. Ditto. He has a bit of Bronn and The Hound in him. I am actually shocked Daemon did nothing. She was on her own in the scrum.
  14. Being morally flexible might be one way to succeed in the world of HOD. All the rigid characters get crushed (like dear Ned who turned out DID keep a secret very well for 18 years). Rhynaera is very flexible for now. Also I don't think she really wanted Daemon to kidnap her. She was poking at him just like his wife did. She's annoyed with his chaos making antics. In her head things are mostly settled for now. And then he has to be an idiot. And Criston too from her POV. Only Laertes? Seems agreeable. Also possibly unpopular but Ser Criston can die any time now. I find the actor super flat and one note.
  15. He said no twice. It was coercion. I think about Dany with her lover before she came to Westeros and how more balanced it felt.
  16. I hope you are right. The older actress looks so different and she seems a bit grating in clips. I just hope she has chemistry with Matt Smith. Oops. I think the actor uses they/them pronouns but I guess it's okay to use female pronouns for the character.
  17. They may have seen each other since the crabfeeder was killed. Also it seems like they were closer as tweens. It may have been obvious then. I don't think it is that odd. She's never been slow witted.
  18. I feel like the producers made a grave mistake here. Given all the ages of the four actors I think they should have started with Olivia and kept Millie. TV audiences fall for actors more than anything. GOT was what it was due to people loving the actors. I might have recast Bran in the later seasons. He was the only child actor who didn't quite grow enough. He tried but I think didn't sell Bran as Three-Eyed Crow. But Emilia, Peter, Gwendoline, Kit, Nikolas...they grounded the show. So next week they lose their most charismatic lead and Paddy won't make it to Season 2. Matt Smith might. His Daemon is very fun. I guess people find Ser Cole handsome but shrug. He is too earnest.
  19. Me too! I felt for her though. She was so vivid. My issue is that the show is moving so fast there's no time to enjoy anyone really. Like it was neat the two cousins came to an understanding but it all ends in tragedy in the same hour. I guess I will just have to accept this is the speed reading version of GOT. The only slow burn is Daemon and Rhynaera. And watching Viserys die. Wow he is just...rotting. Paddy is excellent at playing ill. I got a Stannis vibe from him this time. Stannis just got things done. "Do your duty". Much needed humor. That and I am getting Bronn vibes from the Strong who rescued Rhynaera. He's more highborn but he's also muscle. And I do love a man who can bash heads in to save a person.
  20. The thing is, how would they benefit? They would swap out a seemingly stable monarch for what? A toddler or a young woman or a vicious brother? The Maesters seem more logical than fanatical.
  21. Okay I give this actor credit. He had the MOST confused look on his face during the 2nd meeting. Either he couldn't follow the conversation or he is meant to look a bit dim. And he is good at making the twins distinct although that is Soap Acting 101. That and playing blind.
  22. Perhaps this is why they are swapping out the two lead actors. The older Rhynaera may be less appealing. I know Olivia Cooke will be a much tougher Alicent. She was stone cold in Thoroughbreds and biting in Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl. I think it will be a jarring change. The current Alicent is so soft seeming. I actually feel for the King. His daughter and brother are deeply irritating. He wasn't kidding about her being a headache.
  23. I was entranced immediately. The Dreamworld initially was almost too cute but shrug. I adore the actor playing The Corinthian. He is the right level of charm and menace. The actor playing Sandman looks right and he's a good age. And he's established but not an instantly recognizable personality. I loved David Tenant as Crowley (in Good Omens) but he brought a lot of his own persona to that role. I think the actor playing Dream has much more flexibility to make it his own. Although I get the Pattison comparisons.
  24. It's a great way for her see her future kingdom. Imagine a royal tour. She would see all the lands and meet the great households. I am bummed now the whole ep wasn't her tour. It would have been fun to see Westeros during a prosperous, non-war era. And to meet more future players in the coming conflict.
  25. And THIS is the humor I miss. Davos the salesman/smuggler. He was such a good hype man for all his bosses. We need a Bronn too.
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