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Everything posted by njbchlover

  1. Or, maybe Monty was just tired of Kim's relentless whining about how SHE is taking care of him, SHE is so stressed over his terminal illness and the pain it is causing HER, and all the complicated issues with planning a wedding at her sister's house, and how that is stressing HER out, and Monty just wanted her to STFU! ;-) Excellent point!!!!
  2. There it is....when Brandi was trying to sweep Kim out the door, and Kyle was following behind, Brandi was clearly in a "body-block" stance - blocking Kyle from getting close to Kim. Brandi's hand and arm were raised, away from her body (and, due to height differences, very close to Kyle's face level). If Brandi had not raised her hand (in agression, in my opinion) to block Kyle from Kim in the first place, then Kyle would not have had to push it away in the second place.
  3. Actually, I think that happened after Kyle actually said she was sorry a couple of times...Brandi at one point also said "I accept your apology". She could have, at that point, apologized for her own behavior. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
  4. I agree it wasn't a "real" apology, but it was probably the best that Brandi was going to get after her reprehensible behavior....and even if Kyle's wasn't "real", Brandi could have returned with the same type of apology. It is very rare in the bizarro world of the Real Housewives for anyone to give a true, sincere apology, imo.
  5. I've been thinking about this, and while we all know that the party showdown tonight was probably partially producer-driven, I do wonder what it was that made Kyle go from 0 to 60 in a short span of time. She conceded to Kim that she would try to be a gracious hostess toward an clearly unwanted and uninvited guest, for the sake of Kim and Kyle's relationship. I am not usually a fan of Kyle's, but with this particular situation, I have to side with her. Yes, she is/can be a bitch with a mouth almost as filthy as Brandi's (although I have NEVER heard Kyle use the C-word to describe anyone, and we've heard Brandi use it on at least two occasions in the past few weeks.). I think maybe what really set Kyle off was that she walked up to Brandi and apologized for her actions at the poker party, and Brandi did not reciprocate with an apology of her own. If Brandi had maybe said "I apologize for getting between you", maybe none of this would have happened. Kyle clearly gave Brandi enough hints to that effect....she said it numerous times, in varying ways "You were preventing me from talking with my sister"...."I just wanted to talk to Kim alone"...."You got between me and my sister", etc. and Brandi would not apologize at all, in fact, she went in for the attack, right away.
  6. I thought this same thing....my Mom is in the early to mid-stages of Alzheimers', and quite often, our conversations are very much the same as the ones that Kim has with everyone and in her talking heads. I equate it to riding a merry-go-round or carousel - you just keep going around and around and around until you are dizzy....
  7. I actually teared up at this, as well...it was a peek into Lisa and Ken with their facade stripped away - even if it was only for a few minutes. But, then, I like Lisa most of the time. I hope that Max finds happiness wherever he is searching for it...he doesn't seem like a very happy young man.
  8. I agree. It is almost as if Brandi and Kim are in some kind of controlling, abusive relationship, with Brandi as the controller. If you were to take all of those comments from Brandi to Kim, and put them in a husband/wife situation, everyone would be commenting about how the husband is a controlling, abusive bastard. It is kind of creepy if it you look at it from that point of view. But, Kim is allowing this behavior to continue and almost inviting it from Brandi. Kim is lapping this up like a hungry kitten at a bowl of milk. She is loving that the focus is on her, and if it veers ever so slightly, she does her darnedest to re-direct the focus back to her. Whenever Kyle and Brandi would circle back to their own issues and their argument, leaving Kim out of the discussion, Kim would chime in with something to bring it back around to her. Her narcissism knows no bounds. (I guess that's what narcissism is though, isn't it?)
  9. Kim and Brandi's friendship will only last as long as the time when Kim calls her wonderful new bff in the middle of the night, and Brandi, herself, is either too drunk to care and tells Kim to STFU, or Brandi is otherwise "engaged" and doesn't have the time for Kim's rambling, "feel so sorry for me" diatribes. Then, Kim will turn on Brandi as fast as she can (without tumbling over), and go running back to her sister.
  10. As soon as Kim exited the car at Brandi's and wobbled and made mention of "a lot of dirt around here", I knew she was not sober.
  11. I've caught a few people, and they pretty much stay "on script". I was interested in seeing Kate and Sig last week, but the Today Show was pre-empted in the NY/NJ area for extended coverage of the "blizzard" that never materialized here....
  12. Oh, Brandi would DEFINITELY have "hit that"....she wouldn't have had to be asked twice!!
  13. I was thinking the same thing...Mr. NJ was watching with me, and he said that NBC must have sent a memo to Trump to tell him they were cutting his production costs/times, so he has to wrap the show up in a hurry. :-)
  14. It's a Spanish folk song~~it's been around for ages!!
  15. In Kenya's other job (Real Housewives of Atlanta), it would not surprise me if she were to do something like that...she can get down and play dirty with the best of them, in my opinion.
  16. It was also interesting to note that after the teams did their presentations, one of Kenya's talking head comments was something about "if brought into the board room, I have OTHER things up my sleeve".... right there, I started being suspicious of her.
  17. One...don't you mean Vivica??? ;-) We all saw this from the start - it will be a Leeza/Geraldo finale. ETA: If Leeza is eliminated by some chance next week, it will be apparent that this whole show was set up as a win for Geraldo.
  18. Not as bad as Kenya's....Geraldo was just warming the ass up for her....
  19. Also the fact that "La Curaracha" was not a jingle...
  20. Oh, Gee - Brandi as project manager in a task involving alcohol....big surprise?? NOT!!!!!!!! :-) Good point about production. Sometimes, though, people leave certain windows open on their phone, especially FB, Twitter, Instagram, especially if they are constantly using social media.
  21. Waiting for Vivica to say "Trashbox whore"...... Or production....maybe they were tired of Kenya??
  22. Geraldo played this one smart...he's letting the women crash and burn.
  23. Why is everything Kenya does seem to have a sexual connotation to it? I'm sorry - I don't think transposing hamburger buns or sweet rolls onto someone's butt to be complimentary to the product.... And, Leeza is 100% right - product identity is key to a product placement task... ETA: Totally screwed up that edit - I replied to my own post---sorry!! :-)
  24. EXACTLY!!!! To me, it's more that Lisa R WAS thinking of Brandi's kids - so that they could possibly salvage somewhat of a normal childhood with a normal parent...
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