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Posts posted by njbchlover

  1. 12 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

    I don't doubt almost all was compensated by the vendors and Bravo. Even the venue is not anywhere near she lives.

    The Park Chateau is roughly just under an hour from where Teresa lives, so it's actually a doable drive.  We've traveled further than that for weddings.  

    And, actually, the Park Chateau is one of the top wedding venues in North/Central Jersey, so it's no surprise that's where she wanted to get married.  It's a gorgeous venue, and it does have an adjacent boutique hotel for wedding guests' overnight accommodations.  It's truly a spectacular place!!  Plus, the event space can accommodate up to 400 people and it looked like there were a lot of people at the wedding.  Everything about this place - the service, the food, the decor - is amazing (and so is the cost!).


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  2. 1 hour ago, ichbin said:

    I know that things we've been shown make it seem like some red flags in regard to Louis, but I still can't help but think things are just fine at home and off-camera considering how Teresa's girls behave around him and in regard to the wedding in general. They seem genuinely fine with couple and marriage and no doubt can be little hot heads also who would have no issue with speaking their minds otherwise. 

    On the subject of hair, Teresa's wasn't the only 'do of note at that wedding.  What in the bleached out straw hell was that atrocity atop Margaret's head?  On the subject of Margaret, wtf with the crying!  

    Frankie, Jr. looks to have some competition for best looking housewife son.  Little Louis is a nice looking kid.


    Margaret never should have been there in the first place.  For her to say she the reason she was crying was because she and some of the other NJ housewives were at the wedding and Joe and Melissa weren't?  What a bunch of bullshit!!  She was there for more camera time.  The fact that she forced Jen Fessler to leave after the cocktail hour and not stay for the remainder of the dinner and dancing was just so fucking rude!  Whoever paid, whether it was Teresa and Louie or Bravo or whoever, that wedding was probably $300.00+ per person.  So, Margaret and Joe and Jen Fessler and her husband leaving cost at least $1200.00 (probably more).  That was a really dick move by Margaret, especially saying she was leaving because of Joe and Melissa.  It was nice to hear Jackie tell Margaret that the wedding and the family issues had nothing to do with her and they should just celebrate Teresa and Louie and have a good time without talking about Joe and Melissa.  

    BTW - Joe and Melissa were having their own party at their shore house with Melissa's sisters and family, mean-tweeting and putting up nasty, subtle digs on their Instagram stories.  If the Gorga's were so "over it all" and "only wish Teresa and Louie the best", as they've said repeatedly, they would have let her have her day without any of that.  They know that each and everyone of them follow each other on social media and have google alerts set up for each other, so they knew that the NJ housewife group would get a "ping" notifying them of a new post during the wedding.  That's some calculated shitty tactics.  I honestly don't blame Louie for being pissed off at them.  Glad that Teresa either didn't see it or didn't seem upset by it.

    Overall, the wedding was completely over the top, completely frivilous and very much Teresa's style.  I've been to a few over-the-top weddings (including one with similar burlesque dancers), but this was next level over-the-topness, but I expected nothing less from Teresa.  

    Call me a sucker, but I did tear up a little several times.  I hope Louie and Teresa remain happy and in love.  Her girls seem to be very happy with Louie, so I have to go by that - her girls are not stupid and are not clouded by being in a "love bubble".  I think they are savvy enough to pick up on any creepy vibes, or danger signals (especially Gia and Gabriella).  I don't think they would let their mother go ahead with anything that raised a red flag, or, they wouldn't be as happy about it as they seemed.

    Overall, I thought this wedding was exactly what I was expecting and so much more.  I'm not always a fan of Teresa's, but I thought this wedding was definitely all her! 


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  3. 4 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

    I'm in New Jersey, and I saw it at 8 pm (for the folks who said it was blacked out).   It was a $500,000 circus.   She has daughters to put through college and 4 weddings to pay for in the future.  At the rate she's going, those girls will have to elope.

    I was wondering how much of that $500,000.00 wedding bill Bravo/production picked up.

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  4. 4 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    Yep, and I really think Delores understands those things and doesn’t push him for a divorce.  She’s good that way.  We don’t know his story, but it looks like he is a good guy and will do the right thing by his Ex and kids.
    Seems like Paulie is a classy guy and just hope he doesn’t associate with that gang of hooligans too often who drink themselves to death and act like assholes.


    I agree - I've said this before, but I think Paul really doesn't have any interest at all in wanting to become part of the Joe Gorga Bro Squad, and that is one of the reasons that Frank Sr. doesn't care for him too much.

    Paul doesn't seem to need to have the "fame" associated with the show, or the paycheck.  He seems very successful in his own right.  He seems to treat Dolores with love and respect, and seems to respect his own family and hers.  

    I hope that doesn't change, and Paul continues as we've seen so far.  

    I don't mind seeing the husbands once in a while, but the NJ husbands have as much drama as the women and seem to get almost equal amounts of airtime.  I don't need to constantly see these adult men with grown children constantly acting like immature frat boys with a dash of gossipy women thrown in.

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  5. 19 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

    It’s not a matter of opinion. Those people all chose to cheat. They did not have to, the consciously chose to. They are not remote-controlled robots being operated by someone else.

    Aside from that, yikes, man. Sorry you had to deal with all of that. 

    I always kind of felt that way about Raquel.  She always seemed so devoid of anything to me, and she came across very wooden.  I guess it's the way she speaks, oftentimes so slowly and without any emotion.  I got a very "Stepford Wife" vibe from her.

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  6. 9 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    “You’re not a bad person. You did a bad thing. Again and again and again and again….”

    Yup!!!  When Lisa said that, I was wondering how many bad things must a "good person" do before they become a bad person.  I like Lisa, but I think, in this instance, she was wrong.  I do agree with her talking head, though, where she said all these cast members have cheated or been cheated on.  None of them are perfect.

    FWIW, I never thought that Sandoval was a good person.  I think he's selfish, conceited, untrustworthy and a liar.  He displays more narcissistic behaviors than most reality "celebs", who all have some narcissistic tendencies.

    I don't like that he has never taken accountability for his shitty behaviors, and would rather blame someone else for making him do those things, including a history of cheating.


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  7. 2 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    I’m wondering how many jobs Joe Gorga had, how many houses have they been in, how many creditors they owe, how many things Melissa tried, who owns “Envy” , how many cars they owned, where do her clothes come from, etc.  I doubt Bo Dietl is Looies friend.

    I wonder about that stuff with the Gorgas, too.  There are some rumors floating around that the Porsche they gave Antonia for her birthday was repossessed, instead of just "taken away because she wouldn't drive and pick up her brothers" as Joe and Melissa reported.

    I think that they have moved at least three or four times in the 10 years they've been on the show.  

    Personally, I think they are pretty shady or are living way beyond their means, fronting a lot of stuff.  

    As far as Luis and Bo Dietl being friends, it is true.  Bo Dietl has spoken to a few news outlets since the episode aired.  Here's one story:


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  8. 1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

    Wow. Louie is dangerous. He admitted on WWHL that he lied about having everyone investigated by Bo Dietl. He actually admitted it! All lies! That is beyond disgusting. 

    I think he was lying on WWHL.

    1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

    I don’t think Louie lied about having everyone investigated.  I think he’s had time to think how crazy it is to have everyone investigated and now trying to backpedal.

    I agree.  I think, that after his tumultuous introduction on the show and the way Margaret went in on him from the jump, he was getting his revenge lined up.  He may have only started by requesting Bo Dietl to investigate Margaret and Joe Benigno, but then decided to dig deeper.

    I think he and Teresa may now know things that they are not saying.  (Oh, wait - would that mean that Teresa and Luis have an arsenal of their own?  🤣)

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  9. 1 hour ago, Emmeline said:

    I would love to see Joe and Luis go at it.  Just like back in the day with the 2 joes.  At least Gorga shaves his head and no one will be full of a mysterious black tar substance after the fight.

    How is Dolores driving a Rolls?  I read that Paulie is worth 1-2 million which isn’t enough to own a $350,000 - $450,000 car.

    Could be a lease or a rental.

    I remember seeing super-luxury cars in the past with the Gorgas, too.  I think they had a Bentley one season and they've also had the higher-end Maserati.  The next season, they're driving something else.


    15 minutes ago, blixie said:

    You have to marvel at the game of telephone here: the story as Jen repeated it is Laura said that Marge said a guy said that he saw Melissa in a car with some guy. I still bet Theresa was in between Jen and Laura. I don't see any reason to believe Laura, unless you're Theresa and you been dying for your brothers marriage to end since it started. Bonus that she can lay the "rumor"  at Marge's feet. 

    This was one of those rumors that was certainly hard to keep up with.  

    I don't think that Teresa was in the middle of any of it.  I honestly think that Teresa, after the last few seasons of horribleness really wanted to try to keep the peace.  I think she is truly happy with Luis (for whatever reason only she may know) and just wants peace and happiness in her life.  She really stayed away from most of the arguments and fighting this season.

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  10. 38 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

    I don't know who the bluediddly hill Bo Dietl is; but now I really want him at the reunion!

    I'd like to know what all he told Louie in his investigative reports about everyone on the show!  And, I wonder if his source was Margaret!  

    Just now, Doublemint said:

    Why was Margaret at the wedding?   She is the one who started this story about Melissa. She's like the teflon Don, nothing sticks on her.

    I hope Joe & Melissa are done with the show.   Danielle was stupid for doing this at the party, I give Rachel credit for stating the obvious.

    Because Margaret can't miss an opportunity to be on camera.  If she was such a good friend to Melissa, she wouldn't have gone.  

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  11. 6 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

    I would love to see Joe and Luis go at it.  Just like back in the day with the 2 joes.  At least Gorga shaves his head and no one will be full of a mysterious black tar substance after the fight.

    I say put them in a ring and box it out.  (If anyone watches Yellowstone - kind of like Walker and Lloyd.)  I'm so tired of the two of them.  

    And, then, let Teresa and Melissa box it out after them - just take out the hair extensions, first.

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  12. 9 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

    I don't know who the bluediddly hill Bo Dietl is; but now I really want him at the reunion!

    I want the ex-friend Laura!!!  

    Edited to add:  I googled Bo Dietl - he's a former NYPD detective and sometimes actor who also owns a private investigation agency with offices in NY, NJ and Miami.  I guess Louie was comparing Margaret to him because they both dig up dirt on people.

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  13. 6 minutes ago, Joan van Snark said:

    Danielle is such a hypocrite wannabe.  Never seen someone so quick to piss and moan when people dare even discuss her, but she will run to stir shit off of 4th hand knowledge just to get 'revenge' on Marge.  Sorry it backfired you stupid moron.

    Danielle could have handled this much better.  She could have said to Melissa that she heard some rumors that were told to people by Margaret.  She could have suggested that Melissa confront Margaret about the rumors.  Margaret would have denied it, but then, it would have all come out anyway.

    Margaret is acting waaay too defensive, yelling and screaming.  I believe she told her friend Laura this Melissa rumor and more.  She's practically unraveling under her stupid ass turban.  


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  14. 57 minutes ago, chlban said:

    I think the fact is that Kristen and Tom were truly one of those toxic couples. It was her cheating with Jax that was the final straw, but I thought, even then, that Tom wanted out to be with Arianna. It really didn't take him long to forgive Jax. 

    There's an old song I used to think was so sad, and so well described a dying relationship. It was a Duet with Streisand and Neil Diamond called "You Don't Bring me Flowers" and when Tom was giving that insane diatribe, I could just imagine Streisand, with that soaring voice, singing "You don't bring me Paper Towels anymore". 

    Love that song, and now I'll be singing it your way in my head!!  🤣

    • LOL 4
  15. Wow, Schwartz....what a "wussy-pussy" (courtesy LVP)!!!!  Hiding behind the fucking ficus trees to avoid getting in the middle of the Rachel/Katie fight.  

    And, worst of all, smirking about hiding, when asked by Peter and whoever??  That's even worse.  I used to like Schwartz, but not anymore.  I totally understand Katie divorcing him - he's a douchbag.

    Rachel is really horrible - I cannot believe that she went in on Katie's Mom like that.  And fuck you, too, Sandoval - just for being rude and disrespectful to Teri and ignoring your own current relationship to shady-defend your new sidepiece, along with going after Katie.  Again, friggin' Schwartz hiding out in the corner like a wimp.

    And, even worse, Rachel questioning Ariana about her and Tom's sex life and relationship-I don't even have words for that!  Is she trying to justify sleeping with Tom, is she trying to see if what Tom has probably been telling her true, or is she trying to drive a wedge between Tom and Ariana to create more issues in their relationship?  WTF were her motives for having that conversation with Ariana?

    I wonder how upset James was to see what he missed at Sur, and I also wonder how upset he was while at Imagine music festival  because he found out that he was NOWHERE near the opening act for Kascade, but just one of about 100 lesser known DJ's who were performing in a parking lot somewhere near the main stage venue (TBH, I have no knowledge about this music festival and I don't know if that's accurate, but just seemed that way, based on the flyer).  

    I worry for Ken - he doesn't look well.  He looks bloated and seems kind of in a fog or confused.  I hope it's nothing, but given his age (77), you never know.

    Did anyone else feel like LVP's speech was kind of a closure speech?  That maybe, before Scandoval, they were thinking of shutting down production and this would have been the last season of VPR?  That was my take on it.

    I thought tonight was the finale and I was gearing up for all the shit to go down tonight - now, we have to wait another week?  This sucks.


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  16. 58 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    I cannot remember if Teresa and Loouuiieee did a pre-nup.

    Also, I missed something about that party, was it planned on the fly and squeezed in before the rehearsal dinner?


    I think that was always planned as the finale party. 

    I'm guessing that the wedding special epiode(s) will begin with the rehearsal party and end with the wedding reception (I'm thinking at least three episodes).  What I can't figure out is will the wedding special(s) be shown before or after they show the reunion episodes.

    ETA:  If I remember correctly, Louie and Teresa do not have a pre-nup.  I remember her discussing this with Andy, either on WWHL or at last year's reunion, and he was sort of telling her that it was stupid not to get one.  I think her response was that Louie was the one with all the money.

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  17. 18 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    I thought the original post said "he gives me the crepes," and I thought how cool he makes crepes but no it was and is the creeps.  

    He gets very red when riled up, he may burst a blood vessel!

    I have never seen more guys that get all red in the face like that.  Most of the NJ husbands always look SO red, as we've all discussed over and over, and they get even redder when angry - Joe Gorga, Louie and Frank especially.  Joe Benigno, Evan and Bill get very red-faced when drunk, which is normal, I guess, because your blood pressure increases.  I haven't noticed it yet from Fuda and Nate Cabral, so maybe it's an age thing?  Like these older guys are going through male menopause and having hot flashes?  

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  18. Just now, SweetieDarling said:

    Especially living in New Jersey!  Because, you know, the lack of Irish people, and Irish bars. My mother worked with a woman who thought Australia was off the coast of Florida. I think she knew they speak English though.

    Any bets on who the first housewife will be that thinks the Irish flag is an Italian flag?

    I'd go with either Melissa or Joe.  (And, yes, I'm including Joe as a Housewife!)  🤣

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  19. 34 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

    Did they change the time for the new episode?   I thought it was 9 PM?


    31 minutes ago, Jack Terrier said:

    Me too! It’s been on at 8 central all season. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    I think it was so Bravo could premiere this "Dancing Queens" show that I am currently watching.  Not sure how I feel about this, or the time change for NJ.  

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  20. 14 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

    ANOTHER roaring 20s party? How original. Has every franchise had one now?

    But, this is an "Irish" prohibition party - so it's entirely different!  🤣

    I don't think alcohol was ever actually prohibited in Ireland, but I do know that US Prohibition nearly decimated Ireland's whiskey industry.

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  21. 3 hours ago, Shrek said:

    Sunny is so full of shit it's unbelievable.

    In one sentence she wants to know why someone with mental health issues was sent to a treatment center when he should have been locked up & the next sentence she wants people with mental health issues to have help available. 

    1,000% agree.  

    1 hour ago, jalady said:

    I have as much empathy as anyone for mentally ill and homeless people.  But if I was on the subway in NYC (or the Metro in DC) and a homeless man was screaming about being hungry and having nowhere to sleep, I’d head in the opposite direction ASAP.  Or try to get off the train.  And I think Sunny would too.  There’s empathy and then there’s danger.  I am not saying that young man deserved to die.  But let’s be real.  I think most of us would have our self-preservation instincts kick in and try to get away from the situation.

    The ending with the teacher was lovely and I cried too. 

    Exactly!!  I doubt if Sunny is still taking the subway (she may have when she was younger and getting around the city, but she doesn't even live in Manhattan anymore, so it's doubtful she's taking a subway anywhere these days.) The subway stations and trains seem to have more and more homeless people on them, most with some type of issue.  

    I also didn't buy her "If I saw someone who was asking for money for food I would give it to them".  This poor young man was mentally unstable, and obviously under the influence of some type of drugs.  Sunny would have gotten as far away from him as possible, as most of us would do - just as you said, for self-preservation.  You just don't know what's going to happen next.

    Edited to add:  Sunny paints a much different picture than eye-witnesses on the train, who said the young man was screaming many different things and throwing trash at other train-riders, he was acting aggressively toward the other passengers.

    Sunny is really becoming quite insufferable with her holier-than-thou attitude about most things.  

    I am truly empathetic, as you are, but this situation is one that can be frightening and quite disturbing if you have ever experienced anything like this (I have, and it's downright scary.  I got off the subway at the first available stop and waited for the next train.)

    My heart goes out to this young man's family, as well as the young Marine.  It's a very, very, very sad story that is bound to get even sadder.

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  22. On 5/5/2023 at 11:53 AM, kristen111 said:

    You’re right.  They all have some kind of gimmick going on, and of course, Bravo.  Joe made a mistake not going to any affairs Tre asked him to come to, therefor has nothing going on in his life.  Melissa too.  Maybe he’ll open up the pizza shop again with Frank this time.


    They could open a pizza and pot place....customers can get high and then eat pizza when the "munchies" happen!  🤣

    And, on the way out, customers can buy a pizza oven for at home munchies!

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