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  1. Agee 100% about Heather, she is trying to pitch a house flipping show. Why did we need to meet her contracting team?? I have never liked Heather and if she does get her own show....Bon Voyage. She pretends to be friends with these women. I don't think she truly likes any of them, looks down on them, and always will. Shocked about any back and forth over John, he is gross and seems broke. I always felt he treated Shannon terribly so strange that Alexis is acting like she won a prize. Sometimes women think they will get a different man, the real one just hasn't shown up yet JJ!!!
  2. Uuuugh, I wish they would stop playing the scene of Robyn walking out all goofy to hug Kody.
  3. Robyn is so ridiculous. She always kept her children separated. She didn't ever allow her kids to really bond with the kids or other wives.
  4. Kody and Robyn blame everything on Christine, it's maddening!! Zero accountability.
  5. Meri's scenes are so cringe and awkward. I don't enjoy seeing her and Jenn at all. They try to hard and are annoying. Meri's delusion during these episodes is hard to watch. SMH
  6. Janelle saying there hasn't been any abuse or neglect blows my mind!! Is she kidding? I want to root for her but that is plain ridiculous and pathetic on her part. She has been severely financially and emotionally abused, she along with her kids have been treated like crap and an inconvenience for years. SMH
  7. I have no sympathy for Meri. She should get some dignity and take some honest accountability for her actions and behavior, it's not just Kody that doesn't deal with her. Her I'm always the victim routine is tiresome. Also her now constant talk about missing the family rings fake to me. She's in tears missing Ari and Sol, but I can't remember her ever acknowledging Truely exists.
  8. This episode really irritated me. All they have been talking about is how they rarely see each other. All the fake distress about the virus disrupting their being together as a family was complete BS.
  9. Erika's comment "They've probably already had one..." was absolutely disgusting. Rinna is a horrible actress, she still hasn't figured out how to subtly bring something up. She drops stuff in out of nowhere like a brick through a window. I just cannot see what was so wrong about Denise asking them to tone the convo down while the kids where there. They IMO are reaching to have an issue with Denise. Erika and her condescending, nasty tone all the time has gotten really old for me. What does conversations you have while out with your "friends" have to do with what's said while your kids and their friends are there?? Erika really seems to have a problem with Denise and the others are jumping on the bandwagon. Lisa asking about the hookers..really? Well I guess this coming from a woman that was glad her book let her 11 yr old know how to properly give a blowjob shouldn't have been surprising.
  10. Robyn thoroughly annoyed the crap out of me this week...and Yeah I know they are minors, but I also find DAYUNARORANBRIANNA just as smug and entitled as their mother. Her tears and BS just rubbed me so wrong. Who are you to think you and "your kids" deserve so much?? I found her dramatics and tears disgusting this episode. I wanted to punch Kody through the TV when he made the comment about not moving Robyn's kids out of their school district...Really? It was fine though to make Christine and Janelle's kids miserable with the move to Flagstaff, but Robyn's precious brood can't be stressed out with a new school district. Janelle said she wished she could have been the type of Mom that Madison is...Uhm Janelle you still have children in the home. Stop posting Strive posts while sitting on your ripped up recliner. Kody screaming "I could have stayed in Vegas" Oh really, you thought moving to another state with no homes and buying a huge plot of land with no utilities, surveying, or anything done was a good idea?? Now you are worried about the facts of the situation. Uuuugh
  11. I've watched this show since the first night it came on. It's getting harder and harder to sit through. I hope Meri eventually leaves, her misery oozes through the screen during the couch sessions. If you're there for a check...fake it!! Give a giggle, a smile, something instead of sitting there slumped like you just came from being water boarded. I really dislike her, even more so than Kody. She has always been a smug, condenscending, nasty, entitled mess and I just wish she would leave. Go to Parawon and sell your leggings, maybe find a new love on line?? I could see TLC giving her a spinoff "Meri on her Own/Meri Living with Her Walls Down/Meri Living without Trees/Meri-I Dont Know" whatever just GO!!!
  12. All of them in one house would be ratings gold. I can see Meri going around with a tape measure to make sure she has equal or more square footage than the others, while examining her eye boogers. Janelle positioning her ripped up recliner and not givng a ____. Robin crying...just because. Christine speaking in her soft voice saying she realized how important them being together is and that she was being selfish, while staring at Kodi like a whipped puppy. Kodi sitting there smugly saying "Where we go one, we go all" while he thinks of the secret passage way he had put in to get to Robin's part of the house. They need to do something besides sitting there every week pretending they want to be around each other. I understand they are no longer side by side but they are not hours apart, if they wanted to spend time together they could. If that was a true concern they would have found places closer to each other before moving. Their setup in Vegas was ideal. I am most annoyed by Janelle and Christine, their chidren are depressed and miserable due to the move. Kodi does what he wants because he can, not saying he's not a selfish fool. I can't understand sacrificing your own kids to go along with this idiotic move. Kodi cared about making Robin happy and didn't give a heck about the others. it's sad. Their moaning about how much money they are putting out in rents and mortgages is laughable and frustrating. Did they think they would find free places to stay in Flagstaff?? Oh yeah, the houses were going to sell for top dollar within a month!! SMH But I'm still watching....
  13. Meri takes zero accountability for the part she played in distancing herself from the family. She is forever the victim and the wronged person in every situation. I'm so over her. Just take your leggings and go. She seems to enjoy being away from the family and they couldn't care less. Kodi is 100% done with Meri, he will never really get past the catfish thing.(Sorry for mentioning it LOL) He looked at her a couple of times in this episode with so much disdain I was like Damn!!
  14. Why does this show take so long to return?? It's always a year behind and that's annoying. Everything that has happened has been discussed here and is year old news by the time they air it. I have never known of a reality show to do this...as Meri would say "It's weird". The show is already boring and these old storylines don't help. I can't believe after 10 yrs every season has to start off with their wedding recaps and the fleeing from Utah. That scene of Meri closing the Uhaul with the siren...Rilly. The only SW clip worse than that is the hideous clip of Madison in the tub screaming "I caaaaaaaaaaaaann't" My goodness that clip ran at minimum 10,000 times and it was annoying as hell!!!!!
  15. These people are exhausting. They had the ideal setup in Las Vegas. They chose to move and dump all this money in Flagstaff and now sitting around talking about finances and worrying about selling the houses. Complete idiots!! Meri can pretend she cares but she couldn't wait to get back to Vegas. LOL The move made no sense.
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