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Everything posted by tofutan

  1. Is that Jax and Martin right after Westallen? Jax looks kinda different somehow. So Westallen invited Sara, Mick, Stein and Jax to the wedding, correct?
  2. I'm pretty sure it's nazi!Oliver being in love with jewish!Felicity. The question is who killed E-X-Felicity? If we assume that the grave is real. Again if it's Overgirl killing E-X-Felicity because she's jealous or nazi!Oliver himself killing her... there's not enough brain bleach in the world.
  3. I just read somebody speculating that Earth X Oliver and Overgirl might have a thing. There is not enough brain bleach in the world.
  4. The pictures kinda look like maybe they want to do experiments on them? Because Wells is in like a doctor's coat.
  5. Crossover pictures are out, looks like Winn is part of the crossover after all.
  6. It appears they haven't written in this combination before. Jess Kardos was involved in writen Supergirl Lives (Kara and Mon-El go to Slaver's Moon) and Star Crossed (Mon-El's parents arrive, Winn is framed by Lyra). Parrish has written a ton of stuff, including the season premiere, the season 2 finale, the Livewire episode, the Lena backstory episode with Jack, the episode where Jeremiah returns. She's been with the show since season 1.
  7. Well he is already pretty depowered compared to his comic book form, where he has natural flight and heatvision, which he hasn't been shown to have in the show so far. At this point he really isn't anything special yet, just an above average robust dude, not really comparable to what Kara or J'onn have. They could also still make him vulnerable to lead (as in: it can penetrate his skin) without it having the longterm poison affect.). Episode 9 Summary I'm pretty stumped what extra powers Reign is supposed to have that make her a world killer more so than any Kryptonian. I'm really puzzles why we haven't heard anything of additional Legion members being cast since there are more pods than people we have heard of so far (Mon-El, Saturngirl and Brainiac 5). I'm guessing they won't bring Shadowlass or else they would have made her Mon-El's partner. Lightning Lad and Cosmic Boy would make up the "Big 3" with Saturngirl, the same ones who were on Smallville. If they don't want to do this, maybe Phantom Girl, Timberwolf, Chameleon Boy? I could see them get some good jokes out of one of the invisible heroes.
  8. Is that a thing? I thought the main meeting was in Burbank, which I assumed to mean again this is primarily for the writing staff and less for the actors. So I guess Martin dies in the crossover and Jax will make one attempt to get him back. I was talking about this on the Supergirl board a while ago. Contrast what Legends has done with Victor compared to how Supergirl has handled Floriana leaving. Stein has had tons of storylines this season, got to interact with his family, they have been making up scenarios where he can do unusual stuff like the body switch or the lookalike evil ancestor. Now this summary looks like they might add an additional episode for a proper Jax/Martin goodbye because let's face it, no way they can do that properly in the crossover where all these other characters are running around and demanding screen time as well. This is Legends celebrating him to the best of their abilities for as long as they can have him.
  9. KMG at least isn't on social media, but Odette is and she isn't involved either, correct?
  10. Some of the show I'm thinking of had female showrunners too, so yeah, I do think that women can be responsible for some truly awful writing in regard to women.
  11. Just checked, seems like both Girls Night Out and Helen Hunt were written by 2 women writers. Of course, I've always thought that having female writers isn't really an insurance against misogynist writing. Some of the creepiest misogynist or "problematic" writing I've come across has come out of female writers, on tv (Vampire Diaries comes to mind) and outside (like 50 Shades of Gray). Supergirl I believe has at least one female writer for every episode and yet it's hardly a flawless show in that regard.
  12. I'm not sure I buy that that scene about returning the artifact was added in later. I don't think that the timeline works out for that. Though I do think that having Ralph both return the item and going to cheer up the injured girl was kind of overdoing it and making the same point twice. It's funny that it's so postively compared to Legends of Tomorrow, when I've also read a bunch of people complain about the Legends episode because they felt it confirmed to the stereotype of women having mythical powers that cause men to be unable to help themselves. I do agree that Legends women carrying the episode came off as way more natural than Flash's attempt at "hashtag femminism". But I think that has kinda always been a problem of the Kreisberg shows (absolutely thinking season 1 of Supergirl here) that they often seem to like to prefer to talk the talk rather than like really understand the concepts it is talking about. Imo Legends made a strong argument for more doing and less talking about it and even though the story had some definite explicitly feminist themes in freeing Helen of Troy from her fate, to me that was hardly the first storyline this season where female characters had a story together or teamed up during the mission and those other times it was without telegraphing it. In the last episode there was an explicit reason why only the women went on the mission. But this season we also had the episode where Amaya has a vision of her grandmother, to protect a woman named Zari from Amaya's evil granddaughter Kuasa. You also have the conflict between Sara and Ava about the lack of professionalism of the Legends and according to spoilers there will also be a story about Zari and Sara having a conflict over whether it is okay to rewrite history. Just like last season had a lowkey conflict between Sara and Amaya about the leadership of the Legends being too lax. (though there are times when I think the writers basically think of Sara as a honorary dude and maybe shouldn't count, which is exactly why the Amaya storyline feels so special). I smell a Charlottesville episode ... I can't believe that they have an effing gmail account.
  13. Not to defend him, when he clearly is an ass for trolling and baiting the fans and not knowing when to stop, but I do think it should be noted that a lot of the time actors view the show through a very different lense than fans do. For an actor it might seem like a cool proposition for their character to do something awful if that means their character will forever be remembered as "the badguy who did this and that". To them that is more appealing than having a character who is liked but forgettable. Kind of like "Bane is the guy who broke Batman's back". Bane did lots of horrible other stuff (including if I remember correctly, raping Talia), but if it wasn't for that thing with the back, he probably would be considered another unmemorable "second row" villain.
  14. Any idea when Ava will show up again/how many episodes she's supposed to be in this season?
  15. Kara was close friends with Lana Lang in at least some of the comics. Lana was a bit of a mentor figure from what I remember and Kara even lived with her for a while. I remember them having a story where Kara was pretty angry at her that Lana was hiding the fact that she was sick. I could easily see a grown up version of Lana Lang on Supergirl, as some sort of business woman. She worked at Lexcorp at various times and I think she was also in politics because her husband Pete was. So they could have her be a manager of sorts at Lexcorp or maybe have her work for the mayor's office or something like that. If they just made her a readhead like in the comics then it also wouldn't have to trigger any Smallville fans.
  16. This "I wouldn't mind if X mudered" me thing is apparently a millennial meme, I have heard this in context with female actresses as well, I also think it's super creepy and not funny whatsoever.
  17. So, finally watched Flash. That was one terrible villain of the week. Have they explained how Ralph gets to the scene of the crimes on time? Like he literally piggy backing on Barry? It just seems like Barry would lose a lot of time if he has to wait for Ralph to suit up in normal speed, while Barry could already be zipping to the crime scene.
  18. So, nobody actually understands the joke, but they are still sure it's offensive somehow?
  19. I don't mind Jim Carrey, but to me he seems like he is going for Jim Carrey but overdoing it. Yes you can overdo Jim Carrey.
  20. Well is Earth 38, so their lives could have taken different trajectories here, while still being the same characters.
  21. I don't mind new characters getting screentime and storylines, but I actually have to find those stories entertaining. I guess I'll give it another chance to see whether I find his acting more bearable now.
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