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Posts posted by Vyk

  1. Interesting night.  Alicia's team actually shook out well in terms of her having a real chance to win this season, while Blake's team was probably weakened severely.

    Casi: Her vocals were strong and solid, as always, and she gave the show a wonderful start.  Yet at the same time, I felt a tad underwhelmed from her prior performances in the three pretaped rounds.  She had the same energy and stage presence, though, which helped me keep my eye on her.  But she was drowned out by the band a few times.  But Blake parodying Ren and Stimpy's "Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy" with her name was cute.  Still, I think she warranted another chance.

    Felicia: Felicia, Blake gave you this second chance because he thought that you and Casi had a close result in your Knockout.  You should've proved why you deserved it.  But you went out of your way to prove why you didn't.  Doing a song from a Broadway musical?  Come on!  Not smart!  At least you didn't get through and cost a well-earned spot to one of the others who'd earned their way to the Playoffs.  Interesting, though, how the artists are told after elimination that they're Comeback artists now.

    Aaliyah: That was . . . actually not bad.  Probably the best performance she's given since she entered the competition.  But still, compared to everyone else around her, she didn't have a chance.  I think she chose too late to really step up her game.

    TSoul: Choppy start, but once the music got going, he really kicked things into the gear.  I was impressed.  He did have to fight with the band a few times, though.  He barely managed to win out.

    Aliyah: That was an excellent performance on her part.  Wow.  I didn't expect many good things from "Mercy," but she owned it and owned it amazingly.  Well done, and very deserving of the public vote.

    Lauren: Fantastic way to end Team Blake's performances.  The song wasn't the most interesting or engaging, but her vocals were, yet again, beautiful, flowing, and strong.  And as Adam said (and I hate agreeing with him), her breathing was steady all throughout.  I believed every word of it.  She definitely deserved her votes.

    Chris: I will continue to block out anyone who complains about his vocal tricks and moves.  I think it's all part of his charm and helps with his stage presence.  He performed excellently and in a more engaging manner than ever before.  This was in the most in control of his voice and falsetto that I've ever seen him.  No doubt he was going to get through (though if you doubted it, he got more Twitter votes than anyone on either performing team tonight), and I'm glad he did.

    Anatalia: It was nice that she actually dialed it a long way back.  She really let her voice come out, and she sounded lovely.  She used some good dynamics, keeping it down in the early goings and then waited to turn it up to ten or eleven.  The modulation she did with her run and the growl that went with it were amazing, too!  I thought it was a strong performance all around.  Too bad it wasn't enough, but I could tell from her iTunes sales for each of the three pretaped rounds that America just wasn't feeling her.

    Jack: A terrible start that was made worse as the song went along.  The ending was the most tragic part.  Really a shame, too, because an Elton John song was perfect for him.  I don't know what Alicia was thinking by bringing him back, unless she really was hoping for his family's fanbase to help him.  But clearly, it wasn't enough, and she was right to let him go.  If the Cassidy fans didn't save him here, they wouldn't save him down the road.  Good riddance.

    Vanessa: I love that she did something so current, even though it was a risk if she couldn't beat the original vocals.  But she did, and she rose to the occasion quite admirably.  I dare say that that could even be better than her Knockout.  She started out well on the piano and even continued doing well when she left the piano.  I never realized how good her stage presence was until that moment.  And then, a smooth transition back to the piano, maintaining her voice the whole time.  I really have come to love her voice quite a bit and am glad that America seems to have felt the same way.

    Ashley: I will say that that is probably the first time I thought she did well in quite some time.  None of that unnecessary twang, just pure vocals.  But I still don't think it was enough, and neither, apparently, did America.  And neither did Alicia.  I guess she saw the futility of carrying along a country artist.  On a side note, what I wouldn't have given to see Sophia Urista's performance of this last season if her and Josette Diaz's Knockout hadn't been montaged.

    Stephanie: I am also going to disregard anyone who says that she uses too much emotion.  Even if she does, so who cares?  Based on her background and story, can you blame her?  I think she brought just the right amount of emotion to her performance and used it to bring out a beautiful, solid performance.  Great use of dynamics, nice slow build, and what a terrific overall presentation.  One that was deserving of votes.  I was surprised, given that she had the second highest Twitter vote count, that she still needed Alicia's save.  Still, glad she made it.

    When it came to the vote, I expected Lauren to get through.  Aliyah's amazing performance definitely deserved a pass, as well.  Really surprised that Blake didn't save Casi, at first, until I realized that he wants one artist in each genre if he can manage it.  He saw that Lauren would have the lane clear as the sole country female on his team and saw the chance to keep it clear for her.  So goodbye, Casi.:(  Aaliyah had no chance, so adios, Aaliyah.  But in choosing between his R&B artists, I think Blake decided to reward TSoul for picking him so unexpectedly.  That, and he appeared to be doing well with Twitter votes and on iTunes.

    As for Alicia's results, I got the three I wanted.  For sure, I wanted Chris and Vanessa to get through, though I'm pleasantly shocked that Vanessa got the viewer vote.  Chris getting it was a given.  He has been dominating Twitter and iTunes and has the biggest fan following of her team.  After that, I could've dealt with either Stephanie or Anatalia making it through.  So I'm glad that Alicia chose one of them.  And based on how they did with the fans, I think Stephanie was the right choice.  Really, any three-person permutation out of Chris, Vanessa, Stephanie, and Anatalia would've made me happy.

    So with Casi and Anatalia now gone, Blake and Alicia officially get rid of their last four-chair-turns.  In addition, the last Asian goes home with Anatalia's elimination.

    Good episode.  I hope Team Adam goes first tomorrow, though, because his team is the weakest and quite possibly the most boring and least interesting.  Team Gwen is stronger and way more interesting and has more of a mystery of how things should fall there.

    • Love 8
  2. I think today's scenes finally told me what I was suspecting.  Chad really does want Abigail, not Gabi, and Abigail ending the vow renewal ceremony the way she did, plus his reaction after Andre found him devastated, proves it.  Gabi he does have strong feelings for, but she is not his "one," despite Kate's thoughts.  He really has figured out that it's Abigail he loves and wants, I thinks.

    Unfortunately, he figured it out after Abigail saw enough to make her think that Gabi was the one he wanted.

    • Love 2
  3. 37 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

    ROFL that someone actually brought up Monica's and Ned's long-ago scandalous liaison when Ned and Olivia were celebrating their engagement in a family setting. The Quartermaines never forget a juicy scandal.

    Dillon and Kiki probably had my favorite verbal reactions to that:

    Kiki: Oh, yikes.
    Dillon: Oh, boy.  She went there.

    Olivia had my favorite facial reaction to it.

    24 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    Maybe true but I'm enjoying people finally calling Sonny on his hypocrisy. Usually it's just everyone kissing up to him.

    I think that's the reason Michael reacted the way he did.  He knew how hypocritical it was.

    • Love 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Keekski said:

    Yay! Johnny Hayes is back! So, it looks like they had to bring back contestants from their teams?

    You actually wanted him back?  Weird.

    But yes, either from their own original teams, or someone who joined their teams as a result of a steal.

    ETA: Also, the contestants confirmed the Comebacks on their Twitters.  It's exactly the four at whom have been hinted.

    • Love 2
  5. Since the dances and the songs to which they're set are often given on the DWTS part of the board, I figure it shouldn't be so wrong to give up the songs being performed tonight by the two teams performing tonight:

    Team Alicia
    "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King
    Ashley: "I Can’t Stand the Rain" by Ann Peebles
    Chris:  "Love on the Brain" by Rihanna
    Jack: "Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me" by Elton John
    Stephanie: "Every Breath You Take" by The Police
    Vanessa: "Lean On" by Major Lazer

    Team Blake
    "Brass in Pocket" by The Pretenders
    Aliyah: "Mercy" by Duffy
    Casi: "Parachute" by Chris Stapleton
    Felicia: "Defying Gravity" from the Broadway musical Wicked
    Lauren: "Someone Else’s Star" by Bryan White
    TSoul: "Knock on Wood" by Eddie Floyd

    Nice to see Anatalia trying something slower and sweeter.  Ashley is taking a big risk here.  Chris's preview I heard before coming here, and I think he's on the right track, as are Stephanie and Vanessa.  Jack has no chance unless the Cassidy/Partridge Family voters are out in full force.

    Sounds like Blake is seriously bussing Aliyah and Aaliyah to get his desired result, but Casi doing a polarizing Chris Stapleton song that wasn't one of his better sellers?  Not smart.  Felicia sounds pretty good in her previews, but Lauren and TSoul sound boring.  I hope they sound better on the show.

    • Love 3
  6. For the record, the contestants have all finally confirmed the Comebacks on their Twitters.  Both Johnnys (Hayes and Gates), Jack, and Felicia are, in fact, the ones returning tonight.  They're also available to be played onto a player's Voice team on the app.

    • Love 2
  7. 7 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

    Pretty sure 11 is reference to last season, given that we are in Season 12 now. Pretty sure who that must refer to, and I'm a whole big ball of meh in response.

    Gwen got her pick right....the other 3 are serious whiffs who better not pull a Nick Hagelin or Daniel Passino and overstay their welcome aka last beyond this week...

    Team Adam: Well, the eleven could only mean Johnny Hayes, since he auditioned in season eleven and didn't get a chair to turn.  He's the only returnee back from that season.  He very well might be easy fodder for Adam.  If, by some miracle, he gets through, he'll probably upset Adam's apple cart by a fair bit.  Though maybe not since his team would still be the weakest no matter who got through.

    Team Gwen: Agreed that she made the right pick.  That is obviously Johnny Gates's jacket.  That said, he has a pretty decent fanbase that could upset her apple cart a fair ways, too.  Especially because, after thinking about things this week, I think @PhD-Purgatory15 might be right about Gwen's three chosen ones.  She's been praising JChosen, Hunter, and Brennley quite a bit on Twitter and Instagram lately, and only been giving mild praise to Troy and pretty much faint praise to Quizz.  If Johnny Gates is Gwen's Comeback (and he just has to be, at this point), he might knock one of them out if he gets the appropriate amount of votes.  That said, it's not a total loss if he does.  He's popular enough that he could also get Gwen her first win if she can give him the right songs.

    Team Alicia: It's obvious who's coming back for her team.  Jack Cassidy.  The Partridge Family clue wasn't the least bit subtle.  If she only did so because of the possible fanbase behind his family's name and the knowledge of how strong of a voting bloc they can be, then kudos to her.  If she just did so because she likes him so much, then she will be kicking herself if he upsets her apple cart in a terrible way.  Especially if he does get voted through.  I still think Chris get through, but if her Comeback does, as well, Alicia will have to choose from among Anatalia, Vanessa, and Stephanie (as I really don't think she'll choose Ashley) to decide who else survives and who gets sent packing sooner than she deserves to.  Ugh.  I hate the Comeback twist for this reason.  Chris, Anatalia, Vanessa, Stephanie, and Ashley all made it here fair and square.  It sucks that they might all get screwed by this twist.

    Team Blake: I'm gonna outright say that the stethoscope pretty much hints at Felicia Temple as the Comeback, because she's the only contestant this season in the medical field.  This one I actually wouldn't mind upsetting Blake's apple cart since Casi and Lauren are probably in regardless, and TSoul, Aliyah, and Aaliyah are more or less a three-artist pileup fighting for the third spot.  I think Felicia is stronger than all three of them.  I don't see how she's a "whiff," @PhD-Purgatory15.

    • Love 2
  8. Apparently, I missed a clue earlier last week:


    Only one contestant wore a jacket like that, and if it's whom I think it is, whichever coach picked him made a fine choice.

    And this . . . was today's final clue:


    So now we know to which coach and team each Comeback pertains based on their individual clues.

    • Love 2
  9. On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 8:23 PM, Dots And Stripes said:

    The individual clue yesterday was a leather jacket, hinting at Johnny G I guess.

    Indeed, I apparently missed it.  This is the clue in question:


    This is exactly the kind of jacket Johnny Gates wore continuously on the show.

    And this would be the final clue before the reveals start tomorrow:


    These pretty much cement that Adam's Comeback is Johnny Hayes, Gwen's is Johnny Gates, Alicia's is Jack Cassidy, and Blake's is Felicia Temple.

    • Love 3
  10. 13 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I don't think anyone is saying Lucky was wrong to be furious with Elizabeth (and Nik) having the affair. The problem for me were he was much, much harsher with Elizabeth than Nik. The stuff he spewed toward her was just awful—and there was absolutely no reason to bring up her rape.

    The rape mention aside, hasn't it always been said here (and in other places) that the cheated-on party should be angrier at, and harsher with, the cheating party than he or she should be at and with the cheated-with party?  Whether male or female, the cheater should feel more wrath from the party on whom he or she cheated.  So Lucky should've been angrier with Elizabeth than Nikolas.

    • Love 2
  11. From TV Guide:


    The top twenty-four artists from two teams perform in front of coaches Alicia Keys, Adam Levin, Blake Shelton, and Gwen Stefani for their chance at a spot in the top twelve.  Each coach brings back one eliminated artist from their own teams to compete.  Votes are cast through real-time voting, and two artists from each team advance to the next round by audience vote.  The coaches can each advance one more artist of their choice from their teams.

    So it's back to two teams performing per Playoff night.  And supposedly, the two teams performing on night one are Team Alicia and Team Blake, leaving Team Adam and Team Gwen to perform on Tuesday night.

    But damn, Show.  Not only having Comeback artists, but also real-time voting?  The widely-panned twist of seasons nine and ten (especially season ten, where it actually resulted in two very much undeserving Comebacks getting through) actually mixed with the even-more-widely-panned twist of season eleven?  Is the show trying to get canceled?  Or at least lose more viewers?

    ETA: Spoilers have been brought out into the open now since the contestants have just confirmed which teams are performing tonight on their Twitters.

    • Love 3
  12. 38 minutes ago, holly4755 said:

    One of the positives in the race is how many people want to help, like the girl in Hong Kong who hung out with a team through all things  instead of going to school.   She translated everything for them and gave them directions for the city, 

    That would be the young woman named Fern (for whom the term "Fern" is named), who helped Oswald & Danny back in TAR2.  It was a very iconic moment in TAR history.

    • Love 4
  13. On ‎12‎/‎27‎/‎2014 at 8:59 PM, Donny Ketchum said:

    Per someone close to them, Dennis & Isabelle broke up.


    Sad, because they looked like a nice couple.

    The breakup didn't last very long.  They got back together not long after and are now engaged.  They were in the audience when TAR had its Price is Right special, and they were both very much sitting together.

    • Love 1
  14. Just now, Tiger said:

    When was this established?

    The episode in which Evan started his bank account.  During the closing credits, Grandma, during her early days in America, went to a library to steal a Garfield back under the guise of checking it out.  When asked for a name to put on her library card, she gave the name Jenny.  I'd thought it was an alias, at first, so she could steal the book.  But apparently, she really did choose that as her American name.

    • Love 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Geenee said:

    I wonder if there were decoy tryouts while the first All-Stars and Unfinished Business were being planned/run? 

    Actually, real tryouts.  The people doing the casting didn't know TAR11 would be an All-Star race.  A few of the teams chosen were just carried over into TAR12 instead.  I don't think TAR18 had any tryouts, though, because they did know that that would be a returning team season.

  16. 11 hours ago, cherrypj said:

    I'd say Kim (One World) did it, but I haven't seen her season yet.

    She did.  She only took her eyes off the Pagonging for one Tribal Council to get rid of Kat, but otherwise focused on dispatching all of the other men.

    • Love 3
  17. On ‎4‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 8:07 AM, Lady Calypso said:

    Also, didn't Matt get into the trash talking toward Ashton when they were running to the boats to get to the detour? Or was that just Redmond?

    Matt was very happily doing it, too, but not to the same extent or volume as Redmond.

  18. 3 hours ago, Noreaster said:

    I think the coach comeback is just another tool for the producers.  I wonder how much say the coaches really have themselves.  

    Plenty in season nine.  All of them brought back the ones they wanted.  Season ten, though, only three of them had a say.  Adam legitimately wanted to bring Nate Butler back, Blake legitimately wanted to bring Justin Whisnant back, and Pharrell legitimately wanted to bring Daniel Passino back.  But Christina did not want to bring Nick Hagelin (which explains her blindsided, pissed reaction when he got through).  She wanted Kristen Marie or Chelsea Gann.

    • Love 2
  19. Ugh.  Just . . . ugh.

    It's almost always hard to see such a strong team who got off to such a strong start get the chop so soon.  But some of it was on them.  Obviously, they were U-Turned by Tara & Joey, and that certainly wasn't their fault.  What was their fault was struggling for as long as they did at the Weave It Detour after a hugely strong performance at the Build It Detour.  I can't believe they bled that much time trying to get the technique.  Then, Olive has an unexplained struggle at the Roadblock, and they lose all of their money and have to hoof it to the Pit Stop, which is probably the final nail in their coffin.

    Again, it sucks that they had to get the boot so soon, but this was partly earned on their part, and partly something to put on another team for U-Turning them, as smart as it was.

    • Love 3
  20. Lucked out majorly.  They did fairly well with the Build It Detour, and despite a slow start, it seemed that Floyd was able to at least get out of the Roadblock before Brooke, London, and Sara.  But then, he goes and loses their passports, and Becca gets set off, and not in a good way.  I think it's easy to see why she likes Matt & Redmond.  She must be almost as much of a bitch as they are jerks.

    They'd better get it together and go back to being Team Fun next week.

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