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Posts posted by Vyk

  1. From TV Guide:


    The top twelve artists perform for coaches Adam Levine, Gwen Stefani, Alicia Keys, and Blake Shelton.  Shania Twain advises the singers.

    Comment on the top twelve's performances here.

    • Love 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

    Last week I said I was running out of people to root for but that's because I forgot about the awesomeness that is Cirie. We've seen so little of her, I sort of forgot all about her. I can't believe she went all the way to the merge without going to TC.

    And as Probst pretty much said, she was the only one to accomplish that this season.  Let's not forget about that.;)

    • Love 1
  3. They just fell apart on this leg and couldn't get their shit together.  Not at all.  They stumbled a lot at the Knock Detour, and Shamir browbeat and berated Sara into switching to the Lock Detour when they only had one carving left to find.  Still, the one crowning achievement he had was figuring out the secret compartments fairly fast.  But they dawdled for so long, they were left behind on the second ferry to the Roadblock, and that was the killing blow for them.  I don't know how long Shamir had been working on their ladle, but it was clear that he'd struggled at it, too, and was too far behind to bother catching up.

    To get an elimination by Phil coming out onto the course to do so?  Humiliating way to go out.  Feel bad for Sara, who seemed like a good, nice person.  But won't be sorry to see the back of Shamir.  Hate saying that about one of my peeps, but even I can't abide by a racer who acted the way Shamir acted.

    • Love 1
  4. Their winning streak ended, but they still ran a strong, solid leg.  Michael helped them not take so long with the Lock Detour by figuring out the secret compartments being an element of the task, and he killed the Roadblock with his physical skills.

    If they'd figured out the Lock Detour a bit faster, they might've been the only team on their ferry and had a comfortable lead in going to the Roadblock and won their third leg because of it.  But third place isn't bad.

    Was really shocked to see them collapse so utterly in the second episode, though, after doing so well together on the last three legs.  They had navigation problems on the way to the lighthouse, they didn't take the easier Troll Detour even after Michael thought they should since they stumbled upon it (just because Liz didn't want to), they had a hard time navigating through the Trolls Detour because neither could read a map for beans, they had an accident that could've doomed them, and then, they try that parking garage in the hopes of using an elevator that just doesn't get them to where they're hoping.

    A complete, utter implosion, and they were lucky that this was a "to be continued" leg.

    It'll be interesting to see if they can get back into it, but they'd better hope they can with another Double U-Turn coming up.

  5. I have to say that they got majorly lucky here.  About the only good things Brooke did here were discovering the secret compartments at the Lock Detour and giving her and Scott's extra key to Becca & Floyd.  Might seem like a bad thing, but given what happened at the Roadblock, it really helped her.  She struggled majorly with the task, even to the point of tears (Scott really should've done it instead).  But Becca helped her to repay her.  Even Redmond did, though he largely did so for another chance at needling her.  (Dick.)  Nonetheless, she finished, and they remained in the race.

    Very lucky, though, that Shamir & Sara severely imploded.

    Then, they lucked out a second time in a row.  Scott did well on another heights-based Roadblock, and they seemed to work well enough together and with London & Logan to finish the Trolls Detour.  But of course, I have to say that Brooke calling Ashton "irritating" made me say, "I wouldn't talk about irritating if I were you."  And naturally, the whining comes back yet again while climbing the mountain to the Pit Stop.

    Lucky that Liz & Michael had their accident and then drove the wrong way to find the Pit Stop, or they'd have finished last.

    • Love 1
  6. Still kind of staying the course and floating in the middle of the pack.  They switched from the Lock Detour to the Knock Detour after a ton of bad luck at the former.  They had the really fortunate break of running into the local woman nearby the Lock Detour and getting her help in solving the Knock Detour and finished what had to be just in time to get on the first ferry to the Roadblock.  Then, Logan seemed to do a good job with the task and get them to a decent, fifth-place finish.  Nice job of catching up.

    They remained in fifth place on the second leg, too.  London did well with the Roadblock, but they seemed to go slowly on the Trolls Detour.  Likely because they couldn't navigate as well as Vanck & Ashton did.  Still, the job they did was solid enough, and they obviously kept up their speed on the climb to the Pit Stop enough to clock in fifth, maintaining their finish from the last two legs.

  7. 7 hours ago, scrb said:

    Does she really think she'd have pounded out that label better than he did?

    You mean ladle?

    Yeah, so Ashton is annoying me now.  But still, she and Vanck are nonetheless running a good race in spite of their dysfunction.  While it was a slight struggle, they finished the Knock Detour in a decent amount of time.  Then, despite some misgivings, Vanck seemed to do a fine job on the Roadblock and finished it on his first try.  Because of his slowness there, they dropped to sixth, but given the end result of this leg, that isn't bad at all.

    Even with all of Ashton's nattering, I was surprised that she and Vanck still did such a nice job on the leg.  Ashton rocked out the Roadblock, and she and Vanck navigated their way through the Trolls Detour splendidly.  And then, using their car instead of doing everything on foot also seemed to help them out and saved their legs.  Chose the right way to head up the mountain to reach the Pit Stop and got a well-deserved fourth-place finish.

    • Love 6
  8. Nice recovery!  They lucked out a lot when Brooke gave them their extra key at the Lock Detour, and they knew it.  Becca crushed the Roadblock, and she was very nice to repay Brooke by helping her out, even though I might not have done the same thing.  Second place was very much deserved.

    They seemed to have such a good time with that Fast Forward.  But honestly, I'm surprised that, when they saw Brooke & Scott approaching them, they didn't just hand over their Express Pass to them since they wouldn't be needing it.  But I guess they wanted to keep it a secret that badly.  They did well to finish the Fast Forward, but I'm confused as to why that didn't lead them to first place and only landed them in third.  They seemed to have no trouble doing it at all.  Was it really getting lost that did it?

  9. Not as bad as they were the last two legs, but Redmond's still a dick.  They were lucky that Brooke couldn't keep quiet at the Lock Detour about the secret compartments, after which Matt was able to find one.  Lucked out some more with bunching up with the ferry.

    Was worried that this would help them win the leg, especially when Redmond seemed to blow through the Roadblock, but he luckily had to go back and fix the holes in his ladle.  Fourth place, which isn't too shabby.  But I still just want them gone.

    Also, admitting that he kept telling Brooke to calm down because he knew it annoyed her and he liked doing it?  Asshole.

    So Redmond is still a dick on the second leg, this time with him saying that men's teams have no drama while women are the ones who do bring the drama.  Matt did a good job with the Roadblock, but they were both clearly lost at the Trolls Detour.  They were hugely lucky that Tara & Joey, in their inexplicable confusion, helped them out.  I was scared they'd land an unearned win since they were helped out majorly, but in the end, they somehow lost out to Tara & Joey, anyway.  Good.

    Second place was good, but giving how much trouble they were having, they should've been fourth or fifth.

    • Love 3
  10. No one ran a perfect leg in the first episode.  These two ran around with virtually no plan at the Knock Detour, had no luck at the Lock Detour, and switched back to the Knock Detour.  But at least they finally figured out what they were looking for, after which they zipped right through the task.  Lucky, they were, that the ferry bunched up all of the teams but one.  Joey was an ace at the Roadblock and was fortunate that everyone who'd finished before him had to go back and check another detail.  Well-earned win.

    As for the second leg, they did a pretty damn good job to win two legs in a row, despite being the oldest team in the race!  Joey rocked the Roadblock, and they finished the Troll Detour pretty quickly.

    But the one worrisome thing they did was their apparent confusion over the clue they'd found at that Detour.  That, and then helping Matt & Redmond with it.  They very nearly cost themselves the win they'd rightly earned!  I was surprised they managed to outrun them in spite of that!  Still, good job to win two in a row.

    • Love 1
  11. All right.  Since there were two legs, I'll address them both separately for the team-by-team analyses.

    For the first leg, I liked the tasks -- actual hard, tricky task -- but not so much the structure.  I think the teams who proved their mettle should've kept the leads they'd earned and not been bunched up by the ferry.  After that, taxi luck and Roadblock performance pretty much determined the placements, which wasn't so hot.

    Tara & Joey: No one ran a perfect leg in the first episode.  These two ran around with virtually no plan at the Knock Detour, had no luck at the Lock Detour, and switched back to the Knock Detour.  But at least they finally figured out what they were looking for, after which they zipped right through the task.  Lucky, they were, that the ferry bunched up all of the teams but one.  Joey was an ace at the Roadblock and was fortunate that everyone who'd finished before him had to go back and check another detail.  Well-earned win.

    Becca & Floyd: Nice recovery!  They lucked out a lot when Brooke gave them their extra key at the Lock Detour, and they knew it.  Becca crushed the Roadblock, and she was very nice to repay Brooke by helping her out, even though I might not have done the same thing.  Second place was very much deserved.

    Liz & Michael: Their winning streak ended, but they still ran a strong, solid leg.  Michael helped them not take so long with the Lock Detour by figuring out the secret compartments being an element of the task, and he killed the Roadblock with his physical skills.  If they'd figured out the Lock Detour a bit faster, they might've been the only team on their ferry and had a comfortable lead in going to the Roadblock and won their third leg because of it.  But third place isn't bad.

    Matt & Redmond: Not as bad as they were the last two legs, but Redmond's still a dick.  They were lucky that Brooke couldn't keep quiet at the Lock Detour about the secret compartments, after which Matt was able to find one.  Lucked out some more with bunching up with the ferry.  Was worried that this would help them win the leg, especially when Redmond seemed to blow through the Roadblock, but he luckily had to go back and fix the holes in his ladle.  Fourth place, which isn't too shabby.  But I still just want them gone.

    London & Logan: Still kind of staying the course and floating in the middle of the pack.  They switched from the Lock Detour to the Knock Detour after a ton of bad luck at the former.  They had the really fortunate break of running into the local woman nearby the Lock Detour and getting her help in solving the Knock Detour and finished what had to be just in time to get on the first ferry to the Roadblock.  Then, Logan seemed to do a good job with the task and get them to a decent, fifth-place finish.  Nice job of catching up.

    Vanck & Ashton: Yeah, so Ashton is annoying me now.  But still, she and Vanck are nonetheless running a good race in spite of their dysfunction.  While it was a slight struggle, they finished the Knock Detour in a decent amount of time.  Then, despite some misgivings, Vanck seemed to do a fine job on the Roadblock and finished it on his first try.  Because of his slowness there, they dropped to sixth, but given the end result of this leg, that isn't bad at all.

    Brooke & Scott: I have to say that they got majorly lucky here.  About the only good things Brooke did here were discovering the secret compartments at the Lock Detour and giving her and Scott's extra key to Becca & Floyd.  Might seem like a bad thing, but given what happened at the Roadblock, it really helped her.  She struggled majorly with the task, even to the point of tears (Scott really should've done it instead).  But Becca helped her to repay her.  Even Redmond did, though he largely did so for another chance at needling her.  (Dick.)  Nonetheless, she finished, and they remained in the race.  Very lucky, though, that Shamir & Sara severely imploded.

    Shamir & Sara: They just fell apart on this leg and couldn't get their shit together.  Not at all.  They stumbled a lot at the Knock Detour, and Shamir browbeat and berated Sara into switching to the Lock Detour when they only had one carving left to find.  Still, the one crowning achievement he had was figuring out the secret compartments fairly fast.  But they dawdled for so long, they were left behind on the second ferry to the Roadblock, and that was the killing blow for them.  I don't know how long Shamir had been working on their ladle, but it was clear that he'd struggled at it, too, and was too far behind to bother catching up.  To get an elimination by Phil coming out onto the course to do so?  Humiliating way to go out.  Feel bad for Sara, who seemed like a good, nice person.  But won't be sorry to see the back of Shamir.  Hate saying that about one of my peeps, but even I can't abide by a racer who acted the way Shamir acted.

    As for the second leg, I think this leg was structured much better, and I liked that there was self-driving in it.  Navigation, both in the car and on foot, ended up playing a key role in how everyone did, which was nice.  But so did teamwork, apparently.

    Tara & Joey: Pretty damn good job to win two legs in a row, despite being the oldest team in the race!  Joey rocked the Roadblock, and they finished the Troll Detour pretty quickly.  But the one worrisome thing they did was their apparent confusion over the clue they'd found at that Detour.  That, and then helping Matt & Redmond with it.  They very nearly cost themselves the win they'd rightly earned!  I was surprised they managed to outrun them in spite of that!  Still, good job to win two in a row.

    Matt & Redmond: So Redmond is still a dick, this time with him saying that men's teams have no drama while women are the ones who do bring the drama.  Matt did a good job with the Roadblock, but they were both clearly lost at the Trolls Detour.  They were hugely lucky that Tara & Joey, in their inexplicable confusion, helped them out.  I was scared they'd land an unearned win since they were helped out majorly, but in the end, they somehow lost out to Tara & Joey, anyway.  Good.  Second place was good, but giving how much trouble they were having, they should've been fourth or fifth.

    Becca & Floyd: They seemed to have such a good time with that Fast Forward.  But honestly, I'm surprised that, when they saw Brooke & Scott approaching them, they didn't just hand over their Express Pass to them since they wouldn't be needing it.  But I guess they wanted to keep it a secret that badly.  They did well to finish the Fast Forward, but I'm confused as to why that didn't lead them to first place and only landed them in third.  They seemed to have no trouble doing it at all.  Was it really getting lost that did it?

    Vanck & Ashton: Even with all of Ashton's nattering, I was surprised that she and Vanck still did such a nice job on the leg.  Ashton rocked out the Roadblock, and she and Vanck navigated their way through the Trolls Detour splendidly.  And then, using their car instead of doing everything on foot also seemed to help them out and saved their legs.  Chose the right way to head up the mountain to reach the Pit Stop and got a well-deserved fourth-place finish.

    London & Logan: They remained in fifth place on this leg.  London did well with the Roadblock, but they seemed to go slowly on the Trolls Detour.  Likely because they couldn't navigate as well as Vanck & Ashton did.  Still, the job they did was solid enough, and they obviously kept up their speed on the climb to the Pit Stop enough to clock in fifth, maintaining their finish from the last two legs.

    Brooke & Scott: Lucked out a second time in a row.  Scott did well on another heights-based Roadblock, and they seemed to work well enough together and with London & Logan to finish the Trolls Detour.  But of course, I have to say that Brooke calling Ashton "irritating" made me say, "I wouldn't talk about irritating if I were you."  And naturally, the whining comes back yet again while climbing the mountain to the Pit Stop.  Lucky that Liz & Michael had their accident and then drove the wrong way to find the Pit Stop, or they'd have finished last.

    Liz & Michael: Was really shocked to see them collapse so utterly after doing so well together on the last three legs.  They had navigation problems on the way to the lighthouse, they didn't take the easier Troll Detour even after Michael thought they should since they stumbled upon it (just because Liz didn't want to), they had a hard time navigating through the Trolls Detour because neither could read a map for beans, they had an accident that could've doomed them, and then, they try that parking garage in the hopes of using an elevator that just doesn't get them to where they're hoping.  A complete, utter implosion, and they were lucky that this was a "to be continued" leg.

    Whew.  It'll be interesting to see if Liz & Michael can get back into it, but they'd better hope they can with another Double U-Turn coming up.

    • Love 1
  12. 20 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

    Next week's preview clip.  Xander shoots Brady and tries to steal the baby.

    Makes sense, since Deimos did say he'd summon him again if he needed him.  He's probably doing this at Deimos's say-so.

    • Love 1
  13. I liked that Eli's anger at Gabi abated as soon as Sonny explained her side of the Nick situation.  At least he's going to keep an open mind now and realize that Julie is just too biased.

    Liked Jennifer and Abigail's scenes, and Eric and Abigail's scenes, too.

    Doug called Julie out as nicely as he could, but at least he suspected that Julie exaggerated how bad it was.

    38 minutes ago, boes said:

    First he had Addie, sharp, funny, perceptive, then he ended up with Julie.

    I was born well after Addie died.  Exactly how was her character?  Mother of Vyk basically said she was a drip.  I take it that wasn't true?

    • Love 2
  14. 9 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

    In Julie Vs Gaby, I am team Julie.  I am in the minority and that is okay. I despise Gaby.

    Gabi herself independent of Nick did some really terrible things younger Chad, getting involved with Andrew,

    I have never held that against Gabi.  That was just the writers' stupid way of throwing someone else under the bus and sacrificing them at Melanie's altar at the time.  They'd done it to Nick, they'd done to Max, they'd done it to Stephanie, they'd done it to Nathan, and they'd started to do it to Abigail.  Gabi was just their latest victim.  So the Andrew stuff?  Not even gonna bat an eye at it.

    • Love 4
  15. 17 hours ago, MajorWoody said:

    Reading between the lines in the story, it looks like Paulie wore out his welcome at the restaurant (what a surprise).

    Just like he wore out his welcome on HK16.

    I'll be upfront about what I'm about to say.

    I know death is a terrible thing, especially for the loved ones left behind by the deceased.  But while I am sympathetic to the family and do hope they can heal from this loss (especially the parents, who should not outlive their children at any time or for any reason), I am not mourning the loss of Paulie.  If he really was as bad in real life as he was on the show, then AFAIC, the world has one less douchebag making life miserable for those around him.

    This is not to say that I actively wished death on Paulie.  I'm just not particularly sympathetic or mournful that it ultimately found him.

    • Love 7
  16. 8 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

    I think it's reasonable for Sam to hate Julian for hurting her mother. What was unreasonable was Kristina/Molly giving him slack just because he left a nice letter after he was "dead."

    What?  Molly wanted to cut him slack, albeit only a tiny bit of it.  Kristina didn't.

  17. 7 hours ago, nilyank said:

    How is Gabi a maneater. Her first boyfriend was Will and the reason they broke up was because he was gay.

    Then she was interested in Chad but she want nutty on him and Melanie, so they did not get together.

    She married Nick whose character was taken to an ugly and dark path from his previous time in prison and it badly for him. There was a whole lot of people that ended up wanting him dead.

    Her last boyfriend was JJ and he ended up cheating on her.

    Although she loves Chad now, she is not involved with or going after him.

    Finally, for all the complaints Julie makes about her early release from prison, she was thrilled that Hope was freed and no one is going up to Hope saying that she should still be there. And if Gabi wasn't released early, Arianna would essentially be an orphan with Will being murdered

    How lightning didn't strike Julie, or how she didn't suddenly catch fire on the flames of hell, I don't know.

    At least Gabi seemed to realize that Julie was faking the heart attack.  I was hoping that Hope seemed to smell a rat, too, but I was disappointed that she didn't seem to.  I did love her shutting Julie down at the police station, though, and letting her know that Nick was no innocent.  Interesting that Julie admitted that, too, though.

    Eli . . . I still think he has some issues with Valerie to work out.  But I still don't know which way the show's trying to make him go.  Toward Gabi?  Or toward Lani?

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