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Posts posted by Vyk

  1. 10 hours ago, Jillybean said:

    So you vote without watching the performances? 

    We MST dwellers have no choice if we want to help our favorites (though some help that was for my favorite on Team Gwen).  Neither do PST dwellers.  We have to vote then and there on Twitter and the app in order to at least try and give them a boost.

    • Love 6
  2. 3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Now, in an effort to make this on topic, Andrea is now the sole person I am rooting for to win. So I apologize to any Andrea fans because she is now almost guaranteed to lose.

    All thanks to Zeke, at least.  Thanks a lot, Zeke.

    • Love 1
  3. I don't know what everyone is talking about regarding this episode being boring.  I was interested the whole way through.

    I thought the editors did a decent job, confessional-wise, of at least spelling out where everyone was, strategically.  I got a feel for where everyone was throwing their allegiances and loyalties.  Well, all but Troyzan, who got zero confessionals, which makes me wonder what he's doing in this game.

    So I came in thinking that Ozzy would have the advantage and win at least one Immunity Challenge.  But I was shocked to see him win neither one!  I was even more shocked when he wasn't even considered for the boot at the first Tribal Council, but was glad he was considered for the second one . . . and actually voted out!  Yay!  Sorry, people.  Not the Ozzy fan most of you are.

    Was sad to see Hali go, especially since she was targeted for no other reason than she was an original Mana who hadn't thrown in with Brad like Troyzan and Aubry had.  But at least she went out with class.

    Was surprised that Aubry went from loyal to Brad at one Tribal Council to loyal to Cirie and Andrea at the next.  He and/or Sierra must've done something to turn her off.

    I did think that Cirie and Andrea could get a little something going against Brad and Sierra.  But of course, fucking Zeke has to ruin it all just because he wants to be in control.  Why couldn't he have just rolled with getting rid of Sierra and maybe Brad and then start to work against Cirie and Andrea?  By moving that quickly, he accomplished nothing but leaving himself alone and with no allies whatsoever.  And it looks like the alliance that was set to move against Brad and Sierra's alliance turned into a sinking ship from which Sarah thought it was time to jump.  All thanks to Zeke.  I still thank him and love him for making Pwecious Wittle David cry last season and not worshipping the ground he walked on, but I was reminded that he's just a terrible player and a wannabe mastermind.  No one trusts him now, and I don't see how he moves forward the way things are at the moment.

    Sarah's choice to join Brad and Sierra for the Ozzy vote was interesting, but thinking back to last week, not too surprising.  She'd wanted Ozzy gone since Jeff first proposed it, and she did say that she'd vote with the alliance that targeted the one she wanted gone.  That was Ozzy, and it was Brad and Sierra who were going after him.  Now, does she stay with them or try to jump back to Cirie, Andrea, Aubry, and Michaela?  If the latter, could she do so easily?  Or would they think she betrayed them?  Time will tell.

    I enjoyed the episode immensely and actually can't wait to see what happens next week.

    • Love 5
  4. 1 hour ago, Haleth said:

    Did Debbie really waste her extra vote?  I understand that Ozzy would have been targeted sooner or later anyway (depending on what kind of an immunity streak he ran), but is it ever NOT a good thing to get rid of a strong threat?  I lost count of how many votes Ozzy and Zeke had, wasn't her vote a tie breaker?  (I hate myself for defending Debbie.)

    No, she didn't.  I think a lot of the vitriol being directed at her for using it is because many of us (myself included) don't like Debbie.  But I can be fair and say that she had zero way of knowing whether or not the votes were locked in.  We don't see everything that goes on at camp.  But what we did see looked pretty damn chaotic.  So much so, Debbie probably wasn't sure if the votes for Ozzy were as locked in as she'd hoped.  Obviously, they turned out to be locked in, after all, but I think that while Debbie knew that she had Brad, Tai, Troyzan, and Sierra's votes, she was worried about where Sarah would go with hers.  So she might've figured that she needed her extra vote just in case.

    Again, I don't like Debbie AT ALL.  But I don't think she was an idiot to read the situation and act based on what she thought was unfolding.  She was wrong, but she had no way of knowing that.

    • Love 17
  5. 7 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    I do believe that Troyzan isn't winning and is a goat, but I'm still not 100% sure on Brad.  Still, I'm in the camp that he's getting a good edit, but maybe that'll change.  I'd be fine with Sarah winning at this point, especially among that final 3 (though Troyzan hasn't annoyed me this season yet).

    Well, after this week, and especially after rewatching the episode, I'm more than sure that Troyzan is the goat now.  In an episode where things were just so chaotic around camp and alliances were so up in the air, we got confessionals from everyone about where their heads were at and where they wanted to align themselves.  Of the entire F13, only ONE PERSON had zero confessionals the entire time.  Troyzan.  Every other person had at least two or three.  But Troyzan had zero.  If he couldn't even get acknowledged in an episode where the tribal dynamics were this key to the votes, then I don't think he's gonna play any huge part in this season at all.

    Brad and Sarah, meanwhile, both had a good amount of confessionals.  I still think Sarah had enough winner-sounding confessionals, but you never know.  Brad could still win, as well.  Especially since it looks like Sarah is going to keep on making moves next week, while Brad doesn't seem to be willing to do so just yet.

    • Love 4
  6. I don't get why everyone's so down on her in the episode thread.  I think she was wise to use her extra vote since she wasn't sure where everyone's heads truly were.  Things must've been more chaotic than we thought if she couldn't quite trust where her alliance was going, so I can get why she used her advantage.

    I still don't like her, but I can't blame her for rolling the dice there.

    • Love 4
  7. 56 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

    I liked her better when she was invisible.  A combo of cringe worthy, annoying, and laughable tonight.  She does realize if she was coming back for her great game play she wouldn't have been an alternate that got the call two days before, right?  Anyway, hoping the "sheriff" gets their badge taken away next week.  At the very least go back into the woodwork.  She's annoying to watch.

    Don't like her much, either, but if she seems to be considered the one in charge of her alliance right now, then she has to be doing something right.  Which surprises me.

    • Love 5
  8. 6 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

    Highlights of Ozzy: he'd rather play with people that are into the survival aspect, and has always found that hard in this game.  He lost 15 lbs.  He says he'd play again.  He was in really good spirits, just really disappointed, and knows he can't do anything about the target on his back.  He is torn, because he wants to win, but really just wants to enjoy the experience and play the old school way.

    All of the bolded provides the exact answer as to why he's probably never going to win, no matter how many times he plays.  The old-school way is all but dead now, and he can't adjust to it, it seems.  The game is social and strategic vs. physical and actual survival.  He seems to get that, but seems completely unwilling to change and adapt to that.  It's like he outright refuses to.  He isn't winning as long as he takes that approach.

    • Love 3
  9. 7 minutes ago, MerBearHou said:

    Ozzy is truly my #1 favorite Survivor of all time.  I think he is just beautiful inside and out and he is amazing to watch as a physical player.  I feel that his gentle soul prevents him from truly "playing" the social aspects of the game.  He observes it but he doesn't engage in it -- to his Survivor detriment every time.

    Nah.  Not at all inside.  If he were, he wouldn't have thrown out the bitterness and entitlement at either of his two prior losses or been such a douchebag in general.  Any "beauty" Ozzy has?  Only superficial.  He has no gentle soul.  Just one laced in conceit.

    • Love 4
  10. 2 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

    I read that as far as the final 3, one will be considered a goat, one a villain and one will win. I'm having trouble figuring who is who. Troyzan may be the goat. I haven't seen him make any type move. 

    As of now, according to SurvivorsUnite, Troyzan is, in fact, the definite goat.  Brad is supposed to become a villain at one point (if he hasn't already and we haven't been shown it), and Sarah is indeed supposed to win.

    • Love 3
  11. 1 minute ago, legaleagle53 said:

    So Jeff Varner was right about Zeke, but he just went about the wrong way to prove it.

    Pretty much.  He should've just publicized his intentions of protecting Ozzy for a shield to use later on, and either one of them would've been toast instead of Jeff.

    • Love 8
  12. Hali just can't catch a break.  Twice now, she's the first juror, and both times due to horrible gameplay from others!

    I hope she gets a third chance, and next time with a cast of actual smart people.

    • Love 2
  13. 30 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

    Sarah continue to bug by making it all about hereself.

    What is Andrea's deal...she was in tears for the outing and by the end of this episode she never wants to see him again?

    As was said last week by many others, I don't see how Sarah made any of that about herself, but whatever you say, @North of Eden.

    As for Andrea, Zeke just went against her and Cirie for pretty much no reason to try and get her tossed, despite her thoughts that they were working together, and she found out about it.  I'd be pissed enough to not want to see him again, too.

    • Love 23
  14. 17 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

    I'm actually liking Sarah, minus her siding with Brad.  However, her odds are probably better winning with that side, assuming they don't get rid of her first.  So that might have been a smart move.  

    Sarah could actually gain some ground if she starts to try slowly working her way up through the ranks of Brad's alliance and supplant a few of the other castaways already in it.  That could make her move even smarter.

    • Love 10
  15. 11 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

    I really thought he would at least stick with Andrea. He turned on Andrea for no apparent reason. I could see later on but it seems too early. Andrea seemed to take it personally, too.  He's playing hard and fast. 

    Zeke's sudden turn reminded me of Joel doing the same to his own alliance in Micronesia.  Mikey B. made a perfectly reasonable strategy for the main alliance to cause a split vote to blindside the Airai Oldies, but Joel, out of just wanting to be the one in charge, instead organized a blindside against Mikey B. and his closest ally, Mary, having the latter voted out.  Zeke basically wanted to turn on Andrea and Cirie for the same dumb reason.  While it didn't bite Joel in the ass, it certainly bit Zeke in his.

    I still like Zeke, if not love him, for not worshipping the ground David walked on and making him cry last season.  But I'm reminded again that he's just not a good player.

    • Love 4
  16. 2 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

    I don't think Zeke can save himself at this point. What was he thinking by blabbing to everyone except the chickens? He's toast next week is my bet.

    Indeed.  Tonight certainly laid the groundwork for him going soon, if not next.  Debbie, though, could be next, as well, given the previews for next week.

    • Love 3
  17. 23 hours ago, snapdragon12 said:

    Aaaahhh I really don't want Ozzy to go.

    Gosh, I do, and I'm glad he did.  Honestly, I've never gotten the fan worship for him.  Yeah, he fishes.  Yeah, he swims.  Yeah, he is a beast at physical challenges.  Take that all away, though, and what's left there?  Personality-wise, he's bland on a good day and absolutely cocky, arrogant, rude, nasty, conceited, entitled, and just plain unpleasant on a bad day.  AFAIC, there's no "there" there with him other than his physical and provider qualities.  He's no strategic or social player, and he's proven it again and again and again.

    So I'm not at all saddened to lose him.  Later, Ozzy.

    If it's any consolation to what fans he does have, though . . . you can take solace in him being the first and (so far) only four-time player to make the merge all four times.  Rupert, Rob, and Cirie only got there three of the four times they played.

    But luckily for me, it's his second season not winning an individual Immunity Challenge, the first being Micronesia.  He won several in Cook Islands, and he only won one really late in the game in South Pacific.

    • Love 13
  18. Just now, wallflower75 said:

    Seems like they've been doing this double-episode thing for the past few seasons.  I figure it happened this time because of how late a start they got.  And I was sitting here thinking the same thing.

    They got this late start because CBS wanted to force Hunted on the viewers.  A show that next to no one liked.  Because of this, the season started a few weeks later than usual.

    • Love 5
  19. 1 hour ago, nutty1 said:

    I saw somewhere else also where it's Hali and Ozzy. Poor Ozzy, cannot catch a break. I will be sorry to see both go.

    Meh.  I'll be sorry about Hali, but not about Ozzy.

    • Love 3
  20. *Shrug*  I think he's pretty ordinary-looking.  Nothing special.  Though it might be because his terrible (and sometimes just plain bland) personality overshadows his appearance.

    • Love 3
  21. Honestly, Emery's plot was a letdown just because he finally got his story out, only to have the whole school more interested in a stupid fight over a backpack.

    Louis, Jessica, Eddie, and Evan's story was pretty good, though.

  22. 1 minute ago, LanceM said:

    I just can't see how they can do it. Logistically it makes no sense and I can imagine the cost would go up too if they tried to house them separately.  They may try to have the handlers on site try to force them to not talk about the game but good luck with that.

    Don't get me wrong.  I don't want them to do that.  But several others have clamored for that to happen.

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