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Sarah D. Bunting

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Everything posted by Sarah D. Bunting

  1. We may get to Marcia; Dan Patrick Brady and I were strangely compelled by it despite the aggressive amounts of filler. And yes, I do remember that AE; @bosawks, do you know offhand if it's available on the PBS app?
  2. Oh, I've seen ABT, though it's been a while. I don't recall seeing quiiiiite what the big whoop was, thought De Niro was coasting and Brancato outright mediocre.
  3. The Tip Line thread is always a good place to mention books in the genre that might have tie-ins to a TV property. You know your host loves a Forensic Files...
  4. My feeling at this point is, and this is a vast oversimplification, that she was complicit, SORT of, but in the way that we all might say we were "complicit" in the dangerous dumb drama bullshit we did at that age. For most of us, it was not writ nearly this large or serious, but when you're younger, and you maybe haven't been out in the world so much and -- as Toby pointed out -- exposed to the struggles of those outside the cone of privilege, you can get caught up...or taken over? And she can have gotten into a situation "on purpose" that got out of control and also be a victim, which she was, in many ways. It can be both. The idea that she was a young idealist whose explorations of what-have-you blew up on her horribly is not one you really hear in these narratives, because it's not as binary and satisfying, but I think it's the most credible, and I have compassion for it.
  5. That's an interesting point (and backed by the way Dohring tends to play these moments). I would say he does genuinely like her and does genuinely feel remorse for setting this situation up, but I also think you're right that he's just as concerned with what it says about him.
  6. I'll be passed out in the Peach Pit bathroom after overdoing it with Faux-atrim. Come say hi-eee!
  7. Can also confirm Nailed It is really fun. That one guy's version of the cake-pop "finger" in the first episode...
  8. I forget where I read that he shot himself in the temple. No doubt Vulture is correct. I got the sense from Lizzie's speech that she had been coached by law enforcement, a la the senator in Silence Of The Lambs, on what to say that might induce Cunanan to surrender. On the other hand, according to the Orth book he was living with the Cotés for literal years and was entrusted with childcare -- apparently with good reason -- so either way it's hard to reconcile that with what he did in the last year of his life.
  9. "AAAAAGH" - Bunting MacEachern LLC on that Degrassi question (which is probably one of the few I would have gotten; great game, T-Bone)
  10. It's your birthday too, hold it however you want! (I will hold a mug in both hands for warmth also -- the home office is the coldest room in Fort Rad -- but: BOTH hands, not this Beat-poet affectation that signals that handles aren't for men's men.)
  11. I don't think so, and it wasn't her death per se; it's that her death is what made me aware of her work and the blog and alla that -- which is unfortunate, but the fact is I have a to-read list that stacks hip-high. If Mike hadn't texted me that his copy arrived, I may have just chucked mine on the stack all "I'll get to it someday." Then again, a lot of people in my Twitter timeline were into it, a lot of people in my Goodreads TL had reviewed it favorably...I don't know what my interaction with it would have been had McNamara not passed away, honestly. And qua the crimes and the way that timeline is laid out, the book is edited and built quite impressively under the circs. It's strictly some overwriting that needed to go, that I felt didn't show the author well. For what the project is really trying to do, the edit/compilers made her proud, I'm thinking. It's just a few phrasings and too-long sections that I was like, you don't need this, lady.
  12. I feel like I have to check this out; several people have mentioned how bonkers the story is.
  13. That sounds right. No doubt it'll be obvious in retrospect; I just don't watch ahead with these.
  14. Looks like it's on Amazon, but for $$, bew.
  15. That is the line I would pick, m'self. Hee.
  16. ... ........ .................. DUH NUH NUH NUH DUH NUH NUH NUH NUH
  17. Not to mention it's never buttoned/worn with a tie, and there's that skeezo dog-tag-looking necklace underneath...YMMV with men's jewelry, but his is always, always annoying.
  18. I know Mike was going to try to track down that detective's book -- Crompton? -- but based on MM's description of his dismissiveness of one of the victims, I'm not as keen. If you're watching the HLN let us know how it is (that network is...not so great at having chill with these topics, but you never know). And you make a good point re: this case being better suited than some to citizen sleuthing. I'd just have liked the show to do a less gullible job making it clear that not all internet investigators are created equal.
  19. This Stair dude sounds like a treat.
  20. He consistently looks far shorter than Ian to me. It's that he does it EVERY TIME. And so did Dylan. Like using the handle is unmanly or something. I get that certain mugs/cups have awk handles, fine, but with Brandon it's straight-up affectation.
  21. I believe Waldorf has the mustache. I don't think anyone wants to go there re: which one of us is which in that case. hee.
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