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Everything posted by 71dude

  1. I was almost disappointed. The opening scenes were pretty sluggish, the Maya plot (with strangers, as in OSCAR PARTY) just didn't interest me, Ray was sidelined and Jimmy was isolated from the others. But they turned it around with the Jimmy/Dylan car scene, Ray and JJ thinking Kenneth is dead ("that's sad"), JJ's bawling and Jimmy standing up for Dylan.
  2. And the slapstick abuse continues for Ray... Nice to start with a group episode - I didn't read the summary so I thought we would see JJ at camp. Jimmy's replacement - "next window please" Didn't get the Dylan gag in the van - what was that? Show moves fast... No AV Club review yet - I hope they don't drop it.
  3. The continuity on this episode is weird - Ray and JJ are about to head to the mall, then it's nighttime, then it must be the next day when they finally leave.
  4. This is great news - I'm ready for new material.
  5. http://www.tracking-board.com/tag/speechless-reviews/
  6. I'm happy to see Ray get a win for once and not be (comically) abused or humiliated (which is fun, but in moderation). Jerkass JJ was a nice switch too. I thought the camp was in California so I didn't get the Jimmy/Dylan Miami plot or the Maine jokes - I'll have to watch it again. But it was a very strong finale to a great first season (except for that O-S-- OSCAR P-A-- PARTY disaster). I"m glad there's no writers' strike to delay the new season.
  7. I'm very happy that Speechless and Fresh Off the Boat were finally renewed - better late than never.
  8. Now that Dr. Ken has been axed maybe they can get Suzy Nakamura back as Dave Kim's mom - and Bev's rival.
  9. I'm curious about why Micah's ankles were tied together?
  10. "At whom are you looking?" "I hate being smart" “Ray, I’ve done a pretty good job so far of staying out of your shame radius, but the splash zone on this one is just too big.” This one was a comedown from the last three shows but there was still much to enjoy - especially the hilarious opening sequence with the house of cards/Brady Bunch shoutout, the brilliant hospital scene and the Ray/Dylan chase with Ray (naturally) getting tangled in the wires. Ray's getting too big for Dylan to push around so the writers will have to think of other ways for her to torment him. She could use her own room too - they should address that next season. I think I'm a new fan of "Dancehall Domine".
  11. Solved one of Mason's tweets - the second one must refer to next week's show. https://www.paleycenter.org/2017-speechless I hope they put this on Hulu - I'll sign up for the free trial!
  12. "Kiss or get lost, nerd" "You love him because he's your brother, you love him because he's your brother..." "There's no such thing as a free telescope" I'll say this should be Mason Cook's Emmy submission - he's a pro (and a good sport). The adults' plot was slightly over-the-top, though. I love Dylan but I'm glad they didn't try to jam her into another subplot.
  13. Jimmy-Ray scenes are always gold, but this one fell flat for me. But I appreciated the punchline and hope Ray gets to keep the robe. I'd also like to see Nicholas from THE CLUB again - he was funny.
  14. I liked this one a lot - a good balance of sentiment and slapstick, which is when the show is best. Kenneth and JJ's scene was hilarious, Ray was perfectly Ray, but Jimmy seemed off to me for some reason. Future-JJ was good too. I'd like to see him again. Looking forward to the next three shows.
  15. This one repeats on Tuesday (4/25) at 9 ET.
  16. I've seen JJ swinging his arms around at least once - it could have been a goof that got by. I enjoyed seeing this one again - great work from all, and they puncture the sentiment with a great joke, in this case Ray inexplicably missing from the futuristic family photo. ("Do I die?")
  17. I don't look at the photos ahead of time, but Mason Cook had a couple of tweets that have me curious: Don't know if it's this episode or a later one. Well he's a good sport about being the butt of the joke, which he usually is.
  18. Poor Ray really took the abuse in this episode - getting stuck on the roof, stranded in the shower and losing his personal space. All funny, though.
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