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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

    Actually,  at her weight (being  kind and using 300# for my calculations) she could  eat 2,000 calories a day and lose about 3 lbs a week.  And that's  just basal metabolic  burn. Doesn't  include  exercise. The fact that she's not  losing  tells me she's  consuming at least  4,000 calories a day. 

    We go thru this every year, so . . 

    Twit needs to eat no more than 1200 calories daily to lose wgt & probably will need to go down to about 1,000 calories if she ever hits 200 #s. On a 1500 or 2000 calorie diet, she will at best be wgt-static, more likely, she will continue to gain.

    Ask a dietician. Ask a nutritionist. Ask Dr. Now.

    BTW, no one can sustain a 3-#  weekly wgt loss. It won't be long before your body sez, "Uh oh. We're starving, so time to change more of the food intake into fat."

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  2. 1 hour ago, alabetser said:

    There's probably some contract clause preventing it, but once this show is done for good I hope Heather, Todd, or anyone else clearly letting themselves be dragged through the dirt for money finally lets loose and posts a long rant about what they really think about her. You know they have stories that would scar. 

    How 'bout Donna Lee? Or Maddie? I'd still like to hear from both of them.

    • Love 11
  3. Thanks for that description of being a Neilsen family, @Me from ME. I'm guessing you might have been the only Maine family, given the demographics of your state.

    Did you ever "cheat" & fill out your form to report watching a favorite show even tho you weren't able to watch it that eve, for one reason or another? (I confess I would have, given how much weight Neilsen ratings are given when networks decide whether or not to renew a show.)

  4. 3 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

    I am so tired of this cross the fleshhold nonsense, either you fucked or you didn’t and honestly I don’t care because it’s not my business, you both are disgusting, Whitney lies or at the very least stretches the truth and Buddy was drunk and high through a decent part of their friendship so probably has a fucked up memory of a lot of things he did.  If Chase doesn’t care if you fucked, why should we? At least he gets paid to.  What a bunch of assholes!

    Hey, @Irate Panda.Tell us what you really think! 😁

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  5. @LibertarianSlut asks: "Why can’t we see her eating?  I would watch that with morbid fascination."

    Me, too. That's a Q many of us have had for season after season. It's bad enuf that we didn't see her put a morsel of food in her mouth at brunch, but the tomato sandwich scene in the parents' kitchen was ridiculous. Twit asked Glenn for a sandwich, Glenn prepared one & put it in front of her. And there it sat, uneaten.

    I agree with the poster who said she is scared of looking like she did when she hated cake so much that she could hardly finishing chewing one huge bite before cramming another in her mouth.

    Here's a solution, Twit. Quit eating like a pig & then you won't have to fear being filmed while dining.

    • Love 6
  6. Actually, Heather's ex has remarried, so he is NOT a single parent raising 2 kids every other week. They have a stepmother.

    I see the reasons to call Heather a single parent. She's single; she's a parent; therefore: single parent.

    But I contend that ppl who hear that term envisage a person who receives no help or resources from another person for whatever reason. Heather is not that person.

    • Love 3
  7. 3 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I’ve wondered about this for a while and not just with this season’s plot lines. [Heather's] so clearly not the person they portray on the show which is basically a loser who does nothing but pine after Buddy. We know from her SM that she doesn’t give Buddy a second thought ever. That she has a nice life and adores her children. 


    Yeah, she has frequently indicated to fans who ask how annoyed she is that she is still captioned "Buddy's ex-girlfriend."

    She makes no secret of the fact that she would like to be in an intimate, loving relationship. But she is equally clear it ain't gonna be Buddy again.

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  8. I'm curious about how Heather is often designated "a single parent." That term to me means an adult with child[ren] who is the sole custodian, pays all the bills, furnishes all food, clothing, shelter, etc.

    Heather & her ex share the 2 kids, alternating weeks with them. So, is she still a single parent? Is "co-parent" a term which could describe her circumstance?

    BTW, I wonder how the weekly tradeoff is gonna work as the kids get older. (Ava is almost 12.)

    • Love 1
  9. Random thoughts
    📌 There was an up-thread discussion about Twit's relationship to her G'boro renters. She tells Buddy they're "Handy Andy and his girl," so it's apparent the renters are known to both.
    📌 When Heather sits next to Twit & later in Twit's bed, there are long conversations about how much Twit loves her BFF. Yet at the same time you can see an expression pass over Twit's face of malevolent triumph. Twit obviously thinks she has bested Heather in the game of life.
    📌 And why did Heather allow herself to be so belittled by the PMG scriptwriter? None of the ways she is shown in these first episodes, the "bitter, single identity she has cultivated for herself," as Twit sez, is borne out by her SM pages.
    📌 Best quote of the episode is from Heather: "It's funny to me, Whitney considering herself a dating expert now that she has a new boy friend."  (The answer, of course, is that Twit considers herself an expert in everything, with little to no experience, including now, personal trainer.)

    📌 I'm one walker away from a wheelchair. Would you hire me to train you for a marathon run? But Twit thinks she can find clients after obtaining a trainer's certificate. (Only if they are blind.)
    📌 The kind of hug Buddy gives Twit, when she demands one, is an A-frame hug. (That's when you only hug with your upper torso & pull away from the waist down.) No way is Buddy gonna pretend he has any designs on Twit.
    📌 Buddy was pissed at an early Skinny reunion show when he was perceived by the moderator as a mooch. I wonder how he likes the way he's being scripted now?

    📌 "When Buddy and I are together in the same room, one of us is getting naked or getting a massage or both." Yeah, Twit, you're such a temptress & Buddy's such a catch.
    📌 If you haven't yet seen this episode, don't play a drinking game with either "trainer" or "boy friend" when you do.
    📌 Ryan becomes more repugnant with each episode.  Given his kiss with Heather, he appears to be one of those males who spit-slobbers. Eww.
    📌 Gee, Twit. The next time you want to tell us you didn't expect Ryan to butt into your party, don't leave 2 empty chairs at your table.
    📌 As always, I am offended when Twit decides to show her fag-hag credentials. That drag brunch was beyond the pale.
    📌 "Who's gonna tell Buddy [about Ryan & Heather kissing], 'cause someone's gonna," Twit asks. OMG. Why would Buddy care? Or is this the beginning of a new story arc: Buddy is too obsessed with his former GF, whom he dumped 2 years ago, to have the energy to house-hunt.

    📌 I agree with the forum poster who said Buddy's rental problem has nothing to do with his felony charge which was dismissed. (How would a prospective landlord know about it anyway?) He is unkempt & has no real job except occasional Lyft driver. And he has a really unpleasant personality if you read his Instagram account, which a landlord might. Why would anyone take a risk with him?



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  10. 5 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

    Honestly, I think this was more of Ryan maximizing his camera time.  If this were just a bar I’d think Ryan’s probably trying to get laid, but here I think he was like NOPE I’m getting into at least 48 mins of this hour episode. Yet again, I feel like Heather has drawn the short stick in storylines.  I don’t think Ryan is unattractive, but again not my type....way too short, but physically miles ahead of Buddy, and at least seems to want to work.  Both have unattractive personalities. 

    Yes! All of this! From now on, if anyone in this forum asks why I think Ryan is a camera-hogging, opportunistic, pompous jerk, I'm gonna point them to your post. It's said so much better than I have managed.

    • Love 7
  11. 20 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Hey if any of you  ever doubted that  Sweatney reads this forum,  there's a  new article in  Distractify about "whatever happened to  Avi" where she claims  they actually  dated for 6 months,  she wasn't  the one who brought up  marriage,  etc... 



    Good article, thanks. Good links to other articles, too, incl. one estimating her net worth.

  12. 1 hour ago, Shmoopaloop said:

    Watching Heather and Ryan make out was disturbing. Seems simply like a case of too much booze and sadness. I thought he only liked 22 year olds anyway. 🙄

    Heather put up an IG story shortly after MBFFL played. No caption, just a gif that seemed to indicate she was embarrassed.

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  13. 43 minutes ago, nytonc said:

    They need to rename the show My Big Fat Fabulous Lie. It gets more unbelievably scripted every week. I’d also like to get through one show without Twit mentioning the kiss. That beaten horse died last season! 

    My Big Fatuous Fabulist Lie

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  14. Buddy has a current IG story replying to a fan who sez he needs to get a real job, quit mooching off his friends, or end up living in his parents' basement the rest off his life.

    Buddy claims he was paying rent, now has his own place & is "making plenty of money." He sez he was pissed that Twit told him she wanted him to rent from her for 2+ years & only a month later told him to move. After he'd bought a bed, drapes, a TV, etc.

    Well, we know his rent was minimal. But I think he has a point about Twit's turning her back on him. OTOH, you'd think he would have learned & signed a lease with her. It wasn't the first time they butted heads over him as her tenant.

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  15. There's a big difference between fundraising for a school band's trip & a guy raising money to send himself to a sporting event he's entered. If he wants to do that, fine. But don't call it a fundraiser.


    "a social event held to collect money  for a political party, charity, school, etc.," according to Merriam Webster.

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