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  1. Here's a review that didn't love that episode... https://onechicagocenter.com/chicago-pd-continues-ignore-greatest-strengths-latest-episode?utm_source=RSS I think I'm just most surprised that it says Med and Fire have better ratings. Until the Upstead debacle, PD was my favorite and I didn't even watch Med. Now, Fire is my favorite and I think Med is good too.
  2. That could help...
  3. They tried to very poorly explain the heart transplant... She said something about having such a rare condition, or rare blood type - very rare *something* - that there was basically no hope for a match ever. So she was just trying to live her life. But yes, of course as soon as you say that, the one other person in the world with the same rare thing makes their heart available...
  4. I walked away and cleaned my kitchen, so... yeah.
  5. I guess they don't know that he's already punched a guy just because he... actually, I don't even remember what he did, but it didn't seem that bad. So yes, Pascal would definitely seek revenge on the guy who killed his wife, I agree.
  6. Really? Damon is back? Ugh. I thought this episode was actually very good. I teared up when they all walked into the funeral, even if the whole "we're family" thing gets a bit cheesy at times. It was well done, and Violet's narration reminded me of the good early seasons of Grey's Anatomy. And Dermot Mulroney plays crazy grief-stricken widower well. But... Pascal just somehow already knew that Damon is Sev's brother? I would have liked to have watched the scene where he learned that, given the trouble he's already given Sev and Stella about being married... I think this show has poor editors sometimes.
  7. They have no chemistry and their relationship seems so forced. It's too bad that they couldn't have just been the next platonic friendship, like Meredith and Alex. Absolutely. Why can't they find someone for Amelia to be happy? And why does Linc seem to have full custody of Scout?
  8. So, what are we missing? Did they edit out 4 episodes of the season and condense it? Will they air them later? I guess if we're missing a whole "month" of time, then Dr. Pacey being in love with Eliza Hamilton makes a little more sense, but not much...
  9. She's only 77. You caught at the end where the cane and limp and frailty were all an act, right?
  10. Obviously knowing that I was wrong, I actually did a double take because she looked like Betty White for a split second when she first walked in. Me too, especially because we never saw the grandson. How did he get a 3D printer and nickel powder on board? Great security they have there.
  11. Unless they are actually going to finally follow through with a backstory - that makes sense!! - so we know where he came from and why Severide had no clue he existed, then I totally agree. Get rid of him. And in my scenario, get rid of him right after we get some real answers. 😉
  12. Right, I know. I meant that Pascal didn't know that, and if I were him as a Chief and a Lieutenant made that comment to me, I'd ask follow up questions. He didn't, which I found weird.
  13. I think Will noticed them all coming out from behind that shed first, and then he saw the exchange. Definitely drugs. Good for Will for leaving. I did not, however, realize he drives a minivan... I thought it was something cooler, like a go camping at the beach while you surf kind of van. 😆 As for the rest of the episode, do we blame the writers or the editors for the choppiness? I don't need to see every little thing the characters do, but how did Will just show up at Em's? Which one texted the other first? And why are they drinking after work, going to bbq/parties, and having long talks before saying good night - while the sun is still up and makes it look like noon? This isn't Alaska... Why does Laka want to live with the younger kids in a yurt? Doesn't he have a home now? And if they're all so poor, how does Em have that nice house? I felt bad for the kid, but at least Will taught him to surf and Em came around and apologized. She's better off without her mom for sure. But that brings me to my last point... Will and Em dated/lived together for at least 3 YEARS and they never mentioned their moms to each other before? Did they even talk at all?
  14. I agree! Was going to say the same thing. :-)
  15. I understand, but we are "living" in show reality when watching the show. This is how they've always explained it, but sometimes they do go in with water at the same time. They never use it immediately though, for... reasons. But also, I follow my local volunteer fire department on social media, and watch the local news, and most house fires are described as "Truck arrived first on the scene, made entry, and did the initial search of the scene..." Then they usually say something like "Engine followed up and the fire was under control in x amount of time..." Not going in with full hoses blasting when they don't know where the people are makes sense to me.
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