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  1. Our letter carrier is always chatting on the phone when he walks around delivering mail.
  2. During the laundry scene Dolly’s voiceover is saying how she left her mom’s house and refuses to go back and yet Mom’s rainbow top is CLEARLY seen with the rest of the clothes. Later Mom told either Dr Paradise or Dr Now, I forget who, that Dolly kept leaving and coming back, leaving and coming back. So the laundry scene had to have been when she was back with her mom despite the voiceover, right? These shows are edited and cobbled together so weird, mixing up the timelines, I never know what’s going on.
  3. I am absolutely exhausted after this episode. Like someone in live chat said, it might make me a bitch but I can’t stand people who cry at everything. Including when they’re happy. The way those two grabbed eachother and ugly cried when Dr Now said he’d give her surgery made me sick. The exclamations of “WE did it” and “OUR surgery” were disgusting, you two are separate people. And for god’s sake Millie had gastric bypass (I did too), she should know that just having the surgery is just the beginning, there was no need to start crying that her baby is going to live now. MARGARET still has to put in the work. I positively loathe both these women and I personally hope we don’t get a follow up because I never want to see them again.
  4. I make my stuffing with the gizzard liver and heart like my mom did, the stuffing with some gravy is my favorite part of the Thanksgiving dinner.
  5. Did you see how she reacted when Dr Now told her he would put her in the hospital on a controlled diet if she didn’t step up the weight loss? And THEN she magically lost more weight? She could have done that well from the beginning, she just didn’t want to. She literally had to be threatened with hospitallization. That pissed me off. I had gastric bypass in 2012. I wasn’t as big as these people and I guess food wasn’t as much as an addiction with me, but I followed every direction I was given by my surgeon regarding the pre-surgery diet and I met every goal she asked of me. The people who deliberately don’t try to help themselves make me angry.
  6. We had chicken noodle soup (just the boxed stuff) and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner tonight, a common meal in our house in the cooler months.
  7. What about Texas? If they are married, would his income be in danger if they moved there?
  8. I wouldn’t bring this up if she had been a decent person, but... I mentioned we are the same age. In one of the photos of her teenage self early in the episode it showed her posing with a giant “95” so, class of ‘95, right? Except it should have been ‘93 (I graduated in ‘92 but was a year ahead). So for some reason, either starting late or being held back or both, she was not one but two years behind. Unless her school just...went longer? 🤷🏻‍♀️
  9. I had the same thought last week and decided to get some KFC (surprisingly they don’t have an app). I know it had been years since I had it, and now I remember why. The flavor was ok but it was so greasy it made me a little ill. I let my parrot have the biscuit. He wasn’t terribly impressed, lol.
  10. Ok I heard “house” too but said nothing because I thought for sure I was the only one. How does “nails” sound like “house” anyways? But it did! Btw...Cindy and I have the same first name and are the same age. I don’t know why you guys needed to know that. But now you do.
  11. Same, I followed my thin athletic friend through the college cafeteria and ate what she did for at least a week. She ate a LOT of fruit. I started feeling crappy and went to the doctor and that’s when I was diagnosed with diabetes. 😕 We can’t all just eat the same way and be healthy, despite what a lot of thin people think.
  12. I had bunion correcting surgery and actually went into it assuming it would be local anesthetic. But the doctor told me it has to be general for two reasons, 1) so you don’t move on accident and 2) because they have to put a clamp on your leg to slow blood flow that would be uncomfortable even with local. So it’s possible a lymphedema surgery would need to be general for the same reasons.
  13. We’ve had this debate in my house before, lol. Pretty sure it’s not.
  14. I will be making this tomorrow. Thanks. Have some lemons I need to use. 🙂
  15. Glad I’m not the only one who was annoyed by that. 😞
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