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Everything posted by wanton87

  1. You might be thinking of this Thread ALTSO. But yeah, the writing was all over the place with this series. There was the vague Albert death episodes. And we had the strange situation with Royal’s family (first the two bratty sons who disappeared, then were replaced by Jenny). It’s like the producers contracted the scripts out to 5 year olds at the local preschool :D
  2. Last I checked (though it’s been a little while) all of the adult men (with the exception of the young men such as Adam and Almanzo) were gone, but all of the adult women (Minus Harriet now) were still with us. I just checked on Hersha Parody (Mrs Garvey) and she’s still alive. Sorry to hear that we lost Mrs Oleson. I’ve been watching through the episodes again, and have been thinking about her, since I knew that she must be getting on in years, having been middle aged at the time the show started.
  3. It’s been a few years, and so I can’t say how much has changed in that time, but here is what I recall. 15% of lung cancer patients survive to the 5 year mark. So if we break that down into everyday numbers, 15 out of a 100 lung cancer patients will still be alive over that time frame. 50% of lung cancer patients are gone within the 1st year (My father lasted 8 months). I wasn’t trying to be dishonest in my claim, but was speaking in statistical probabilities. It sounds as if your mother was exceptional, and that you got to spend considerably more time with her than most families get, and that’s a good thing, minus any suffering that she had to endure of course. In the case of Ami, is it possible that she responded well to the treatments? Sure it is, but again, statistically, the odds would not have been in her favor. Do I believe it? Well, I suppose I’m a pessimist, especially when it comes to the Brown’s, but no, I do not believe it.
  4. I wouldn’t doubt that they have some decent qualities. My main problem with them is the manipulation. And as someone that has direct experience with late stage lung cancer, I’m not buying that Ami cancer scare for a second. Lung cancer is simply not something that is so neatly and conveniently taken care of, and in so timely of a fashion. For anyone doubting this, try looking up the statistics on lung cancer (I’ll save you the trouble though, by stating that they’re very poor is an understatement). Rain won’t have any problems scoring a top notch mate. Truth be told, Birdy really isn’t bad looking either. But we live in a vain society, and that missing tooth is gonna hurt her SMV pretty bad in the dating market :D (I jest, but in all seriousness, I meant what I said about her looks being decent).
  5. With all the grief that Harriet caused Caroline every time that she tried to engage in a simple transaction such as receiving payment for eggs, I would have more expected Caroline to slam the bowl of eggs down on Harriet’s head, with the parting words of “Here you go bitch, the eggs are on me, or rather you, today” :D
  6. Okay, now I remember this episode. Funny, but I was just over at my cousin’s house earlier today, and the Walton’s were on, and I mentioned that the girl, Aimee Godsey, was in an episode on little house one time, and he remembered it too. But yes, you are right. In the episode titled Ma’s Holiday, Ma and Pa were at a play, and Ma’s constant worrying led to them leaving early for home.
  7. I agree, and that’s why Les is my favorite over all the others. I’ve watched Bear Grylls, and Dual Survival, and while I like them on some level, Bear Grylls is all about sensationalism (even though I do believe that he’s the real deal) as is Dual Survival. And most of the crew members featured in Dual Survival can’t be taken seriously, particularly Cody, though I do like Dave Canterbury and frequent his youtube channel from time to time. My favorites were when Les survived in the Sierra Nevada, and the winter plane crash episode in Ontario. Les has mentioned that though he carries a satellite phone with him while out on his excursions, his tests while out in the field have shown no connectivity in about 50% of the cases, so he’s truly on his own in many of these scenarios.
  8. Way to go Mary. Pawn the rooster off on the biology challenged kid (No one wants those). Damn. Was that not the most terrifying case of the DT’s that anyone has ever saw ? :D
  9. I don’t recall Minneapolis being mentioned in the show either. But it’s also been several years since I first saw it, even though I’m just now going through it again (Just got the DVD set from Amazon, all 9 seasons) but I’m still on season one.
  10. It’s kind of interesting that of the places they lived, many were small towns at the time, and really, haven’t grown much since then. Walnut Grove, De Smet, Burr Oak; all sparsely populated areas even today. What’s funny is that if Charles Ingalls had his way, he would have ended up further west (As I recall, he wanted to move on to Oregon) where the overall population would have been much higher than where he ended up settling.
  11. It's definitely a big difference compared to where I live in the west, where we have almost no flat land. But Walnut Grove does look like it's a pretty area. I was looking up dugout shelters a while back, and lo and behold, up came this short video clip on the Ingalls dugout site (I wasn’t actually looking for it). The original dugout is no longer there, but the area is marked off so that you can see how large it was. It’s tiny, and doesn’t appear to be any larger than a walk in closet. Yet they managed to shoe horn in what would have been a family of 5 at that time. I hope they got along really well :D Jump to about the 3 minute mark if you only want to see the dugout site. The entire video is about 5 minutes long. Little House on the Prairie: The Dugout Homesite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ct2_gclbTc
  12. Kind of a funny episode, if for no other reason than its topographical and scientific liberties. I chuckled a little when Edwards mentioned that Laura was heading towards “high country”. For anyone that has Google Earth installed on their PC, try zooming in on Walnut Grove Minnesota some time (It’s flatter than Kevin Jame’s lawn chair, and for as far as the eye can see around it :D ). Pasteurization of milk, and microbiology; oh my! Those prairie bumpkins certainly were an enlightened bunch :D
  13. The best depiction detailing Edwards olfactory delights, came from Albert_Ingalls of IMDB fame. ? https://moviechat.org/tt0071007/Little-House-on-the-Prairie/58c72f3e5ec57f0478f5565c/Who-smelled-worse
  14. Turns out that the real dude wasn’t all that upright of a fellow either. From the Pioneer Girl Manuscript (annotated version): Trivia: Just watched this one again. If you take notice amongst the scenes with the school children, you will notice a goofy looking blond kid that closely resembles a pre-Spicoli Sean Penn, because that is in fact who it is. This episode was directed by Leo Penn, father of Sean Penn, and so Sean had a background part (I was halfway expecting him to break the 4th wall and look straight into the camera, whip out a bong, and exclaim, “Hey prairie beyotch’s, let’s party” :D ) Also present as background characters once again, was the ‘Tall School Girl’ (referred to as Rosemary, in Town Party, Country Party) and that really cute little blond girl (Also present in Town Party, Country Party, and referred to as Helen in that episode). Both would disappear, along with Kristy Kennedy (Who was a real person, unlike the first two) after no more than about 20 episodes into the series.
  15. I came across an interview one time with Radames Pera (John Jr). He also mentioned that MSA was difficult to work with, to the point that he would breath a sigh of relief when he showed up on set and learned that he would not have to shoot any scenes with her on that particular day. On the other hand, he probably didn’t breath a sigh of relief when he showed up on set after a long hiatus, and just discovered that he had been murdered :D http://littlehousedocumentary.weebly.com/radames-pera-aka-john-edwards.html
  16. Just finished watching this one again. Dayum. That was a close call for poor Jack, when Chuck almost goes all Travis Coates on his ass. Even though you know it’s not gonna happen in the end, it’s still kind of a hard episode to watch.
  17. Gonna go out on a limb here, and guess that the real dude also didn’t go around punching other folks out :D
  18. It also reminded me of that incident when Carrie almost got Albert’s ass kicked, after having successfully fooling that bully Bart into thinking that he was a werewolf, with that hokey paper maché mask. That Bart must have been an exceptionally dumb bully, even by 19th century standards, since everyone even back then knew that there’s no such thing as werewolves :D
  19. Carrie served well in the part of a cute little kid, that said and did cute little kid things. But once some acting skills where required beyond this stage, she fell (no pun intended :D ) short. But when the show really jumped the shark with regards to Carrie, was when she was still acting the same, and reciting the same cute little kid lines; when she was friggin 12 or 13!
  20. I don’t remember Grace as well from the TV series, because I missed many of the later episodes. Though now I have the complete series on DVD, and am currently going through them all again. They were rather cute, which is the main prerequisite for any child actor I suppose.
  21. Well, there was also the dunny genie, and the mischievous fairy that tripped her while running down the hill, and lured her into that well. But Carrie understood that they weren’t real. Or did she? :D
  22. Yeah, you figure that Edwards was legally dead everyday around noon time, with his daily BAC. 19th century KinderCare Edwards was not, and you would have had to burn the house down after he left :D Couldn’t figure out what the purpose of the belt he was wearing served, when he was wearing suspenders, and the pants that he was wearing didn’t even have belt loops. I guess Edwards never learned in firearms safety course, that you never put your finger on the trigger of a gun until you’re ready to fire it. That would have saved him blowing a hole through the Ingalls roof, big enough for Carrie to fall through :D
  23. As I recall, he was none too happy with him, particularly following that road flare in the dry woods incident a few seasons back :D
  24. Just came across this photo of the real family. I actually thought that the real Mary was quite pretty in her youth, but of course it’s tough to compete with someone as beautiful as MSA. That Carrie had some rather hard features. And is it just me, or does Grace look like James Woods in drag :D Left to right: Ma, Carrie, Laura, Pa, Grace, and Mary
  25. Yes, I seem to recall reading that this was the reason that she was excluded from the books. For similar reasons, the son Perley was excluded from the books as well, because he was too young to be worth mentioning at the time the events in the book took place.
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