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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. 6 hours ago, cameron said:

    Joe was killed before he even found out that the lady was pregnant with his child.  Rewatch the episode when they first introduce Joe's mom and the Reagan's learn about him.



    How do we know that our Joe didn't know about him?

    His mother told me.

    Sure it isn't some kind of scam or something? Yeah, you sure this whole thing checks out?

    They use the same DNA tests that you guys use for crime scenes.

    Very accurate. So, what... this makes him 25, 26?




    Joe was introduced in season 10. No way Joe died 14 years before the series started.

  2. 7 hours ago, cameron said:

    Joe Hill overplays his devotion to his dead father.  His father was killed before he was even born.

    I know they never met, but he didn't die before he was born did he?  Joe's got to be at least 20, and this show has only been on 14 years, and I thought Joe died right before the show started.

    Eddie should have given her partner a head's up, definitely, no question about it.  But, she did the right thing rushing that rape kit and getting it kicked up the ladder before it got covered up.

    I thought when Jamie went to dinner last week, it meant he was done with the undercover. Not in love with that story.


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  3. 12 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    Of all the things to nitpick, but why were they teaching Sheldon’s class in English?  Of course he doesn’t know German, so we’ll just have a German university teaching in English. Sitcom logic.  

    Missy’s having absorbed all the minutia of housekeeping was everything. 

    Sheldon can probably easily know German.  Maybe even does.  The English is for us. I, for one, can't stand reading subtitles long-term.  A scene or two is fine.

    • Like 1
  4. I can't remember the last time I had a game this bad.

    For FJ, I said Voltaire, no that's way too early. Moliere.  No, he's a playwright.  Maybe the initials are a clue.  Nostradamus.  

    I got the missed clues of acclmation, witty city ditty, Mrs. Roper, The Partridge Family, French trench stench and battered wife syndrome.

    The best I can say is that I did get at least one right in every category.

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  5. I said Pisa, just because I think it's near Florence, even though I knew it had nothing to do with hills.

    I got the missed clues of Scott Hamilton and Slaughterhouse 5.

    I got the entire category of capitals right.

    Monday is the only final I've gotten right this week.  Hopefully I can bookend it with tomorrow's.

    • Like 5
  6. FJ. What happened in 1881. Garfield was assassinated.  That clearly got me nowhere.

    I got the missed clues of Louis L'Amour, All of Me, and Amy Tan.

    I got the entire category of reigning men right.  I would have ran art, but Picasso seems like the type of person who would name his kid after a sparrow.

    Missed a lot of easy ones tonight.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, chaifan said:

    I think our two views on this is rather funny.  You see the "fake out" (Flower not being the one who got sucked off) as them pulling a fast one, where I see the "come up with some new ghost rule to bring her back from being sucked off", like a seance or new character, as them pulling a fast one.  Inevitably, one of us will be disappointed.  Or, who knows, maybe both us will be. 

    And I see both of those as pulling a fast one.

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  8. I was going to say Gore, but I said McCain.  

    I got the entire category of smell right.  

    I had a horrid game.  It started out pretty well, but went downhill after the first commercial breaks.

    And I was totally with the contestant on that submarine daily double.  No way I was getting that.

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  9. FJ was obvious to me after the answer was revealed, but I had no idea before.  I said bleeding for lack of anything better.  I actually just wanted to say tussive, but knew that wouldn't fly.

    I got the missed clues of yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, whisky, Kyle Chandler, Eisenhower, Congo, and Calhoun

    I got the entire category of heavy right.

    Had a fairly good first round, not so good second and tanked final to wind up with a fairly large sum owed to Jeopardy.

    • Like 3
  10. On 2/16/2024 at 11:26 AM, JustHereForFood said:

    Is it wrong that I think that The Catcher in the Rye, Love Story and Jonathan Livingston Seagull are waaay too overrated?

    I read the Catcher in the Rye for school.  sure that makes a boring/bad book worse and makes a passable book bad because you have to dissect it to death, but that was one of my 3 least fave books that I had to read for school.  yeah, OK, you're lamenting the loss of innocence.   it is sad. But, Holden Caultfield, you also just seem to be a crappy person in general.

    • Like 5
  11. 50 minutes ago, freeser said:

    The episode with Emma's first birthday was shown today.  It got me wondering about Ben.  Were there episodes with both Emma and Ben together?  Ross it seems would have wanted his two children to know each other.  

    I don't think Ben was ever on after Emma was born.  The last time I remember seeing him was the Ms. Pac Man episode while Rachel was pregnanat.  I'm sure we're supposed to assume that Ben and Emma saw each other off-screen, but that they didn't want to recast Ben.

    • Like 3
  12. 4 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    I was very happy that it was Flower who was finally on her way to heaven as she was not my favorite character.  Now, at my table for 1, I am disappointed that it seems the character may be backed based upon the posts in the thread.  I think it makes the series stronger that there is movement within the ghost community.  I thought that seeing Crash in this episode might mean that other ghosts would be developed and I enjoyed the basement ghosts.  I personally hope that Flower is, indeed, gone and stays gone.  I may be alone in my opinion but it's my preference.

    I agree. I'd be perfectly fine with her being in some flashbacks, but I want her stay in Heaven.  Jay said  Sam was trying to help them move on. What's the point of moving on if you come back?

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  13. 59 minutes ago, Driad said:

    IIRC, Sam saw the pillar of light and said that someone had, uh, ascended.  The ghosts did not appear to know until she told them.  Maybe the pillar of light was caused by something else, and none of the ghosts are actually gone?

    Nigel saw it from outside and was afraid Isaac had been the one.

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  14. On 2/16/2024 at 1:05 PM, Browncoat said:

    I can totally buy that it was Attic girl who got sucked off.  She was supposed to have sex on prom night, so once she had sex with Basement Boy, she was finished with her journey on earth.  Possibly Basement Boy got sucked off, too.  (heh).

    But, Crash said he saw her and that she was sleeping.

    • Like 1
  15. I don't know why, but I don't really like it when Jamie goes undercover. Cosigning approval of the beard, though.  Not so much the tats.

    That mother was so annoying. If you want there to be consequences for your son stealing, give them to him yourself.  That kid looked like he was 10.  They probably weren't going to stick him in jail for shoplifting anyway.  I agree with Eddie's boss.  If that kid doesn't know right from wrong, that's at least partly on mom.

    And I have no idea what our takeaway was supposed to be from the whole Frank/Mayor immigration thing.


    • Like 2
  16. 9 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I just can't believe that with all the interesting ideas that were floating around about a potential spin-off this is the direction they've chosen to go.  She and Georgie don't have the star attraction and super-funny lines to carry a show by themselves.  It looks like they're teasing us with them living with her parents for a while.  That doesn't seem that interesting either and I love Will Sasso.  

    And when we know for a fact that they won't end up together in the end it feels like it would be kind of depressing to watch a show revolving around them.

    • Like 13
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  17. I got FJ.  And i think that means I only missed Monday's.  That is not normal for me.  I'm usually lucky if I get two right in a week.

    I got the missed clues of Truman and Huron.

    I got the entire categories of 2 hyphens and dogs right (don't tell my cat).


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  18. I didn't dislike Flower, but she was always just kind of there. I wasn't really invested in her character at all.

    Birds are evil.  I've always said so.  Jay, you should have open and run.  Trever being a bird expert was unexpected.

    IMO, this was not my favorite episode.  I never care about the basement ghosts.

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  19. That Pastor Jeff should have chosen a wife more wisely, but that doesn't excuse him from not returning that money immediately.  And confessing where the TV came from when returning it.

    Good on Missy for stepping up.

    And, yeah, I guess a cup of coffee and a cup of sugar would give her a bit of a buzz.

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  20. I got FJ.  Almost switched to the Eiffel tower, but realized that has 4 legs, not 2.

    I got the missed clues of sentry, keelhaul and New Orleans.  So, next weekend I think I'll keelhaul a sentry in New Orleans.


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  21. I got FJ.

    I got the missed clues of Uruguay (I think the contestants were honing in on the Holland part), sheep (after I said goats), American Ornithological Society, American Legion, and changeling.

    I got the entire category of kid kings right and the entire category of air wrong.  Hope I don't have to breathe any time in the near future.  


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  22. I got FJ after saying, argh, what's his name.  Didn't think I would remember, but literally came to me 2 seconds later.

    I got the missed clues of rhomboid and anthrax (come on, thrax was right there).

    I got the entire category of rh right.


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  23. On FJ, my mind went to the civil rights act and I didn't know when that was passed, so I said LXV.

    I got the missed clues of Jimmy Hendrix, vale and dale, red, and Puerto Rico (wild guess).

    I got the entire category of airline logos right.

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