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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. I said Mongols. Khan took me to Genghis, which took me to Mongols and that's all I got.

    I got the missed clues of Tracy Chevalier, meander and geyeser.

    Not too bad of a night for a tournament.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

    es.  Ken, sweetie, stop trying to make JIT happen.

    I had a group of friends in college who all called each other jit.  I've never heard it anywhere else. (besides in my accounting classes where it stood for just in time). And, no, Ken wasn't there.

    • Like 3
  3. FJ was an instaget and definitely the high point of my game.

    I got the missed clues of eyes, Tolstoy and neurodivergent.

    I only got two questions right before the first commercial break, but did end up getting at least one right in each category..  What a night. I clearly need a brain transplant or something.

    • Like 3
  4. I said Brave New World.  I read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest many an eon ago, but that would have never occurred to me in a million years.

    I got the missed clues of Free Soil, suit up, 5G and hackney.

    I got the entire category of hippop wrong.  Better than last night, but that's not saying much. I think easier questions.

    • Like 5
  5. That was painful.

    I got FJ after thinking that silver was too easy.  Living silver, turned into quicksilver, and voila mercury.

    I got the missed clue of clean up man (actually I said clean up guy, but I'm giving it to me).

    I got the entire category of card right and the entire categories of magazines and Shakespeare wrong.

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  6. I got FJ.  And since none of those supersmart contestants did, by the transitory nature of Jeopardy, I have beat everybody.

    I got the missed clues of Mamma Mia and sunfish.  This is the best game I've had in a while, but that's not saying much.  I did end in the black.  But, only because FJ is worth $10K regardless of what went before.

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  7. On 3/21/2024 at 1:27 AM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    If Sheldon is living in the dorm, that means he's eating 3 meals a day at college. Who's paying for that? (I also don't think the school would accept the liability for a 13 year-old living on campus by himself, but I'll allow it.)

    It's also interesting that Sheldon doesn't miss his trains or any of his other stuff. They really skipped over the details of this major transition.

    I imagine he has a full scholarship that includes room and board.

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  8. I got final.  Which is good because the rest of my game sucked.

    I got the entire categories of Johnny Gilbert, dessert (oddly enough, I have such a  sweet tooth) and Italian wrong.

    I almost got all of the OT, but I missed the $400 clue.  So frustrating to get all the higher clues and miss the so-called easiest one.

    • Like 2
  9. Once again I had a misleading first round and it went swiftly downhill from there.

    All I could think of in final was that Sochi was in Russia and probably the Chicago 7 was the connector.  Obviously I got nowhere.

    I got the missed clue of egopher.

    • Like 3
  10. I was feeling pretty good after the first round, but then the rest of the game happened.

    I said adrenal gland. I don't know why. It was between that and thyroid.  So, wrong either way, though I feel like thyroid wouldn't have been as embarrassingly wrong.

    I got the missed clue of Cumberland gap, only because it's the only gap I know.  I was thinking nobody would name their kid Cumberland, but now realize he was probably the Duke of Cumberland.

    I got the entire category of silent letters right and the entire categories of directors and music wrong.  Yep, 2 whole categories in DJ wrong.  

    • Like 6
  11. I got FJ right.  I used to work for a travel agency, and we did travel for an Au Pair program where they came from Yerevan, Baku, and Tblisi.  I'm glad the clue wasn't for Tblisi, because I remember EVN and BAK, but can't remember Tblisi's code.

    I got the entire category of 5 sides wrong.  

    Not the worst night of this tournament for me.

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  12. 6 hours ago, Cress said:

    I thought Jay was a jerk to assume they'd spend all the money on the restaurant. They could have compromised by asking Isaac only for $10K, but letting him keep the rest of the money that Trevor's investment made. That way Isaac can still spend some on a wedding and keep some savings for any future needs.

    Trevor shorted it putting Jay and Sam's money at risk.  He even specified that Jay and Sam would owe the money, not Isaac.  So, if anything, Isaac could have the original $10K back and Sam and Jay get the rest.  it was 100% their risk (whether they knew of it or not).

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  13. 14 hours ago, Skooma said:

    But then we wouldn't have a full half hour episode to watch.

    True and it wouldn't have bothered me as much except that Sam look terrified (for lack of a better word) when Isaac walked in because Jay wouldn't know he was there.  And insted of saying "we wouldn't be stealing the money" she should have said "we wouldn't be stealing your money." Easily solved if her back had been to him.

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  14. Everything could have been avoided if Sam had just said "Hi, Isaac" when he walked in the room. Or better yet, if they had gone off site to discuss "stealing" the money.

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  15. FJ was an instaget.

    I did really well tonight. I didn't run any categories, but there were 3  I only missed one (and one of those was the $400 clue in DJ).   Not bad for a TOC game if I do say so myself.

    1 hour ago, Driad said:

    t may have been a reference to the games against Watson, in which Ken Jennings wrote, "I for one welcome our new computer overlords." 

    I'm sure it was.  That was what I immediately thought.

    • Like 5
  16. 1 hour ago, JustHereForFood said:

    My peeve is people putting everyone on speaker, especially outside. It's meant for special circumstances when you can't hold the phone, not for regular conversations. Also, it's basic courtesy to inform the other person they are on speaker. Not everybody is fine with strangers hearing their private conversation.

    Yeah, I agree.  I almost always put my phone on speaker when I'm home alone, but, why would I want to but the rest of the world to hear my business?

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