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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. Not often (or ever) that I get to say this in a TOC, but final was an instaget.

    I got the missed clue of cornflower.

    Not too bad of a night.  Not a good night, but again, for a TOC, not bad at all.

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  2. I"m OK with the retcon as I've always viewed this as a separate show. However, I'm calling it a retcon. I, in no way, shape or form, believe BBT Sheldon is stupid enough to not know his own mother's voice, even with a fake accent.  Plus, as others have mentioned, the action figure, etc.  

    Although, within this show, I find it hard to believe that Sheldon wouldn't confront George over cheating on his mother.  He had to spend a night at Tam's to get away from the secret when he didn't even know what the secret was.  Even adult Sheldon is terrible at keeping secrets.

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  3. 7 hours ago, BellaR said:

    I think that it is very important that he foot is hurting.. She may still be alive, even though going this long without medical help would be a serious problem.

    Well, I would hope that the professionals that came to take away her body would have noticed such a thing.

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    • LOL 4
  4. I said Ovid because he's literally the only ancient Roman poet I can name.

    I got the missed clues of 12, prohibitionist and (believe it or not) pulchritudinous.  Probably didn't spell it right, but spelling doesn't count.

    Not too bad for tournament play tonight.  Did not want the celeb to win. Hopefully he won't win the whole thing.

    • Like 5
  5. 2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I hate that DUIs have so few consequences for the drivers. That's the fault of legislatures, of course, not the DAs.

    Me, too.  The reason there are so many repeat offenders is because there are barely any consequences until you kill someone.  An automatic month in prison, $5,000 fine and loss of license for a year on the first offense, would probably give a lot of people pause to even try to decide if they're sober enough to drive before just calling a cab or whatever.

    • Like 4
  6. 18 hours ago, Chit Chat said:

    It is Sheldon, and he thinks the world revolves around him, so he probably didn't even consider for a second that the train would dare leave without him on it!!  :) 

    Even if the train didn't leave, someone could have just swiped it.

    • Like 5
  7. 8 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    ridiculous = comedy

    Oh, yeah, absolutely. I'm just saying that even if his Flower slip up hadn't given him away, that probably would have.  

    • Like 2
  8. 5 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    That would actually be worse IMO. Because that moment that forever altered Sheldon’s relationship with George all being a stupid misunderstanding? He already has enough regrets about George.

    I don't care if they don't follow BBT canon, but in BBT canon it's not possible that Sheldon just mistook his mother for someone else because of a wig or whataever. Because the woman he walks in on with George bought him an action figure to try to win him over.  I don't think a wig would fool him that long.

    • Like 4
  9. I agree with Nigel.  You don't get married planning for divorce.  

    All else aside, I think "where are the ghosts?" would have been a ridiculous thing to say right after falling down the stairs.  Sure, they probably would have all run in, but someone's absence probably isn't the first thing you think of after falling down the stairs.  



    • Like 9
  10. What kind of a moron leaves his bag on a train, or a bus, if he's getting off.  Even for a minute.

    46 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

    But maybe it was worth it to see him being chased by a miniature Dachshund.

    I got chased by a miniature collie once.  we later became friends.

    47 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

    Why didn't the officers just buy Sheldon a train ticket back? Certainly would beat spending an hour in a car with him and they'd at least know he got safely on a train. 

    Because he lied to his mother.

    Also, what time did Sheldon call Missy?  Since there was a 2 or 3 hour lapse before he got home, it doesn't seem like it could have been very late, or Mary would have been worried before the phone call.  It woul dhave been 7 hours earlier in TX, and no teenagers I knew at that time would be up at 9 in the morning if they didn't have to be.  And she clearly didn't have to be.

    6 minutes ago, Jodithgrace said:

    Doesn’t Sheldon have classes? How can he go off on train journeys, though that sure looked like fun. I love train travel, especially in Europe or Japan. 
    “Onions in, onions out!” So true. 

    I assume he's doing it on weekends.  Missy was home to answer the phone, in what would have been morning, or I guess possibly middle of night.

    • Like 5
  11. All that star made me think of was satellites, and that didn't have anything to do with travel, but then I was up in the air, so I said the Cocorde because I was out of time.

    No TSs and no run cataegories for me, but on the bright side, also no completely wrong categories.

    • Like 2
  12. I said secretary of state.  Mostly because I couldn't think of anything else that alliterated.  Not because I thought either of them were secretary of state or that that is a job you would get with a coin toss.

    I got the  missed clue of Kazakhstan.

    I got the entire category of histor"e" right and the entire category of actors wrong.


    • Like 4
  13. 9 hours ago, dgpolo said:

    No FJ today but I did get the TSs of Pleat, Chiron (got all the Mythology clues), Jean Hersholt, Moulin Rouge and The Ransom of Red Chief (and all the other short stories)

    Chiron was the only one I missed in mythology.  Not sure if she was spelling it that way, but loved the answer of Mentaur.

    • Like 1
    • Fire 1
  14. 37 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    The fleece TS surprising, as was no one figuring out magnesium and aluminum.

    I said woolleen, and then rolled my eyes when fleece was revealed.

    Also, although I obviously totally knew it, I blanked on Fauci.  That was just embarrassing.

    • Like 3
  15. I said Botticelli.  No reason.  Just guessing an Italian artist.

    I got the missed clues of Shakespeare & Company, and magnesium and aluminum.  Before Chris missed them with partially right info.

    I got the entire categories of the New Testament and parts of speech right.

    Much better game than Friday, but i still lost money.

    • Like 4
  16. 5 hours ago, TheCathedral said:

    Is the whole Jamie deep undercover thing even plausible? Considering that the Reagan family is so well known, it seems really risky, one news article about the family and his cover is blown, then what? 

    I know. It's stupid.  Not only is his family semi-famous, but he's been a cop in that city for a long time.  He could run into someone he's arrested before.  It's why I don't like Jamie undercover stories.  Nothing will beat the one where he was undercover at night and walking a beata during the day as far as ultimate stupidity goes, but in reality, if Jamie wanted to get into undercover work, he'd have to do it in Florida, or something.

    4 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

    I would say maybe to not really. They did something similar in season 2 and it was more ridiculous because they had him going back and forth between the undercover assignment and being out on patrol. 

    Should have read your post first.  I could have saved myself a rant.  But, then again, where's the fun in that?

    • Like 5
  17. 8 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

    Joe Hill didn't know Joe Reagan was his father until one of Danny's sons did a home DNA test for fun or a school project (I can't remember which), and that's how they discovered that Joe Hill was a biological relative/Joe Hill discovered he was a Reagan. Joe's mother told him that his father was a police officer, but I do not think she ever told him who his biological father was specifically.  

    Yes, I know all of that.  but, he can still not know about his son without being dead.  The other poster is insisting that Joe died while the woman was pregnant.

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