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Katy M

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Posts posted by Katy M

  1. I started out thinking about instruments, but only momentarily and then immediatly said polo.

    I got the missed clues of Linus Pauling, beluga, seismic and Bounty.

    Pretty good night.

    • Like 5
  2. I got FJ, although I thought we needed both cities.

    I got the missed clues of Department of Agriculture, Pyrenees, Suzanne Collins, and  Diamond Head.

    i missed the entire category of churches.

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  3. every time I tried to think of a '90s  movie with a person's name in it all I c ould come up with was Saving Private Ryan. So, needless to say, I didn't get it.

    I got the missed clues of Vedas and Ming (mostly because that's my go-to Chinese Dynasty).

    I got the entire partial category of scientists wrong.

    I had a terrible DJ.

    • Like 4
  4. I said  Catcher in th eRye.

    I got the missed clues of Santa Fe, St. Joseph, Elizabeth Barrett, comic strip and Rumsfeld.

    I got the entire category of biographies wrong.  I like biographies. But, apparently not award winning ones.

    • Like 3
  5. FJ was an instaguess based solely on the word spoke.

    I got the missed clues of path of totality, exit, panel/penal, caller/cellar and rope/repo.  

    I got the entire categories of protection and rivers right and the entire categories of food and bands wrong.

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  6. I finally got an FJ right. Whoo-Hoo!

    I got the missed clues of Golden, Brunhilde, Invincible (used to love that song, not saying I now hate it I just haven't heard it in eons), Joseph Heller, and Karakoram.


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  7. First I said Chiang Kai Shek, then I said, no it's probably Mao Zedong, then I waffled between the two and laned on Mao.

    I got the missed clues of pedestrian and Bed Bath & Beyond.


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  8. 48 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

    I on the other hand would have gotten the entire category if I hadn’t forgotten the category every single time. 

    I forgot the category on zodiac a couple of times.  I also said Southern Cross and unfortunately didn't even remember the category after that was wrong.

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  9. I had no idea on FJ.

    I got the missed clues of things you crack, maple, Mary Cassat, be a fly on the Wall, Hong Kong, Baya Blanca and Henry Ford.

    I got the entire categories of trees right and potpourri wrong.

    • Like 2
  10. I said Amherst. I would be hard pressed to name 4 of the 7 sister colleges (before FJ).  Now I also know Bryn Mawr, so I guess i got it up to 7.  And I know not Princeton.

    I got the missed clue of Gulf of Aqaba.

    I got the entire category of song number right.

    • Like 2
  11. I said Harlem. I know nothing about NY.

    I got the missed clues of Iowa, charisma, Colin Powell, jaguar, and Romania.

    I got the entire category of coats of arms right of all things.

    • Like 2
  12. I got FJ even though I thought that happened in the 1400s.  Good thing I couldn't think of any other old timey murder victims.

    I got the missed clues of Rameses, Beauregarde, Mambo, and Dolly Madison.


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  13. FJ was a wild ride for me.  I said Tesla, no Mendeleyev, wait that's the periodic table guy, Mendel, that's who I'm thinking of, wait maybe it's Linnaeus, no it's Mendel.  So, bottom line, got it right.

    I got the missed clues of oath, Quebec, and A Quiet Place. 

    So-so game.

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  14. I figured it was a Christmas song, but that wasn't getting me anywhere, so I just said Cher.

    I got the missed clues of victrola, Into Thin Air (one of my favorite nonfiction books), acetylene, taxonomy, Pauly Shore (I'm embarrassed to say I only got one in the celeb category and it was Pauly Shore of all people), curry comb, and pyrotecnics.

    I got the entire categories of where and V8 right.

    • Like 5
  15. 18 hours ago, BlueSkies said:

    Family members that disappear and you never hear about them again:


    Richie had an older brother at one time on Happy Days

    Judy Winslow- family matters

    Brenda Walsh- 90210.  I know she I think went overseas or something like that but that was like the end of her.  She might have as well been dead.  

    The Code Man Step by Step


    Some that just come to mind from memory.  That might not even be accurate on my end 

    I don't put Brenda in the same category because she at least actualy went somewhre, they mentioned her at least a few times after that, and nobody acted like she didn't exist.

    Same with Cody.  They mentioned him.  He actually came back at a later pont.


    But, yeah, Chuck Cunningham, Brendan on Step by Step, Judy on Family Matters, Carrie's sister on King of Queens. These people just all disappeared and Howard Cunninghma specifically said he had 2 children (Richie and  Joni) and Carrie's dad said he had one daughter.

    • Like 5
  16. 10 hours ago, Browncoat said:

    I got Arno, but had no idea what the other half of that anagram pair was.

    I didn't either, but there were only so many letter combos, and Oran made the most sense.  

    • Like 2
  17. I had  a terrible game.

    I said Canterbury Tales for Final. it made sense to me. Here are tales.  Listen.

    I got the missed clues of Milhouse, Phish, David Lee Roth, bitcoin, Lima/Mali, Arno//Oran, Mesa/Ames, verbose, and lob.

    That list makes it look like I had a good game, but I think they just missed a LOT.

    • Like 5
  18. I got FJ.  Not confidently, but I got it.

    I got the misssed clues of thistle, Dome of the Rock, and hourglass.

    I got the entire categories of rock and weeds right.  And the entire category of TV wrong.

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  19. FJ was an instaget and I never even saw the movie.

    I got the missed clues of Mauna Kea (after Mauna Loa), blackout, skittish, basic, and Daisy Jones and the Six (but to be fair I also answered that for the question before and would have used it for any answer I didn't know int he category).

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  20. I said 12 Angry Men, but have to admit i didn't think it was right.  Mostly because I assumed the play itself is way older than 2004 (I saw the original movie and I'm pretty sure it was in black and white) and didn't know if they were talking about a new play or a revival.


    I got the missed clues of bass and June 25th.

    I got the entire categories of kids lit and deep space right.

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  21. 21 minutes ago, MollyMelrose said:

    Given Amy's affinity for Little House, Laura could be a possibility. (And though it might take a long while, Amy would eventually coerce Sheldon into calling the kid Half Pint.)

    Never happen. A kid has more than a half pint of blood and he wouldn't stand for the inaccuracy.

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