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Posts posted by catray

  1. I really hope they don't kill Jake-- for one because all of Jamie Bamber's characters seem to die and two, Gibbs and Vance have already lost spouses, so we don't need Bishop to lose her husband. Though TPTB would probably think they are turning everything on their head by killing the husband this time. *rolls eyes*

    • Love 3
  2. I thought Portman/McGregor had way more chemistry. And, yes, I've totally gone looking for Padme/Obi-Wan fanfic.


    Totally agreed. If you haven't stumbled across it yet, I highly recommend One Path.


    Related to the movie-- the second teaser trailer was amazing; I got chills as they panned over the fallen Star Destroyer. My hopes are pretty high for the new movies, so I hope they don't suck.

    • Love 1
  3. YESSSSSSS, an "Elf Lord" reference and now Dorneget is Dragon Priest. Love it.


    "You want my opinion? Your job sucks." Oh Gibbs, ever to the point.


    I am trying to care about the Bishop's relationship, because I feel like it's realistic that these changes to their lives and jobs could really throw off their communication but gah... it's so boring. How long has she been an NCIS agent now? And they still haven't talked about this yet?


    This was a good episode all around, but poor Gibbs (and Tony) were blown up again. Poor guys.


    I need a 24-hr pie restaurant nearby stat, please.

    • Love 5
  4. I am both surprised and not surprised that Joe was found guilty. Regardless of that, though, is that he is so delusional, apparently, that he thought he could resume life in Broadchurch as if nothing had changed. Wow. When Mark and Nigel dragged him out of the church, I honestly thought next season was going to revolve around the discovery and investigation of Joe's death. I liked Beth and Ellie coming together again and laying the smack down on Joe.


    Glad the Sandbrook case was laid to rest-- holy god those people are fucked up. Those poor girls. I still wish at some point someone had told Tess to stuff it, as her negligence cost Hardy the case in the first place, but whatever.


    Freaking loved the good-bye between Ellie and Hardy at the end, where she refused to hug him.

    • Love 3
  5. Ophelia's "dancing" was laughably bad. I can't help thinking that Amanda Schull (Centerstage, 12 Monkeys) would have been perfect for this part. Even worse, Ophelia is just so damn boring and I don't feel like anything in Liam and Ophelia's relationship has been earned. Everything is so easy; none of the obstacles seem truly believable or compelling (of course nothing about the relationship is believable or compelling). Plus, it's unbelievable that Marcus would have stayed behind with her and not gone with Prince Liam-- I'm pretty sure Kate only got PPOs after she and William were engaged. I am actually hoping that Liam becoming "acting King" or whatever incorrect term they are using next week puts on a damper on the relationship-- he begins to realize it's not that easy. At least Ophelia seems slightly hesitant after all the tabloid/paparazzi stuff this week. Totally agree that Eleanor and Ophelia have more chemistry than Liam and Ophelia.


    Joan Collins was a hoot-- she brought some much needed camp. I hope this wasn't her only appearance.


    Cyrus stabbing Simon would be too obvious, so I can't make up my mind over whether it's a just a fortunate coincident (for Helena/Cyrus), or if one of them is behind it. I suspect one of them must be behind it because SOAP OPERA! I suspect with Simon incapacitated the referendum will be off the table for awhile. I did like Simon telling them off, though-- that was awesome. I hope he doesn't die.


    I missed Jasper/Eleanor this week, but I am definitely liking new, sober Eleanor.

    • Love 1
  6. Helena having Jasper go down on her (and more) was gross. Yuck. I don't mind some sexy times, but I'm tired of the ones with power taking sexual favors from their underlings. At least this week Cyrus wasn't forcing Prudence for sexual favors and she stood up to him.


    I had to laugh when Ted said that as head of security, he knows things. You still suck at your job, Ted!! Who cares if you know things when you don't actually do shit at security. It's all well and good that you believe people aren't defined by their past, but for fuck's sake-- you're supposed to be hiring people to protect the King and Queen (of England, did you know?) not giving them second chances. Personally, I don't really care about whatever Jasper's backstory is.


    If video of Ashok getting treated for the arrow in the leg got leaked, I'm pretty sure that Ophelia's 10 seconds of toplessness will come back to haunt her.


    I liked Beck bringing out Eleanor's good side, but I like the chemistry she has with Jasper.

    • Love 4
  7. Haven't watched the episode yet, but my current theory on Jasper is that his parents are somehow involved in the death of Ophelia's mother, which is why he's hiding his background. But even if that were the case, I think Ophelia saw his papers and he was an orphan from somewhere, but assuming he was orphaned later, there should be a record of who his parents are. A background check would have turned up something hinky. But given how Ted sucks as head of security, it won't surprise me if he missed that.

    • Love 1
  8. It would certainly be entertaining if pics were leaked of QEII entering a masquerade on a couch carried by oiled up, muscled men... But mostly rolling my eyes at how terrible the security details are and how easy it is for these royals to just wander off and do whatever the hell they want-- like having a sex party down the hall or sneak off with their secret lovers.

    All the jewelery they were wearing tonight looked so damn fake.

    It was laughable when Ophelia picked out the big poofy white dress for Eleanor to wear. Really? Because Eleanor is definitely the cupcake dress type. The Ophelia/Liam/Gemma/Nick quadrangle is still boring as hell. Mainly because I don't believe there's anything that will actually keep Ophelia and Liam apart, at least anything substantial. Yawn.

    At least we found out that Jasper isn't a blackmailer and a rapist.

    LOL they actually did mention Prince Albert of Monaco this episode-- still think they missed an opportunity there.

    • Love 2
  9. God, I wanted to stand up and applaud when Ellie read Tom the riot act. Good for her and about damn time!! This episode wins for that alone, as far as I'm concerned.

    After seeing that Claire is definitely involved somehow with the murder of those girls, and that she and Lee had a plan-- I'm wondering if Claire, Lee, and Rick (and possibly Cate?) are all involved in murder.

    Hardy's wife? Ugh, step off. You cheated on your husband and ended your relationship, and now you're acting all territorial. Ugh.

    • Love 7
  10. I was definitely not thrilled to see Robert Wagner back again, especially so soon after his last appearance. At least he wasn't involved in the case this time. I just... look, Senior means well. He's trying with Tony. But he's as dense as a cement wall. It's one thing to move to be near your son as you age, but seriously-- the same building?! He's just totally clueless-- at least he wised up at the end and they had a conversation about it. I do agree with Zoe that Tony needs to not blame all his problems on his dad, though. I feel like Tony uses his dad has a defense/excuse to not really address his problems and just doesn't communicate.


    Other than that, this case felt unfinished to me so I wonder if it's going to crop again as the season closes out. We'll see, I guess!


    What about that sexy agent afloat guy? Why can't they bring him back? Did he get killed off and I just don't remember? Or was there no point unless there was a single woman around to have him flirt with? (Last I remember, Tony thought he was hitting on Ziva, but then he revealed that he was recently engaged. Then he got attacked by the Perp of the week, but I didn't think it killed him.


    Ahh, Special Agent Stan Burley! I like him too. I would love to see him back again.

    • Love 4
  11. I seriously don't get why everyone refers to Liam as the "playboy prince." Have we really seen that much to indicate that? So far we know three of the ladies he's slept with (Ophelia, Gemma and the model) and unless he's sleeping with them all at the same time or within hours of each other... is that really so outrageous? He likes to drink beer at pubs and play darts... ok, that's pretty normal for a 20-something. I just don't really see anything that necessarily makes him such a playboy, aside from being rich and young and aimless. I feel like they're trying to pump him up into some irresponsible sexed up kid, but nothing they've shown on screen really reflects that.


    I don't care about Ophelia's new boyfriend, so I can't remember his name, but I am amused at how he was apparently waltzing around the palace, with NO security accompaniment until Ophelia rescued him. Because that would totally happen in real life. Ted is the worst head of security EVER. It's a little sad that Jasper, who may be a rapist and blackmailer, is actually one of the only ones doing his job, ffs.


    Why did Marcus steal Gemma's gloves? That was kind of creepy and weird. Don't be creepy and weird, Marcus. I like you!


    I kind of wanted to slap Eleanor for bitching about having to visit her charities-- I mean, really, what else does she do? But she got better as the episode went on.


    I've read some comments that this show should have been set in Monaco, and I agree. The royalty of Monaco is definitely a bit more freewheeling compared to the staidness of the British royals and I think would have been a better fit-- or at least slightly less ridiculous, given what we've seen so far.

    • Love 3
  12. Predictably, I annoyed that Paul's visits to Joe (which are no one's damn business and part of his damn job) are being trotted out as something wrong by the prosecution and they are using them to try and force him to be a character witness. ARGH! And then Paul runs to Becca and confesses it and predictably she is horrified... I can't. I get that people won't be happy to learn of the visits, but seriously-- Paul is a priest!! This is what he does!!


    Personally, given how Beth can't even forgive Ellie for being married to Joe and not knowing what he was doing, I just don't see how she could be a big enough person to work with reformed sex offenders. She just doesn't seem the type at all. Maybe I'm wrong, but given how shrill she is towards Ellie (and basically anyone else who has wronged her) I find it difficult to believe she would decide to do something like that.


    Olivia Coleman killed it during her scene with Tom-- I ached for her. It was so superbly acted. Meanwhile, I want to punch Tom for being a dumb teenager, but he's also confused and angry... and now he's going to fuck up the trial by accusing Mark of being potentially be pedophile himself and killing Danny next week (pure spec based on the promo). 


    All the Sandbrook suspects are shady as hell. It looks like Lee and Cate were potentially having an affair, so I think I am now on the Claire/Rick suspect train. Love Ellie and Miller working on the case, especially now that Ellie has really gotten her teeth into it. Love them together.


    Susan, argh... what is she trying to accomplish?! I wanted to scream when she accused Nigel of dumping Danny's body on the beach, though I did enjoy that we finally got to see Jocelyn do her job, freaking finally!

    • Love 2
  13. Uh - I normally don't mind Eric and Nell's romance (or how they handle it) but this was just tiring. Also what age is Eric supposed to be? As Granger pointed out he's too old to pretend to be a college student anymore, his flirting with Blaise (aka mini-Nell) was questionable and him getting all upset about the idea of becoming friends with someone who's already 45 ridiculous (Barrett Foa turns 38 this year).


    Given that Abby over on the Mothership is supposed to be in her late twenties (and Pauley is approaching 40 as well, I believe), it wouldn't surprise me if Eric is supposed to be the same age. In any case, it's ridiculous that they're not playing closer to their real ages. Being with friends with a 45 yr old isn't the end of the world, good grief.

  14. Vance has had some great lines the past few episodes. Gibbs and Vance watching Tony and Bishop in the intimacy group was great-- actually, that sequence was great. I also enjoyed Tony and McGee in the tattoo parlor, the underlying theme of Tony being Gibbs's right hand man, and Palmer. I don't understand why Ducky and Palmer were fighting over who got to do the DNA work-- extracting DNA and running a PCR is a fairly menial task and, so why not have Palmer do it? It just seems silly-- at least to me. Oh well.

    Plus the amount of innapropriate whining before superiors was over the top. (McGee AND Abby) Do your job people! Yeah, I get that you don't like being left out of the loop, but time was critical and lives were at stake. Deal with your issues later!


    Gah, yes to this! I wanted slap Abby and McGee for their behavior in the beginning. McGee has really come into his own in the last few years, so I too hate it when he reverts to the insecure little brother trope, because certainly agents are always working on some kind of case/op and it's not like McGee hasn't done things that Tony didn't know about. Abby... argh. There's no possible way she could have be the *only* forensic scientist for the entire NCIS agency anyway, so good lord, stop it.


    Because the actor who played Orlando is a villain on Longmire, I figured he would be the villain here, so they got me there.


    Wait, Senior's back next week? Ugh, no. I'm tired of him.

    • Love 6
  15. Man, sounds like the US ladies had a terrible morning and the Russian ladies are killing it (I don't know why I am surprised, but oh well). I'm almost dreading watching the recording I have on my DVR of the short program, but I want to see Elizaveta's triple axel.

    • Love 1
  16. I liked this episode; moreso than the last episode with DiNozzo Sr. Love Delilah stabbing Malik and I agree there was some serious sparkage between she and Tim. I do think the flirting between Agent Larson and Tim was a little weird, but not inconceivable. I thought the whole thing with Agent Ali (?) was a little weird, but whatever.

    Happy Delilah is going to be back! I have liked her a lot, so I'm glad they're ending the long distance and bringing her back to DC (and not breaking them up).

    Vance was hilarious this episode.

    • Love 2
  17. I found this week to be a lot of fun and much better than last week, maybe because I gave into the camp. Or because they are doing quintessentially British things like having a garden party. Whatever, this was fun! Still wildly inconsistent-- like one moment Liam and Ophelia are bombarded by photographers while having coffee and then later Liam's ex-girlfriend is breaking into the least secure palace in the world and then Liam, Ophelia, and nameless(?) friend end up in a pub w/o security or photogs. Because of course.


    I actually liked that Ophelia tried to show up Gemma by drinking JD and totally got trounced. And then threw up in front of Liam. Oh girl, you are no Kate Middleton. (That we know of.) I like bitchy Gemma who can hold her drink (though not the entitled attitude) so I look forward to seeing her again.


    Right now Marcus is probably my favorite, because he does his job and is totally nonplussed.


    I dislike the Jasper/Eleanor storyline because it's really shitty that he's blackmailing her for sexual favors and freaking drugged her. Telling her parents (her father at least) would get that s.o.b. imprisoned so fast his head would spin. Why is this happening?

    • Love 3
  18. --These royals are waaaayyy too fashionable to be actual royals-- even the fashionable royals these days are still fairly conservative, compared to what celebrities wear.


    --Additionally, calling King Simon, Queen Helena, Princess so and so ad naseum is totally wrong-- you address the King/Queen as "Your Majesty" and the others as "Your Royal Highness" and then use sir/ma'am after that.


    --Ophelia running around through the palace like she owns it. Hahahahaha, right.


    --the lack/inconsistency of the personal protection officers.

    • Love 5
  19. If they wanted to start with a death they could have started with the death of the previous monarch. Have the villainous uncle feeling all resentful that he finally has to bow dow to his brother. As for the twins, rather than having their mother be a clone of Fergie I feel like it would be interesting if the uncle character had married a foreign princess in contrast to his brothers. Have some of the girls' snobbishness extend from some shit like that. Have a couple of jokes about the girls being inbred because their parents are cousins on both sides. IDK I feel like there's more that they could have done here.


    This would have been brilliant. I feel like the show has already shot itself in the foot by not showing us Robert or anything before his death. It would have been interesting to see the family dynamic with him alive


    My main problem with the titles last night was that I didn't know if King Simon was actually the ruling King (I guess that should have been obvious, given that King trumps Queen in this instance) but given how fast and loose the show plays with the rules (and how they pumped up Elizabeth Hurley as Queen) I wasn't sure who was actually the appointed sovereign.

    • Love 2
  20. I have had a crush on William Mosley since the Chronicles of Narnia, but I'm not convinced this what I want to watch him in. There were a few things I liked: King Simon and Princess Eleanor in the kitchen, and Prince Liam and with his bodyguard in the pub... but most it, yikes. Not great. I thought maybe the cousins would be some nice comic relief, but they're almost too stupid to live.


    Overall, I'll give this time but it's so all over the place. It seems to want to be a serious drama but descends into utter ridiculousness most of the time. I feel like if they wanted it have a show about the actual Royals they could have done some more research. Ophelia and her "I'm not impressed" attitude irk me-- even if Queen Helena isn't the nicest person, she's still due some respect just based on her title and position (regardless of your opinion on the monarchy). Actually, Ophelia in general is kind of meh-- I get that she's supposed to be like Kate, but man, yawn.

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