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Posts posted by catray

  1. I knew as soon as Sean and Vic got into bed and started getting frisky that it was going to end badly. I think they've reached a crossroads and need to take steps to end their marriage. Even if they did (or do) love each other, things are not working now and haven't been for awhile.

    I feel like Walt was prepared to accept Vic's resignation, had she been offering it. Even if he does have feelings for her and likes having her as his deputy, he's not going to sacrifice her marriage for that.

    I was really weirded out hearing the Vikings credit theme playing at the end of the episode-- it was appropriate given how dark Branch's storyline is, but it was very strange. I hope they wrap up the David Ridges storyline, as well as Henry's trial so this show can get back to what it was. My husband and I will be really sad if Longmire isn't renewed.

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  2. I think the problem is that, on shows like this, characters like Branch (or Walt or Vic) don't do rest and recovery. They want to be active and solve problems. Giving Branch time off to recover was necessary of course, but now he has a mystery to solve. The problem is that everyone else is wrapped up in their own problem (Walt's wife, Henry, Ed Gorski, etc) and Branch is falling off the deep end with his and making really terrible decisions. Some of that's on him, of course, but since at least death of Walt's wife and Cady's accident (which was what Branch was investigating in the first place) seem tangentially related, you'd think Walt would give him more support.

    I suspect that those of you guessing Branch is the one to shoot Chance are correct, given that we haven't seen him since he walked away from the scene of the crash.

  3. I'm torn on this episode-- on the one hand, it seems like an odd episode to have on this show but on the other, it brought the Gorski storyline to a head, soooooo.... I still don't know. Things definitely look over for Sean and Vic now as well, given her reaction to the body bag and leaving Sean to go back to the house.

    I feel bad for Branch. He's not getting any support; no wonder he's going crazy.

  4. Officially tired of Emma. I don't care about her drama. I know Hank means well, but she's almost a legal adult and he's not her father.

    Evan and Paige fighting over their businesses is way more legitimate than some of their other arguments. The Ray storyline feels a bit weird to me but I need some time to figure out just how to articulate why.

    I'm tickled by Jeremiah in the burlesque club-- though the coughing entertainer seems like a throw-back to another era; is she going to have TB?

    Because I'm at the same stage/place in life, Divya's story speaks to me. Of course, some of it feels over-exaggerated (the nanny has one foot out the door because he wants to take a child development class? Uh ok, Divya. Clearly that person has noooooo interest in caring for your child.) but for the most part I get where she's coming from.

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  5. I remember seeing a thread for this show over on TWOP, but never got around to reading before TWOP closed  down (and because the show hadn't aired in the US yet). So I'm curious to hear what others think now that it is airing in US! The production values seem a little low-budget and it took me the better part of the first episode to really start to get into the story-- the idea of the brothers all being Norse gods coming into their powers is intriguing. Being unused to hearing NZ accents, it takes a bit to really bend my ear so I can understand what they're saying, but I'm also tickled by it, as we don't get a lot of that here.


    While I understand that the quest is going to drive the plot, it seems a bit much given that a show is hardly going to kill off its entire cast (unless they were planning on retelling the same story with new actors next season, or doing something like American Horror Story) but at least there's a sense of urgency and hopefully not too much doddling around. I like that Axl/Odin is actually the youngest and the most out of his depth-- though I guess you have to start somewhere to become the All-Father!  The only thing I'm not loving so far is Gaia pining for Axl and how clueless he is about it, especially since is seems from the season preview that she is not Frigg,  but maybe it will be ok. As giovanni mentioned, there are a lot of storylines to explore.


    My favorite "brother" so far is Olaf.

  6. This wasn't my favorite episode-- mainly due to Athos's man pain and his pretty callous disregard for Porthos's injury. But despite that, there were a lot of great little moments through the episode so I won't complain too much.

    It was a treat to see Gaius Balter, er, James Callis in this episode. He looked like he was having a pretty good time too. Too bad he was taken prisoner by the Spanish in the end-- would have been amusing if he popped up again.

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  7. I wasn't really interested in this episode until the last 15 minutes, mainly because the eeeeevil Russians were so so stupid. The execution of the plan for getting them out of Gitmo was fun and had some decent tension to it (though of course it wasn't surprising that they got through all safe and sound) but I think that was pretty much the highlight of the episode for me-- that and the end with the man who appears to be Patient Zero.


    I haven't bothered to learn anyone's names yet, but to the girl and guy having Romantical Problems: he was being a douche and dickhead and I'm glad she wouldn't let him pawn off his bullshit on her. There are other fish in the sea, honey! Surely there's someone else on that ship you could hook up with.

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  8. I forgot to add that I was really glad that Hank didn't miraculously solve the dancer's health problem-- because she was faking it! As soon as they introduced that plot, I was rolling my eyes because honestly, I'm sure a neurologist or someone would have floated the same idea before. So at least in that sense, I'm glad that Hank didn't magically discover that she had some kind of super special mysterious condition-- but I agree that it was annoying storyline to service Emma's character.


    You would think between Jeremiah, Boris and the New Jersey mob guy, Hank Med could probably afford to build their own imaging center for their patients. It certainly seems like it might be leaning that way.

  9. Yay Russell! I hope this means he's back for good! Seems like he should be if he and Paige are going into business together.

    Are we suppose to infer that the sister (er, I've already forgotten her name) sold that photo? Because that definitely crossed my mind. Ugh, I can't deal with anymore drama with her.

  10. Finally getting some where with the Hank and Boris plot. I liked crazy Boris-- let's bring him out more often. Totally called that lady having gout, and I liked Hank using his medical knowledge to try and stall her (though seriously, a cufflink to simulate deep vein thrombosis? Most lay people can't tell what anything is when looking at an ultrasound (speaking for myself, anyway)-- the cufflink made a very distinct shape and he could have just pointed to a shadow for all she knew). I was guessing that Boris had bugged the cufflinks too, but I guess that's a little too much spy for this show.


    I don't mind Evan and Paige seeing a therapist because they clearly were having some issues at the end of last season (however contrived those issues were)-- I do mind the wacky "live in our therapist's guest house and mine that for laughs" plot that's starting now. Glad they decided to ask Emma not to live with them, as it was pretty clear that wasn't going to help whatever issues they are having. Also, I am missing Russell something fierce. Please bring him back, show!


    Who was the firefighter who wanted to go on the date with Divya? He looked so familiar... I think he was on the very short-lived Internal Affairs (was that also on USA?). I'm not really on the Divya/Jeremiah train anymore so I'm happy if each of them want to go out and find someone to date. Now Divya just needs to move out of Jeremiah's house...

  11. There are definite problems with this show, but I'm still interested in watching. I really don't buy Barry's sudden turn around and decision to stay, but then I guess we wouldn't have a show.

    Totally not surprised at the history between Leila and Barry-- it was telegraphed from miles away.

    I was annoyed at the inconsistencies of female dress at the funeral, though I'm not sure why because we saw it in the pilot. Amira and Molly are wearing veils and long sleeves, Leila is wearing long sleeves, no veil. Nusrat had a veil but no sleeves. The daughter is wearing no head covering and no sleeves. Ugh. I guess I could buy Molly dressing like that out of respect, but shouldn't Leila and Nusrat be dressed similarly in that case?

  12. Damnit, I liked Hector. He certainly didn't deserve to be shot and scalped by David Ridges. And we made it almost the whole episode without a murder too!

    Aside from Hector's demise, there was a lot to love about this episode--namely, Lucian. God I love that crazy ass cowboy. I loved the exchange between he and Walter before they shot the meth dealer's tires; priceless.

    Malachi would be a better big bad than Nighthorse-- I agree with that. He is one creepy mofo. I can't believe he was paroled, but I suppose it ups the stakes.

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    D'Artagnan really seemed like an unlikely person to pick for this mission. The entire story meant to fool the baddy was weak and hastily put together. Wouldn't really fool anyone..


    This had me slightly confused (not your post, but D'Artagnan's involvement). Is he already a Musketeer? Was this his initiation mission? It seems like he's been easily accepted into the company of Musketeers, including their captain, but he's not wearing the uniform and we didn't see him officially become a Musketeer. Or am I having a total brain fart and missed it in the first episode?


    I did like that Jason Flemyng's character was not fooled at all by D'Artagnan and had even had a backup plan for if he managed to free himself and put out the fuse.


  14. I'm in for at least a few episodes-- if I sat through Helix, I can definitely sit through this. Eric Dane is easy on the eyes and no one seems terminally stupid (yet). We'll how the next few episodes go, but so far it seems mostly enjoyable without causing me to want to bang my head into the wall.

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  15. I'm a little ashamed to admit I have never seen any version of the Musketeers (which should probably be remedied immediately) but I highly enjoyed this! This seems like a great show for summer-- action and fun, some pretty eye-candy, but slightly more cerebral than a lot of summer fare.

    • Love 1
  16. While I can buy the kids being clueless (or more uninterested) in knowing what the situation is like in the Middle East, I was a bit appalled that Molly didn't seem to realize how dangerous it was after Barry's father died. Yeah, let's stay in a country where the dictator has just died-- that seems safe and like a recipe for stability!

    One thing I also found highly unbelievable-- Barry's father was married to a white woman?! I'm highly skeptical of that, even if she presumably is Muslim.

  17. I finally caught up on all these episodes ahead of the finale but man, I feel like I have whiplash-- and that I've missed an episode as well. I guess I'll need to do a rewatch at some point.

    I like Kiera/Brad-- in part because I'm a fan of the actor who plays him-- but I think they share a lot, despite the fact that he killed the other Kiera. I wish we had seen a bit more of their relationship develop, but with the finale looming I am just hoping he survives.

    I think Kiera finally having her ideological breakthrough that I was anticipating in season 1.

    • Love 1
  18. As a relatively new mom myself, I can definitely relate to Divya's worries and fears about leaving her child with someone else and returning to work full time-- though of course it was taken to the extreme with Divya's nanny bringing the child to her, while she was at work (and then being nanny-poached, of course). However, this brings up a most salient point-- if Divya can get this awesome nanny who is presumably being paid a lot of money for said job, gone through background checks (and Divya hired a PI to look at her)... why the hell is she still living with Jeremiah?!


    As for the rest... I can honestly say I don't care. This show has become something I watch and enjoy as summer fluff, but can't muster the brain power to really care about or get that irate about (unless there's something that is really driving me batty). I'm not really all that interested in Emma, but I hope that there are no more surprises about her, because I'm already tired of the "but wait, there's something else!!" that seems to have come up in the last two episodes.


    Love Jeremiah and Paige, so I hope that they get some good plotlines this season.

  19. This was a great episode-- I really enjoyed the COTW, and seeing more of the Native culture is nice. This case was just tragic all the way around. I actually figured out the case before the end of the episode.

    Loved Mrs. (Or Ms?) Stillwater and her testimony for Henry.

    I wish Vic had been a little more understanding of the Miss Cheyenne pagent, and I'll leave it at that.

    Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that Cady is going to end up defending Henry against her classmate as the prosecuter? Where did they go to law school?

  20. Jeremiah walking into his insane linen closet and screaming into the pillow was great. (And as an aside, I am insanely jealous of Jeremiah's house.) I too wish he would ask Divya to leave-- why is she still there? I totally get her needing help after the c-section (having had one myself recently), but now she needs to think about moving out. Jeremiah is unlikely to ask her to leave, so Divya needs to step up and make arrangements so she's no longer imposing on him. I am glad to see that Sashi hasn't just disappeared now that she's born, as often happens on tv.

    I'm really glad Hank and Jeremiah discussed their relationship and came up with a solution that makes them both happy and keeps Jeremiah around.

    Patients of the week were just fine-- nice to see Ken again. I like he and Hank ribbing each other. I agree that the tennis play looked way too small to be an actual tennis player.

    At first I thought maybe Emma was pulling a con (her father's daughter)-- and I guess in a way she was. Paige and Evan bullying the shop keeper rubbed me the wrong way too, and didn't like something either of them would do. I get supporting Emma, but that seems to send the wrong message.

  21. Jumping on the "no Walt/Vic" train. I was hiding behind my hands last night when they were each in their respective motel rooms, staring at the door. NOOOOOOOO! This pairing just rubs me the wrong way. I do hope that they get Vic's husband out of the way (preferably alive, though) before getting them together, because that certainly seems like how things are going to go. Maybe the characters will have an epiphany and realize it's a bad idea.


    The COTW felt a little too "ripped from the headlines"/L&O:SVU for me. Not helping was the fact that it was pretty convoluted, with the school/security guy, her original family/rehomed family and then the delivery dude. I know murder investigations don't usually go from point A to point B in a straight line, but this episode seemed to be pretty jerky in how it unraveled.

  22. I'm pretty sure that Sacani will stick around since the actor is now listed in the opening credits.



    Then, to see how they brought Hank back, because they had to. I do love Jeremiah, but don't think they have a show without Hank.



    Glad Sacani has been bumped up to a regular, as he has been a great addition to the show and is part of the reason why I'm still watching even though this show drives me bonkers. I agree that Hank is the main character of the show, even though it has a bit of an ensemble flavor these days, and they couldn't just have him off gallevanting around with Boris the whole season. I assume Hank and Sacani will work something out in regards to HankMed-- or maybe since Hank has been gone awhile, Sacani's ire has burned out and they will at least be able to work together on a professional level.

  23. My first thought was that Emma was Rafa's stalker. But then it did cross my mind that she might also be looking for Eddie, even before Divya got that text from Rafa. So... whose daughter is she? She seems slightly too old to be Hank or Evan's kid but I guess anything is possible.


    As someone who just gave birth (well, 8 months ago), I thought Divya's labor was way more realistic than most televised births, so that was good. I had to laugh a bit over the birth plan, but I liked that Divya (and Sacani, as her advocate) kept to it as long as she could, but she switched gears when she needed to. Plus, Sacani trying to show her how to hula hoop was pretty hilarious. I was waiting for Divya to go out in the snow and get stuck and go into labor, but they tricked us all!


    I'm surprised Boris hasn't gotten annoyed with Hank by now and kicked him out of Shadowpond. On the other hand, Hank knows way too much about him, so he probably figures it's better to give Hank some time before he reels him back in to his schemes.


    Personally, I kind of enjoyed the glimpse at life in the Hamptons during the winter. Was that Kevin Eubanks playing guitar in the band?

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