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Posts posted by catray

  1. I actually think this has been my favorite episode of the series so far. I thought the team chemistry really clicked in this episode and the banter was good (and yes, please, for the love of god, do not try to create UST between Brody and Lasalle, thank you). Plus, it's also a bonus to get Fornell in an episode. 


    One thing I actually really liked about this episode was Pride asking Vance for more manpower. As much as I love the Mothership (and yes, LA too) it drives me batshit when the main team are the only ones involved in some sort of major case, when in reality there would be a lot more people. So I thought Pride asking for back-up was a nice nod to the fact that they are a smaller operation and not necessarily equiped to handle every type of case that comes their way.

  2. I'm finally watching this episode, and I'm not sure what to think. I enjoy Taylor's music but I'm not much for watching chat shows (aside from Graham) so I'm not sure how much of her on the couch is an act or actually her own personality-- the cricket/rugby mixup was hilarious in either case. Graham Norton reading the blog posts was hilarious-- I could have listened to those all night.

    I love John Cleese but definitely think he was kind of veering into grumpy old man territory.

    As for the cricket player-- he had pink socks. That's about all that I took away from him.

    Loved that there was a Kiwi in the red chair!

  3. Good episode-- I'm liking this season a lot. The team interactions are good and I think Bishop has settled into a good place without overshadowing the team. I liked her trying to take down the door and Tony reminding her to use the keycard. I also liked Tony and Tim teasing her about her couples Halloween costume ideas.

    Like Tony and Abby having a chat about Ziva-- and I liked the chemistry between Tony and his old partner. She could stick around.

    The serial killer was super creepy-- supremely well acted.

    I think the girl was played by the same actress who was on The Intruders-- she was creepy there and I wasn't surprised she ended up being the killer. Because I recognized the neighbor I initially thought maybe he and the mom were having an affair; I was glad he didn't turn out to be the killer.

    • Love 5
  4. Tony was made of awesome this episode. Seriously. Pretty much everyone was, though. I liked McGee being the boss-- up to and including making up his own rule. Some nice humor there.


    Glad the female petty officer didn't die in this episode. And always good to see Borin. And surprisingly, I actually liked Bishop this episode. Failing the test and immediately wanting to take it again was very in character, as was the whole "I did it by the book" but not trusting her head and her heart/gut.

    • Love 3
  5. It's probably a bit of both, honestly. LA is basically its own show now-- aside from Vance's random cameos, you could replace "NCIS:LA" with another action appropriate name and you would have the same show for all they are related to the Navy these days.

  6. Do they get a bonus for every southern reference they drop? Beignets, gumbo, Roll Tide!, etc. I find it kind of amusing at this point. All in all, though, I did enjoy this episode and it was nice to see the NO cast on their own. I feel like some of the banter is still a bit forced-- mainly, Brody seems a bit stiff and awkward. Part of her character is the fish out of water anyway, the stuff about football just seemed wooden.

    I do love that they manage to work in a bit of history (assuming it's accurate-- like the sorority house having an old secret staircase and passage to the outside).

    Still not loving Pride's family drama, but as long as they don't make the daughter insufferable or put her in danger, I guess I'm ok. The end scene with the piano was nice.

    Lasalle continues to be my favorite, and I'm interested by the new computer/tech guy.

  7. Yeah, that was pretty much my thought as well. I thought it might be kind of interesting if Nichols was playing the same character, but whatever. I like Marisol Nichols in any case, so I look forward to her appearance.

  8. I kind of liked Callen with his long hair but that didn't last long!

    RIP Hetty's house-- sucks to have all those bullet holes everywhere! Loved that she has a secret passage; I got a good chuckle out of Sam complaining how small it was (he did look giant in there). Hated Nell actually dressing up as Hetty, ugh. Nell has grown on me in her time on the show, but I hate it when she becomes (in this case literally) mini-Hetty. She is waaaaay to young and inexperienced to be mini-Hetty.

    I liked Kensi showing some emotion over her capture by the Taliban (more than we ever got with Ziva after her ordeal in Somalia) but agree-- she needs counseling. We don't necessarily need to see it, but I think there needs to be some mention of it being dealt with. Thought the Deeks/Kensi scenes were good though.

    Color me surprised that a couple of the hitmen made it out alive this episode-- highly unusual for this group!

    Edit: I also feel like Nell has shot someone before, but maybe that was a more "controlled" situation? Given how they were hemmed in and out numbered that made it more traumatic? I don't know.

  9. HELL YES!! I am possibly more excited about this than anything else pertaining to Bishop-- any excuse to get Jamie Bamber on my tv again. That man is so damn attractive.

    • Love 3
  10. I liked this episode! Agreed that the deaths were gruesome, especially for this show, but it was a nice twisty episode. I too figured out that the scientist's death was a fake-out to keep her safe, but that was nicely played by Tony. I am liking the Tony/Tim/Bishop trio-- they've definitely toned down Bishop's specialness.

    And omg, we're on a ship next week!!! Looking forward to it.

    • Love 2
  11. So Phelps is arrested for a second DUI, and has entered rehab. Court date in November. USA Swimming has served him a six month suspension (though he can still train at NBAC) and he was withdrawn from the Worlds team (apparently by mutual agreement with USA Swimming). Since Worlds is the last big international competition before Rio, does this effectively kill his come back? Or could he still potentially swim at Nationals and get a spot to swim at the Trials?


    I am wondering that if Michael completes treatment, pays his fines/serves jail time/does community service, and serves his suspension, if USA Swimming might potentially reinstate him for Worlds pending good behavior? Especially since it looks like they agreed upon the withdrawal, perhaps they are hedging their bets that he'll get back on the straight and narrow after all this passes.


    There are lot of divided opinions about this but, no matter how good a swimmer he is and how much USA Swimming "needs" him to be seen, with a second DUI, I think this seems like a pretty fair punishment (in addition to whatever jail time/community service/fines he will have). He clearly has difficulty making sound decisions on occasion-- at least three that we know about. I love Phelps as a swimmer but I really hope he gets his head on straight with rehab/treatment, as his lapses in judgement seem to result in some pretty terrible "mistakes" and he doesn't seem to have learned his lesson.

  12. I didn't hate this episode but it also wasn't very riveting. The doctor being the one who did it was definitely a case of "hey! it's that guy!" syndrome-- hopefully they can get away from that in later episodes. Continue to really enjoy Lasalle and Dr. Wade. I actually really liked how interested Brody was about learning the history of New Orleans-- I thought her geeking out about it was cute.

    NCIS:LA had lots of crossovers at the beginning too, back when it started. I think it's just to reassure everybody that it's still happening in the same universe and these new people know the other characters - meaning that it doesn't feel so much like a new show but more just an expansion of the world you already know.
    They'll probably stop soon - nobody's crossed over to LA in years.

    Yeah, most of the crossovers will drop off and the focus will be solely on the NO team. But I would be willing to bet we might see more crossovers in the future because Harmon is an EP on this show-- LA was Brennan's baby (and now pretty much lives it's own special universe). 

    I'd like to see the geek replaced, or perhaps supplemented by the Carol Wilson character, played by Meredith Eaton.  She's such a lovely combination of sass and competence, completely different from Abby, but with that same sense of a non-military employee who understands and works well with military personnel.

    I like her too and have enjoyed her appearances on the Mothership. One thing that bugged, though, was that she mentioned Southern hospitality to the lab geek-- the CDC is based in Atlanta. Even if she doesn't work in Atlanta, presumably she has had to attend meeting/conferences there and last I checked, Atlanta was part of the South. It just seemed like a weird line to me.

    He had to SAVE the city!!!!!!!!  And the reference to Katrina.  Look, lots of cities have had problems through history.

    This was sooooooo cheesy and overdone. FOR DRAMA!! Ugh, rolling my eyes here. Look, we all know Katrina devastated the city, though many of us probably didn't experience it. But, as mentioned, lots of cities have environmental (or other) catastrophes-- NOLA is not the only one. This whole scene was overly dramatic and painful.

    • Love 1
  13. I've lost the modicum of track I once had of what's considered acceptable as far as standards for whatever kind (primetime?) of TV that NCIS is considered, but that whole "You are very... naked!" bit with Tony and Delilah, while absolutely hilarious, I was just a little surprised that made it in.


    My only problem with this bit (aside from Tony being inappropriate) is that why the hell was Delilah calling Tim on video chat naked IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS WORK DAY? I know she's in Dubai and time zone differences what what, but unless Tim was planning on sneaking away for a long lunch or something... maybe it would be a good idea to wear a robe first? Of course, Tony shouldn't have answered Tim's phone at all, so this doesn't excuse him but it's not very well written.


    If the "Vance potentially has cancer" plots results in the probable "Vance wants to start dating again" plot, I really hope they don't have him hook up with the nanny.  Let him find someone age appropriate and who doesn't work for him.

  14. Hated Kensi and Talia getting in a "catfight" over Deeks. Stupidest.shit.EVER. And then they're besties?! Ugh. I certainly don't mind them being friends, in fact, I'm totally fine with it, but the fight was stupid and unnecessary.


    Callen and Sam were awesome this episode and definitely continue to be why I watch-- I love the bromance. I hope the show does better by Kensi and Deeks, though, because it sure didn't this episode.


    Why the hell was Nell doing a  medical assessment on Callen and Sam? Could we get a real doctor please? I guess this isn't the most ridiculous thing on this show, but seriously, it bugged the crap out of me. Hetty may be grooming Nell to take over her position one day, but she can't do everything.


    Given that Gibbs on the Mothership has never had to account for bending the law in certain situations, I highly doubt Hetty will be held accountable. Part of me doesn't really know why they're doing it at all, but I guess it's because she holds a higher position and I'm sure she will eventually be seen to be (mostly) infallible.

    • Love 2
  15. Tonight's episode was decent-- recognized the wife from Manhattan so I was sure she was in on, but I guessed wrong. I liked Abby and Bishop being friendly, especially in regards to Abby's interest in the park ranger. That was cute. I thought there was some nice humor, though I do wish Tony wasn't such a snoop-- I enjoyed him getting chewed out by Delilah (although it doesn't seem to have made a dent... at least they're consistent).


    I know not everyone likes Vance, but wow, the plot that he might have lung cancer felt so far out of left field I thought we had left the stadium. I'm really glad he doesn't have cancer, because that would have just been cruel to those poor kids, since they already killed Jackie (boo hiss). I thought Rocky did a good job of portraying a man facing his own mortality and being unprepared for it, but I'm not really sure what the point was.

    • Love 3
  16. So far (all of one episode), LaSalle is definitely my favorite part about this show. It's hard to pin down why, but he's cute and I like the accent so that definitely is part of it! I think he feels the most authentic of all the characters, and doesn't seem like a caricature of what a Southern boy would be (aka, Pride).

    • Love 3
  17. I haven't finished the episode yet (and I plan to) but my thoughts so far are this: really like LaSalle and the ME, neutral so far on everyone else. Brody is still pretty bland, I don't care about Pride's marital issues and the ME's sidekick is silly. I appreciate that they are more closely tying this the Mothership (unlike LA, which is pretty much off in it's own universe these days). And even though it's ridiculous, I freaking love their office, so kudos to the set designers there.


    As another non-resident fan of NOLA, even I was hoping they would town down the "Mardi Gras! French Quarter! Jazz! NOLA!!" stuff. Hopefully it's toned down a bit more in future episodes-- would love for the city to shine without it being in our faces, or so stereotypical.

  18. My very first thought was: "hey, it's Arkady from The Americans!" I knew then it was going to be a good episode.

    I had to laugh-- the bad guys DRIVE up to ambush Gibbs/McGee and they have to close the doors quietly?! That was hilarious.

    I have to roll my eyes that there's yet another bad dude pissed off at NCIS/Gibbs but at least he's Russian. I thought Gibbs shot him in the head, but I'm guess it was actually the torso and he was wearing a vest. Or he winged him? Hmmm I have to say I was also pretty surprised Sergi managed to get away but hey, tv.

    I thought this was a pretty good premiere, and I'm also glad we're starting off with a fresh start. Everyone was competent and good at their jobs and there wasn't too much clowning around.

    My very first thought was: "hey, it's Arkady from The Americans!" I knew then it was going to be a good episode.

    I had to laugh-- the bad guys DRIVE up to ambush Gibbs/McGee and they have to close the doors quietly?! That was hilarious.

    I have to roll my eyes that there's yet another bad dude pissed off at NCIS/Gibbs but at least he's Russian. I thought Gibbs shot him in the head, but I'm guess it was actually the torso and he was wearing a vest. Or he winged him? Hmmm I have to say I was also pretty surprised Sergi managed to get away but hey, tv.

    I thought this was a pretty good premiere, and I'm also glad we're starting off with a fresh start. Everyone was competent and good at their jobs and there wasn't too much clowning around.

  19. Goddamnit Nathan, you are a dope. I thought maybe you were getting over it, except then you sat there staring at Mara while Vickie is writhing in pain in your truck due to Mara crushing her hand in the door!! Ugh.

    Damnit, Jennifer is actually dead. Boo! Poor Duke.

    Are they just going to ignore the disappearence of Duke's boat? I guess it was swamped when the lighthouse was destroyed. (Yes, I know the actual boat sunk but given it was Duke's home this seems like kind of a big deal.)

    And damn, finally getting some Guard action! Only took five seasons! I am definitely wary of Dwight taking over (truly, this has "not good" written all over it) but I'm just happy we're finally seeing them do something rather than just talking. I'm cautiously optimistic about this development. It's going to lead to trouble down the road but I like it.

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