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Posts posted by catray

  1. I would actually be ok with Jill coming back as long as they didn't push a Jill/Hank romance. They had no chemistry together and it was BORING. I liked Jill a lot more as Divya's friend and actually, I think Divya could use that these days.

    • Love 2
  2. I'm a bit ticked Charlotte turned down (kinda, in the most awkward way possible) Hank's proposal. I get that their relationship wasn't that far along and she was adjusting to her surgery but I'm not happy they broke up-- I like Charlotte and I liked that she made Hank happy. So boo to that. I don't really want another season of Hank dates all these ladies he doesn't have chemistry with.


    Liked Evan and Paige's storyline. I thought it was handled well. They are cute and I love their house. I agree that the baby stuff was predictable but I thought it was handled well. Personally, I maybe could have used a little more freak out over the unplanned pregnancy (even for a married couple, that's scary) but I did like the rest. The snake was hilarious-- glad the house didn't burn down.


    I saw the "baby trapped in the car" storyline coming a mile away. And it was dumb-- and of course Rafa is going to use this against her in the custody battle. But seriously, given that Sashi is still in her infant seat, why didn't she just grab it and run across the street? Plus, 911 would have a record of the call she made for the ambulance. And I'm with Good Queen Jane-- no one saw Divya on the bench with the skater?!


    Of course, Boris would have a secret lair in the hospital, because that's not ridiculous at all. Whatever happened to that shark from season 1?

    • Love 4
  3. Oh yeah, I don't think Nick has any incentive to save Rachel and expose his mother, other than the fact that Logan is his packmate and friend. He could potentially insinuate that there are others who know they are werewolves and shocker! nothing has happened. It's kind of terrible that Jeremy is ok with the witches knowing because they have the power to combat any attack the pack brings at them, while Rachel is just human and so has to die. BARF. I hope that a) Jeremy realizes this is a a really shitty policy and b)that Logan and Rachel stay lost for awhile.

  4. You know, for people who know magic exists and that their enemy is a witch, why the hell didn't they consider the possibility that Aleister faked his own death with magic?! This seems like a major failing. Come on guys!! That and Elena and Jeremy running through the woods to get to Savannah instead of changing into wolves. Ugh. But at least they didn't spend too much time running in circles and figured out the possession pretty quick.

    So Jeremy now knows that Rachel knows werewolves exist. He allows the witches to know because they are powerful in their own right-- will he unbend enough to allow Rachel to survive? And will Nick reveal that his mother knew all along, in case it could save Rachel?

  5. Part of this episode bored-- mainly, anything with the alphas and werewolf business. Yawn. I did enjoy seeing Marsten again, if only briefly. But otherwise I find all the pack political stuff annoying as hell. I wish Savannah had shaken some sense into those dumb alphas with her magic, but at least Roman seemed to be coming around at the end.

    Otherwise, I did like the other parts of the episode, especially Nick finally meeting his mother and it turns out she knew everything all along! Awwww! I miss Antonio. And I continue to like Paige and Nick. If she got pregnant with a boy, would be it be a werewolf or a witch? Inquiring minds want to know.

    I like Elena's shorter hair.

  6. I am really enjoying this season sooooo much more than last season! I don't know if it's just because I find the storyline more interesting (probably) and because it's a lot more action packed (definitely) but I think the quality is a lot better over all. I am also enjoying your recaps, otto, because if I forget anything I can just go back


    I'm not surprised Dr. Bauer didn't make it in the end, though I was surprised she actually survived the transformation. She was a bit... odd... though; the scene on the rooftop were she wanted to feel the pain was just... weird. I am sorry she's dead because she was smart and passionate (if a little crazy) and it would have been interesting to see Elena adjust to not being the only female werewolf and have someone in a similar situation to herself.


    I was really excited that Rachel showed some initiative and was able to break through the brain-washing to try and escape-- good point about the top, but at least she did something. I feel like she's been kind of passive and reactive since her first appearance, so it was really nice to see her being proactive.


    Thumbs up to Paige and Nick-- though seriously, why is sex up against tree sexy? All I could think about was how uncomfortable that would be!

  7. This was a good episode! A lot happened. I like the witches and werewolves working together-- I was thinking Alistair was a demon because there are demons (and vampires) in the book series, but it looks like he is a male witch.

    I liked Elena actually being smart in her captivity: punching a hole in the wall to talk with Savannah, refusing the change, submitting to Richard in order to avoid being killed, then trying to escape.

    So is Logan in a cell now? He must be, but we only saw Rachel.

    The ending-- what the hell was that?! I was going WTF too. I don't think this will end well for the doctor.

  8. I've been slow to warm up to this season, though this episode did help draw me back in. Basically, the first episode almost lost me because I barely remembered who anyone was and because of that wasn't all that motivated to watch on a regular basis.


    However, I am excited they are bringing the witches (and demons) in, like in the book series, and this episode worked well to suck me back into the series as a whole-- some nice action, some cooperation between the wolves and the witches, Malcolm is finally dead (hooray!) and I like Nick and Paige.

  9. I hate Dyson's son. Dyson has some issues, but man, his son is a real douche. He's working and picks up a girl to have sex with? Ugh, hate. Stop being a dick and man up, dude.


    Tamsin/Bo feels weird, probably because they've gone from being antagonists to lovers. Not that things can't change but it still feels weird. Same goes for Lauren and Dyson just being cool with being Bo's support team. I'm not really that sad they have stopped being jealous of each other, but they seem more like they are around to be Bo cheerleaders (including Trick) than having any real purpose of their own.

  10. I was still waiting for Arkady to be revealed as Callen's dad in this episode, especially when they were in the cafe. I'm definitely not convinced Callen's dad is actually dead-- was that man at the end him? Or someone who knows the actual truth? I wish they would end this plot, because I just don't care and these stories are always a mess.

    I am also annoyed that IA detective following Deeks was apparently for nothing, because there was absolutely no payoff, unless they are setting something up for next season.

  11. Since Cyrus is the King now, the baby is 3rd in line to the throne, after the cousin



    Actually they would be Half siblings since they share the same father.



    But if the baby is a boy (and I believe Prudence said it was), and Cyrus were to marry her and the succession laws follows male primogeniture rules, it wouldn't matter that the new baby is younger than his two half-sisters-- as a male child of Cyrus, the ruling king, he would be the heir to the throne, followed by his two half-sisters.  For example, the now Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden wasn't actually the heir to the throne even though she was the oldest until the laws of succession were changed from male primogeniture to absolute primogeniture (which they have recently done in the UK, though it doesn't change anything currently).


    There's not really a good example of this in any of the current monarchies (that I'm aware of, anyway). But it doesn't really matter, because we know this show will do pretty much whatever the hell it wants to do.

    • Love 1
  12. This show totally went off the crazeballs cliff today but I fucking loved it. I wish the show had been this crazy from the beginning because this episode was fucking amazing.

    I knew that the DNA test result was a sham!!! Well, really, we don't even know but I doubt Liam and Eleanor are actually illegitimate. Liam, why did you hand over the doctor's phone?! Especially after finding the strange pendent and learning that he had been moved after he passed out.

    Again, Gemma tells us Liam will get tired of Ophelia and abandon her... But we still haven't *seen* any of this!!! Ugh, show. Just telling us isn't enough, because right now we really don't actually know! Stupid. And what the fuck was Gemma doing just hanging around the palace? And Gemma is pulling strings with the director of the dance company?! I can't believe it.

    Ophelia, you're an idiot. A flight from London to Rio wouldn't take five hours, like the flight from London to NYC. I hope she stays there.

    Cyrus had Helena's lover killed?! WTF? That was brutal. At first I thought Helena ordered and that would have been pretty cold blooded. Cyrus doing it makes much more sense.

    So we finally saw the actual Queen Mum and she has dementia and also thinks Cyrus will be a terrible king (duh). I almost felt bad for him.

    Jasper and Eleanor are hot when they are on a mission and he is not being a creepy sex blackmailer and sleeping with her mom.

    Fuck yes to Liam beating the shit of Cyrus! I was cheering. That was amazeballs. I like how Marcus stopped Liam but didn't actually call for help for Cyrus. Hahahahaha douchbag. Though he was apparently well enough to come and snatch the signet ring from Simon's still warm hand.

    I totally think Lucius was going to pull the plug on King Simon if Ted hadn't walked in. So Ted actually freaking did his job for once-- except did not fucking call a medical team when the monitors went off?! And he's still not fired?! Well, there's always next season.

    RIP Simon, who was too nice for this show anyway.

    And Prudence is pregnant with Cyrus's kid?! WHHHAAAA?!

    • Love 3
  13. I'm not going to lie, I feel like this finale was a bit of a let down. It's already been pointed out that Gibbs has been in peril several times already over the course of the show. This didn't feel suspenseful. I don't even feel that worked up about the fact that Gibbs might be dead.

    I really like Dornegut's mom-- she is awesome. I would like to see her again.

    As for Gibbs, I'm torn. I mean, a bullet to the gut could be a mortal injury, or it could not be. On the one hand, I feel like Gibbs is NCIS, whatever he says to the contrary. On the other hand, I think I could live with DiNozzo taking over at team leader. However, I feel like the show will end (as in an announced series finale) with Gibbs leaving and the team moving on/up. Personally, I think Gibbs will survive but I guess we have all summer to speculate now.

    • Love 3
  14. I was bored of this episode, I'm sorry. I get that Liam and Eleanor have just had the most life-altering news, but... nothing freaking happened. Liam got drunk, Eleanor didn't (surprisingly) and Ophelia is still boring as hell. I do have to admit that Liam drunkenly doing karaoke to "I Just Can't Wait To Be King" was actually kind of hilarious. 


    Ted still isn't fired?! Ugh, way to tease show. Now it's been mentioned twice and I'm still waiting!


    I'm still not totally convinced that Liam and Eleanor are actually illegitimate, because that seems to go against the whole premise of the show. Helena is definitely the queen of scheming!


    Next week looks interesting, though.

    • Love 1
  15. From the previews, I am definitely looking forward to this. I loved BSG and am looking forward to The Expanse (huge fan of the books) so this seems right up my alley. Can't wait!

  16. So basically what I can tell from the previews and Wikipedia, this is BBC's version of Vikings. Which... hmmm, I don't know. I am huge fan of Vikings and I feel like this may suffer in comparison. Trying to keep an open mind, as the time period is a fascinating one and this takes place slightly later historically than Vikings does (though, not by much). To be sure I'll watch it, but it's going to be hard to avoid comparisons.

  17. I kind of loved how over the top, crazy WTF this show was, but yeah, not terribly shocked it's been canceled. Still, I was kind of hoping we would see where they would go next. Ah well!

    • Love 1
  18. Dare I say it? This episode was kind of good. Well, maybe good is a stretch, but shit got real!!

    Oh thank god, they actually talked about firing Ted this week. Fire Ted, he sucks at his job! Seriously. The worst. Hasn't he heard of a tail? Too bad we're still waiting.

    Cyrus is a total creepo but I did get a little thrill over him telling Ophelia to call Liam "his Royal Highness."

    Apparently this week, the rest of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth DO exist!! So stop saying blah blah of England, ffs!

    So do we think that Liam and Eleanor are actually illegitimate? You'd think Helena would be smarter than that, but maybe it's a long con. I am guessing it's a ploy to keep Liam off the throne for awhile, because Helena will do anything to keep her power and not abolish the monarchy. But it wouldn't take that long to run a DNA test in real life so maybe they are. Hey, then Ophelia and Liam can go off to NYC and be boring together off my screen.

    • Love 3

    USA is running a Palmer-centric marathon today. When has that ever happened? To me, that points toward Jimmy being the one who dies. :(


    I wouldn't read too much into that, as USA is owned by NBC Universal, not CBS, and therefore they wouldn't know what is going to happen on the last few NCIS episodes. =)

  20. My point was more than since Vance has appeared on LA, the shows act as if they are barely related anymore.

    In any case, I'm excited to see DiNozzo in LA and I need DiNozzo and Deeks to hit it off and Sam to roll his eyes. As long as we also get competant Tony and not clown Tony.

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