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Posts posted by catray

  1. This was my favorite episode by far! I thought it was excellent, especially the effects around Shed's death and really, everything revolving around being in space . Even though I knew what was coming, I thought the tension in this episode was perfect and I was on the edge of my seat (ok, tensed up on the couch) throughout.

  2. As I said on the media thread, I'm stunned about Michael Weatherly leaving NCIS. Even though this show is mainly the Gibbs show, Michael/Tony is the only other agent (I'm excepting Abby and Ducky) who is still from the original cast and while I know the show can go on, I honestly don't think anyone can fill his shoes and the show isn't going to feel the same without him. I love Tony and while I don't plan on quitting the show, I kind of want it to end now. I honestly thought they might be gearing up for Harmon to take a reduced role and have Weatherly step up so this has blindsided me.


    Here's hoping that they don't kill him off-- let him finally take a lead agent position somewhere or move on to something bigger and better.

  3. Wow, I have to say... I'm stunned Michael Weatherly is leaving, and honestly, a bit devastated. I mean, it makes for both himself as a person and the character (depending on exactly how he exits the show) but... wow. I feel like this is some sort of early April Fool's joke.

    • Love 2
  4. There were a lot of great little gems in this episode. I loved Tony and Tim turning to Bishop and saying "Star Wars!" together to avoid talking about Tony's breakup with Zoe. The Tony Stark reference was also great. The conversation about Gibbs not going out and shooting spies and then Tony saying "well, I haven't seen Trent Kort in awhile"-- hilarious!


    Whenever Abby leaves the lab and (usually) McGee has to fill in-- I have to roll my eyes. There are no other lab scientists in the Metro DC area that could fill in?! Being an MIT grad and a computer genius doesn't mean you know your way around a lab; it's not the same! Argh.


    Nice to see Wendy Davis as a Navy Captain; I liked her on Army wives and it's nice to her again. I'm also stoked that Cassidy Freeman gets to be a kick ass spy. But damnit, they killed Arkady!! Er, Anton. Damnit. I liked him! Luca on the other hand... well, people like him do exist, I guess. But man, I wanted him to wise up and get a clue! I did like he and Abby signing in the interrogation room, with Gibbs understanding the whole thing.


    Poor Ducky and Palmer-- it was completely obvious that they were going to be stopped, but I liked that they were a decoy. How many times have they been held at gunpoint now?


    Last comment before I skip off to the NOLA thread: I like the interaction between the mothership/NOLA way more than I do between the mothership/LA. But given the people in charge, that's not really surprising.

    • Love 2
  5. Oh man, poor Havelock! I too liked the scene where the Belter prostitute was teaching him slang, but figured one way or another it would end badly. Ouch. Of course, killing an Earther (who is part of the security force) isn't going to help the Belters at all, but you do have to sympathize with their frustration-- though this is the completely wrong way to go about getting sympathy for their cause. 


    The end with Avasarala really underscores just how far she will go to maintain the upperhand, and it was hard and beautiful to watch at the same time. She is a stone cold badass, that one. 


    It's going to be really interesting to see how Holden and his crew come together, as right now they know jack  about each other and this is currently driving wedges between them. I look forward to seeing them move beyond the mistrust that is currently being fostered amongst them (thanks MCRN!). 

    • Love 1
  6. I just feel that by likening the Expanse to GoT, you are (potentially) setting up unrealistic expectations from people who are fans of GoT/ASoIaF but not necessarily The Expanse. I'm not trying to say they don't have thing things in common (like the politics, etc) just that I don't like, in general, when marketing tries to sell product A as Product B in whatever difference, because often times it's just a marking ploy to draw in viewers, who then may be turned off when it doesn't fit a certain criteria. If they would just say "fans of GoT might like this because of all the political maneuvering" or "BSG fans might like this because it's a space opera" I wouldn't care. 

    • Love 2
  7. I watch this episode back when they first put it online/on demand, but of course am only getting around to commenting now (but I wanted more people to watch and comment). As others have said, I think this would have benefited from a 2hr pilot (which I guess is technically what you could call the two day premiere, but whatever) because my feeling from the first episode is that it gives the bare bones of the set-up/world/characters, but only just gets to the tip of iceberg in terms of action and really hooking you. Honestly, I can't say I've formed any hard and fast feelings about the show as yet. I am a huge fan of the source material, so I have been looking forward to seeing this brought to the screen, but I need to see more episodes before I can make any judgement, good or bad. I am certainly hopeful right now and think it has a lot of potential, but it's definitely something that's going to build as we go along. I plan on watching the second (and hopefully third and fourth) episodes tonight, so we'll see how I'm feeling after that!


    I wish they hadn't liken it to GoT, because I don't really know if it's a fair or true comparison-- I've only read one GoT book compared to reading the whole Expanse series thus far-- but it does set up certain expectations and some people will be disappointed when it fails to meet those expectations.

  8. I thought she had a lot of potential and wish the writers had done something new with her. I got tired of her and Tony, Gibbs, and her father. I wish they had explored her religion, or her national pride (without dragging Mossad into it), her childhood, outside friendships, anything. They may have done this with the occasional episode, but for her arcs they always went back to tension with Tony/Gibbs/her father. Which again wouldn't have been so bad if it didn't damage her character each time. Each character has suffered from bad arcs, I'll be honest, but I think Ziva's character suffered the most.


    ^^^this x1000. Ziva's character could have been so much more interesting and instead they ruined her by the end of her run on the show. Wasted opportunity! 

    • Love 1
  9. My living room was also pretty misty at the end of this episode. Thanks, NCIS. I was heartbroken when Ducky announced the kidnapped man wasn't his brother, then ecstatic when they found him... and then heartbroken and ecstatic again with the Alzheimer's/meeting. Personally, I feel Alzheimer's can be devastating and in some ways worse than losing a loved one unexpectedly, so I was really glad that Nicholas still remembered Ducky, if only we because we needed a feel good moment for the holidays. However, like some of you, I find it hard to believe that Ducky would have stopped looking-- or potentially not used resources at NCIS to see if he could find out what happened to his younger brother (everyone else does, right?), so that seemed a bit off but I liked the team bring their investigative skills to bear in the end so they could find Nicholas for Ducky. It was very sweet and well done.


    I think young Ducky was cast very well and I enjoy seeing him on my screen. It definitely makes me want more Ducky flashbacks. I wouldn't mind a show with Adam Campbell running around 1960's London. I will agree that Ducky's step mother (and father for that matter) seemed very one dimensional, but ah well. The relationship between young Ducky and Nicholas was sweet.


    I'm still not happy about Jake having an affair, but I'm glad he and Ellie finally put words to what the real problem was. I'm sad at the waste of Jamie Bamber though, so I'm still hoping the affair is a red herring and Jake is pushing her away to keep her safe (or something). That said, I'm not sure why they needed to do this to her character. Because everyone must have some tortured backstory? Blargh. I'll be happy if this storyline is dropped next season, though I suspect that this isn't the last we will see of Jake.

    • Love 6
  10. Finally finished the series, after plowing through S2 and S3 as fast as I could (real life, what?). I am happy that Phryne and Jack finally kissed because I like them, but also because, as others have pointed, they kind of had to and I would have pissed if it hadn't happened, ha. Once they moved from antagonistic flirting/grudging respect into full-on UST, it had to come to a head somehow. I'm not really sure, if there is a season 4 or a movie, how they will move will on from this, given that Jack and Phryne come to relationships with very different viewpoints and I'm not sure how they will reconcile that without sacrificing something from the characters.


    Though seriously, Jack, are you so out of practice that talking about telescopes is a romantic overture? I didn't really care for the A-plot either, mainly because I am not a fan of Phryne's father and will be perfectly if we never see him again (or had never met him in the first place). He doesn't really work as a lovable rogue (ala Han Solo).


    I cried at Dot and Hugh's wedding, though I agree with the other posters re: why didn't we see any of their families? But I can handwave it due to the a) last minute change of plans, b) the disapproval on both sides and c) the show leans heavily on the "family we have made" vibe and everyone there is Dot and Hugh's family in that sense. So whatever, I loved it. I liked Phryne walking Dot down the aisle and Bert and Cec helping with Dot's dress and veil.


    I actually don't hate this if it becomes the series finale, mainly because it leaves things open (Phryne/Jack) while wrapping up a few others (Dot/Hugh getting married) and you can imagine life will go on, somehow. But obviously I would like more! I do think this season was a bit more uneven than 1 and 2, given Jack's behavior (and to a lesser extent, Hugh's) in the early episode and then Hugh's disappearance but I still enjoyed it overall.

    • Love 2
  11. I liked this episode. I especially like that Jack had a lady friend-- I think it's clear they had mutual affection for each other, though clearly more on her part than Jack's, given that his feelings are complicated by Phryne. I definitely believed Jack when he said he'd be thinking about her proposal every moment since she asked-- I almost could have believed he was going to say yes.


    I'm not Catholic, but considering how some of their current positions are still not very modern, I feel it highly unlikely that that Dot's priest would have conceded the point about wives obeying their husbands and therefore it threw me out of the episode a bit.


    The Romeo and Juliet aspect was pretty predictable, but I don't think I guessed that they had each wanted the grandmother dead and each played their part in the murder.

  12. Wasn't a big fan of Phryne's father showing up-- I figured her parents were dead, though I suppose it was never stated so apparently they are not! He didn't seem like a bad guy (aside from being inept with money and just kind of annoying in general) but I hate that he was used as a device to make Jack jealous. Why the hell did no one just say "oh by the way, it's her DAD, dude!"-- even Phryne herself couldn't spit the words out. Ugh. I feel like this show has been above this in the past, so I'm not really sure why all of a sudden Jack seems incredibly jealous and would think Phryne is pushing him over for someone else.


    I couldn't make up my mind if Phryne was going to be able to get out of the tank before Jack smashed it open, but of course she came prepared! I liked the drama of everyone rushing on stage to try and save her, with Dot then casually tripping the murderer. Also, Dot was awesome this episode. I like that her investigative skills have been increasing and she's willing to put herself out there a bit more help Miss Fisher.

    • Love 3
  13. This was a fun episode! I liked the 12 Days of Christmas as a means to murder people and getting more backstory on Phryne's family. I have a soft spot for Aunt Prudence (Miriam Margolyes is a hoot) so I liked seeing her a little more vulnerable and open in the past couple of episodes. Of course Jack and Hugh managed to show up just before they were all snowed in-- Hugh looks so nice in his civvies and Jack looked pretty fine in that sweater as well. Nice to see them both out of uniform, as it were.


    When I first saw Phryne's Uncle Edward I immediately started envisioning a Miss Fisher/Fringe crossover, which would be too weird, but it's cool that John Noble made an appearance, given that he is Australian. I would love it if Anna Torv showed up as some sort of femme fatale.


    Cursing the fact that Jack and Phryne were under the mistletoe and we still didn't get a kiss! Killing me!

    • Love 1
  14. This episode devastated me (in a good way)! The desperate sorrow Jack had when he thought Phryne was dead, putting his hat on the car, steeling himself to take a look-- gah, so good. I liked that Dot, even though she doesn't love motor cars, still knew exactly how to work it. I hope that one day we might even see her at the wheel (with Miss Fisher, or more possibly Collins) but it would be a nice continuation of her character's growth.


    While I did like that Phryne can't always use her charm and wiles to get her (the prime example being Mr. Pepper), he was just such a spectacular asshole that I was really glad she was able to rub it in his face when she introduced him to his daughter, who was an excellent driver and mechanic. Take that, Pepper!


    Boy howdy was Phryne's polkadot coat smashing!  And her white hat with the pearl flowers. I just love the styling on this show.


    Yes, that coat was excellent! Would love to have it in my closet-- along with most of her clothes!

    • Love 1
  15. Well, that blows. I'm not really convinced Jake is actually having an affair-- he seemed pretty emotionless about the whole thing. I am thinking that he's covering something else, but then that leads me back to another poster's theory that Jake was somehow involved in the bombing, which I don't like either. In any case, it sucks that now Bishop's marriage is on rock and/or over. I liked that Bishop actually had a stable life and marriage and I'm bummed that it's all messed up right now. Palmer's next, right? (The way this shows goes, anyway.)


    At least Zoe got a throw-away mention this episode, so we know she and Tony are still together. I did like how Tim and Tony were quick to get into protective big brother mode for Bishop (as well as Gibbs, of course).


    Good to see Salli Richardson again, though I wish we had seen a bit more of her. I like her interactions with Gibbs and that they enjoy the occasional (non-romantic) breakfast. I felt bad for the sailor, potentially losing his wife and child, but it does bring up a good point-- shows often tend to gloss over the emotional fallout from something like this, so I appreciate that they at least brought it up.

    • Love 2
  16. I liked last season's finale because it was just totally crazeballs, but this was... Mostly a hot mess. I'm not really sure what the hell is going on.

    At least Cyrus isn't keeping Ted because of his comptency, because that is totally laughable. So is Ted hallucinating his dead wife? That's... weird. Not really sure where they are going with that.

    Not missing Ophelia, or honestly Gemma. Sorry ladies. Are we supposed to know who the lady polo player was? And totally sincere question: do women play polo? And yay for Prudence taking a stand against Cyrus-- I really hope she pulls something off because Cyrus continues to be entirely loathesome. And speaking of Cyrus' offspring-- are they replacing the one sister? Or was it just supposed a joke because she had plastic surgery.

    At least the eye candy does not disappoint! I like Liam's new haircut and the fact that he's teaming up with Jasper now.

    • Love 1
  17. Like I said last night, this was a good episode and I really enjoyed it. Tony was all of things I like: charming, confident, capable. I appreciate that Jeanne got to see him doing what he does best, and I appreciated that Jeanne was strong and capable herself here, not falling to tears and histrionics. This was the Jeanne that I liked in the beginning, not the one who couldn't stop wailing about having to find a new apartment.


    I got a chuckle out of Tim trying to "nutshell" Tony and Jeanne's history to Bishop and everyone going "Jeanne Benoit, really?!". It was, of course, awfully convenient that Dr. Taft knew one of the missing doctors, causing him to rush to NCIS just in time to witness Gibbs' collapse. That aside, I do enjoy Taft and Gibbs together and that Taft is getting Gibbs to acknowledge the enormity of what he has been through. Personally, I think Gibbs is one of those people who sees himself as invulnerable (even though he knows deep down that he is not) and refuses to acknowledge any sort of weakness or acceptance of age/injury because that would be akin to giving up. Gibbs lives for his work (and maybe for his carpentry) and doesn't like feeling useless, so accepting that he has an injury/weakness is difficult and/or impossible.


    Nice to see Stan again, though I felt badly for him, losing a friend (and potential love interest). The dialogue was a little heavy-handed with "the one who got away" and "I should have told her how I felt" but then, subtly has never been the show's strong suit.


    Personally, now that Tony and Jeanne have come face to face and gotten some closure, I will perfectly happy if we never see Jeanne again. I don't know why we have to keep dredging the past. I don't think bringing Jeanne back again would serve much purpose now-- she's moved from what happened and now Tony can hopefully let go of whatever guilt he was carrying about the whole debacle. It's been eight years and I don't think there's much that needs to be done. Things will always be bittersweet between them, because of what could have been and how it ended, but I think I can say as a fan, I don't need anything else at this point.

    • Love 12
  18. I'm also too tired to write a cohesive post tonight, but the short version is I was really looking forward to this episode and it didn't disappoint! Even though I wasn't a huge fan of Jeanne's character by the time The Frog arc ended, I enjoyed getting to see her and Tony interact once more.

    • Love 4
  19. And the nitpicking thread only has 21 posts? I attribute that to the fact that no one is watching , not that this show got everything spot on. Really? I'm surprised that this got a second episode let alone a second season. Well, it's brought to you by the same folks that bring us the Kardashians so I shouldn't be surprised.


    Probably because you can only nitpick the same stuff so many times! ;) I'm sure when the new season starts we'll have material to work with.

  20. Just watched this episode last night (I am behind on the Miss Fisher train but have seriously become obsessed with the show) and I can definitely see why people are always shouting "makeout already!!" at Jack and Phryne. The ending with Jack refusing a nightcap because of the hour and her dress-- scorching.


    Great episode for the costume department-- so many pretty dresses! I felt badly for Dot when Madame Fleuri kept insisting she was a suit girl-- every girl needs a party dress! And Dot grilling Hugh over her clothes was a bit amusing, though I felt badly for Hugh then. I'm also glad Dot didn't get a makeover, though I was happy she got to sport one of the pretty dresses in this episode.

    • Love 2
  21. So we are no longer pretending that Abby was in high school 16 years ago?


    This is what I was thinking too-- if she was running the tests 16 years ago, there's no way they can say that Abby is in her late twenties now. It's utterly ridiculous!


    Gibbs + Mallory Archer?! OMG yes, a thousand times yes. I love it. Yes, the character was a bit over the top, but I did enjoy their interactions. I also chuckled over the fact that she and McGee are going to collaborate on a new novel.


    I thought Tony getting splinters each time they went into the woods was a bit overkill but I liked Tony and McGee trying to suss out what was wrong with Bishop, and then getting her to appease the criminal justice gods after requesting a "quiet day".

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