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Posts posted by catray

  1. I didn't mind this episode-- it was a lighthearted change of pace after the last episode. There weren't a whole lot of surprises and I figured it was fairly obvious that the husband was the killer, especially with the heavy emphasis on the airport security tapes. The alarm install dude was a decent red herring-- even I thought for a hot sec his pothead vibe might be covering something up (which it was, just not a murderer).

    While I don't hate Senior, I'm not really sure why he needed to come back this episode (and now that Tony is gone) because NCIS already has a natural bridge to the Sherlocks-- Jimmy. Senior didn't really need to be there except to take Jessica Walters/Mallory Archer off Gibbs' hands and do some more bonding with Gibbs (which I don't hate either but did we need it? Meh).

    • Love 4
  2. Season 2 premiere! Double header.


    Miller (Thomas Jane), Holden (Steven Strait) and the crew of the Roci deal with the aftermath of their narrow escape from Eros. We meet Martian Marine Gunnery Sergeant Bobbie Draper (Frankie Adams) and her platoon when the "Cuban Missile Crisis" between Earth and Mars heats up.

    • Love 2
  3. "Warhead" - not a terrible episode but really only marginally advanced the overarching plot. I liked that the infiltrator droids were based on McQuarrie concept art. My biggest quibble is this: how big is Chopper Base? Big enough that people would see a new droid and not question its presence? I feel like rebels would (or should, at least) be hyper aware of who is coming in and out of their bases and I don't think Chopper Base is so large that they would just ignore a new, random droid wandering around. That felt a little off. Did enjoy Zeb interacting with Chopper and AP-5. I'm definitely convinced Thrawn knows Kallus is acting as Fulcrum, and that probably means he's dead by the end of the season.

    "Trials of the Darksaber" - so.damn.good!! I loved all of it. Even though I would be sad if Sabine decided to leave the Ghost crew, it would be thrilling to see her step up and lead an army of Mandalorians against the Empire. Loved the training sequences, Ezra and Sabine, Kanan and Hera, Kanan and Sabine... I hardly know where to start. Even though I'm not a big Mandalorian fan, I've grown to like Fenn Rau and I liked that he brought Sabine new gauntlets to play with. Tiya Sircar did a fabulous job (as did Freddie Prinze Jr). Waiting for a month for the next episode is going to be hard....!

  4. This was a nice change of pace episode-- there wasn't even a dead body until the 40 min mark! I like seeing Gibbs being an agent like this and jumping back into his undercover identity (complete with limp) because damned if he wasn't going to catch the bad guys. Plus the turtleneck sweater + pea coat?! Yes please. Sign up me for the Mark Harmon Silver Fox Appreciation Society!

    I loved the handoff of the wallet once the team figured out what was up-- Gibbs knew he could trust them to do their jobs and they did. Everyone was competent and professional, as it should be. So I highly enjoyed this as a change up from the murder of the week episode.

    • Love 10
  5. 15 hours ago, DarkRaichu said:
    On 1/8/2017 at 11:17 AM, readster said:

    Something that is a big hole between Maul's last appearance on Clone Wars and his reappearance in Rebels. What the hell happened to him?

    In an Ahsoka panel, Filoni mentioned Ahsoka had a run in with Maul after RotS but before Rebels.  They might have been in a mission together.  This was the reason she was not surprised that Maul was alive when they met in Rebels season 2 finale.

    In the Ahsoka novel there are flashbacks to Ahsoka and Maul's last (only? I don't think they ever faced off in Clone Wars, right?) confrontation prior to the S2 finale of Rebels.

    I liked this episode as it feels like we're starting to get a bit of meat now that Rogue One has been released. I thought they did a good job of moving Saw from battle hardened Rebel to extremist as the episode moved forward. I liked that he still at least has a holo of Stella-- she's dead but not forgotten. As for Saw's current appearance vs his appearance in Rogue One, the visual dictionary for RO mentions that he needs the life support due to his lungs being destroyed by the Geonosian insecticide so I'm wondering if that dues to residual left on the surface while he was stuck there for two cycles or if he goes back later to recover the canisters for some other kind of attack against the Empire. I know the Rebels aren't supposed to know about the Death Star yet but given that the Empire literally wipe all but one Geonosian you'd think they would have ultimately taken Klik Klak back to Chopper Base to at least learn what he knew! I honestly think it would work within the context/canon we know-- the Rebels could think it was impossible/fake until they get more intel regarding Galen's role or something... it just seemed to wasteful to have that information and then leave it behind! Ugh.


    As far as this episode, could 1 of you explained why KlikKlak was defending the shield generator with its destroyer droids if the generator belonged to the Empire?  Also, what was it originally shielding?  

    The shield generator was originally shielding the Death Star construction, but the Death Star has since moved. I was under the impression that Klik Klak's destroyer droids were more to keep anyone out  than necessarily protect the shield generator, but I could be wrong.

    Kanan is a much more badass Jedi since he lost his sight-- levitating the bridge was awesome, as was his jumping across the chasm (and Rex's "but he's no Skywalker" comment, lol). Though it gives me a bad feeling we are going to see his eventual death.

    I thought the captain on the Imperial light crusier was going to be Rae Sloane but it wasn't! Though I suspect Sloane wouldn't have been so sloppy about pursuing the Ghost and letting them escape.

    • Love 1
  6. Add me to the list of people annoyed at Percy being gone from this episode with no explanation, and then they just basically slotted the CGIS agent in her place. I like the CGIS agent well enough (sorry, I don't remember her name) but that was kind of annoying. These women are not interchangeable!
    I digress...

    Like many of you, I'm not sure why we suddenly needed to have Pride personally connected to this whole cartel business except for the mere fact of NOW.IT'S.PERSONAL!! He was dedicated to catching the cartel prior to this, so yeah, it seems overkill that now, suddenly, he has a personal reason to make it happen. Whatever, show.

    I liked Sebastian starting to learn how to be an agent, but the scene with him and Gregario getting surprised by the cartel guy and LaSalle having to save the day just kind of underpin how unprepared for this he is. One badass moment does not an agent make. But I did like both LaSalle and Gregario taking time to talk to him.

    • Love 1
  7. Jesus, what a downer of a episode! Poor Qasim-- he didn't deserve that! But no one on this show can be happy, I guess. 

    When they didn't show Clayton getting off the plane I had about 30 seconds of worry before remembering Tony getting blow in season 4 or 5 and figured he would be ok. 

    I know Operation Willoughby was mentioned in an earlier episode this season but have we heard anything about Chen before? Or he's just some major terrorist we are only just hearing about now? 

    • Love 5
  8. Count me in on being glad the baby mama drama is done but... now I'm pissed for a different reason: the way they handled the whole thing. Melody is escaping an abusive situation with her child and trying to get help-- so what do TPTB do? She shows up and lies to LaSalle, convincing him that it's actually his kid instead of just being freaking honest and upfront. If she knows LaSalle is such a great guy (and a freaking federal agent), why the fuck didn't she just tell him she needed his help-- she didn't even need to go into specifics right away!! Frankly, this leaves a bad taste in my mouth, particularly at the way it could prop up the belief that victims of abuse are really just liars. If this was the original end game all along, I'm severely disappointed in the way it was done.

    Moving on... ok, don't hate me but I didn't hate Gregorio this episode. Maybe because she didn't seem as uptight or we just got her in a smaller dose and maybe I am being worn down. I still don't love the character and I wish they hadn't gotten rid of Meri, but this is a Gregorio I could live with in future episodes. Love that she is apparently bisexual though the more cynical side of me also believes, like 12catcrazy, that this will be a "phase" and she'll really mostly only date men. But I hope not! I think it would be great if they actually made her bisexual and stuck to it.

    • Love 3
  9. OBI WAN!! I'm excited about that at least. Maul I can't stand so I'm really hoping that we get to Tattooine and Kenobi ends him once and for all. I find it a littl creepy and sad how obsessed Maul is with Kenobi

    31 minutes ago, ganesh said:


    I was surprised they actually named Kenobi on the show because I don't know how either Kanan or Ezra would know who he is. Nor do I think that the show should have him on. 


    Well, Kanan knows him because he was an Initiate/Padawan before the Jedi fell and Obi Wan was on the Council at that time. In the novel New Dawn, they actually do recount an interaction between Caleb/Kanan and Obi Wan.  I'm guessing Ezra knows him from the holocron or Kanan's stories (or at least I can handwave that being the case). I'm of two minds about bringing Kenobi on-- first, I'm a big Kenobi fan so I'm thrilled he is, but I do wonder how it's going to work, especially as Rebels gets closer to ANH. I think my biggest thing is that they can't know or see Luke. Luke is supposed to come out of nowhere in ANH so I don't think Maul/Ezra/Kanan can know who he is. 

    Even though I'm not a huge Mando fan, I am excited Sabine has the dark saber. Surely that will come into play later in the season with Gar Saxon. 

  10. The baby mama drama is stupid. I'm glad Percy was pissed and upset LaSalle didn't tell her, because whether or not they ever do become a thing, she's right that they are friends first and he should have told her sooner. I thought the hurt and anger she had toward the whole situation was pitch perfect. LaSalle needs to get himself together. And frankly (I say this as a woman and a mom), LaSalle is not under an obligation to be his baby mama's husband. As Percy said, he needs to have her back and support the kid if it is his (which, for real, WHY THE FUCK HAS NO ONE DONE A PATERNITY TEST YET?!) but that doesn't mean he has to have a relationship with her unless he wants to one. I'm frustrated by the this whole damn thing. The longer this goes on, the more I want to throw a brick at my tv.

    So now FBI chick is all ready to jump on board with NCIS-- and then throws it away when she hears Sebastian is going to try and be an agent? Ugh, right. She's in the main credits! We don't need this drama! Maybe she will go back to DC and stay (here's hoping).

    • Love 6
  11. I actually liked this episode more than the two previous episodes. Yes, still kind of spinning our wheels until Rogue One comes out but at least we saw Thrawn, Kallus, and Pryce again (as well as being back on Lothal and getting Ryder Azadi in on the action). The not-so-secret that Kallus is the new Fulcrum is out and I'm pretty convinced Thrawn already knows it's him. I'm starting to feel like Kallus probably won't make it through the season. I loved the interactions between Kallus/Ezra/Kanan and I hope we get to see more of that as the season progresses. I was highly amused when Ezra just Force-shoved him into the screen/console to "make it look real" and then the arguing between Ezra and Kanan.

    Even though I'm not a huge fan of Maul, I'm glad he's back next week because it should give the mid-season break a bang to go out on.

  12. This was kind of a meh episode; I didn't hate it but I didn't love it. I actually didn't mind the congresswoman, though she was probably a bit too perfect. The whole thing was actually kind of sad when you think about it-- the girlfriend was responsible for the aide's death, though accidentally, and the mayor who sent the threats was just trying to save his town, which Flemming was too.

    I also thought Clayton vs Torres at the vending machine was hilarious-- mostly because it humorously subverted the alpha males butting heads trope or whatever you would call it (and honestly, we all know who the true alpha male at NCIS is, so Clayton and Torres better form a line to the left, please). And I assume we're getting a set up for the February sweeps or even the finale with the mysterious Project Willoughby, though why Quinn knows about it I'm not really sure.

    I was wondering if they were trying to set up something romantic between Vance and the congresswoman early in the episode and figured I was crazy. And then, lo and behold at the end, there it was! I don't mind Vance (what little we see of him these days) starting to move on and enter the dating pool again. It's been... two(??) years since Jackie died and it makes sense he might be thinking about meeting someone. It's clear they have a history and he respects her, so I'm cool.

    Too much to hope for Fornell in the Christmas episode next week?

    • Love 3
  13. I love Hondo so I'm definitely prone to viewing episodes he's in more favorably, but I agree, it seems early in the season to have him back again, unless they are really trying to push the point that Ezra shouldn't trust Hondo (for some payout later on in the season). Ezra was also back to annoying this episode because of his grumpiness/dismay that Zeb was put in charge of the job-- Zeb needs a beer or something for basically not knocking all their heads together. I don't mind them raiding abandoned ships for supplies and weapons because that seems like a logical thing to do as the Rebel Alliance grows. But really, this episode didn't really have anything super outstanding in it... hope next week we get some better!

    I know from Rebels Recon the guard droids were based off a SW video game but did they remind anyone else of Cylons?

    • Love 1
  14. Ok, I actually didn't hate this episode, though I didn't love parts of it either. The baby storyline is ridiculous. Pride even asks LaSalle if the baby is his-- but doesn't urge him to get a paternity test?! "Timing" and "looks like me" are circumstantial evidence at best! Get some hard evidence, Christopher! It's enough to want to make me bash my head into a wall. Seriously?! You are fraking federal agents, you know better!! ARGH! Plus, why is LaSalle looking at colicky infant videos when it'/ a freaking toddler? Nope. 

    FBI chick did not bother me as much this episode-- I agree, it's annoying that she was the first one to find out about the baby drama but she wisely told LaSalle to talk to Pride and refused to get caught up in the whole situation by telling Percy. I did like when she was in the van with Patton and casually told him to hack the ATF database; that was amusing. And I totally agree her hair was super distracting this episode. I don't care if it's professionally done but at least pull it back! And I liked her telling Percy her "dirty little secret". 

    The biker gang story was ok, though it was pretty obvious where it was headed (to the viewers at least). As soon as they talked about him wearing a Niners jacket but not being in the system, the light bulb went off. (If it wasn't going off already, I guess!) 

    • Love 1
  15. Behind on my commenting...!

    Imperial Supercommandos: like Ezra, it seems, I've never been a big fan of the Mandos,  but this was a decent episode. I liked Sabine engaging with Fen Rau and trying to make a connection with him due to their shared heritage and I loved that she finally freaking got her jet pack! I definitely think we will see Gar Saxon again later this season, especially if we might eventually be finding out who Sabine's mother is. Liked Sabine and Ezra working together and using their brains (and also their brawn) to get out of the situation.

    Iron Squadron: not my favorite episode, though I am trying to remember that this show isn't necessarily aimed at my age group (aka not a teen). I don't care about another care of kids taking on the Empire, I want to see OUR group take on the Empire. Nice getting a little more background on Sato, but again, hardly seemed worth it. I'm glad Ezra obeyed his orders and left Mart, even if they did come back and rescue him later. I did like the end with kids being shocked by an actual Star Destoryer... but I think I would have preferred seeing Ketsu or Wedge again rather than adding these new characters. When Zeb spoke in the preview for next week (at the end of Rebels Recon) it reminded me how little we've seen of him this season!

    • Love 1
  16. I noticed the super low cut shirts too! It was distracting. FBI chick has been less abrasive but she could still lave anytime and I wouldn't miss her. 

    I do not understand why they decided they needed to add baby mama drama for Lasalle. It's unnecessary and I think we could all probably put money on it not actually be his kid. Other annoying nits to pick with this storyline: why did she wait so long? Not even a freaking an email or voicemail; just ambushing him on the street? And could someone please request a DNA test asap? My eyes, they are rolling outta my head. I would take dumb interagency fighting between NCIS and the FBI over this. 

    I think the only enjoyable aspect of this episode was the secondary plot with Loretta/Danny/Pride about Danny joining the Navy. 

    • Love 4
  17. I agree that not a lot really happened in this episode, but I still enjoyed it. I thought it was humorous that the team seems to have certain dreams about Gibbs. Quinn could have been more adult about the whole thing, sex dreams happen-- it's not the end of the world. I was really hoping that Gibbs was on to the whole thing when he knocked on the cabinet but if he was he didn't give it away.

    I like Torres and Bishop together (as field agents) and I'm really happy it was Bishop who stepped up and shot the suspect because I feel like that helps show how her character has matured as an agent.

    Anyone else find it weird that Tim now has Tony's job, desk, and apartment? But it's a nice set so maybe we'll get a few scenes there with Tim and Delilah.

    I like that they didn't wrap the immigration story up in a nice bow, though obviously I hope we get a line in the future about how it ends up.

    • Love 2
  18. So much nostalgia in this episode! Helps that they used some of Kiner's music cues from TCW series, and it worked perfectly. One thing I really liked was how Rex and Kanan slipped back into their Clone Wars roles-- Kanan as a commander (even though he was only a Padawan at the time, it shaped his experience greatly... see also: Ahsoka) and Rex as the soldier. It also showed up Ezra as out of his depth, but there's also the fact that the he war he's participating in is more guerilla in nature.

    As whole, I think this episode was a little too simplistic as a real end to the Clone Wars, but was glad Ezra pointed out that both sides were essentially played and that the only winner was the Empire/Emperor, which at least helped this particular group move beyond their initial fight and turn on the Empire together.

    The end, where they did the Rebels title card in Clone Wars yellow and style, was a perfect touch.

    • Love 1
  19. I watched this last night because I was out of town last week and wow, I thought maybe I just wasn't in the mood but apparently this episode didn't really work for anyone! I was just bored. The beginning was promising enough with the petty officer killing her captor and escaping but man... it really fell apart for me in the long run and my attention wandered-- I don't even remember who the bad guy is and I watched last night. Meh. I have no real desire to rewatch it either.

    I don't mind either Quinn or Torres but there weren't really any stand out character moments. I've also noticed in the last two episodes it seems to be girls vs boys for some of the stuff, so I hope we shake up it again in the next few episodes.

    • Love 1
  20. Was I the only one hoping that with the episode title of "course correction" that we would get rid of all the FBI crap? I am so over them being involved in every episode and the constant us vs them shtick that's just been ground to death. (Also pretty sure this show uses the letters NCIS, not FBI.) And seriously, wouldn't Vance be involved with any changes to the office, regardless of the DOJ? Do they think we're idiots? 

    They are laying it on pretty thick for FBI chick to stay, and we have angsty background story complete with NOLA connection. Ugh. Just let her go. No one wants her. 

    • Love 3
  21. It felt random that Sonja wasn't there this week, but oh well. 

    It was nice to see Sebastian shine for episode; he's sweet and adorkable in the over the top tv way so it's nice to see him get to be badass for an episode. I loved how he hugged Pride at the end and wouldn't let go. 

    FBI chick was still annoying, though I will admit slightly more tolerable (nooooooo I still dislike her, I don't want her to be tolerable)-- maybe because it was "casual Tuesday." Seriously, though, please send her back to NYC. 

    Liked seeing Wendi Mackie as Sebastian's mom; I thought that was a good casting choice! 

    • Love 3
  22. I didn't hate this episode, but didn't love it either. I felt like Quinn's backstory (or part it) was suuuuuuper overwrought. Not that the backstory itself was necessarily bad (though I agree-- why does everyone have to have a tragic backstory?!) but just the overdramatic way it was all portrayed had me rolling my eyes.

    Torres was also as an ass this episode; first the (maybe) joking comments about women always wanting to settle down, which he was rightfully torn down for, and then stealing McGee's printer. I don't mind the fish out of water/man of action stuff but his behavior was annoying this episode. I did like badass McGee.

    Nice to see Clayton again; I liked the easy, friendly relationship between him and Bishop. Makes me wonder if they are toying with the idea of a romance. Anyway, totally called the other MI6 agent as being in on the smuggling; it felt so obvious, even before the bathroom question. 

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