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Posts posted by catray

  1. I'm really glad SyFy will be airing the second season (and hopefully the third)-- I've really grown to love this little show! I thought it gained a lot of momentum as it went on, so I am definitely interested in seeing what happens next! I particularly like that the gods and goddesses formed a reluctant alliance; hopefully there's still interaction between the two groups in the next season!

  2. That would suggest that either the Audrey personality has taken on a life of her own and was powerful enough to override Mara, perhaps because her love for those in Haven is somehow stronger or more real, or that there's some part of Mara that likes being Audrey, whether or not she'd be willing to admit that.



    I'm putting my money on the full personality integration thing. All the memories, all the loves, all the fun.



    This is what I'm thinking as well. My speculation is that Audrey et al are the "good" aspects of Mara, sent out of the Barn to mediate the Troubles while keeping the "bad" trapped. In the end, we'll have an Audrey who is the sum of everything/one that has come before her.

  3. Well at least with Jennifer mysteriously vanished, there is a chance she could show up later in the season. I'll take that over her being dead. No body, no death. I agree that it is probably Dave closing the thinnies, but they might need Jennifer to reopen them or getting a message across.

    I think Emily Rose is having a good time playing Mara, and it's a nice change up, for the moment. Like Shadda (and others), I hope Mara gets a little more chararterization aside from "I'm evil, mwahahahaha" which seems to be all we see right now. It's going to wear thin pretty fast if that's all we get.

    Glad the show is back!

  4. Fashion Police won't be the same without Joan; I think if the show is going to continue they need to change the format somewhat to keep the inevitable comparisons at bay. A new host is needed (Kimora Lee Simmons maybe; I've enjoyed her on the show before-- or maybe Zanna Roberts Rossi, who is actually a fashion person?) to direct the discussion of the outfits and personally I think the show could be streamlined-- fewer games and more actual fashion/trends. The show was both fashion and a comedy vehicle for Joan, I while keeping some humor would good, trying to recreate the show with another comedienne would feel wrong.

    Thinking about it some more-- Joanna Coles, the mentor from Project Runway All-Stars could be a good fit. She's got a bit of sharp tongue and some experience in the fashion world.

    • Love 1
  5. I'm not a big fan of Korina, but I liked her design this week and I'm mostly ok with giving her the win, though I hate that she has immunity for the next challenge. Of the top three, Amanda's is the most perplexing inclusion (I like Amanda, but seriously... this was not worthy of a top three) and Sean's was the most gala appropriate, but given how arbitrary the judging is, I don't even bother trying to figure out what they're thinking. FWIW, I think if Sandhya had turned her dress into a full length gown, she should have been in the top three. 


    I actually thought Alexander's dress had the potential to be in the top, had it been more cleaned up and finished-- I liked what he was going for, and it was more interesting than what Samantha did, so I'm not upset she got booted while he stayed. Samantha has been relatively invisible this season and I can't recall any of her designs.

    • Love 2
  6. Someone who is more knowledgeable than myself: if Rafa gave up his parental rights when Sashi was born (I'm assuming this is the case-- I don't think we know) does he really have a chance of getting sole custody of Sashi? Again, this seems more of a plot to generate some drama than anything else.

    Van Dyke!! I've missed his smarminess. I had to laugh when Hank asked, mock horrified, if there were more than one of him. His brother definitely had the Douchey Van Dyke down, but without the underlying charm the "original VD" has.

    So Dr Bob isn't really a Dr? So long Bob! Or not... But honestly, I think it's kind of sweet that Jeremiah showed up at his door.

    So... Divya and Raj? Are they going to try and make this happen now that they are both unattached.

    I liked Paige confronting Hank over his treatment of Evan; thank god, finally!

    I am mostly happy with where this season leaves off-- yes there are some danglingly ends but overall I felt better about where the show might be headed. Or maybe they just manipulated me with the rosy Hamptons sunset and music. I guess in some ways it could be a series finale, but it seems unlikely that USA would cancel this. Doesn't it do well in the ratings?

    • Love 1
  7. Ugh, bummer!! My husband will be crushed-- he doesn't watch much tv but this was one of the shows that he (and I) love. I know this past season was a bit of a mess, but there was still potential there. You suck, A&E!

    I would love if this got picked up by CBS... Hear our pleas network gods!

    • Love 2
  8. Hey guys, did you know you could find your perfect car through AutoTrader?! Gee, I didn't! Can't decide what I hate more: the random D-list celebs who make dumb cameo appearances or the infomercials.


    Suddenly Rafa wants joint custody of Sashi even though previously he was content with letting Divya have her? Not looking forward to this drama.


    Loving Boris and Jeremiah and that Boris is buying the hospital.


    I appreciate Charlotte's struggle with regaining her vision after being able to get herself around being blind. It would be a real mental adjustment and I'm glad that they didn't just magically have her sight restored. I'm still neutral on Hank and Charlotte and get the feeling that they will part ways again in the future because Hank will try to be too much doctor with her and not enough boyfriend.


    Since Tucker has apparently moved on to bigger and better things, I'm not mad at having Cinco around-- he seems like a good enough kid in a similar situation. Too bad Emma is such a liar-- and she really only has herself to blame for that. I was almost certain she was going to get in some sort of car wreck when she was driving off and Hank was telling her to put her seatbelt on. No such luck!


    Next week: Kardashians, really? UGH. And I don't think we're done with Emma yet either.

    • Love 1
  9. I love how some of the designers were pissed that Sandhya collected a ton of money-- when they could have done the same damn thing. Don't hate the player, hate the game! Love how Char supported her too, even as she was one of the designers who went back to Mood. I liked her (Sandhya's) redone dress, though the neckline seemed too mature.

    I liked the idea of Amanda's dress, but I think it was way too heavy on top. And a little too crafty. But the idea was not a bad one.

    Loved Fade's dress-- what a spectacular pattern! I definitely would have placed him in the top three over Amanda.

    I love the color of Sean's dress, but yeah, my first thought was car wash brush. Between his and Kini's, it's hard-- color vs style. Loved Kini's dress, it was truly stunning. Sad to say, probably too sophisticated for Heidi. I can see why she chose Sean and I'm ok with that.

    Personally, I would have send Mitchell, Kristina, AND Korina home. They were all awful. Alexander should have been in the bottom too for the buttcheeks hanging out, but those were definitely the worst. I have to say, though, I'm a little sad Mitchell is gone now-- his design aesthetic leaned towards tacky, but he was a nice guy.

    • Love 2
  10. So Divya did what all of us thought she should do (including texting Hank, no thanks to Argentinian networks). Why have this plot at all?! Stupid. I'm glad that Divya and Jeremiah actually had a freaking conversation, only about five episodes too late. Ugh.

    Good call on Ray's wife being the shooter and thinking Paige and Ray were having an affair. What a messed up relationship. I'll miss him though-- the actor is easy on the eyes.

    Was Emma stealing a precription pad? (Answer: I wrote that before the end of the episode.) Get rid of her!! She cries crocodile tears, continues to lie, and is stealing from them! At least Hank noticed it. Hope he manages to limit the damage she's likely going to cause.

    Really like Boris "adopting" some orphan diseases, because that is a thing. Fits in well with his desire to do leave a different legacy for his own son.

    • Love 1
  11. As many have stated, Divya and Sashi being "held hostage" in Argentina is a stupid plotline that is both untrue (the passport issue) and could be easily resolved within the show (namely by Boris, but also Divya calling Rafa, going to an American embassy, etc). They're trying to create drama, but they're not doing a very good job of it.

  12. Not that I'm teribbly upset about the spoiler, aside from the fact that it looks like Sean redeems himself I' m more just irritated that the producers didn't actually think about when the episode would air in relation to the event. Poor planning guys!

    I will save my thoughts about the dress for the episode thread, aside from this: in the stills of Heidi twirling, she looks like the brushes in a car wash.

    Eta: whoops, someone beat me to it!

  13. If Hernan really wanted something to complain about, he should have traded with Sean, because that was a truly terrible suit. It's a good thing I'm not on this show, because I would have cried if I had ended up with that suit.

    I don't think Sandhya was purposely trying to screw anyone; Hernan was being terrible-- and was rightly called out by the judges because it's not like he was the only one who got crappy fabric (see: Sean). If he'd sucked it up and just worked, he could have made it work. But he whined and bitched and moaned and didn't even finish the hem. Wah wahhh don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    I loved Kini and Fade's dresses-- Fade should have been in the top three.

    Double elimination next week-- way to spoil it, promo monkeys!

    • Love 3
  14. "The lawyer thing was just a bunch of overlapping misunderstandings, no one lied intentionally. Separately and unknown to each other, both Divya and Jeremiah hired expert lawyers to show up at the hearing and represent Viviana but not tell her who was responsible."

    D'oh! My sleepy brain didn't register that Divya was talking to a lawyer on the phone! This makes so much more sense now.

    I don't know why Divya doesn't take Sashi to the American embassy, or talk to Boris and Hank, or call Rafa herself. Would Boris and Hank just leave her without any questions? (Hank wouldn't, at least.) This plotline is dumb and they're dumbing down Divya to further it along.

  15. As much as St. Divya can be annoying, she doesn't deserve to be held hostage by Rafa's mother-- as if she's just going to leave her child! I am already pre-annoyed at where this storyline might be headed; from what we saw of Rafa before, he seemed like a totally reasonable guy and so this should be something he wouldn't approve of. However, if Rafa actually shows up, my guess is that he'll side with his mother and so I'm already annoyed even though I don't actually know what's going to happen. My crazy theory is that they will try to keep Sashi in Argentina, but then Rafa's stalker will make an appearance and kidnap Sashi (and maybe Divya) and Rafa will decide it's too dangerous and let them go back to the Hamptons.

    I did find the scene on the plane hilarious; the realities of traveling with a small child.

    Now that Evan knows Emma is working for SnarkHamptons, can we send Emma back to Missouri or wherever?

    The pillow fight between Paige and Ray was sooooooo awkward. Are they trying to convince us that there's some underlying sexual tension between them (to help fuel Evan's paranoia)? It just seemed so weird to me.

    I don't get why Viviana lied to Jeremiah. Why not tell him the truth? So she wouldn't hurt his male pride? So he wouldn't know Divya helped? It doesn't make sense to me, especially since she is supposedly leaving for PT school.

  16. Whew, finally caught up on the episodes! I let them sit and build up on my DVR for awhile after I watched the first episode because I wasn't immediately hooked, but when I finally started watching the second episode I was sucked in and I'm glad I didn't decide to delete them.


    From the latest episode, what kind of self respecting hospital leaves cocaine in a random doctor's office?!?! Maybe it's just a cultural difference (though I suspect plot contrivance) but that seemed a little unrealistic, as controlled substances like cocaine are generally keep under lock and key and are subject to a lot of restrictions (at least here in the states). But I do like the goddess trying to make trouble for Axl and his brothers deviously helping him out-- and that we're getting more interaction between the gods and goddess. Would really love to meet some more deities like Idunn who don't aren't necessarily on a side, but are part of the club.


    My only (minor) complant: I wish they had some sort of clue/hint as to where to find Frigga. Right now it really seems like a needle in a hay stack and I wish they had some sort of idea of where to start looking, rather than having Frigga conveniently show up (I say this not knowing how she will be introduced, assuming they find her in the first season). There are millions of women in NZ and they're just going to hope that Axl randomly stubbles upon the right one?

  17. I am over the fact that's hip or trendy to envision the future as some bleak dystopian or apocalyptic world. It might be, of course, but there's nothing inovative about that. All the stuff that was sent down the runway looked like stuff we had seen before. For that reason alone I'm ok with Sandhya winning, even though I personally was not a fan of the dress. She has a distinctive point of view and even though I feel like she doesn't 100% succeed in translating her design ideas into an actual garment, she's definitely bringing something different.

    Surprising myself, I really like Mitchell's wetsuit look and the reasoning behind it. I wasn't totally convinced by Fade's, but the more I look at it and read comments, the more it grows on me.

    Angela's garment wasn't the most offensive thing ever sent down the runway and I think the design idea was good, but the execution was certainly lacking. The color was awful and it looked sloppily made. I'm not sure she should have been sent home, but given the tears (and the fact that the judges didn't seem to like her) I'm not really sorry she was the one booted.

    • Love 1
  18. I can only assume she told him because Jeremiah was so upset about. She certainly wasn't prasising Viviana when she did it.

    As for the nail artist, you're right, GussieK, I don't think they ever showed us what happened to her either! That's unusual for this show, as they're pretty good about following up with patients (for the viewers).

  19. Annoyance number 1: the stupid text pop-ups between Emma and the mysterious Oz. Don't care and this isn't VH1 or MTV. And predictably, now Emma is screwing HankMed over.

    Annoyance 2: Divya's over-interest in Jeremiah's relationship with Viviana and her subsequent meddling. Mind your own damn business, Divya! Glad she fessed up to Jeremiah and that Jeremiah kicked her out.

    LOL at Evan staying up until 1am to watch NCIS. That was a little meta.

    I like Charlotte. She seems nice and I like that she's a smart, independent business woman.

    What happened to the perfume guy? I feel like his storyline was just dropped, which is unusual for this show. Is he going to get better? I liked him!

  20. I really wish the unconventional materials challenge (and these always happen within the first three episodes, so why is everyone so damn surprised?) was not a team challenge. First of all, team challenges suck. And secondly, the judging would have been a lot more interesting if it had been individual, as I think every team had some highs and some lows. This challenge again came down to what will produce the most drama (Sandhya has immunity and Carrie is pissed! Angela cries a lot and is called out on the runway! Amanda is redeemed!)


    Personally, I really disliked the designs produced by Amanda and her group, so I'm definitely confused that they were the winning team and Amanda ended up winning the whole thing. I mean, Sandhya/Carrie/Hernan's collection wasn't amazing, but I'm not sure if it deserved the bottom place. I personally was not a big fan of Emily or Fade's garments either, but again, the drama was pretty served by doing groups.


    I liked Mitchell's disc dress a lot and Samantha's skirt/top-- they were probably my favorites this week. Sean's straw dress was nice, but way too reminiscent of Justin's pipet dress from last season.

    • Love 2
  21. I was mostly ok with Russell taking the rug because the owners had been mistreating it, but I'm not happy they've apparently turned him to klepto who "liberates" expensive objects and heirlooms because they were being mistreated. Boo.

    I've been a Divya apologist lately, but even I was glad her story focused on the patient (even though there was a maternity angle).

    I think I'm tired of Dr. Bob. Still don't care about Emma.

    Liked Jeremiah and Viviana going on a date; not liking Divya thinking it was a "business" transaction. That seems like lazy writing.

    Hank's new love interest: not sure yet. I like her more than some others he has had (and I was secretly thrilled she left him after he brought up the transplant) but I'm not convinced there is much chemistry there.

    • Love 1
  22. Evan does get better, but starts to backslide, as ganash says, depending who is writing the episode. I feel like his character actually gets the most growth over the course of the series but post season 4 the writing for his character is uneven.

  23. Sandhya seems nice and I liked the clothes she auditioned with, but yikes, that dress she sent down the runway was ugly! I was really surprised it won, aside from the fact that it certainly made a statement on the runway. Looks like it has put a target on her back.

    Love Char and her outfit. Definitely rooting for her right now. She seems grounded and I like her style and attitude.

    So glad Amanda was voted back in and not Ken (or Alexander). I wasn't a huge fan of her actual runway garment but it wasn't hideous. The whole thing felt very 90's to me.

    I'm not quite sure why Mitchell was included in the final group (of desingers) at all, and I thought he should have been auf'd-- so now he'll probably be around until the bitter end. I liked Jefferson's ideas, but I didn't love those shorts. Not sure Angela desevered to be in the bottom three, and the geisha hooker line was totally inappropriate-- it feels like she was there to amp up the fact that she is inexperienced and nervous.

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