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Sarah 103

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  1. I love this idea. I have no idea why it didn't occur to me to make the night shift a spin-off. From HBO's perspective, you already have the sets and props. A good chunk of the creative team (writers, directors, producers, costume, hair and make-up and anyone else that I'm forgetting) probably wouldn't mind an extra 15 weeks or so of paid work, and if someone isn't interested working onThe Pitt: Night Shift, I'm sure HBO/MAX can find someone/people who would love the job. Because there can be such a huge gap (multiple years) between seasons on streaming platforms, keep the same name but alternate between day shift and night shift. One year it's day shift, the next year it's night shift. That way people don't forget about the series because there's always a version to watch every year with the same title.
  2. I wonder if this is meant to indicate how traumatized and out of it Will Trent is. He is so focused on his trauma and what's going on in his head that he is completely oblivious to what is happening around him. He ignores Betty to clean his shirt. It's the sound of someone at the door and seeing Angie that starts to bring him back to the reality of the present.
  3. That's what I'm thinking; it's like Vegas or like Butler PA. All the shooter would need is a high capacity weapon, an outdoor location or a location with an open window and a clear sightline of the festival to cause significant damage in a fairly short amount of time. That line reminded me of M*A*S*H. I wouldn't mind following Abbott for a shift in a future season. I don't think so. They might try to arrest her but I could see the other law enforcement officers who were around pulling the cops aside and trying to talk them out of the arrest. There were law enforcement officers around who could testify/vouch for how crazy things were and that she was trying to do her job in a difficult/close to impossible situation. Anyone have thoughts on Whittaker calling himself Dr. Whittaker? I have two guesses regarding the identity of the shooter; we will never find out who the shooter was or someone will announce it via checking their cellphone and seeing a news update at the end of shift. Every episode of this show goes by so quickly. It's amazing.
  4. I really like the Worst Wing opening. It is such a better graphic and significantly less annoying than what it replaced.
  5. There was a part of me that was hoping Nadia was going to leave for good and then send someone back with the car, who would then decide to settle in town. Henry was absolutely right to ask Nadia for some time alone with Lou and Henry. That needed to be a private moment and she really had no business being there or being a part of it. I liked that not only did Hank wait to arrest them until after they were legally married, but that Lou and Henry agreed with the decision. I like there is now officially a season long story arc lurking in the background.
  6. When Will was cleared I had two thoughts. He absolutely needs to cuddle with Betty and he needs therapy. Betty by the door was heartbreaking. @milkyaqua and @ShellsandCheese I think of Will and Angie as the third or fourth chocolate covered marshmallow. You know eating it is probably a mistake, a bad idea, something you are going to regret, but you do it anyway. I'm not sure what, if anything, happened beyond hugging. It's possible that was it. They do know and understand in each other in a way that no one else can so it makes sense Angie would be the one to help. My guess is that something will happen during the next case that will make Faith realize she wants to be partners with Will despite what happened. I agree. It felt a bit deus ex machina. It felt like something from a folktale where the hero gets what they need because they helped an old beggar expecting nothing in return.
  7. I'm guessing he is buying really good cheesecake. I did a quick google search and the price in 2009 would have about $70 per cheesecake.
  8. My favorite part of the episode on 3/22 was the lie-curious with Chuck Schumer. I correctly guessed it was cheesecakes because it seemed to fit with him being from New York City and the dairy industry being a major part of upstate New York. My questions are how much gambling is happening? How often does he have to pay up with a cheesecake, and what local/regional foods are the other people sending to him when/if he wins?
  9. I wouldn't want season 2 to be a continuation of this day. I do like the idea of the season 2 showing the night shift on a different day, with some of the characters we know and some new characters. For people who actually work in hospitals, is this possible? Could someone who normally works day shift take a night shift? I'm actually curious to see how she handles this. For someone who jumps to worst case scenario being in this kind of scenario has some real dramatic possibilities.
  10. Nadia is far less annoying than when the series started. She's still my least favorite character on the series and I wouldn't mind if they found a way to get rid of her, but she is at least a vast improvement over the first episode. I will agree with Henry at the end: What he did letting Jenna go free is not the same as Hank fudging or trying to manipulate numbers and everything else Hank does to make the statistics look better than are/should be.
  11. I knew the man Max saw in the hallway was not part of law enforcement. The moment felt very Die Hard but in a good way. I also enjoyed the running gag of Max and Ellis each asking people if the hot air balloon was a date. As far as I am concerned, the creative team has now made an implied contract with the audience. At some point, there will be a scene of Max and Ellis in a hot air balloon.
  12. Everybody Hates Chris and the reboot of Wonder Years both did episodes on organizations similar to Jack and Jill. They were called something else in each series, but it was that kind of organization.
  13. @Is Everyone Gone Part of what made Vivien Leigh brilliant casting for Streetcar Named Desire is that she was so closely associated with Scarlett O'Hara, the ultimate southern belle. It almost forces the viewer to compare the two characters and make an association. In my mind, Blanche is what happens when a descendant of someone like Scarlett is no longer able to keep their equivalent of Tara and what that does to her. I was rather young when I first saw the movie. It wasn't until I was older that I understood the references to a sensitive boy who wrote poetry was code for gay, because it isn't a movie based on a Tennessee Williams work without multiple of the following: Method Actor in a Lead Role, Old South vs. New South, Overbearing/Controlling Father Figure, Implied Homosexuality. It was a star making performance in terms of his film career. It was the movie that took his career to the next level. Also, are we okay with me taking a dip in the extremely shallow end of the pool? The costume department at Warner Brothers found the tightest t-shirt and muscle shirt Brando could fit into and I am not complaining. They are practically painted on and really show off his muscular arms and shoulders.
  14. Since we know there will be a season 2, here is a place to speculate on what you think might happen, what you want to happen, and anything else along those lines. If there is a time jump, how long of a time jump do you want or hope it will be?
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  15. Thank you! This is incredibly helpful. Mel King being internal medicine makes infinitely more sense in terms of her speciality and is a better match for who she is. I understand why she would be doing a rotation in the ED.
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