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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. 4 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

    Your father is a man of great wisdom, Mine?

    I think he was trying to send me a message?

    I do carry a very cool knife in my wallet...

    https://www.whateverworks.com/itemdy00.aspx?T1=KB6216&srccode=NXCKYA&source=origin&gdffi=f98fe559280b462594470ed35f332325&gdfms=878FA5E4F661458C837F3EFD9147B979&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=WW - Apparel(PLA) - NXCKYA&utm_term=1100100895195&utm_content=WW - Apparel(BSC) - NXCKYA

    They are VERY handy and viciously sharp - it has served me well.

    I also have a credit card tool, and a square of cardboard with some straight pins and safety pins taped to one side and a few feet of thread wrapped around - just in case.

    Are you a MacGyver?     Whatever is a credit card tool? 

  2. On 3/29/2017 at 8:17 PM, ElDosEquis said:

    There was a boy wonder horse jockey named Steve Cauthen.

    He was born in the U.S. and went to race in England while he was pretty young. A few years later, he did an interview for a sports show and he had such an accent, I had to make sure he was the same guy. If you weren't influenced by your surroundings and people where you live(d)?

    You are probably dead.

    I remember Steve Cauthen. I was always surprised that he didn't try to make a go out of a career in the US. I know a bit about horse racing and think it was due to his age and the good ole boys club of jockeys who were prominent in those days. 

    Having lived abroad, especially when dealing with a taxi driver, I learned that you get the much quicker (and cheaper) route if you don't sound like a tourist. People in other countries deal differently with locals versus tourists. It is better to put an accent on sometimes and get the best prices, quality of food, and most economical rates. My fiends abroad, however, loved my American accent!! 

    • Love 1
  3. I too will miss Maxwell. He was the comic relief of the gang. I loved that he and his partner put on war paint before the challenge.  This episode was called Jungle Love but it had much less romance (showmance) than I had expected. Kudos to K for digging her hand in to get those crabs. 

    Its amusing and smart that they are coming up with challenges that test both the survivalist and the pampered princess. That grappling hook sure gave John some issues. 

  4. 3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    She looks like Madame Tussauds wax likeness of Uma Thurman slightly melted. Her glam squad's instincts are terrible.

    You nailed it. Especially when she was on her crying jag. 

    How many were there in her glam squad for this trip? I didn't see them in the first class (business) section of the plane that the ladies were in. I also wonder what they get up to while Erika was out with the ladies. I bet they're a hoot to listen to (gossiping and snark galore) after they've had a few cocktails and would bet that Erika is the brunt of some of that humor. (Very quietly...they don't want to lose that big paycheck for doing so little). They make wigs in so many colors these days. Why did her hair stylist even bother to soak the wig in rosé? Oh the problems of a rich housewife....

    • Love 5
  5. 3 hours ago, Juneau Gal said:

    Have we ever seen the Glam Squad outside, in the light of day? I swear every time we see them they are in a windowless or heavily draped room. Perhaps they are vampires and can't be touched by the sun. They are definitely sucking Erika dry of funds. 

    Oh thank you for making me smile and brightening the day lol. Great comment Juneau Gal. 

    • Love 8
  6. 7 hours ago, marriedaniac said:

    I loved Tom's "hands down" comment in Bonner/Sharna's intro. ;)  I love Tom.

    And Bonner is so in love with Sharna.

    I don't know that he's in love but he most certainly is in lust. 

    • Love 3
  7. I was thinking about the part of the episode when they were shopping at Shanghai Tang. I know they can't focus on all the shopping choices but I wasn't overly impressed. They are known for incredible tailoring in Hong Kong and I'm surprised that none of the ladies went for some custom made clothing. I remember hearing that LVP gets custom blouses (maybe has a standing order in BH) but years ago my Mom got a custom silk suit there very quickly and reasonably in cost. The last place that I'd want to shop is a store that's completely filled with exotic items for tourists.   

    • Love 4
  8. 9 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    I'm just assuming that Shoshanna moved back to Japan at some point off screen. Maybe Ray will meet up with her there in the last episode and they can open up an international chain of coffee shops!

    At the risk of repeating myself (I am) they should open a Cat Cafe. I miss Shosh in these episodes. 

    • Love 3
  9. On 3/27/2017 at 11:19 AM, pbutler111 said:

    Did anyone (or everyone) else grok that the scene with Dill turning up on Elijah's doorstep was lifted, pretty much whole, from the movie "Notting Hill", with Julie Roberts turning up at Hugh Grant's door to escape the paparazzi after a nude photo scandal?

    Wow. You used one of my favorite words....grok. What you said made sense and now that I've thought about it, it does seem a bit Notting Hill...but oh the way you said it...clap clap clap! 

    • Love 1
  10. I was watching the reception and thought a lot of the guests were tying one on. A lot of swaying and staggering. I wonder how many of them remembered everything that happened the next day! All those couples commitment talk. Who put what in the punch? Wedding fever but I hope this show is not going to boil down to season after season of getting married and other couples breakups. It needs an infusion of something fresh. Perhaps that TomTom idea will be it. 

  11. On 3/27/2017 at 1:27 PM, wings707 said:

    This was my favorite episode to date.  Robert apologizing to Grace was poignant. 

    I loved how Grace pulled Robert out of the room as Sol droned on.  Mimicking getting a cocktail and signaling him to join her illustrated how they moved over a huge hump and can laugh together.  Loved it!  

    I disliked Robert in season one and two but have warmed to him after this episode.  

    Question.  I am not familiar with Sam Waterston's roles.  He is ditz here with peculiar voice inflections.  Has this shown up in other roles? 

    Sam Waterston used to be on Law and Order back in the day. He was no ditz in that show. He also was in the Showtime (? Or HBO) series Newsroom. This is the most casual a role I've ever seen him in. He's usually authoritative in demeanor. 

    • Love 4
  12. 1 hour ago, stagmania said:

    I don't understand this either. I was checking to see if she had any jewelry on that could've cut her, but she was only wearing one flat ring. Are we supposed to think she jabbed her eye with her finger or something?

    I thought I heard the word "gouged" but I forgot who exactly said it and Renata wore an eye patch afterwards so we never did see the damage. 

    • Love 1
  13. 2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

    Allison William's continued weight loss is scary. Is it considered 'body shaming' when you're legitimately worried about someone?

    Good Question COFCINCI. 

    • Love 2
  14. I also raised my eyebrows with @AmandaPanda when she mentioned the money needed for this new apartment for Celeste. I'm sure she would have made money in her previous career as a lawyer but how would she have kept it or an account hidden from Perry all these years?  That's probably why he didn't want her to return to work. Abusers like to cut their victims off from their support (friends, family and money). I thought for sure he'd find out about it and she'd get a black eye for it. I was also concerned when she flew out the door on the guise of having dinner with Jane and Perry just sat on the couch with his boys. You could see the beginnings of his control behavior over them tho when he took away their snacks (a projection of anger because he was mad she left without warning). Had his manhood not been injured I would have expected to see him show up at Janes and be peeved that Celeste had lied and was not there (or out with her) eating dinner. Or a phone call to check on her. 

    Havent read the book so I'm excited for the conclusion next week. 

    • Love 10
  15. Oh gosh that dinner scene. Flashbacks of Linda Blair in the Exorcist. My first thought however is that Maddie  might be pregnant from her affair (the sight of the oysters induced the vomiting). 

    • Love 14
  16. 10 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    There is an hour episode tonight at 9pm, it's marked "new" but doesn't have a title so it would not surprise me if it was the first two episodes.

    That's what I'm thinking as they said on the channel blurb "Lee goes on a blind date for the first time in 17 years"  and they can't 'redo' a first date. Hope more people get to see it so that it gets more episodes as it's as refreshing as a skinny dip on a hot summers day. 

    • Love 4
  17. 13 hours ago, wings707 said:

    They have Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies in Tahiti.  Well damn, I can't get their thin sliced bread in Phoenix, they probably have that, too.  AND Malcom is gone.  Not good.

    Good eye Wings. I love their thin sliced bread. Agreed it can be hard to find but at 40 calories a slice...

    What was with the coffee as a challenge reward? Seems as though they are giving them so much more to eat and drink than they have in previous seasons. (Or at least this early in the game)  I loved the challenges when they had to stand on those poles over water and the last person up there gets a peanut butter and jelly sandwich OR the auctions for food which were always amusing. 

    • Love 2
  18. 7 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

    Anyone else completely seasick watching them fighting it out on the boat?  I would've hopped over the side hours ago. Ugh.

             Absolutely agree. You can't even use a Scopolamine patch because they do not mix with alcohol!!! 

    • Love 3
  19. 5 hours ago, havahabit said:

    Anyone else think Katie was quite stoned during bridesmaids' makeup and hair prep? 

    She went on WWHL last night and told Andy that she had eaten a 5mg watermelon candy (THC) and was stoned but not too stoned...just relaxed. Andy commented that he likes to eat the 10mg ones. Perhaps that's the answer to Tequila Katie...whacky wifey. It seems like the lesser of the two evils with her personality. 

    • Love 6
  20. I'm enjoying this mini series but have to say that it gives me flashbacks of Mad Men. Between the opening credits, music, cocktails galore, wardrobe and Kiernan Shipka playing BD...I keep waiting for Don Draper to come in to get the movie advertised! 

    • Love 9
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