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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. 2 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

    For what it's worth (not much), Thomas tweeted this morning that he lives in the guest house with his kids.

    I'm sure that is in response to everyone's reaction to what was seen on the episode. Not because he wants to be a more hands on parent. I firmly believe that he feels those children cut into his social life. 

    • Love 6
  2. It's like the man who uses those words "Honey" etc is using it to remind the woman that she's no more than a piece of tail. Or to be subservient. 'Back down sweetie, you are a woman and your opinion doesn't count'. 

    2 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

    Lisa Rinna in one fucked up lass

    For manners, she does get NO pass.

    Her biggest sin?

    I fucking harry hamlin

    Allegedly with strap-on in ass?

    You are very eloquent this morning and I'm very amused with your poems. Keep them up please! 

    • Love 7
  3. Ugh,  those sugar substitutes can reek havoc on ones kidneys and bladder. Especially with young children that you are trying to potty train at night (yes, I'm aware her kids are past that). They say you get addicted to sweetness and the substitutions don't help the cravings. I too,  keep water by the bedside and since I hate to get up all night to go to the bathroom I try not to chug it. Otherwise she seems like a fun parent. I laughed as she was making the waffles for breakfast when her daughter reminded her that it was almost noon! 

    I love that these three women can have a fun non jealous relationship. Usually there's the third man out theory when you have a grouping of 3. The pranks are hysterical (unless you're the brunt). Three is usually a crowd on the other RH shows. Refreshing 

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  4. On 4/2/2017 at 4:01 PM, AndySmith said:

    ((Israeli Parents + growing up in America) * Living in Italy)/ Meeting and marrying British husband while in the US = faux British accent.

    Makes sense to me too.

    Could also be why her son doesn't speak well yet. He's too confused on what he's hearing as the words sound different from every person (and Mom using more than one accent to suit her current need) and he doesn't know which accent to use. Dad...British. Mom...jumbled. Nanny ?  That may change when he gets into school and hears how all the other children speak. 

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  5. I was so amused at the texting antics that went on between the group while two of them were on a date. Lol. Great episode. So sad I came to this so late but the good news is that once I've finished season one, I have season two after no waiting!!!! 

  6. I kept waiting for him to get the child actress to do her schooling but then he finished her test. What? Well he just set the pattern of getting walked all over in the future. Doormat. That child was the epitome of a Prima Dona  starlet who's acting includes making up excuses and telling fibs (her parents arguing thru the wall...I didn't believe that one) and redirecting his attention onto anything to get out of her responsibilities. Perhaps this mimics real life and why so many child actors become out of control in their later years i.e. addicts and alcoholics. 

  7. 57 minutes ago, b2H said:

    Landon's opinion was spoken as someone who clearly has no idea what rehab is or does.  She's a moron on that topic.  Maybe on others, too, but definitely on this one.

    Landon who, when Craig and Naomie showed up preparty made a comment on how she loves a good day drinking party (or reason to day drink). Can't remember verbatim-sorry. 

    23 minutes ago, Missmissie173 said:

    You know, I think they are better off with the squad of Nannies in the guest house.  Thomas likes to think of himself as the resident bon vivant/gentleman about town of Charleston.  Having a toddler and a baby in the house doesn't exactly spell "Fun Time Charlie" to his target audience of 20 somethings with party addictions.  I can see it now. The Viagra kicks in and a baby is standing in the bedroom door crying with droopy Pampers.  Ooh, how sexy.

    Nope.  No Big House for Kenzie and Saint.

    That new AustinAustyn (sp?)  guy has all kinds of DipShit potential.  "Walk of Shame." Really? Not can I drive you home, get you a cab, give you a side hug, cheese straw for the road...but nuthin'?  Why didn't he just pick her up by the scruff of the neck, throw her out the backdoor and use a bleach wipe on his hands? He's from Charleston???

    Cheese straw for the road....bwahaha. That's brilliant!! 

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  8. 1 minute ago, surreysmum said:

    The mods will come after me if I continue here, but I'll drop a quote into the Maks thread - in which same thread there's likely a good deal more discussion of Solo's allegations and his denials in earlier posts (her autobiography came out in 2012). 

    Where is the Maks thread? I looked and saw other threads about ppl but not his. I'm interested in reading what's been said. Thank you. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, Emily-D said:

    Len is the only one who has realised that Bonner is actually a bad dancer and isn't playing the game the producers want the judges to play. The other three are embarrassing though, salivating over him. If he didn't have Sharna as his partner and this tacky forced showmance going on I think he'd be out the door next week.

    I agree that the showmance seems forced and the edit and comments are managed to get people to vote to keep him on. 

    Very disappointed with Erika. I had expected so much more from her. She doesn't seem to be putting a lot of effort into her routines. 

    • Love 2
  10. I completely agree with Ghoulina about the sippy cups and dental problems (agreed they should be drinking water at night not sugared, dyed, and chemical laden liquid) but did discover a good use for them in my life. I used to go out in the boat and be drinking red wine. It would spill and stain my clothes as well as make a mess on the boat itself. I figured out that by putting it in sippy cups, it eliminated the spills, stains and the need to bleach the deck after the cruise. 

    • Love 2
  11. 55 minutes ago, Sai said:

    I agree.  I've been saying this forever.  

    I thought Lala's outfit looked the best.  I liked it a lot.

    I totally agree. I thought LaLa was the winner in the best dressed category save those very long orange nails. She looked well put together and in control of herself. Poised under duress. 

    • Love 7
  12. 10 minutes ago, SWLinPHX said:

    Academy Awards are not engraved when handed out on stage, but are soon after engraved -- at the governor's ball -- before the winners take them home.

    Ah ha. Thank you for clearing that up for me. I wondered that it was an oopsie but evidently not. 

    • Love 1
  13. 6 hours ago, Maharincess said:

    I keep reading here that Brittany deserves so much better than Jax but I'm just not seeing why. She seems so empty headed and its not like she has a bright, shiny future ahead of her that Jax is ruining or something.  I just don't see how she's so great she deserves better. She's also the least attractive of all the girls.  The stupidity is very unattractive as well. 

    I don't necessarily find her unattractive but I didn't think that she chose the most flattering outfit to wear to the reunion and the way she sat made me uncomfortable. Man spread. All the other girls had their legs crossed demurely. 

    I guess all the girls are comfortable with their bosoms hanging out. Hanging being the operative word. I know Britt had Jax buy her those 'C's" but shouldn't they still look perky? 

    • Love 4
  14. On 3/29/2017 at 8:57 PM, Babyfoot said:

    Shep to Cameran, regarding Craig: "He couldn't get pussy in a monkey whorehouse with a sack of bananas over his shoulder. "  Gold. 

    Cameron had a cute laugh at that one but more than once she kept looking to her right...I wonder that someone else was there but chose to remain off camera (or has she made friends with the crew?). 

    • Love 2
  15. On 3/27/2017 at 3:42 PM, ghoulina said:

    I didn't want to get too much into it in the episode thread, but as someone who used to have a big crush on Sinatra (as much as one can who is a teenager when the guy died), I was wondering how accurate that portrayal was. I know little and less about him as a person. Was he just a bit difficult? Or a truly horrible person?

    I was enamored of Frank Sinatra and was able to see him in concert once in his older years. Some lady (in a lovely green silk suit) was complaining about him reading his lyrics off of a TelePrompTer so he threw his drink on her. His son, who was leading the band, quickly went over and tried to squash the incident as Frank seemed quick to anger and really didn't want to be singing after that. A shame that it left a sour taste in my mouth after having looked forward to seeing him most of my life. 

    • Love 10
  16. 35 minutes ago, mochamajesty said:

    I don't think that Perry recognized Jane - that would be unbelievable to me as well. 

    I think that he recognized that this was it - there was no going back - the secret was out.

    A man with nothing to lose is dangerous, indeed.

    And I cannot remember:  did Perry talk to the property manager or listen to the message?  I have a fingerprint scanner on my phone and a backup password for access. Come on, Celeste! 

    I'm glad that you have those safeguards on your phone. I don't think for a minute that Perry would have allowed Celeste to have that type of privacy. Abusers can also be control freaks and limit the access of their victims. 

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