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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. I'm wondering if Cameran's friendship with Shep doesn't have to do with the fact that she's the lone married featured woman. It's not like she hangs all the time with Patricia whom is older and no longer into the singles thing (at least not with this age group). I don't doubt the real ness of the friendship but think it's one made of convenience. She needs a buddy to hang with as her husband won't go on camera, and it's easier to go to functions with a friend (or meet them there) than to go it alone. It also should make her happy that she's married and not into the scenes that Shep describes (dating life). 

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  2. If I was able to choose who'd be in the second season I'd go for Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. They could go into the Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds history during this time as well. I think is easier to navigate with people whom are not still alive today-more stories always show up after their deaths due to deference and the fact that they can no longer dispute claims. I also liked another persons (Arymn's) suggestion of the Hedda Hopper-Louella Parsons angle. 

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  3. I watched the movie 'Harriet Craig' on TCM starring Miss Crawford yesterday and had a few thoughts. She plays a bitter calculating wife whose manipulation tried to keep her husband in line. I almost thought (after reading her daughter Christina's book, watching this series, and much of what I've read here) that this movie somewhat resembles her own life. What a cold fish. She probably needed very few acting skills to pull this role off. Her facial expressions spoke volumes and like for her in real life, 


    this story had no happy ending 

    This show has succeeded in one thing for me. To draw me in to watching more of her movies as they come up. TCM seems to be showing more of both of her and Miss Davis's movies to my delight. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Atlanta said:


    Carole will run very thin this season. One of my biggest pet peeves is a person who doesn't chew with his/her mouth closed. That's common manners. As a big time Journalist!, you think she would know that. That and how to pronounce kittens.


    I am so with you on the idea of eating/chewing and talking with ones mouth open. It's just plain first grader manners and I wonder why Lu never called her out on it. I cringe during those scenes (resorting to turning on mute occasionally). Ugh. 

    2 hours ago, Atlanta said:

    Elvira Cheetah of the Dark ensemble

         Oh that has me laughing. What a good description!  You are witty Atlanta :-)

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  5. I'm scared for Sonja's storyline this season. Now that we know that "plans changed" and Ramona can no longer have her stay at her house because of Dorinda, are we just going to get an amped up version of 'I fail to understand why I couldn't go to the Berkshires' this season. That's pure meanness on Ramonas (I have another name in my mind for her but it just. Isn't. polite.) part disinviting her. It hasn't even begun and I think that Sonja is going to feel a sharp pain from Singer's stinger. 

    • Love 4
  6. I learned one very important thing from this episode. Don't use the public bar/restaurant bathrooms in Charleston!! I could get cooties from one of Whitlesses deal closings !! It also speaks of how he's a taker and not a giver (of pleasure). Guess there was a method to that madness of wearing a trench coat. Gee, and it was such a pleasant place to visit. 

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  7. 3 minutes ago, kitcloudkicker said:

    Once we get through the obvious low hanging fruit, it's going to get interesting. It might be a season where someone having just one bad week might be enough to sink them. 

    Wouldn't that be refreshing. Although I do like seeing these people develop their skills, I would like to see a season where a clear cut winner is not guaranteed. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    think this episode did a good job showing how political and personal the Oscars were/are. Lee Remick was dismissed as a "TV actor" and the academy wouldn't give the Oscar to Hepburn because she snubs the awards ceremony. That really only left Bancroft and Page as genuine competition for Davis. There seemed to be a prevailing sentiment that Davis was a shoe-in for the award so she herself probably bought into the hype. If we're to believe what this episode was telling us, it was the machinations and arm-twisting of Hedda Hopper and Crawford who got enough members to change their votes to deny her the award. Otherwise she might well have beaten Bancroft

    IHedda Hopper campaigned (as they still do...more so in advertising than gossip tho it still has its effects) to get BD out of contention. True, that certain movies don't get Oscar recognition, like the examples above stating horror wasn't a widely embraced genre. I genuinely felt for BD but have to say Miss Bancroft did do an outstanding job in the MW.  How many has Ms Streep won? Doesn't she hold the record now for most won? Sorry. Didn't mean to go off topic. 

    • Love 3
  9. 4 minutes ago, Jel said:

    Erika could also stop answering those kinds of questions with so much detail though. 

    True. She kind of leaves herself open when she goes on one of her "pat the puss" speeches. For a high profile lawyers wife it's pretty tacky. 

    I wonder now that all of us housewives fans have seen the finale if her voting block (if it ever was big) has stopped on DWTS. We can't accuse producers of giving her a bad edit. Oh wait...isn't LVP a producer on this? Or just Vanderpump Rules? 

    • Love 5
  10. Conversation at approximately 6 minutes into the show beginning with Erika's hair color 

    LVP: " Is it pink down there as well?"

    Erika: "She's a hairless cat don't cha know."

    I might have to agree with Erika on this one. LVP seems much too interested in what's going on beneath Erika's clothing (or lack thereof). 

    • Love 8
  11. 41 minutes ago, CaughtOnTape said:

    Eileen can sit down with her pearl clutching bullshit about how husbands talk to other women on this show.  Honey, your husband cheated on his wife with you...so can the faux "I can't imagine Vincent EVER treating or speaking to a woman that way."  Yeah...shush.  *pats head*

    I had no problem with what PK did.  Erika brought him into the conversation and then quickly backtracked when he didn't get down on his knees and apologize to the Goddess of a woman she thinks she is.  He told her things she didn't want to hear...don't wanna hear it?  Don't ask.  Simple as that.  Erika seems to do that frequently with people and can't handle having anyone in her vicinity who isn't kissing her ass and telling her how fabulous she is.

    I also LOVED LOVED LOOOOOOOOOOOOVED the read PK gave Eileen and Rinna when he told them they routinely gang up and go on the attack together.  Amazing.  Keep him around.  That no bullshit attitude is totally what I'm hear for.  Rather than Kyle with her wide eyed, open-mouthed shock but she never said shit the whole time crap.  She can talk some shit in her talking heads but never came out and said a word to any of them while on their attack with Dorit.  Also, Rinna and Eileen are notorious for making fun of, invalidating and just generally making people feel stupid for the way they feel with their laughing and giggling when someone is trying to be honest.  Yet if someone makes a joke at their expense (a la Lisa Vanderpump and Eileen) they hold onto it for MONTHS.  I'm over it.  They can both go.  

    Eden can stay.  Anyone who goes after Rinna that way, she's a keeper.  

    Kyle really has that "wide eyed, open-mouthed shock" look down well doesn't she!! At the table in Hong Kong when Rinna asked if everyone got up to do cocaine in the bathroom she used it too. I guess it's better than words she might regret coming out of her mouth unlike some other housewives. 

    Who made Rinna the police for suspected drug use? She seems to find it in everyone's behavior. Is she deflecting from her own abuse of some sort? 

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