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Everything posted by scarlett

  1. Today made it clear it was not about the drink, but his beef with his Jex and Dex being the nearest target, so it really is moot now. Regardless, Sonny would never need Spencer to worry about his safety and has asked him to butt out. If someone asks you to stop, that means stop. If you don’t, it’s not a “choice”, it’s just entitlement. What makes people think Trina having an explicit timeline on when Joss slept with Dex would change how she feels about Spencer starting conflicts in public for no reason? Having a valid reason to dislike somebody does not mean it’s a free for all and you lose your home training.
  2. He has no legitimate reasons to hate Dex at the level he does. Why would Trina care or have energy for Joss cheating on Cam beyond caring about them and supporting them both? That situation had nothing do with her. Cam told Spencer not to fight his battles and he’s quite literally in a different geographical location at this point. Spencer looks unhinged, angry about a breakup that happened months ago that he wasn’t a part of, that the wronged party moved on from. If Trina supported that nonsense, she would look just as ridiculous. I’m lost on how Trina is in the wrong for not liking that she walked up on her boyfriend berating someone else’s employee at a laid back charity event for having a drink. He’s not his boss and Sonny already told him he didn’t want him bothering Dex on his behalf. Sonny wouldn’t even care. It doesn’t matter what his reasons are, multiple people have told him to stop, and he really couldn’t care less and chooses to go about it in the most embarrassing way, and always publicly. He did the same thing at her mother’s wedding. Trina can do better. He’s not defending Cam or doing him any favors when Cam asked him to stop. He’s angry is on behalf of no one but himself. It makes no sense to think Spencer has the right to defy what people requested of him and harass anyone he wants to. What if people walked up to him mad on Ava, Avery, and Trina’s behalf everyday? Everyone in town has a reason to hate someone for hurting someone they love. He can grow up and handle those emotions like an adult like any day now.
  3. Loved Vanna today. Pure romantic corniness. It’s why I still watch. Sprina is SooOoo adorable but I’m cautious. I need the baby story to end and the baby obsessed version of Spencer to knock it off. I’m worried this might be setting Trina up for heartbreak. I’m BEYOND disgusted by Chase at this point. I don’t care what Brooklyn did. He is basically bullying her, making nasty remarks about her character every chance he gets and that makes him a huge asshole. She can officially do way better. I secretly love the cheesy performances and rewatched TJs because I love that song. Good episode.
  4. If WL isn’t really leaving I don’t get the drawn out goodbyes. Liz’s speeches are sweet and all but in the back of my mind, knowing he’ll be back in 12 weeks I’m like……okay. The Esme baby story is just an all around snooze for me. Spencer’s writing is OTT and it’s a complete waste of both actor’s talents.
  5. They’re being way too heavy handed with the Esme propping. Using Cam’s goodbye party and last moments on the show for the foreseeable future to have him encourage everyone to treat her kindly is wild. Esme had potential and there’s a way to do a decent redemption story but this is just obnoxious. It’s a soap so I don’t necessarily care about her ”getting away with her crimes”, but the best way to make me hate her is by doing this; having other characters, specifically ones she harmed, tell me when that it’s time to move on. It reminds me somewhat of Babe on AMC and Bianca being her mouth piece.
  6. I love this show. The ending with the kid's mom yelling at Will and Angie for scaring an 8 year old was hilarious and one of those sitcom moments I love where something realistic happens to remind you how ridiculous the characters actions are in the episode. Also totally here for the parenting (and cmon, very likely eventual coupling) duos of Will/Angie and Poppy/Douglas.
  7. There's also that! I was born in 90 and at 7 years old, would say Fleetwood Mac and Marvin Gaye were my favorite singers. My 5 year old asks me to play Michael Jackson on the way to school. Back to the Future is my all time favorite movie even though it came out 5 years before I was born. It's all about what you're exposed to, especially in a day and age where any and all content is at your fingertips in some way.
  8. Finally a decent episode. I somehow fooled myself into thinking the Kelly Taylor (lol!!!) case was part of a bigger mystery and not a cop MOTW so that was the only disappointing thing but even then, this one was a little creepier and more interesting than the previous cases. I'm finding myself liking Michaela more, liking Ben less, and plain old hating Grace. Her reaction to Olive sneaking out and her giving Ben a lecture when he had a normal reaction to finding a stranger in their home was so annoying. If Ben drops her and gets with the Indian doctor, who I'd like to see more of, I wouldn't be mad at all. Also not a fan of Cal, whatever his name is. I don't find him creepy at all, I find him boring which is even worse. I think he's SUPPOSED to be a weird creepy kid but all I'm getting is bland. I usually love sibling/familial type stuff and bonding but even his scenes with Olive were like...eh, next scene please. So they need kill Cal off (I can wish for that, he's fictional!), make Grace reoccurring only, and also get rid of Lourdes, for the simply reason that Michaela is much more interesting when she's not involved in that silly love triangle. I can deal with her scenes with her ex, but every time I remember he's married to her best friend I get annoyed. It's so Lifetime movie. Making him married to a stranger would have made that whole storyline much more bearable.
  9. The kids knowing about things beyond their years doesn't bother me. It's a sitcom. Not much is like real life in a sitcom. I didn't even blink twice at the age inappropriateness of the Shawshank joke, I was laughing too much. The car crash also had me cackling. Funny show! Hope it sticks around.
  10. I'm one of the ones that can't get over how nonchalant all of the survivors, their families and the media are acting about the incident. When the wife said that it had only been 4 days, it took me right out of whatever that scene was. What bothers me more, though, is Ben's denial that something weird is going on. It makes absolutely no sense given what they just went through. "You don't want to discuss it because then you'd have to admit something miraculous is happening" What are they TALKING ABOUT, of course something miraculous is happening, you were missing for 5 years and have no concept of the time you missed and no one aged a single day! It shouldn't even be a question. It's like they want them to be Mulder and Scully, which completely doesn't fit here. At some point even though Scully always went to the logical explanation first, she stopped denying the existence of something different in the universe because she'd seen and experienced it first hand. Ben himself is already literal evidence of something strange existing, since it happened to him. Denying it just makes him look and sound like an idiot. They need to make the love lives more interesting and twisty or stop giving it so much focus. Michaela's boyfriend marrying her best friend? Weird and I don't care. Ben's wife having a girl or boy on the side that's she hiding? Stupid and I don't care. And it's literally 80% of the show right now. Both of the siblings themselves are emotional, do gooder, self righteous types which is fine, every show needs those types, but it makes for a very boring ensemble. I'm sure some of the other survivors coming on will mix things up a bit, but it's kind of a bummer that these two are always going to be in the forefront. The LOST comparisons are unavoidable and all I can think about is even when LOST was in a heavily character driven phase, they characters could actually DRIVE the show. They were interesting from the moment the show began. I know it's early but if a show has "it", they usually have "it" from the beginning. Manifest? No "it" to be found.
  11. I was pleasantly surprised Kaycee won! I thought for sure Tyler had it against anyone in the final 5, at the very least. This just goes to show that production needs to stop shoving one particular person down our throats every year. Their winner was basically invisible for 90% of the season and now they just look goofy. Especially when Tyler legitimately had NO reason to be featured so much when he wasn't HOH or the veto holder. With Paul's excessive screentime, at least he was funny (objectively, of course). Tyler's DR's consisted of him umming and uhhing and sounding like he was high on shrooms. A lot of fans are crying bitter jury but I truly think a lot of the jury were undecided until Kaycee presented her case better. I actually can't BELIEVE Tyler did not mention convincing Kaitlyn to backdoor Swaggy which I think was easily his best game move of the season. He saw an obvious leader of an opposing alliance, used the weak link to evict him, and that entire side of the house was left scrambling once he was gone. Instead he made it a point to repeatedly let Scottie and Sam know he was never really their friend, lied about not telling anyone about his app or being a superfan, and told Bayleigh that he "deliberately" treated her poorly while she was on the block because he wanted an enemy in the jury house, which is...complete nonsense. Tyler may have played more game, but he couldn't for the life of him convey that to jury. I think once Kaycee said she treated everyone fairly and never made promises she couldn't keep, she had it. It was really that simple.
  12. LOVED it. Very rare that a sitcom pilot can make me laugh out loud more than once and this one did a few times. Love seeing Leighton Meester on TV again and have always been a fan of Taran. I don't see this being on The Good Place's level but more around New Girl and B99 which aren't (or weren't) spectacular comedy but still fun, funny and with likable characters.
  13. This was actually better than I expected (the beauty in expecting nothing). The stuff with the murdered friend actually made me tear up, although I’m PMSing. The pregnant girl and her chubby pill head boyfriend seem super out of place and like their footage accidentally got mixed up with this show instead of an episode of Intervention. 2 of the moms are super super pretty. The rich girl is an actress and the party nonsense was completely fabricated. I wanna feel bad for the pregnant girl but I’m too confused about what’s going on to form an opinion of that just yet. Whatever. I’ll be watching.
  14. Whtiley was my absolute favorite character on ADW. I said in another thread that I thought Jasmine Guy was the funniest actress on the show and I mean it. I know people got annoyed of the overdone country accent, but it gets me everytime. Re-watching the series now, something I never really noticed before was how much everyone seems to think that Dwayne deserves better than her, including Dwayne himself. The episode where she throws herself at his feet begging him not to leave her? -- funny, but totally degrading. It was like Dwayne was supposed to be this put upon loyal boyfriend/husband that put up with all of Whitley's "antics" and loved her anyway but I still don't get what was supposed to be so bad about her?
  15. I have no favorite episodes from Season 1. So boring. Season 2: Dream Lover in which Whitley has an erotic dream about Dwayne. Her fantasy in the library is probably one of the biggest laugh out loud moments this show has gotten from me. I'm actually laughing thinking about it as I type this. No Means No, where Dwayne saves Freddie from being date raped. GO FREDDIE GO! WAIT FREDDIE WAIT! Season 3: Nearly every episode because this is where I think the show hit it's stride, but I love Strangers on a Plane (because it's when Whitley and Dwayne first start to like each other), Forever Hold Your Peace (where they first kiss), Wedding Bells From Hell (when they kiss again and then it ends with them smashing cake in each other's faces), 21 Candles (WAS SHE NAKED?!), Pride and Prejudice with the racist sales lady, and A Campfire Story (and was THAT when the fight broke out!?). Season 4: Again, nearly every episode, but Ex-Communication where Julian comes back is one of my favorites because Whitley finally lets realizes she doesn't care about the "finer things" in life anymore. Ms. Understanding with Shazza calling Kim out in front of every for dating Matthew and Whitley dressing up like man to catch Dwayne "cheating on her"...hilarious. If I Should Die Before I Wake, with Tisha Campbell as an HIV positive student, And of course, To Be Continued (MARRY ME!) Season 5: In the Eye of the Storm, where Freddie and Ron get locked in the radio station and hook up (it was weird how that was never mentioned again), Rule Number One, when Lena gets a crush on Dwayne and leaves him that rap on his voicemail (Whitley: WOO-WOO!), To Tell the Truth and Do You Take This Woman, where Whitley and Dwayne break up. Mammy Dearest, Cats in the Cradle, and Kiss You Back when Whitley and Dwayne sleep together. I just freaking love when Bryon knocks on the door and Dwayne's like "and?" Whitley face is like "AND GET UP!" Love Taps, when Gina is getting beat by her rapper boyfriend, and of course, Save the Best for Last. My goodness, what a great ending to the emotional arch of Dwayne proposing to Whitley too soon in their relationship, them breaking up, and then him stopping her wedding. BABY, PLEASE! ;) Season 6: Honeymoon in LA, where Dwayne and Whitley are caught in the riots, Somebody Say Ho!, Baby It's Cold Outside, and Original Teacher with Kriss Kross. I love when Dwayne calls one of them "brother" and he says "is your mama named Yvette?", Dwayne is like "uhh...no?" and he says "then you ain't my brother then!". And then Homie Don't You Know Me, with Tupac as Piccolo. Obviously, I like the Whitley/Dwayne centric episodes, and Season 3, 4, and most of 5 are my favorite seasons. :)
  16. From the Ms. Understanding episode, when Gina tells Whitley rumors about Dwayne cheating on her: Whitley: You're...YOU'RE FULL OF PRUNES! From the same ep, when Whitley shows up with Dwayne and the girls are like "what are you doing with him?" Whitley: HE'S MY MAN! Jasmine Guy was seriously the funniest actor on the show to me. Her delivery made ordinary lines hi-larious.
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