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Everything posted by PrincessPurrsALot

  1. I recall Steven said something about being very tall. So he could carry the weight better and he is fairly young. Or perhaps it is his own belief in his sexiness that makes him keep movin' and shakin' and dancin' and filmin' to make us feel like hurlin'.
  2. Folks, let's take a gander at the mod note above (in a resplendent goldenrod) and move non-episode-specific discussions of Dr. Now to his thread. Discussions of prior participants also belong on the thread for that topic. Don't make kitty have to glare at you!
  3. Folks, let's take the discussion of Dr. Now's behavior, reputation, etc. to the Dr. Now: Savior or Surgeon thread. This is the Steven and Justin Part 1 topic. They gave us plenty to talk about, including Dr. Now's interactions with them during this episode, pizza battles, moss growth and broken bed frames. Thanks!
  4. I am going to unlock the live thread for the West Coast viewing. Please take your play-by-play reactions there.
  5. Folks, we didn't see drive through liquor stores on the show, so where does this discussion go? Small Talk, that's where! Please take any further discussion of drive through liquor stores there. Thanks!
  6. Folks, could we take the body donation discussion to the small talk forum please?
  7. We were shown her sitting in bed during the season previews. Now we'll see her walk. The outstanding question for one and all, will she say "ow, mah laygs!"
  8. Which leads me to question whether people who want IVs to improve their performance and who are often trying to counter the effects of their wild nights would care that the CEO of a company was caught with a prostitute.
  9. Before commenting on this thread, please take a moment to read the pinned note from the moderators. We want to make this a fun place for snark. Read Me: Moderator Notes for My 600 Lb Life
  10. I am all in. Ready to make popcorn and settle in for the glorious tackiness.
  11. This has been requested through the New Show Forum Requests area of the board. It hasn't been processed yet. We can expect it to be completed within a few days. When it is available, you'll see it listed at the top of the Forums page in the New Forums Added in the Past 14 Days area. Soon, @ChristmasJones, we will be able to snark together about people with extra skin and their overwhelming desire to have it removed.
  12. The last hour may be the skin removal surgery show. It is starting up again. Scheduling shenanigans! Shenanigans!!!!
  13. They were lost for a long, long time They were found and put on TV. What happens next? Here is your forum for Long Lost Family: What Happens Next. The palate cleanser between seasons of family finding.
  14. If the one of the moderators has not started a thread for a new episode, you can. (Always check to make sure it doesn't exist first). When creating the thread, you see an option to use the episode format. I added a thread for Michael's episode that airs tomorrow night.
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