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Everything posted by PrincessPurrsALot

  1. Jurists, While I find the accent/pronunciation discussion interesting, it is best suited to the Small Talk thread. Small Talk, where you can discuss wash vs. warsh, dog vs. dawg, soda vs. pop vs. soda pop vs. coke, whut-er, watt-er, wood-er, wah-ter . . . . The place for all of your accent chat! Thanks, PPAL ( . . . Slinks off to practice saying things without her native Philadelphia accent . . . )
  2. You know the rules. Let's avoid discussing how money is being snatched from the public's wallet for the participants unless it’s specifically revealed on the show. Anything else is pure speculation not to mention also a slippery slope toward talking politics.
  3. You know the rules. Let's avoid discussing how money is being snatched from the public's wallet for the participants unless it’s specifically revealed on the show. Anything else is pure speculation not to mention also a slippery slope toward talking politics.
  4. This is the LIVE CHAT thread. It will be open during the US East Coast showing and again during the US West Coast showing.
  5. This is the regular episode thread. It will open after the US East Coast showing.
  6. I finally got a chance to watch this. Wow. The laugh track is so loud that if I did actually find something LOL worthy, I would lose that feeling to my annoyance at the laugh track. I think it makes the show seem even worse than it is. There is no moment to let the joke land. Showing the episodes out of order to me shows they know the show has problems. It's a shame it is such a mess. They had solid source material and an interesting concept. It is falling apart in the execution. There are some good characters in the overall ensemble but, at the core, the writing falls flat. It doesn't seem like they have figured out how to make this work.
  7. I'll just check in on the forums during lunch . . . AAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGGAAAGGGGGRRRRRRUUUGGGGGH.
  8. This is the LIVE CHAT thread. It will be open during the US East Coast showing and again during the US West Coast showing.
  9. This is the regular episode thread. It will unlock after the US East Coast showing.
  10. Pounders, That shiny gold note above that requests you take personal tales of weight loss or gain, what you eat, why you eat it, what diets you have or haven't done, etc. to the Small Talk thread may seem like a friendly little aside. It's not. It's a Mod note directing the conversation to the correct thread. Heed it. If you have something to say about Benji and David's episode, THEIR "eating habit", THEIR family, THEIR relationship, Benji's enviable indoor pool . . . post in here. If you would like to share about YOUR or YOUR friend's or YOUR relative's whatever, unless it is directly related to Benji and David, take it to Small Talk. Some posts have been moved to Small Talk. Let's take the extra moment to find the right thread and stay on topic.
  11. Female rockers do exist (and wouldn't have worn these outfits). Sleater-Kinney put out a new album a few years ago. Alabama Shakes lead is Brittany Howard. Courtney Barnett is well worth a listen. Also Florence and the Machine and Alice Merton.
  12. Purely because I've teased it elsewhere, know that I stepped out of bed this morning, twisted my knee and scared the cat as I emphatically said, "Ow! Mah Layg!", then laughed as I hobbled away.
  13. Pounders, Let's take discussions of posters' personal diets over to the Small Talk Thread. Ah, Small Talk, where all of your non-show-specific dreams come true. Share your personal stories! Chat amongst yourselves! Be a Pounder amongst Pounders! Learn who most recently said, "Ow, mah layg!" (Hint: It may have been your kitty Mod). Thanks!
  14. As always: Let's avoid discussing how money is being snatched from the public's wallet for the participants unless it’s specifically revealed on the show. Anything else is pure speculation not to mention also a slippery slope toward talking politics.
  15. As always: Let's avoid discussing how money is being snatched from the public's wallet for the participants unless it’s specifically revealed on the show. Anything else is pure speculation not to mention also a slippery slope toward talking politics.
  16. This is the LIVE CHAT thread. It will be open during the US East Coast showing and again during the West Coast showing. Because they're brothers, (non-)identical brothers in every way. They walk alike and talk alike and I'll bet they even eat alike - when brothers are two of a kind!
  17. This is the regular episode thread. It will open at the end of the US East Coast showing.
  18. A former colleague of mine carpooled with Ted Bundy. Said he was very charismatic so he could understand how Ted got people to do things like get in a van to help him, etc. When the news came out about the murders, my friend neither he nor the other people from the carpool were really surprised. It's not that they thought he would be a murderer, but they understood how he could have done it, if that makes sense.
  19. A reminder from the Mod note: Let's avoid discussing how money is being snatched from the public's wallet for the participants unless it’s specifically revealed on the show. Anything else is pure speculation not to mention also a slippery slope toward talking politics.
  20. A reminder from the Mod note: Let's avoid discussing how money is being snatched from the public's wallet for the participants unless it’s specifically revealed on the show. Anything else is pure speculation not to mention also a slippery slope toward talking politics.
  21. This is the LIVE CHAT thread. It will be open during the initial US East Coast showing and again during the US West Coast showing. Without having seen this yet, I theorize that Tamy's name was Tammy, but she ate one of the m's.
  22. This is the regular episode thread. It will unlock after the US East Coast showing. Without having seen this yet, I theorize that Tamy's name was Tammy, but she ate one of the m's.
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